Mark Rylance

Mark Rylance is a plutonium grade cunt.

I just caught sight, on the News at Ten, of this earring-wearing, scruffy cunt looking like some crusty juggler, at the Extinction Rebellion protests in the People’s Republic of Nasty Smells, aka London.

What gives this am dram fucking fairy the notion that he has some divine understanding of, and special insight into the problems the world faces, and that through his very, very important virtue signalling, he will educate and enlighten us ignorant and directionless ‘little people’?

Fuck you and the shithouse you crawled out of, Rylance. You are a grossly overrated actor and a copper-bottomed, pious old cunt to boot.

When you speak, the needle on my couldntgiveafuckometer doesn’t deflect by a picometre.

Fuck off.

Nominated by Paul Maskinback

98 thoughts on “Mark Rylance

  1. I’d like to ask some of the older patrons of ISAC whether we had this level of celebrity luvvie interference and political posturing during major events in the 70s, or 80s – is it more of a modern thing?

    Unashamed champagne socialists like this thesp shitcunt are today ten a penny – was it ever thus?

    As for this fucking cunt, he looks like a Belgian sex offender who is using patches of his own pubic hair for eyebrows.

      • The Fonda’s have quite the lineage of cunt. I like Henry Fonda as an actor, especially in ‘The Wrong Man’, but he is fabled to have been a rabid democrat who once punched friend and Republican Jimmy Stewart over a political disagreement. Hanoi Jane is massive cunt, but worst of all was Peter – thankfully now dead who once Tweeted – unpunished – that Barron Trump should be ‘locked in a cage of P***philes’.

        A veritable family of cunts.

      • I would’ve happily hid inside the orgasmotron while it went to work on Jane in Barbarella.

      • Quite agree.
        I was glad when they got shot at the end..served the boring Cunts right.

      • In the 1970s Hanoi Jane had bugger all support and was universally loathed especially in the USA. Nowadays cunts like her are listened to and lauded as guardians of the truth.
        Fuck Off all of you but especially Rylance, Emma Thompson, Bono, Geldof and St. Greta.

      • Yes indeed. Vanessa Redgrave turned up at the funeral of Maire Drumm. Who’s Maire Drumm, I hear you ask. Well, she was the vice president of Sinn Fein and a republican activist. She had a somewhat comedic demise. She was in hospital in Belfast recovering from an eye operation, and Loyalist gunmen-dressed as doctors-shot her dead. Imagine how that would have went.
        “Hello doctor. Any news? ”
        ” Well, Mrs Drumm, your eye is coming along nicely “.
        ” Oh great. Anything else? ”
        ” Yes, it’s certainly improving much better than those gunshot wounds”.
        “What gunshot wounds? I don’t have any gunsh…”

        “I beg to differ. Sorry must dash”.

    • As an older cunt, I’d say that there was no shortage of luvvies with opinions then, but they got much less airtime and column inches. I blame the media. For just about everything else, too.

      • The main culprit here was Lennon and his ridiculous wife, sitting in a sack and talking bollocks.

      • Lennon was priceless… Yacking on about peace and no possessions… Then he’d go back to his luxurious mansion in his Rolls Royce and then slap fuck out of the wife… He even flew into s rage at his very young son, his ‘beloved’ Sean… And it was Sean himself who said this…. Talented bloke when he chose to be, but a cunt…

      • Lennon and that star from the Ring horror film, Scabby Ono were a pair of cunts.

        Campaigning for the pardoning of that evil piece of shit, James Hanratty, who was guilty beyond any reasonable doubt.

        Plutonium weapons grade cunts

    • They’re not even ashamed of being hypocrites – I think a selection of slebs wrote a letter to some paper recently saying that yes, they were hypocrites, but anyway, we’re still going to bang on about shit.

      Why do the fucking sheep listen to these cunts. Don’t buy their music, watch their films or plays, and don’t read anything about them in the rags. They will soon disappear off the face of the earth like so many before them.

      As for Rylance, I saw him once in a play in the West End and thought he was fucking shite. I said this to our post-menopausal friend and you would have thought from the look on her face that I’d confessed to being a paedo.

    • Belgian sex offender hahaha. That tickled my Scrotum,not much mind you,but just a little flutter. So never heard of this CUNT(i don’t really watch telly)especially the kind of pay per view after midnite stuff that Eyebrow Boy stars in. Bet he has rectal seepage.

  2. Sleb cunts can fuck off, the y should concentrate on entertaining the jester cunts.

    Bug ups to the commuters puling extinction wankstains from the top of tube trains.

