Emma Barnett (2)

Emma Barnett deserves a monumental cunting.

This fucking retard of the BBC has been stating that if men had periods, they would get time off work. Really? Unlike you females who get maternity leave and can easily come back to work, or you’ll sue for discrimination!
She also states that women are suffering from ‘period poverty’ whatever the fuck that means because unlike men they have to buy tampons every 3 weeks. Hang on a minute…that may be true, but I work in an office and I am expected to be clean-shaven everyday, even if I was to use a disposable razor every day, that’s £20 a month, a box of cunt plugs is just £3 for 28, so lets assume 56 for 7 days (that’s 8 per day) = £6 a month.

Hardly £20 a month is it?
#fuckthebbc #fuckemmabarnett #fuckperiodpoverty

Nominated by Sheilas Shitty Knickers

86 thoughts on “Emma Barnett (2)

  1. Crikey, what an anoying bitch though if she shut up about femi-issues, I might let her swallow the magnanimous man-yoghurt.


    • I think the female WW2 Russian tank drivers had some good ideas – you didn’t hear them whingeing.

  2. This is not the first outburst of its kind.
    I would like a women and children first referendum.
    if they vote yes I will continue to hold doors open and go down with the ship.
    On the condition that they shut up.
    if it’s a no vote, they can rock on (learn to swim) and open their own fucking doors.

    • Periods? Shaving?
      Whats this ladi-da ladies nonsense?!
      Just do the job and take a minute to dry yer eyes Emma!
      Your on a cushy number with no discernible skill, count yourself lucky and bring me a brew luv!
      Theyres a good girl.

  3. Men have been dying like fly’s for hundreds of thousands of years without a day off to feed and protect their families. Blob blob isn’t the same thing. Cunt.

    • Yes, it’s called a mooncup. Like a large rubbery eggcup stuffed up the crack, it’s supposed to retain fluids until it can be emptied and washed out. Yuck!

      • Shit! I thought it was a posh ketchup bowl! Bern dipping chips in one for 2weeks!?

    • Exactly. I can identify as a blob sufferer any day of the week , which necessitates buying jam rags and having time off work. This person needs sacking for her gender blindness and blatant promotion of hate thought.
      It’s amazing the Nazi trash the BBC are employing these days.

      • They never stop. Always crying out for equality which translates to getting the better end of the deal. Moaning bleeders.

  4. She’s talking out of her fetid minge

    A quick Google will show you can buy a packet of Tampons (72) for about 12 quid!

    So in terms of priorities for young poor bints, is it Tampons first or your mobile phone contract?

    • The first thing Boris should do post Brexit is abolish VAT which makes up 20% of both blob and piss pants

  5. A very considered poem for this cunt.

    I’d fuck you bareback whilst you were on,
    A slap you in the face after with my stained schlong,
    I’d stick my tongue up your arsehole for free,
    No need for tampons and toilet paper when you’re with me,

    Go fuck yourselves.

    • If that doesn’t woo her then she is a 5* cunt B&WC. After that little ditty you should be expecting a call for a special position of ‘Poet Laureate – Voice of Da Yoot’ to be created.

      • They could choose a lot worse than me LL for the new role. I have a lot of experiences in the seedier side of life to draw upon for new material.

      • A collaboration with Dick Fiddler, gritty urban multiculturalism meets rural northern English bluntness. Its a winner!

    • That is beautiful BWC, I’m having trouble typing because the tears are dripping on my keyboard. God bless.

      • Thank you for your kind words… I’ve always thought of myself as a poet. I have often thought the world would appreciate my modern approach, I’ve been held back by society not appreciating me for my erotic poems.

      • We see the poet here tackling the issue of modern female menstruation in a remarkably frank and open way. In a daring use demotic language he takes the subject in a wholly unexpected direction. He doesn’t concern himself with how difficult or awkward love-making when she ‘on’. No, he simply asserts his masculnity as the answer to the ‘problem’. By extension of course he is inserting this virility into the poem-I mean how keenly we feel those two words ‘stained schlong”. Although a minor piece this a daring response to the reality of ‘Lady Days’ in modern women. I welcome this new ‘voice’ in our letters.

      • A riveting and most appreciated review MP, do you have any connections to help my work reach a wider audience of fellow poets?

    • Reminds me, B&WC, that in John Betjeman’s last interview (which took place, somewhat contrary to elf ‘n’ safety guidelines, dangerously close to a cliff-edge, given that he was in a wheelchair, with terminal Parkinson’s…) he was asked if he ever had any regrets. His answer ?
      “Not having had more sex.”
      Dom’t see you having any probs in this dept. !!

      Btw, I’d bang her senseless, which I don’t think should take too long.

      • Who needs the Times Literary Supplement or New York Review of Books when we have ISAC and its team of critics? Thanks BWC for inspiring this highbrow discussion. Trying to think what rhymes with your favourite word and could only come up with “charcoal”. Maybe you could use it in your next poem. It may not rhyme but it is an example of assonance I believe and could get you a Nobel Prize for Literature like Bob Dylan. Go for it!

