British Expats

British expats are cunts.

Now I know there are at least a couple who frequent this very site, however, I’m tarring everyone with the same brush, for I am a cunt and don’t care.

Anyway, British ex pats are kicking up a fuss in Spain, saying that the British government have “forgotten them” in the Brexit process. They’re worried they won’t be able to access free health care once we leave the EU. My response would be, tough shit. If I left my job I wouldn’t expect them to keep paying me, so if you leave Britain to live in Spain, why would you think you’re still entitled to free health care?

Nominated by elboobio

136 thoughts on “British Expats

  1. They fuck off from the UK telling everyone it’s a shithole and a finished country, yet the minute they think old Blighty is starting to pull the rug from their entitlements they start to grizzle and moan and demand their rights as British citizens If you want a say as a citizen of the UK you should have stayed. A nice cunting elboobio.

    • Moaning Wanker Cunts.
      I couldn’t give a shit what they think they’re entitled to !

  2. expat: (n) a person who resides in a nation state which differs from that of his nationality; (archaic) an exile [etym: a contraction of “expatriate” from mediæval Latin ex (out) + patria (native country)]
    (adj) of or relating to such a person; (archaic) expelled from native country
    (verb, trans) send (person or money/valuables) abroad; usu. return to country of origin

    I used to be a real expat, and lived outside the UK for twenty years. Countries of residence included: West¹ Germany, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Turkey, China and Serbia. I am now an expat in the archaic sense above. I’ve been back home since 2006, but increasingly feel alienated and fail to recognise the nation state of my domicile.


    ¹ an homage to the fact that yesterday was “der Tag der Deutschen Einheit”, marking the reunification of Germany. I always get very drunk, in tribute to the great days of Erich Honecker, Walter Ulbricht, and Egon Krenz. They now call this “Ostalgie”, or nostalgia for the “good old days”, but I’ve been getting pissed for thirty years, and basically it’s any old excuse.

  3. Top cunting for some of the most cuntish of all and the most cuntish of these you find from the Costa del Cunt to Benidumb… As it’s the wankers and slags in Spain who make me feel embarrassed to be British…Fat passed it, beer bellied, shit tattooed, West ‘Am’ types with their Pam/Cassandra type bird who is wrinkled and browner than me, smokes a fag within a minute of waking up with cigarette smoking wrinkles around her gob.
    Think they own the unlucky area they live in and think having a shite Paella is exotic. Get a load of these cunts together and they get pissed and loud and show as much class as runny dog shit.
    These pathetic wankers can’t hack it here and run away to be with like minded wankers to try and make some new ‘Colony’…all they do is embarrass this country and yet act more patriotic than someone who actually lives in blighty.
    Then you get the wannabe ‘Essex gangster’ cunt with his peroxide blonde girlfriend types who prance abaaaaht like they are some big timers.
    Fuck them and there shite egg and chip lunches.
    You leave this country permanently your say on anything going here leaves with you… but of course these selfish cunts who left can’t hide their selfishness and have to get involved when things affect them getting the winter fuel allowance or their benefits whilst they aren’t even living here.
    What a load of cunts who were better off not having here anyway.
    No doubt the locals hate these cunts but need their money.
    As for the cunts who get their own bar and call it ‘Nigel and Debbie’s bar’ and try and make a bar that resembles an English one… Why? If I go on holiday its to get away from here and experience a different culture, food and drink etc not sit in some sour looking couples Pub and talk abaaaaht home.
    They can all go fuck themselves and stay there.

    • Morning BwC (everyone)!
      When the kids were little I took them to Crete, Summer so hot as fuck!
      There was a woman there who sat a sun lounger from morning to late afternoon, never moved!
      Her skin looked like tree bark or leather or something,
      I couldnt stop staring it was horrific!
      Missus told me to stop staring but i couldnt, like when you see a bad accident, now I tan fast, an dark, from working outside for years,
      But this cunt looked like shed been dragged from a bonfire,
      Type that moved there then dies of skin cancer.

      • Morning MNC, I know the type you mention… no doubt after getting skin cancer she will be back getting treatment on the NHS flying back an forth 4 times a year.

    • Compelling arguments Sir. Although you do have something in common with these people…

      A shocking grasp of the English language!

      I live in Spain for the outdoor life and the fact that the natives are less knifey.

      But you’re quite right. They left and should have no say over issues back home.

      For that reason, whilst I can still vote in the UK, I don’t.

      • What you on abaaaaht when you say my grasp of the English language is shite? Do you get a winter fuel allowance? What’s wrong with our Weather here? I’ve been all over the world and we have the best weather here.
        Do you visit the UK? Do you still have family here? If you got seriously ill would you stay out there for treatment and allow them to bill the NHS on your behalf as a British citizen or would you fly here and get treatment?
        By the way its a lovely day here… Nice a crisp.
        What say you?

      • Steve, when youve finished patronising BWC could you mark my english homework as well?

      • I’m delighted you are blessed with good weather. Me too.

        Hence, just returned from eating tapas. At Nigel & Veronica’s. Iceland sausage rolls and Carling lager.

        You’re right about retired but I don’t draw a state pension. Too young. Got to wait 21 years to get my hands on that…

        As for healthcare, I have BUPA. Call me a snob but the idea of sharing a room with a complete stranger when I’m under the weather really isn’t appealing. Anywhere.

        Hence, I will never need the NHS or Spanish equivalent.

      • Nigel and Veronica’s sound like British names, I’d go to a proper authentic Spanish tapas bar… Plenty in London and fackin lovely. I bet that Tapas you ate was shite.
        Can you send me some manchego cheese, did you vote remain? Lastly do you plan on returning to the UK.