    Love it, I would give these people MBE’s

    • Just seen the footage. Fucking exquisite.

      Everyday fuckers are losing their patience with this kind of bollocks. Hopefully next time an impatient businesscunt desperate to get on the 09:19 to Sutton will kerbstomp one of these cunts dressed up as a piece of broccoli.

      • That was fucking brilliant! Notice how the dirty tree hugger tried to kick the bloke as he climbed up after him. He was black as well. So a violent raaay-sist. Should be locked up, the cunt.

    • ASLEF’s just twatted:

      Dear Extinction Rebellion,

      The Tube & all modes of public transport are part of the solution to climate change, not the problem.
      Can we kindly suggest you stick to protesting against those who create the problem. Not our industry, members + hard working commuters.
      Many thanks.

      Damn right.

      • The thick attention-seeking cunts will still be protesting when the tube runs on electricity from fusion reactors.

      • Hear hear.

        This is what happens when a generation have their brains pickled by identity politics and encouraged to be narcisstic by their teachers and the media They became incapable of critical thinking or looking at the long term sweep of history.
        This episode has revealed the infantile psychology of extinction rebellion. The tube allows thousands of vehicles to be removed from the streets. It’s electrified mass transit. They dont care about clean energy, innovation or the economy. They want their regressive watermelon politics to be enacted so we can all live as the economic failures they are.
        Anti-science, anti-capitalist lunatic SJW cunt stains.

        I actually hate them.

      • If only I were PM. I would be releasing a statement saying that any idiots climbing onto the roof of a train will be tazered off the roof, and then strapped to the tracks awaiting the 7:26 to King’s Cross.

    • Just when you think that London is a write-off, they go and do something like that. I don’t care what colour,creed etc. the ones were who gave the Cunt a stomping,they have restored my faith in the average British commuter. Nice to see a bit of diversity in the crowd that set on the bugger,I bet Sadiq is pleased to see that integration is working when it comes to pissed-off tube users.

      Makes you proud to be British.

      • Morning LL,

        Extinction Rebellion should take note of this morning’s shocking events and consider the safety of their people. I have been in touch with them to suggest that they move their protests to the wicked,polluting, deep-fried chiggun outlets.
        Gluing themselves to the doors of a few aspiring architect/professional football’s local fine-dining chiggun shack should get them the publicity that they so desperately crave….and if their were any smart bits of totty, suitably immobilised, they would discover that the end of the World was the least of their problems after B+WC’s notorious tongue started to force it’s way up their nether-regions

      • Remain extremists should also take note.

        Impede people for long enough and they will fuck you up.

      • Makeup!! We need some rouge, some lippy and 3/5th of foundation,stat!
        Come on this is a emergency!!!

      • Unsurprisingly the Police have condemned the actions of these decent hard-working citizens for taking matters into their own hands and using ‘excessive force’. Phah.

        To which the obvious riposte is that’s because the Police approach would be to provide kid gloves, warm blankets and cups of tea; taking three days even to produce a risk assessment and chat amiably whilst clocking up the overtime. Money for old rope and never mind massive inconvenience to hundreds of thousands of commuters.

        As for Rylance…..yes a plutonium grade actor-cunt and an ideal match for Emma Thompson. Neither of whom I’d ever knowingly tune in to watch.

      • The footage of those Rebellion cunts getting their just desserts is undoubtedly the most heartwarming thing I’ve seen in a long, long time. Absolutely beautiful.

      • That video has warmed the cockles of my heart. Nice work, commuters. I hope they have a taste for blood now…..

  3. Never heard of the knobhead and not interested in what he’s got to say unless it’s ……goodbye, i’m fucking off to another country and you’ll never hear my cunty whining ever again.
    Goodbye cunt, don’t come back shithead.

    • Amazing how many cunts in the US who proclaimed that they would move to Canada post-Trump were, completely unsurprisingly, choc-full of bullshit.

      • Samuel L. Jackson is another, for some reason he didn’t fancy rape capital of the world and 50+ murders a day that is South Africa following Trumps win.

      • Yep you are right TECB?
        The likes of
        Robert De Niro
        Merit Streep
        Katy Perry
        I see they are all living in the USA and not moved to Canada
        De Niro is the biggest cunt of the bunch bleating on about Donald Trump at any given opportunity President Trump should sign an executive order to investigate De Niro via the IRS Shut the fuck up ?

    • The only thing I want this cunt to say is, “I’ve been diagnosed with an incurable treminal illness and I only have weeks to live.”

