This smug arrogant dwarf cunt struts around the House of Commons as though he owns the place. His bias towards Remainers and their policies is obvious and this pigshit thick twat is probably such a bullying little turd because his rancid Wife entertains herself by fucking anything in trousers (or tracksuit bottoms in the case of self proclaimed gypo king, Paddy Docherty..)
This obnoxious little bag of poncified, overprileged shite makes Jacob Rees-Mogg-Henley-Regatta-Russian-Trust-Fund seem grounded and likeable!
All in all, a cunt of the first order, order, order!
Nominated by Vernon Fox
The biggest cunt since Anthony Blair, the self-important shit-stain on the grubby underpants of the Conservative party has been colluding yet again with the President of the EU to prevent Brexit :-
What can be said about this motherfucker that has not been said already? The cunt is due to retire on October 31st, but as he seems to make his own rules, who knows if we can believe the lying meddling stinking fucker.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
This bullying little big man ( in his own mind) is definately in the running to become cunt of the decade.
How some tory doesn’t give him the slap he so deserves is one of the great feats of self control i’ve ever witnessed.
Bercow sums up everything that’s currently wrong with Parliament in general and the House of Common Cunts in particular.
No surprise that he also continues to take the piss (and our money) with his expenses:
It’s seems a few tradesmen ( probably booshka booshka) have been ripping off the Honourable Mr Bercow. But when it’s not your fucking money in the first place why would you care?
Keith ‘Jim’ Vaz could have given him a good deal with his sideline in washing machines or Eurotrash rent boys and ‘party supplements’ if that’s his thing.
Good to read the loathsome Vaz has not been forgotten
One has to wonder how he will service his peccadilloes if and when we leave the eu. A price increase is on the books for Eastern European commodity’s.
Washing machines cunt should be Sjamboked.
While we are examining shit, the latest news of fuckwit Grieve:
Boris would be well advised to do a deal with the Brexit Party as it seems the LibDem quislings are going to throw in their lot with every snivelling remainer.
Grieve and the rest of the quisling hoard are such deceitful cunts, they haven’t got the guts to call an election as they are fully aware the MAJORITY of the population are sick and fucking tired of their shenanigans and would punish them at the polls , far safer to disingenuously push for a losers vote 2 as even if leave won the cunty Parliament would still be dominanted by the same remain biased cunts it is now
So it would remain gridlocked, still no Brexit and no way for bojo to force a GE
Listen you snivelling cunts!! You asked us once and ignored us why would we trust you again?
Jumped up little arrogant fucking prick who needs all the shit kicked out of him although I’m not sure if that’s possible. Sums him up really that he still has a nanny at his age.
I wonder if its a “Baby Burco” ??
It could be put to good use boiling the nappies from the House of Lords…
Self important jobsworth cunt. This little maggot has pushed the boundaries of his role beyond recognition.
Maybe because his wife is like a pack of easily spreadable margarine?
He’s a glorified bus inspector.
Little Blakey cunt.
Not just pushed the boundaries, he’s gone way beyond them.
To right Tufty.
How the fuck this little Cunt has got away with his naked bias beggars belief.
Ah! Summer County, ..Spreads easy….Straight from the Fridge.
Sally the Ber Cow.
I am surprised that no one has smacked the smug little cunt all round Westminster.
He’s definitely a smug little fucker. Like an arrogant two-year old prancing about with a shitty nappy, head held high.
Another cunt who needs taping to a chair and slapped every minute for a week.
1) A locked room
2) Bottle of Stolly
3) 2ft of stout, shot filled hydraulic hose
We’d soon reach a working agreement on the order in which he should either fuck off and/or die.
The first man in history to successfully bungee jump off the top bunk….
Treasonous little cunt….
This political popinjay should have been removed ages ago but clung on thanks to his remoaner mates! , he’s made an absolute mockery out of parliament and will hopefully pay a price for his treacherous behaviour one day …
narcissistic prick !!
An oft repeated Brexit scare story is the impending shortage of toilet rolls, however once the biggest shit stain on the body politic we have namely his eminence J B has retired, I don’t see it being a problem, though I doubt there is a sewage farm large enough to handle this turd ball when it comes floating down the shit pipes into history (which can’t come soon enough)
I feel a bit sorry for him. Imagine having to lick out the hole that had been used as a Pie-key’s spunk-dump. No wonder he’s sometimes a bit Grumpy.
Don’t you mean holes Dick ? He’s the sort of bloke that’s wanks himself off while watching his slag of a wife getting boned by several cocks A proper Cockloid with little man syndrome
Yer right, George.
The filthy little Cunt probably claims expenses for his wife’s STD medications.
being cuckolded no doubt would be hurtful and explain some shortcomings, though I doubt he actually cares so obviously in love with himself, but Sally Bercow what a totally abhorrent piece of work she is , in other words the perfect couple so deserving of each other
Pompous little popping Jay full of his own self importance.