      • Rhymes with charcoal mmm…. Maybe there is inspiration there for B&W with his interest in arseholes? It could became subsidiary theme in his book-the section beginning with a poem-‘The Charcoal Arsehole’ in which he explores (with his pen not his tongue) the black female arsehole. How it differs from the white arsehole or Oriental arseholes. Different textures? Different colouration…that kind of thing. Good suggestion Mr P.

      • Cheers Cuntymort, Mr Polly I am working on new material but as you can tell by the hard work that went into my latest effort above it takes time.

      • Forget “charcoal” MP. The Muse has inspired me. BWC I hereby offer you the first two lines of your epic autobiographical poem that will put Wordsworth´s “Prelude” in the shade and raise you to Shakespearean heights.
        “As I was about to put my tongue up her arsehole
        The postman arrived with a parcel.”

      • Now B&W Mr P and myself have set you on the road to poetic immorality. You have your major themes-the arsehole and being ‘on the blob’. It is now timd for you to ‘ride on the wings poesy’.

    • Soiled my drawers. Luckily the Mrs will have to wash,starch and iron them before she get a day off.

  6. There was some wiminz footballers banging on about girls excluded from sport due to period poverty, what bollocks!

    The BBC has just gone off script, had some Baroness Butler-Sloss (I think that was her name) actually giving a real view of all the fuckers trying to get in the UK, undesirables, Albanian gangs, need better checks on freight coming into the UK, look at the Australian model of preventing illegal entry…..
    Oooops, the BBC didn’t do their homework on this lady.

    CUnts now saying the truck came from Zeebrugge into Purfleet and the Bulgarians say the truck didn’t come from there …… what a cock up already!

  7. Surely this woman deserves a spot on Pointless Celebrities – such an apt name for a British media programme – good cunting Ma’am

  8. Excellent cunting, this silly little bitch reckons “that if men had periods, we’d never hear the end of it – and they’d take days of work all of the time.” Strange how women keep really quiet about them then, considering this thick twat has just released a whole fucking book about it called ‘Period’ – to help you find your ‘period pride’. Stupid, sexist, fucking cunt. Anyway, I never heard Mr Blobby complain about them.

  9. They say a womans work is never done, that’s why women are paid less,due to so much time off work cuz the painters are in, and lets not to mention the fucking ear ache everyone else has to endure and you cant generally fuck them when their on, so a few quid on snatch dowels is neither here nor there, when men get as much time off work than women it would be fair enough for the bitches to moan, but until then stop moaning and suck some cock, and when your done there crack on with the ironing you lazy, whinging cunt.

  10. White middle class women in the west. Work for a few years, get knocked up, have a few years off to raise said chavvies and then can only go back to work part time even though the kids are in their teens. Fuck me give us a bang on that gravy train please.
    Actually I can see a problem. If I had to spend five mins with those extinction rebellion type breast feeding cunts I might just end up inside Strangeways.

  11. I like the way she puts her glasses right on the tip of her nose so that she has to cock her head back in order to look through them at her interviewee like she’s some massive intellect.

    Unfortunately the sound of the butterflies bouncing around inside her empty head gives the game away!

    Here she is at her most cuntish, striving to take Ann Widdecombe’s words completely out of context (and failing miserably – well done Ann):



    • Fucking hell. Haddock-faced Barnett is exceptionally hard of thinking. Fucking slaves indeed; what shit has she been smoking?

      Piss of you moon-faced arsehole.

  12. Period poverty my arse. What’s more of a problem with rag week is something that they, and that bint in particular don’t dare mention, is the real issue of menstruation being looked on as being dirty by cultures, or religions practiced by these cultures, and their kids are shit scared of mentioning it because of it. Women aren’t even welcome in their places of worship if they are up on blocks. That may be acceptable back from whence they originated, but it poses a real dilemma here. It was sort of approached recently, but the girls in the adverts were mostly white, thus avoiding the real issue. It stood out, because there were too many white people in it, not like normal advertising.

  13. A perfect cunting, I fucking despise this BBC cunt, I would cave her skull in with a shovel.
    This cunt claims Men would have time off work if they had ‘periods’ – FUCK OFF.
    She also claims women are in ‘period poverty’ – FUCK OFF.
    So some slag bleeds for a week and it costs her £4 in scuddy towels, yet us Men have to be clean shaven 5 days a week and Gilette want £8 for 4 fucking blades which last 2 weeks maximum –
    Women = £4 a month
    Men = £16 a month

    Fuck off Emma Barnett, you fucking spastic BBC ‘waman’

    • I really need to stop snorting coke, chuggin’ JD and smoking bath salts – That’s my cunting 🙂

      • It’s not clear without punctuation. Is it ‘sheila’s shitty knickers’ (possess the shitty knickers) or ‘sheila shitty-knickers’? A proper name. Maybe it refers to Australian women. But in that case wouldn’t you still need an apostrophe? ‘sheilas’ shitty knickers’. To dentote posession of said shiity knickers.

