Emergency cunting please for Jon Snow, who was interviewed, and brought up that vile old cliche about old Brexiteers dying off, thus replaced by fresh young blood who, of course, are all going to vote remain.
Interviewer commented that it was “tasteless”, and that many older people quite probably voted to remain.
What an odious, objectionable arsewipe this apology for a human being is.
I hope he ends up in a care home run by the great humanitarian of our age, Lord Fiddler, and that his daily care needs are attended to by Nurse Ratched. In fact, I think Snot is already post-lobotomy. Just chuck him out with the clinical waste.
Nominated by HBelindaHubbard
The man is a cunt and the interviewer should have ripped the twat into pieces over his remark. It is not tasteless it is pure arrogance. My father in law born in 1939 was staunch remain. He has since died. The elite think that only their view of the world is the correct one.
Meanwhile in the background Admin has finally lost their patience with the welsh remainer twat who keeps trying to post on here.
That surprises me Admin. I’ve always found Cuntstable Cuntbubble a fine, upstanding young man!
Surely the correct term would be Welsh remainer cunt
Spot on sir – admin, send him to us for “treatment”.
I say let the cunt on. It will be amusing to have some loser spluttering with anger and regurgitating all the crap he has got off the telly and the Guardian. We could have a sweepstake on how long it takes him to bring up the bus wanker argument.
I’ll have you for libel, Bertie.
I am a miserablewelshbastard and proud of it. I live in England to do my missionary work.
You poor cunt. Every day must be like Rourkes Drift.
Evening Cuntstable. Thought I was stretching a point inferring you were a Remainer!
Did you see the Greens were having their conference today in Newport. They’re calling for the
Home Office to be scrapped and part replaced with a “ Ministry for Sanctuary” to be fairer on immigrants! Jeez!
It wasn’t the Remainer bit. It was the upstanding.
The Greens ought to have stroll round Ringland and Alway tonight. Brighton it aint.
A proper Leftie Corbyn loving arsewipe Channel 4 should bin this pompous prick as soon as possible
Pacifist Labour loving wanker how do these fools keep their jobs on the box?
Let it post. We love free speach. After all, we are democratic.
I expect that Snotty thinks that all older Remainers are kept alive by the warmth of the glow from their own virtue.
The interviewer’s ‘tasteless’ observation was spot on. How could someone with this cunt’s choice of ties be anything else?
Let’s hope it’s not long before Snow is knocking on the cemetery gates himself, the fanatically anti-Brexit voter bigot.
Evening chap.
Snow sniffer is 72. Doesn’t that qualify as an old cunt? I think it does. Or is he just talking about anonymous old cunts whom he has never met and knows nothing about? In this cunt’s world remoaners never get old. Remoaners know everything, even the secret of eternal youth.
There are no limits to the arrogance of these We Know Best cunts.
What’s needed is an underground building blah blah blah blah blah. STICK THEM ALL IN THE FUCKING CHAMBER. sorry, showers. For a nice cleansing.
I think Snow would fit on very well on Wireless 4 with their numerous documentaries on the problems of ethnic wimmin and to present World At One or PM – the thing is the greedy old cunt would be paid far less for radio than he does on TV, but it would be so good for the enviroment – he wouldn’t need the inch of makeup and Pollyfilla they have to plaster over his ugly mug each day. He really is a sanctimonious old cunt though.
Talking about da wimminz, did anybody see the totally unedifying spectacle of a load of them outside the High Court, bleating about their pension rights ? One of them was laying it on so thick, blubbing, and wailing, that subtitles should have been provided. I was therefore spared the comntent of her inane drivel.
Bunch of shrieking old harridans.
Where’s Lord Fiddler and his pack of Rottweilers when you need them ?
“What do we want?
When do we want it?
At a different time to men”
Cunts. Glad the stupid old hags lost.
Radio Fourthreich’s stopped taking on persons identifying as men*. His only chance is a slash-and-gash.
* or over-13’s.
Let us not forget that his wife has very fuzzy black hair….
Peter sutcliffe?
I never knew that. Wikipedia says she is Zimbabwean (ignoring the fact that Bulawayo where she was born was part of Rhodesia at the time so is technically Rhodesian as Zimbabwe didn’t then exist).
Would seem she is a clever girl as well but that didn’t stop her marrying the old lefty bellend.
Wiki also says she was captain of the womens karate team at Cambridge University. Wonder what colour belt she achieved in karate?
Snow’s own Wiki page contains a line about how he won’t wear any symbols on air that may represent his views (seems to be rememberance day poppy related). If only he’d keep his feckin’ gob shut then on his Brexit views.
His son is a Cunt too. The dirty lucky bastard is married to the Duke of Cuntminster’s daughter.