  4. Mark Rylance.? He was in Dunkirk, which I liked very much (great on IMAX).
    Outside of acting i dont care what he says or does, just as I dont ask for political opinions from footballers or Rugby players.

    Get on and entertain me.

    Or In the case of Katy Perry, stop wailing and get on Pornhub.

    • Quite a few ‘celebs’ who have zero musical, acting or sporting talent would make excellent pornstars. Perry is one, another would have been Melinda Messenger. Miley Cyrus would probably be willing to go where no whore had gone before, but unfortunately the cunt is so pasty that she reminds me of an uncooked piece of poultry.

      Plus I always thought Sarah Palin’s huge mouth was wasted in not being put to work on some MILF channel.

      She’s a cunt, she’s thick as fuck, but Jesus H. Corbett Christ, I would fucking teleport across the room and shove the whole package in her gob at lightspeed if she willingly got on her knees.

      • Got a treat for you Empire. There’s a porn star who looks just like Sarah, but much bigger tits who impersonates her in a film called ‘Nailin Pailin’.
        Look it up and enjoy.

      • Much obliged, Freddie.

        My after-work run was probably going to be rained off, anyway.

      • Lisa Ann in Who’s Nailin Paylin….

        Celebs who would make great pornstars?
        Michelle Keegan, Kunty Perry, Scarlett Johansson (dirty talk a speciality), Hayley Atwell, Daisy Ridley, Kate Upton, Helen Flanagan, Salma Hayek, Emma Stone…

        Not the vastly overhyped and overrated Emma Twatson… She’d better for rodding our drains….

      • List of greatest MILFs:

        1. Catherine Deneuve
        2. Sarah Palin
        3. Jennifer Coolidge (Stiffler’s Mom)
        4. Felicity Kendall
        5. Kathleen Turner (circa mid-90s)

      • Anne Bancroft (in The Graduate)
        Jill St John (in The Love Boat)
        Katey Sagal (in Eight Simple Rules)
        Gillian Anderson (in Sex Education)
        Patricia Phoenix (1960s era Elsie Tanner)

      • Katey Sagal. How could I forget.

        In Married with Children, there wasn’t an inch of her that I wouldn’t have fucked until the bellend was chaffed beyond the limits of human endurance.

      • I massacred billions of knuckle children on my stomach over the daughter, Christina Applegate myself.

      • Oh, and Barbara Bain (Space 1999)
        Elizabeth Montgomery (Bewitched)
        Christina Hendricks (Tin Star/Mad Men)
        Marion Ross (Mrs C in Happy Days)
        Linda Evans (Dy-nasty)

      • Talking of Dynasty, I would have gladly given 80s-era Joan Collins something to write about.

      • Emma Samms man myself. Christ she was gorgeous (and she still is!).

        Honourable mention to the delectable Katherine Ross – The Graduate and Butch Cassidy girl.

      • Once when I was very pissed, I made the mistake of saying that I’d do Cilla Black (this was sometime in the 90s).

        Never lived it down.

        I can definitely say that I wouldn’t do her now.

      • Elizabeth Montgomery was also memorable as patricidal axe murderer Lizzie Borden.
        Well worth checking out the film if you can find it online…

      • Christina Hendricks needs her unusually large tits inspected. Luckily i’ve just graduated as a breast inspector from the same university that awarded ‘Dr’ Gillian McKeith her Ph.D.

    • I don’t care, if this clusterfuck is ended. Maybe Johnson thinks he can get it past the House of Cunts without the DUP? LimpDumbs in full scaremongering mode, and Labour as of this morning is back to being officially antisemitic. Louise Ellman, what a fucking Blairite slag, and would still be if she were Christian, I hasten to add. Here we fucking go again.

      • JC Drunker…”Fair and balanced deal”….now you know you have been sold up shit creek.

      • Trouble is it won’t end this clusterfuck. It will just add another layer. Good news for Big Business though.

        Labour is back to being officially antisemitic? I wasn’t aware they’d stopped? Antisemites don’t change their spots overnight. Corbyn’s still there and the hard-left still control the party.

      • Can’t rid you of your idee fixe? RTC? Keep doing the Establishment’s work, then. And Netanyahu’s. He’s got a huge interest in scaring the Jews out of Europe in order to defuse his demographic timebomb.