This smug little twat is overdue for a real good kicking He reminds me of my Mrs Ex husband and I fucking hate him with a vengeance. John Bercow needs hanging from the nearest lamp post along with Tony Linton Blair come the glorious day Our day will come every dog has its day Bercow cunt of the year and a total traitor to this fine Country
“Linton” – says it all really. It always puts me in mind of the character from Wuthering Heights, son of Heathcliffe; a despised, weak, sickly, fey and effeminate mewling shade of a male. the perfect accompaniment to “Miranda”. I wait for the day Blair’s eventually ‘outed’ by one of Vaz’s spare spunk dumps.
That’s right CC. Kathy marries him and moves into the gentile Thrushcross Grange. Leaving behind the earthy Wuthering Heights. Leaving behind real life. Like the British people did with Blair.
Just noticed the Angela Merkel picture on ‘The Wall of Cunts’, nice work admin!
Bercunt’s place is assured with one more nomination to go.
I hope he dies soon and horribly.
Meanwhile, the North basks in glorious autumnal sunshine.
Good morning.
It’s damp and dreary daan Saarth.
Morning Jack.
Yes the north basks in glorious sunshine
Just about to have steak pie chips mushy peas and thick gravy Afternoon Jack hope you are well
Good afternoon Mr. Creampuff, Mr. Bamboo.
Oh….Chips n Gravy…………..the memories..
Food up north sounds right up my street. Damp, dull and crowded with gimmigrants down in Kent. I suspect Bercunt will try all he can to continue as speaker, the little ferret.
Pubs down here serve up muck like butternut squash, feta, mackerel pate and squid linguine with extra slime. The biggest steak you can get in a local ‘steakhouse’ is about 10oz and cost £25.
Food for dainty remainer bitches.
A supercilious cunt of the first water, probably despised at school never picked for any team, now getting his own back on society from his lofty perch.
If ever there is a reason to ban human cloning this twat would be the poster boy. A cunt in the mould of Blair cancer is to good for him. Roll on the happy release of his and Blair’s demise.
Awduh, Awduh, Awduh.
What a cunt.
From Middle English ordūr, ordūre (“dirt, filth, rubbish; dung, excrement, piece of excrement; moral filth, sin, an instance or kind of moral filth”) borrowed from Anglo-Norman ordure, ordeur(e), ordor(e), ordour, and Middle French ordure, from Old French ordure (“dirt, filth, refuse; dung, excrement; moral filth”) (modern French ordure), from ord (“filthy”) + -ure (“suffix forming nouns describing the results of actions”).
Morning B&WC. Are you back in Blighty now?
Afternoon RTCP, been back for a while now. Good to be home but shame abaaaaht the sheer amount of cunts still abaaaaht like Bercow, Blair, Campbellend, Grieve, etc etc.
Just the tip of the cuntberg B&WC!
Napoleon incarnate!
Or should that be Macron? Definitely a case of short man syndrome . . . . . . .
‘Short man syndrome’ is a condition in which a person has to deal with a feeling of inadequacy which can come from a lack of height – or a perceived lack of height. … Technically it is a form of inferiority complex in which the person attempts to overcompensate for their perceived shortcoming.
but no shortcomings when it comes to being a cunt, to which no perception applies, mere actuality
What’s it called when the shortcomings are not perceived, but actual, and the cunt simply is inferior?
Sorry, STAR, I replied to the post before I even saw yours.
Bercow is definitely a cunt of Rebel Wilson proportions and has been the most odious speaker the house has seen this far, but I ask one question (because it makes me shudder just to think of it):
Harriet Harman, better or worse?
As one of Tony B.Liar’s open door policy’s “Blair’s Babes” (babe in the very loosest sense), and given Bercow’s “I don’t give a fuck, I’m promoting my agenda!” example, I think Harridan Harmong is a far more dangerous proposition than the poisoned dwarf himself.
She also one of “Nou Liebore’s” crop of elites in socialists clothing who also happens to be a lawyer, which makes her doubly untrustworthy!
John Downey has been arrested after being deported from the land of the bogtrotters.
Hope he doesn’t have an ‘ accident ‘ whilst in custody.
The fucking Cunt.
The turd must not be touched until after his trial; he probably has a tribe of lawyers desperate to use any possible means to prevent justice being done. As for after the trial ……
Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham said officials were keeping an “open mind”.
“It’s important not to jump to any conclusions although what I can say is that, at this stage, it would appear to be more mental-health related than political or religiously motivated.”
I never expected anything less from you, Burnham… You self serving slimy slippery servile peaceful apologist of a crawling fucking cunt….
Twat of an Everton supporter.