Think you’re mixing up Jon Snow with his cousin Peter whose son, Dan, is married to the daughter of the late Duke of Westminster.
What the insufferable cunt means is let’s get all those young cunts that have been indoctrinated in universities and schools for the past 30 years with Marxism and Eu values to take control.
I’ve met a lot of self righteous condescending cunts like Snow fortunate for them I was sober at the time of confrontation otherwise a smack in the gob and a good kicking would have been administered.
Lets just hope this cunt with his Timmy Mallet socks “dies off” soon.
Young people have had a better programme downloaded via social networks, the BBC etc
If you’ve been brought up hearing the same lie repeatedly, it becomes your truth.
““Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.””
Arry Redknapp
We are being socially engineered out of existence and replaced with drones
Hence the BBC
“TV presenter and campaigner June Sarpong has been appointed the BBC’s first director of creative diversity.
Sarpong is known to viewers for appearing on Channel 4’s youth strand T4, Loose Women and Sky News.
She has also written two books on diversity issues and been a prominent advocate for change in the media and beyond.
Director general Tony Hall said she would have “a wide remit to deliver change”.
Sarpong said: “I relish the challenge of working with senior leadership to make the BBC more inclusive and representative of the broad and diverse audience it serves.””
Except white straight men
More diversity is needed on the BBC?
Last time I clicked the BBC on was for the athletics. One host and three experts. All black.
The other time was for BBC World News a few weeks back, and I thought I’d accidentally found ‘TV Bongo in da Congo’ by accident. Black host interviewing black dude followed by documentary from Africa about oil bring sold illegally by locals that is creating polluted rivers (all whitey’s fault of course, even though the buyers are locals).
And if this woman hasn’t been cunted yet I’d be surprised. She’s a fucking lunatic. A female David Lammy.
Oh no it wasn’t I was replying to Sixdog Vomit. Jesus I’m more senile than Snow.
FYI, June Sarpongo is the proud recipient of [3] cuntings.
Loose Wimmin?. A Strong recommendation indeed. Even Mrs Boggs won’t watch it unless one of her soap “stars” is going to be in it.
June Sarpong is a horribly nasty cunt who can barely contain her racism. Furthermore she looks like she has a minge that reeks of vinegar.
June Sour Pong?
‘You know nothing you Jon Snow!”
Wildling girl
Game of Thrones
Jon Snow likes walls, big fuck off ice walls. Not US/Mexico border walls to keep out the rapey hordes though.
It’s what the lefty teaching unions have spent the last 40 years doing.
How can they get more diversity on the beeb? Surely we at the tipping point now, where honkeys are soon to be the minority.
Right then Snow, you Marxist bellend, give up all your property and stuff you own to the state, ready for redistribution.
Well, shut the fuck up then you stupid old cunt.
He looks like a mong in that picture. He’s so fucking senile he could get a job in the Supreme Court.
Looks as though his Polish au pair( £6.50 per hr, cash in hand) forgot to Press his suit that day.
I don’t know if this idea that all of the young ‘uns are remainers is correct. They might be in the “Giles and Cressida” household circles that this daft old Cunt thinks is representative of the whole country,but he’d be wrong. He should get out to some of the regions and talk to some of the people who so disgust that paragon of The Labour Party, Emily Thornpiggy….namely the “working class”. He might be shocked to learn that a lot of young people are just as sick of being treated as thick nobodies as are so many older people. A lot of younger people want the chance of a house and a job without having to compete with immigrants for every damn thing….how unreasonable of them,the vile fascist racists, thinks Mr.Snow,no doubt.
Someone should lock the patronising old Cunt up in a secure-unit ward stuffed full of homosexual Gerontophilic lovers of BDSM….might take his mind off Brexit for an hour or two.
Fuck him.
Never forget watching Jon Snowflake taking parts in a ‘drugs’ trial… That must have been some of my mate Dave’s super strong skunk judging by the shite this cunt comes out with since.
Here it is.
Snow is one of the biggest cunts on the planet. He forgets his own age, the tosser, and pretends to be young posing with Millenial asswipes at Glastonbury shouting “ fuck the Tories”. I’d flush the turd down the toilet but he’d probably cause a massive blockage.
Was Snowcunt at Glastonbury? Why am I surprised? I’ve never seen so many white faces in one place. Not to mention posh and privileged…….just like him in fact.
Snow is sooooooooo nice it’s fuckin painful.
No doubt Snowbollocks thinks he is part of da yoot because he has a black wife who is nearly 30 years younger than him. Silly old cunt. Still, not the first bloke who has allowed his cock to overrule his brain. We’ve all been there.
Probably spends half his stupendous salary on Viagra to keep up with her demands.
I looked over his fence and hes got a tyre swing.