        FACT. As long as Labour doesn’t look like getting in, it isn’t any more antisemitic than (eg) the Brexit party. Even in the MSM. But when there’s a suspicion it might be, it suddenly makes Eichmann look like an SJW. And that’s not because there’s an institutional hatred of Jews. It’s because the Corbynites are at least ostensibly anticapitalist.

        I await the EHRC report with interest. Ellman mentioned it several times on Today, but neglected to point out that it hasn’t reported yet. Or that, in the words of the Morning Star*

        If the EHRC board is peopled by a lawyer whose firm profited from defending blacklisters and represented Serco against Kurdish refugees, bankers who have held top roles at Barclays and Lloyd’s, a former finance director of outsourcing firm Mitie, a board member at Big Six energy firm SSE (which would be nationalised if Labour comes to power on its current programme) and an executive who held a top role at oil giant Shell from 1998-2001 at a time when the company stood accused of “complicity in murder, rape and torture” by the Nigerian government (in the words of Amnesty International), how can it possibly be argued that it would be indifferent to the prospect of a Labour government led by Jeremy Corbyn?

        *I read the Times, Telegraph and even the Spectator more frequently.

      • I haven’t lived 66 years without recognising antisemitism when I see it. Or any other form of racism for that matter.

      • Yes and long may it continue RTC ?
        As long as comrade Corbyn continues on this path Labour will never get back into power which is great news as far as I’m concerned ???

      • Rees Mogg calls Soros ‘Remoaner in Chief’ ”That straight out of the far right antisemitic playbook’. If he had said ‘George Soros is a wealthy man who has funded Remain groups’.’That’s straight out of the far right antisemitic playbook’. If he had said ‘George Soros is a wealthy man’ and got no further. :That’s straight out of the antisemitic playbook’. ‘That’s straight out of the far right antisemitic playbook’ of course comes straight out of the anti Arab pro Israel playbook’.
        Ellman said that they were moves to unseat her on Yom Kippur. Just goes to show (imo) the local party hadn’t a clue when Yom Kippur is.
        But their all virulent antisemites so they must have picked that date deliberately.

      • JRM should have simply kept it to an eloquent “George Soros is a fucking cunt of a man.”

      • Miles, they picked that date deliberately, as a nasty little kick, a ‘fuck you’ if you like, no way they accidentally picked it without realising.

      • To me it’s indicative of those jews who see antisemitism everywhere Miserable. We’re going to deselect you and we’re going to do it on a sensitive day. I just don’t believe it. Maybe I’m wrong.

      • The QC is a cunt called Jolyon Maugham. What an absolutely wanky name.
        Unless you’re a corner shop, selling tea and buns.

  5. Was watching the news showing the twat on top of the train being dragged off by the crowd….reminded me of Gadaffi in Libya.

    It really shows how out of touch these people are. Protest in a leafy suburb and the SJW audience will sympathise.

    Protest in Canning Town or Shadwell and the people will give as good as they get with interest.

  6. Boris can crow all he likes, the remoaners were always going to vote it out no matter what. Remoan means remoan to these cunts. But surely he knew that in the first place?
    What is his next move I wonder? Or the remoaners next move?

  7. Good cunting. The bloke is an irritating bellend.

    Joined by the likes of Juliet Stevenson (that snot-dribbling luvvie cunt who was in ‘Truly, Madly, Deeply’ years ago,) Daisy fucking Lowe, a ‘model’ who is the love child of that fucking useless old slag groupie, Pearl Lowe, courtesy of a bunk-up with Gavin Rossdale from that oh-so well known band, ‘Bush’ (bear with me here cunters)….

    ……and then Ruby ‘all teeth’ Wax, who is another celebricunt flogging her mental health trauma tales at every given moment. Clearly she is still in the throws of it if she is sitting in Trafalgar fucking Square with these cunts, supporting their selfish, invasive anarchy.

    That megacunt Phlegma Thompson has a lot to answer for, as she has triggered every other celebricunt to follow her lead and annoy the shit out of the general public with their publicity-seeking, ‘down with the little people’ shit.

    Rylance and they can all do one.

  8. Some more suggested venues for Extinction Rebellion to stage protests…

    Richard Branson’s house
    VW dealerships (cheating kraut cunts)
    Any motorsport venue frequented by large aggressive men in leather jackets
    Emma Thompson’s house
    The Bulldog Bash
    Yarmouth stadium when the banger racing is on
    Faro, Portugal when the big motorcycle festival is on
    Backstreet used car businesses run and staffed by sawn off shotgun toting big cunts in sheepskin overcoats called “Vern”
    Bono’s house
    My back garden while I’m warming up a Suzuki GT200X5
    Not holding my breath…

    P.S. Rylance looks like an Audi driver

  9. Jane Fonda in Klute… Oh dear me, yes…

    The hubris of these celebricunts is as astounding as ever… A Petrolhead like Coogan lecturing about climate change? Coogan has also put half of Colombia up his hooter over the years… Do fuck off, Partridge….