At one time we used to keep our lunatics and deranged individuals locked away in asylums.
Today, to hide an inconvenient truth, terrorists are shuffled away to remove the problem from public scrutiny under the same pretence.
The news outlets are severely reticent to identify the assailant.
Now, and I may be being a bit disingenuous here, but Darren “cunt” Osbourne was named before his van engine had been turned off, so do we know if it was a “lone wolf, mentally disabled, nothing to do with Islam, one off” type? ?
That appears to be the official line…
If one of these camelbuggering fuckers let off a nuke, cunts like Burnham would give it the ‘mental health’ and ‘lone wolf’ noises as civilisation was ending…
Oh, and watch the BBC put a load of ‘positive’ stories on their website about peacefuls and bogo bogos after the Arndale stabbings…
You don’t have to be an inbred, genetically-fucked nutjob to support Ssssssslime, but it helps.
Certainly an unusual perpetrator. Black face, white ankles?
Andy Burnham is unavailable for comment…
Bercow resembles a cotton bud that has been dipped in diarrhoea.
Afternoon all….
Bercow was elected Speaker primarily as a Labour practical joke because they knew how hated he was on within the Conservative Party. His conduct of the House on Brexit has been a scandal. He is obviously biased and has done untold Constitutional damage in his haste to neuter Brexit. A cunt of the first degree – I don’t think he will be forgiven in right thinking quarters for many years, if not at all. Cunt.
Small man syndrome. End of story.
Making up for his physical deficiency by behaving like a Napoleonic, dictatorial, fascist, know-all cunt. A traitor to the country and a raging bully who wants his own way come hell or high water.
I cannot abide him or his mouthy, slut wife.
Can’t this cunt just have his head hacked off by a slightly deranged peaceful and do us all a fucking favour?
I’m enjoying those ‘Get ready for Brexit’ adverts. Only because they’re sending libtards mental.
“How can they put these adverts out saying get ready for 31st October when we don’t know if we’re leaving yet.”
Yes, I heard one of them say this. She had a point I suppose. I could say the say same as a Brexiteer, but it is amusing to see them panicking now.
Boris is pretty much going all out (there is no way these ads would be aired without him wanting them aired) for an exit. He’s telling Bercow and others that he’s going full steam ahead and he’ll live or die by the sword.
I wish Boris well, but I’m expecting some more dastardly shenanigans from the traitors in Parliament.
He wants to create the illusion that we’re leaving. But we won’t be. His ‘Deal’ will be every bit as treacherous as the May Deal. You can bank on it.
“…You can bank on it.”
Well the top 5% maybe, the rest of us schmucks will be paying unto the nth generation for it. Agree that Bojo’s blustering really is nothing more than that.
A word of thanks to the Admin cunts for adding “Grupenfuhrer Merkel” to the ISAC Wall – I am surprised it has taken this long, but it is now official, she is a Cunt!
Indeed a beautiful truly flattering portrayal of our dear angie
There’s a framed copy of it in every German classroom and public building
Bercow the cunt had to withdraw his application for membership to Wimbledon.
Apparently his anti-brexit retorts has upset members of The Croquet and Lawn Tennis Association.
Bollocks to Bercow, I hope the fucking dwarf dies of the pox.
I would think that’s the first time he’s ever had to withdraw hid member from anything. Small man syndrome obviously applies to other things apart from his height.
I think you could be right Bertie, the size of a maggot.
I don’t think we could even call him a wanker Gingers B!
Perhaps it can be done with tweezers?
Who was the MP who on being told by a member of the opposition that he ‘Will die of the pox or on the gallows ‘ replied ‘ That depends upon which I embrace, your mistress or your politics ‘.
I think it was John Wilkes, 18th century politician, journalist, and all-round trouble maker. He would, I suspect, have been a copious contributor to ISAC. He was, I deeply regret to say, a supporter of the contemporary Rebellion the North American colonies, a Rebellion, I must remind my readers, is still not put down.
Oh fuck it… moderation. I text dw@rf.
Silly cunt I am
I reckon he’s an escaped munchkin from the set of the Wizard of Oz.
I thought the little cunt had retired as speaker so why the fuck is he still parking his fat arse in the speakers chair. The CUNT is so full of himself and his self proclaimed importance it’s fucking unbelievable. Fucking wanker.
We’re running out of words to describe this overgrown toddler.
Hoo-ee, what a cunt.
The shit on an orks hoof, when he thinks he is Gandalf. It handed in its notice but still hangs round like a bad smell. It has all the carisma of a can of tuna left out in 30 degree heat. It’s a shit stain on a tramps gusset, that needs to be slung in the bin, even though said tramp only has one pair of pants. Keep your eyes peeled for this cunt to pop up as the head of some shit, a la dick clegg. Bet ya a fiver…