Fucking brilliant!
Following on from the Extinction Rebellion protest where only three cunts turned up, another group attempted to spray fake blood at the Treasury using an old fire engine. It all went horribly wrong.
They are apparently going to bring London and a few other places to a standstill this weekend. Some smelly bitch was saying that they were going to have a sit in on the public roads near parliament. Time to get a rusty land rover and drive right over the pricks, and shout ‘wayhey, organic speed bumps’…..
I bet the local p€rv€rts risk life and limb to sniff the tarmac after the smelly bitches have spent the day wriggling, and pissing themselves on the Queen’s Highway.
The local hounds are probably irresistibly drawn to it too, dragging their owners headlong into thundering traffic.
Better get it hosed down when they’ve all been dragged off to the cells, just to be on the safe side.
I’m rambling.
Time to Fuck Off.
Fucking hilarious, cunts need some training in hose management, now they know that being a fireman isn’t that easy.
Bunch of Cunts, starting for dislike this country more and more each day.
Fucking Reparation bollocks, the LGBTQ shite, the diversity crap, apologising for being fucking White, refusing to admit that Islam isn’t the religion of peace, that knife crime is a predominantly black issue and political fucking correctness!
Ho ho ho !
What a bunch of useless Fuckwits.
I bet they’ve all got a degree apiece.
Get To Fuck.
Fucking brilliant! I was hoping the cunts were going to be pushed off the top by the jet reaction and the cunts by the pump bay were going to get their legs broken by the out of control hose. Can’t win ’em all.
sorry i thought i would share this.
I am not sorry really.
In his distaste for the views of the older generation which do not correspond to his own, I presume he cares not for the sacrifices in the great wars, ulster ,malaya, aden, et al and having to endure proper austerity of those times (lets face it austerity these days amounts to being unable to plug your phone in for more idiot juice) this fact alone qualifies you as a conceited privileged molly coddled cunt who has only got on in life through familial connections, funny how most of the Snow clan managed to get jobs in broadcasting so fuck off and have a shit weekend
A slip up to correct, forgot to mention the Korean war, which unfortunately is often the case in that society was and still is unaware about the UK and commonwealth involvement
I’m with you on this ES. I wonder what he really thinks of his own grandfather (shared with cousin Peter), a 1st World War General, or Peter’s father a Brigadier during the 2nd world war? I bet he never thinks of, or gives a flying f..k about those men (or their families) who served and died under their command so that ultimately he could become the privileged, pompous, self-opinionated bell-end he is.
His father was a Bishop. If the sky fairy his father prayed to exists then he must be kissing the arse of the guardians at the gates of paradise 24/7 365 days of the year begging forgiveness for the c…ksucker he spawned.
No disrespect meant to men and women of his age.
He should retire.
No disrespect to men and women of his age but he should choke to forking death.
Rashford and Lingard couldn’t fucking score if they had an all expenses paid trip to Hamburg… The useless plastic gangsta jungle boy cunts…
As we’ve said before Norman, these players are too “comfortable”.
They need a rocket up their arse. I’m sorry to say that the club’s decline mirrors that of Liverpool in the 90’s.
What you need is Ozil, he’d slot right in the googly eyed beaker cunt.
Is this some sort of code? No fucking idea.
Talking of drug-smoking Brexit bigots, I notice that the gaunt simian Rory Stewart is retiring from his constituency at the next election. No no, it has nothing to do with probably losing his seat or even wanting to spend more time in a zoo. Apparently, the offspring of Mick Jagger and Bubbles the Chimp wants to run for Mayor of London but as an Independent cunt not a Tory cunt.
That way, I suppose, like an angry caged animal hurling monkey faeces, he could continue insulting Brexit-voters in the safety he won’t be turfed out, the weird, gurning, little shit-bag.
This was plan B after failing to secure a part as the next James Bond despite his rumoured links to MI6. He would have made a good henchman or a gimp-like manservant to a power-crazed Soros inspired villain.
I bet he regrets telling his agent to turn down that PG Tips advert.
“eee lovely cuppa, but they didn’t know what they boiling the water for.”
Evening LL esq.
Rory Stewart strongly resembles the aliens from the film “They Live”
They were utter cunts too…
Well I suppose his job as Gollum’s double in the LOTR films is now over, so he’s desperate for another role.
Evening you chaps.
There’s no chance of shifting Suckdick out next year. Too many libtards and immos in Londonstabistan. The Tory is black but he’s what they call “far right” these days. Chimp boy will get trashed but he’s only interested in the attention. He’s fallen in love with being on the telly and in the papers. Only his mother loves Bubbles more than he does.
Of course, Steptoe should be gone by then so Suckdick might fancy that job. Here’s a long shot that might be worth a fiver…….Lardbutt to be next Mayor!