    Lily Cole… Lessons on morality from a slag who appeared in the bunny mag in a pigtails and teddy bear Kid . E. Fiddler’s wet dream photoshoot? She’s a meat free goldfish faced cunt anyway…

    Benderdict Cuntberdinck… How many times has this wooden alien faced fuck been across the world on private jets and first class flights? How many limos has this stick insect travelled in? What? Loads, you say?… What a fucking cunt….

    Mel B… An F-Lister like Chocolate Spice needs the publicity, let’s face it… But the cunt can’t even write a shopping list for fuck’s sake…. The bitch has to resort to old tales about frigging Geri to get noticed (I wouldn’t have minded a go at Ginger back then myself, mind)…

    As for Rylance? Bobby Ball without the tache and even Ball has more talent than this luvvie schlong…. Fuckin, rock on, Tommy…

    • Cuntybatch recently got walloped by a cyclist after knocking him off his bike..

      ..with his expensive Italian sports car.
      What a cunt…???

      • Wasn’t Bendydick the hero who fought off 4 moped muggers in the street? Surely he could have handled one poxy cyclist?

      • I think that was a Footballer who chinned the mugger Benderdick Cheddasnatch couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag the lanky cunt

  10. Mark Rylance is an accomplished actor on both stage and screen but in private life he’s as mad as a box of monkeys!

    When Bridge of Spies hit the silver screen and Rylance won an Oscar for best supporting actor, he was interviewed by all and sundry in the aftermath and he came across as a complete and utter nutcase. These were mainly Yank interviews and I gave him the benefit of the doubt of acting up as the archetypal eccentric British luvvie.

    Roll forward to Wolf Hall (Rylance winning the best actor accolade at the BAFTAs) and same thing again, except this time predominantly UK interviews and no, he really is mental!

    So why anyone would ever listen to anything he has to say outside of an acting role is beyond me? He acts normally but in reality is a nut!

    In one interview where I thought he was in costume for a role, but was actually just wearing clothes he wore out in public (including a renaissance flat cap – with feather), he came across as being completely off his tree.

    He’s a bit like to acting what Brian Wilson is to music: a genius in his field but you never quite know when he’s going to start buttering his head!

    His opinion on anything outside of the acting profession holds about as much currency as a Venezuelan Bolivar!


    • He was a believer in Sam Wanamaker’s ( a Jew who I really liked) vision for the new Globe theatre. Those early productions really did capture the atmosphere of the original. He delivered the verse of Shakespeare in the traditional way like Olivier. Like Olivier and all the best actors he has very little personality of his own so can inhabit the part more intensely. More-he dressed in that quirky patchwork 16th century mode-almost like the ‘Fool’ in Lear because he had a certain humility as the ‘actor’ which it always was in Will’s day. Now he’s embraced diversity (unthinkingly) which fucks everything up. Maybe from vanity or just his careers nearing it’s end.Truly he has lost his way.

  11. Yet another drama queen thinking he knows more than anyone else. Who gives a fuck? It’s unbelievable but there are some morons that cannot make a decision on anything without first knowing the views of some cunt like Bendydick Cunteypatch on the subject.

    Fuck off.

    • Benedict Cuntperpatch is a fucking shitcunt of a bastard, for no other reason than typing out his proper name landed me in the mod queue. The fucking hammerhead-faced cunt.

      • Caroline Langrishe, and am sure I’ve seen her in something wearing stockings and suspenders.

        Watched Charlotte Cathedral tonite; am sure when she was packing her suitcase, she said “Waterproofs,…sexual.” And she wasn’t holding a pack of jonnies, either. She may be a fruitcake, but she’s going to keep me wide awake… My type of bird. Yes, she DID look good in little yellow wellies. Maybe I’n becoming Welsh…

  12. Yes this cunting is very agreeable,thank you for reminding me about this particular silly degenerate.
    I’ve forgotten about him again now though..
    The cunt.

  13. what cunt through yonder window breaks…
    Is that a cunt I see before me?
    Alas poor cunt…

  14. If it walks, talks and looks like Danny Boyle or Ken Loach, it’s a cunt like Danny Boyle and Ken Loach.

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