Giant Pharmaceutical Companies

On the face of it, you’d think these were life saving organisations wouldn’t you?

And for much of the time they probably are. However, they are also money grabbing, greedy fuckers who often have the medical profession by the throat.

Those climate change protesters who foresee the end of the human race in 50? 100? 400? years time don’t think about a more imminent danger, which could wipe out mankind far sooner than that, cutting little Greta’s lifespan down to a few more years. No, Greta, this is not scaremongering and supposition. This is actually a threat that’s very real and based on actual evidence.

I’m talking about the emergence of superbugs which can cause infections that are resistant to antibiotics. Resistance is a global health disaster that is already killing 700,000 people a year and it is predicted to cause 10 million deaths per year by 2050. Some of the problem has been caused by overuse of antibiotics but this is where the Pharma companies come in. The last group of new antibiotics was discovered in 1962! This is because research is expensive and rather than spending money on this, the cunts would rather concentrate on money spinners.

People only take antibiotics for short periods. Nah, much better to pump out stuff where you’ve got them for life (and I take a few of those.) Blood pressure meds, diabetic drugs and statins (now given to people who don’t even need them.) We’ll build in some nasty side effects as well so you’ll have to take another tablet to counter that!

We’re now getting to the position where if you develop an infection after a simple operation, that might be the end of you. Even a cut at home or a scratch from a rose bush that Greta could get in her garden might signal the end. All very frightening, but real. So Greta, get your arse down to the Pharma HQ’s to protest if you really want to do some good. “What do we want?” New antibiotics! “When do we want them.” Now! Big Pharma companies are cunts.

PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: If you’ve been affected by this public information broadcast, don’t be alarmed. You’ve got at least two more years to live!

Sleep tight – Don’t let the bugs bite!

Nominated by Bertie Blunt Ubercunt

37 thoughts on “Giant Pharmaceutical Companies

  1. It pisses me off with Cancer Research, or whatever it is they call themselves!

    I don’t know how many billions have been donated to these cunts over the years, but one would think they would have made some significant strides by now!

    How much money do these cunts actually need, and exactly how much of it actually goes into cancer research rather than being trousered by all the shareholders and board members et al?

    I rather suspect they will never find a real cure for cancer because once they due the moneywell will dry up and they’ll be paupers before long. Instead, they will keep on saying “we ‘re almost there!” and a few more billion in donations will follow.


    • all based on cuntingly wrong and corrupt evidence – they are cunts of the highest order – see sally baker’s blog

    • Cancer Research is a complete fraud. They do not do ANY research. They were outed on the Internet. All they’ve ever discovered is how to keep themselves in a big salary for life. You’d think that if the guy who outed them was lying they’d have sued the shit out of him. Guess what? They did absolutely nothing.

  2. The NHS has a 100% failure record and we’re all going to die in horrible pain. Get used to the idea fellow cunts.

    • Fuck off, you cunt. The NHS save people every fucking day. My fucking dad, for one when he had cancer. And The Big Yellow Taxi Service of which I’m a ‘driver’, saves ‘lots’. Every fucking day. Three on my Bluber alone, last week.

  3. “I’m talking about the emergence of superbugs”……Quite right,Bertie. I’ve long called for urgent research to find a cure for “The Gayness”,a superbug that dare not speak it’s name.
    They should invent a cure and inject it along with with the MMR jab.

    • They shouldn’t try to administer the cure via a suppository….that would only encourage the afflicted.

      • Afternoon Fiddler, there should be a sustained nationwide campaign on TV and in schools, youth clubs, wine bars and other favoured hunting grounds, featuring posters of well known carriers like Stephen Fry, Owen Jones and Julien Clarey.

      • There’ll be a campaign soon to eradicate the disease that is heterosexuality. Whispers of ‘he’s a hetro’.

      • Yes it’s like trying to stop addiction to nicotine by sticking nicotine patches on the body. When I was trying to quit the tabs by using patches I used to wake up and think “I can’t wait for my patch!”

    • Take care Dick. Farmers are at greater risk. You need to take steps to avoid those old rusty ploughshares and take care you don’t fall into the slurry pit!

  4. There should be a a cure for snowflakiness as well, as this seems to spreading at analarming rate, especially for cunts under the age of 40

  5. My missus has just found the latest series of “Grimm” on fucking Netflix and is about to binge watch the whole lot at high volume.
    I’d likt to die now please…

  6. Good Nom Bertie. There was a very rare programme challenging prevailing orthodoxy on this. ‘The Doctor that doesn’t prescribe’ or something like. Yeah got to the end of each consultation…silence. The people waiting…’Well, what do I get?’ Nothing. Just healthy living advice no medication. Many angry. But it went back to some of them later and they were pleased that they weren’t given drugs. That they had finally broken the cycle of taking one pill to counteract another pill to counteract another pill to counteract another…
    When I pick my sister’s meds up I almost have take them to her in a wheelbarrow. That many but she was a nurse and convinced she needs all of them and flies off the handle if you even broach the subject. I know she is in chronic pain but she takes one pill for one thing and another pill for another. I would have thought the doctors would simplify it. Anyway, a medical word is apt here; it is a ‘symbiotic’ relationship with doctors and the drug companies.

    • An interesting story Miles. At least some recent research is looking at combining some medications in to one tablet.
      I’ve taken as many as four tablets at one time for high blood pressure. I welcome the latest idea of combining three tablets in to one which enables them to cut the dose down of each one.