That Rory stewarts dead posh isnt he? Saw him on telly earlier, saying how good hed be as mayor of London,an how hes a man of the people, blahblah,
Gets out of the bath to have a piss, eats pizza with knife n fork type,
An i shouldnt judge him on that, not his fault hes posh anymore than my fault im common as shite, just how we were raised!
But what is his fault is hes no loyalty, no respect for democracy, and he looks like cornelius from planet of the apes.
Hes planning a simian takeover, can see it coming, Dianne Abbotts in on it too, cant trust her shes changed since the days she drove around with clint Eastwood in anyway but loose.
The Flabbott looks like James Earl Jones’s character, Thulsa Doom from Conan the Barbarian.
The inside of the Flabbot’s underwear must look like Tunguska just after the explosion…
Old Etonian man of the people Rory Stewart used to tutor Prince William and Harry.
Ginger Pubes must have been hard work.
“Ok Harry, if you take four private jet flights emitting 19.2 tonnes of Co2, how many trees do you need to plant to offset your carbon footprint?”
At least now we know where their sub-tapeworm level IQs come from…
Windsor, Hewitt & Died Associates?
Yes he did, and look how they turned out!
Both virtually bald by 30, pussy whipped, sjw types,
Its ok for you Rtc with your Neil Young locks, but I know the agony of male pattern baldness!
But its gradual , with the princes its happening in matter of weeks,
Novachok doesnt work that fast!
Ive forgotten my point now, bit pissed.
Kate or Meghan Markel wouldn’t look twice at the pair of slapheads – sorry Miserable, follicly challenged wasters, if they weren’t royalty.
LL the days of me turning birds heads and getting a coy smile are long gone!
Nowadays they clutch their purse and reach for the mobile looking scared.
Not to worry Miserable. From where I’m sitting there is no point in anything.
Are you going on holiday tomorrow? Will you be posting from your caravan?
Questions, questions, questions, flooding into the mind of the concerned old washout today.
Not going till sunday Rtc, gave my mum and dad first few days there, my dads in remission from bone cancer so thought theyd like a break, then me mrs miserable an the dog going.
Caravan? Haha dont let Cap hear you say that he hates caravans!
Its little stone barn conversion on farm land, looking forward to it!
Still be posting but in rural character!
Caravans are fine Les Mis, as long as you’re not shitting in buckets, killing innocent animals, or ráping your sister.
Tally Ho.
No can safely say Cap, wont be partaking in any of those type of activities!
I am coming out of the shadows to reveal the coming of a new messiah. Jordan Peterson is the best anti-cunt I have come across – a man who uses reason and verbal dexterity to debunk all that is madness in the world.
A sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iudkPi4_sY
Hopefully he’ll be joining all of the old white leave voters soon.
What is Boris going to do?
Have fun while it lasts.
If there’s no deal at the time of the Brussels summit then Boris on the morning of his return should send the letter asking for the extension then the whole government should resign.
Yeah, a dickhead for a father ( well one of them at least) a slapper for a mother and tutored by Bubbles the chimp boy. What chance did they have but to be easily led thick as shit cunts? Her Maj must be furious.
On the other hand she’s probably thinking……….i’m 93, i’ve got all sorts of shit named after me, they’ll be erecting statues of me and crying their eyes out when i’ve snuffed it. Fuck it, somebody get me a G&T, a Big Mac with double fries and let’s watch Liz Taylor in “Black Beauty”. Hurry up you cunts!
And leave the bottle!
Ahh… loved Black Beauty me.
Not in a bestial way you understand…
A slapper I went to school with became involved with this cunt. I don’t know the sordid details as to what sexual favours this example of “young blood” performed for the wrinkly walnut-faced old bastard but he more or less promised her a “top” job at Sky. True to his word she was taken on by Sky news…… making tea!
China has banned face masks or any other coverage of the face in Hong Kong…
Is that not counterproductive as they all look the same anyway?
I always say to old lefty cunts who claim Brexiteers will die off soon…
…after YOU then CUNT!
In the words of the Wildlings in Game of Thrones
There aren’t enough words in the English dictionary to cunt the arrogant, entitled, self-opinionated, attention seeking Jon Snowflake. What’s with these cunts (who only read the fucking news for fuck’s sake) who think anyone should give a flying fuck about their opinions? Why are these cunts allowed to say what they fucking well like with absolutely no retribution? This cunt has absolutely no idea of real life outside his little entitled upbringing bubble and the only reason he is in the public eye is because he likes to wear stupid ‘look at me’ ties. From that picture, it looks like his suit has been put on with a shovel the scruffy cunt. Fuck the cunt, I fucking hate him.