    • Women don’t fucking understand. They are men’s periods. If they didn’t have a cunt you’d throw rocks
      At them.

  14. They cost even more when I’ve gotta unblock the bog/outside drain coz my mrs or daughters have blocked the fucker up with jamrags, wipes and makeup sponges, also costs a lot in beer down the boozer the 5 days a month i have to spend down there to get away from the miserable bitch

  15. i find her appearance very distracting.. there’s the big hair, the oversize glasses. the loud lipstick and the gawdy ,over bright clothing. . hurts the eyes.

  16. Blokes buy the Johnnies. And great point about shaving. Wimmins will claim that they shave too (legs and pits) but they don’t need to do it every day or have to shave their faces. Unless their name is Jess Phillips, of course.

    Furthermore, men are bigger and have to buy more food and drink. Men need more calories than women. Fact. And we are bigger (on average) and use more soap and big roll too. I can easily go through half a roll if I have a big dump.

    • True, unless you are of the soy boy build and then you buy extra food for your obese, insane girlfriend.

  17. She also suffers from the Jamie Oliver affliction, the fat tongue. Perhaps Barnett has a tongueshare arrangement with Jamie Oliver and Litha Nandy, hand shandy.

  18. If you’re that poor, go into a public toilet and steal a load of paper, wedge it in your knickers and make your own Always Ultra. Take as much paper as you can for the next 5 days – shove some in your pockets, in your bra cups and down the back of your knickers and up your jumper. Job done and ta da.

    There is no such thing as period poverty as long as there is a pub and a McDonalds in every high street.

  19. I remember a limerick that combines Black & White Cunt’s objective to integrate poetry with periods. Here’s how it goes.

    A lovely young vampire named Mabel
    Had periods exceptionally stable
    One night, with a spoon
    By the light of the moon
    She drank herself under the table

  20. Thanks RT. Here is one of my poems. Genuinely I wonder what you think….(Mr P, Miserable anyone)


    Travelling through the countryside,
    Her manner so self-composed,
    Her make-up perfectly applied,
    The stylish expensive clothes.

    Considering the new ‘Collection’
    Whether to powder her nose,
    Contemplating her reflection,
    Or the passing hedgerows…?

    • That’s quite good Miles. Just need to give it two more verses and improve the title.

      • I’ll second that Bertie, except keep the title Miles, it’s is a nice play on words.

        Btw Bertie… Boris’s Brexit bill… didn’t I do well? First I predicted he’d win by 13 votes… then revised upwards to 30… and I was SPOT FUCKING ON!

        So how much did you rake in at the bookies?

      • well done RTC!
        Never went for it in the end so I lost money as usual with football!

    • I’d give it a simple one word title like Reflections or Image.
      Reflections can then mean the glass reflection and then in two extra verses you could concentrate on her reflections I.e what she is thinking about.

      • Thanks Bertie. Yes it needs to be more substantial.- more verses.
        I was thinking beforehand though. Maybe I spot her on the platform, .then her walking down the aisle of the train, putting her luggage overhead, taking her seat.
        Easier said than done.
        Glad you got the image though-is she looking OUT the window or at her reflection IN the window?
        The title? Yes, again, maybe too….flippant. I am always guilty ( even with what I post on here ) for going for a play on words too easily rather what is appropriate.
        Thanks for your thoughts.

      • I look forward to reading your updated version Miles!
        Romanticism is alive and well and reborn through cuntism.

  21. Another piece of poetry I like is:

    There was a young fellow called Dave
    Who found a dead whore in a cave
    He said “Oh what luck,
    A lovely cold fuck,
    And think of the money I’ll save”

    • And speaking about fanny poetry, here’s my contribution.

      There was a young lady named Heather.

      Who’s fanny was just like old leather.

      She attracted the boys
      By making a noise.

      By flapping its edges together.

  22. Women who moan about so-called period poverty and the price of tampons should pop down to Poundland.
    Also, stop buying several handbags. You only have two hands.
    The same goes with shoes and clothes in general.
    Don’t waste your money getting an expensive haircut.
    Makeup should be just for clowns.
    Get off Facebook and twitter.
    Stop watching Sex and the City.
    Stop reading glossy magazines.
    Celebrity world is fake and bullocks.
    Learn to make your own clothes.
    Stop moaning about wage gap that doesn’t exist.
    Stop holding up two items of clothes and asking someone to choose then make a fuss they didn’t pick the other one.
    Have confidence in yourself.
    Stop moaning about childbirth.
    Stop asking for an opinion and get grumpy about the response.
    If you can’t afford something don’t buy it.
    Go live in Russia for a few months then come back enlightened and humbled.

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