    • Now that I’m back on some illicit Naproxen, kindly donated by a friend whose inner tube can’t cope with it, I can walk up the stairs more or less without having to cling on to bannister rail, scream in agony, or lookling like a spasticated crab.

      My GP never gave me any creible reason for stopping the prescription; said they’d sooner give 3 or 4 steroid injections per year.
      I guess they get paid more for doing that; just a pity they don’t have any effect.
      Belinda’s Wetminster Diary.
      Oliver Letwin is an odious arsewipe.
      Jon Bon Jerkoff sounded as if he had got his nads trapped in his wife’s haircurlers.
      The sight of so many Rt. Dishon. MPs caused me to pass a not inconsiderable motion, and break Letwind copiously.

      For once I am grateful to the cheese-eating, snail-shagging, granny-sniffing President of l’Hexagone, who has said a delay is impossible.
      With any luck the remoaniacs are so blinkered they may have shot themselves in the foot; I believe that the EU are as pissed of as most of us are.
      Iain Blackhole is a ScottishNaziParty fatbastard.

  7. Great nom Blunty?
    These massively powerful pharmaceutical companies are not beyond bribing and paying of people,
    And they push G.Ps to shift the stock whether you need it or not.
    You mentioned statins theyre pushing them at moment, awhile back it was asthma inhalers, doctor told me I needed one!
    Not asthmatic never have been
    Never had a asthma attack, was a mild chest infection!
    I didnt take his prescription an ive not been doctors in years, still not asthmatic, but am deeply suspicious of
    Doctors and definitely pharma companies. Cunts.

    • Spot on MNC. It’s illegal for doctors to accept cash gifts but these companies spend over £100 million a year offering “hospitality and inducements.”
      This is to NHS doctors who choose the medicines, not GP’s.

  8. A modern day medical miracle is how Steve Bray’s voice has not cracked. How his voice has not gone I will never know. He has been shouting ‘Stop Brexit’ day and night for months. He ought to be considered for the Guinness Book of Records for the person who has shouted the longest.

    • Better he tried for the “how many times can you get kicked with steel toecapped boots before you die” record. Cunt…

      • An august journal (Viz) once proposed that Doc Martens were preferable to steel toe boots if the aim was to enjoy administering or viewing a fucking good kicking. Seems the steel caps killed the kickee too quickly at which all the fun ended.

  9. I can’t support this nom, pharma companies are businesses like anyone other with the exception that they have to jump through more hoops than most others.

    It is true that some have given antibiotics a wide birth but others are actively looking at and supporting companies who are looking at new mechanisms to attack the bacteria, new antibiotics have been introduced in recent years but they are essentially based on existing routes to kill the bugs.

    Side effects from drugs are not built in, the research into effects of metabolites have to be assessed along with secondary effects of drug substance itself.

    You may have guessed that I worked or have worked in the pharmaceutical industry and you would be right and I can agree that some sales techniques may not always be ethical.
    The research into finding new drugs including antibiotics is an expensive business and has to be paid for, it is unfortunate that 5 to 10 years of research, clinical trials approvals and manufacture has to be met by the patient or in our case the NHS.

    It may be better to cunt the medical profession who over the years have given antibiotics out like fucking sweeties!

    • I agree, like all businesses, Pharma companies have to make a profit. However, many of them are greedy, money grabbing bastards who wouldn’t know the meaning of “ethical”. They are driven to making fat profits for their shareholders. Fuck globalisation, as many are huge global companies who have a vested interest in keeping the UK in the EU.

  10. Very accurate cunting. In addition to overprescribing there is also the medical roundabout. Go to one doctor with a problem and he or she refers you to another doctor. Then maybe that doctor says you need testing, which involves seeing more doctors. This whole pantomime is a rort and I try to avoid doctors and medication. I do take supplements like fish oil, glucosamine etc. though. I numb the pain of growing old by running and heaving weights around.

    • Omega 3 gives you cancer. I heard it on the news. Eggs give you salmonella Edwina Currie said so. Fish and chip shops give you crabs. Swine flu kills you MSM said so. Bird flu kills everyone by the year 2010. Climate change will kill everything by 1984. A new ice age is coming by today. Nuclear war will kill everything by 1960. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

      • You know what is not going to kill any fucker? Marijuana/cannabis whatever you want to call it. Why this medicinal plant was ostracized was because some big business cunt wanted to make his own fucking rope. The propaganda against ‘hemp’ was blown way out of proportion of actual facts. Now think about the facts in our diverse society against the propaganda back in the 50s. Negros smoke weed = very bad. So seeing as we are a diverse society, negros = great, surely it’s allowed to openly smoke weed? Or does that not fit with the agenda?

      • John Major gives you more peas for your buck !
        And probably a decades-old fungal infection he got from you-know-who…

  11. don’t forget the work of David Noakes and his partner Lynn Thyer, who was extradited from this corrupt cuntry to France where she has tried to kill herself – sterling work on anti cancer cure called GcMAF – check it out – big harma and this present regime locked them up – cunts – go look it up and find out extent of big pharma on people trying to find cures

    • Noakes and Thyer are Quacks who fleeced hundreds of desperate cancer sufferers. Go back to worshiping Andy Devine you idiot.

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