  4. Whenever I go into town I feel like an expat. Barely an English voice to be heard,
    until I reach the Sainsbury’s checkout, and barely English even then:

    “No, I’m alright thanks.”
    “Foive pand ten then. Neckacar luv?”

    • Morning Tuffers

      The best-spoken workers at the supermarket are the foreigners because they’ve had free English classes. I aim for those as their enunciation is splendid even if their pronunciation is dire.

      Incidentally, have you noticed Sainsbury have stopped with the little transparent fruit/veg bags? Fortunately they’re selling small reusable ones at 30p each. Next we’ll have rent a trolley and pay an entrance fee. Somalian pirates could learn lessons from the cunts that run Sainsbury.

      • Afternoon Capt. Not sure what you’re on about re food bags, I don’t get them from Sainsbury’s anyway.

        Strangely no foreigners on the checkouts either. All over the town but not on the checkouts. Maybe they’re not trusted to handle the cash? Nah, that smacks of common sense.

      • The small bags in which you place loose bananas, onions, broccoli, etc. They’ve stopped them and now charge for a reusable one. I asked why they didn’t give small paper bags and the (native) checkout lady said, “Sainsbury’s don’t giv nuffin away fer free, ha ha ha.” I was going to suggest that her double negative had implied that the greedy cunts give everything away for free but made my excuses and fled.

        You do have a fruit & Veg section up there, don’t you?

      • Yes I do, but last time I looked (a week ago?) those bags were free.

        Besides, 30p sounds a bit excessive for a food bag, reusable or otherwise! The cunts only charge 10p for a shopping bag FFS…

        Will check next time I go in, which should be Monday.

    • Neckacar… Now that sounds like a new perversion; I must try it next time I’m in Sainsbury’s.
      I wonder if it’s anything like “Colin” who got caught with his todger up the exhaust pipe of a Mini Metro ? Or Jon Snot’s vile ties…

      • That’s like a chap I knew, HBH. He remarked that in the 70s he’d shagged a Princess. Alas, he recalled, he’d got his todger stuck in the exhaust pipe.

  5. We’ve already got enough home-grown problems with the NHS without elective skin cancer-contractors wanting to get a bit of the action. The Cockney Wanker types chose to go out there to tan their hides into leather and sit in ‘English Pubs’ smoking and eating egg and chips all day, so they can fucking lie in their own made beds.

    • Wish you lot would stop mentioning egg n chips!
      One of my favourites and im highly suggestable!

    • Spot on.

      If I ever return to Switzerland, I’ll be putting “Political Refugee” on my residence application; I’m not too far off CH passport entitlement. And I’ll bloody well integrate; can’t stand ghettos of any sort, whichever side of the electric fence I’m on.

  6. I have been an expat in Seffrica and I suppose I am an expat in England, though I have lived in England longer than my country of birth. I realised back in the 70s that there was no real difference between Wales and England, or northern England at least. We are all fucked over by the South East, all have a savage sense of humour and are all cunts. I don’t know what this fucking ramble is about except to support the cunting and point out that Gibraltarians are even bigger cunts.

  7. An older sibbling of one of my friends decided to leave Britain for America years ago, saying the country was finished and has always run it down.

    Now Brexit is looming he starts kicking up a fuss because it means he cant visit italy and france on his dual citizenship, or some selfish bollocks.

  8. There’s nowt so patriotic as a cunt that doesn’t live in the fucking country they’re so patriotic about. The Welsh and Scottish living in England are two of the worst types for those shenanigans. ‘I Love Wales/Scotland’ stickers adorn their motors? Yeah? Why aren’t you living there, then, eh?

    • Seems alien to me living in another country like dumping Jane Seymour to go live with Diane Abbott.
      Some people like the sunny weather an that, but id be homesick as I got on the plane!
      But each to there own, just because you no longer live in beautiful british isles doesnt mean your no longer british!
      Weve allways been colonists, india africa, etc how we run our empire,
      The thick locals needed a englishman with a bangbang stick to show them how.

      • I agree MNC, they are of course still British but should not get involved in matters going on here if they decide to live elsewhere…unless they come back and live in the UK.

      • Agree mate, cant have it all!
        Go live in another country but dont tell those of us who live here how to do things!
        Brexits great isnt it BWC?
        Stirred up a right hornets nest, people hysterical, an crying!
        I fucking love it!!?

      • Haha I agree MNC about Brexit… Only thing is though what’s gonna be the next big ongoing political crisis? The break up of the union?

      • Possibly! Or our impending trade deals with the US?
        While i find Donny Tango funny and agree with a lot he says/does, hes not the most stable of characters!
        Lefties will be inconsolable with him as a main trading partner!
        Yeehaw!! Build that wall! Lock her up!

      • “His Majesty’s dominions, on which the sun never sets.”
        (Christopher North)

      • Morning Cuntflap.

        Not bad thanks. The Empire ruled! Have never doubted that “to be born an Englishman is to win first prize in the lottery of life.”

        Until recently. Now it’s more like the booby prize.

        This country is finished.

      • Cheer up Rtc, the booby prize is on the next nom, by the way!
        All this country needs is a good audit, bit of a springclean, hand out a few p45s at westminster.

      • Things have gone beyond the point of no return Miserable. Every institution is rotten to the core. Westminster is just the tip of the poisoned iceberg. This sickness is all encompassing.

        I understand your need to remain optimistic, after all you have sprog. I, on the other hand, am free to dispense with the rose coloured spectacles and see things objectively. Thank Dog I’m almost dead.

        Time for coffee and milk chocolate digestives methinks. Cheered up already mate!

      • Good dont like to think of you miserable mate, besides thats my job!
        Sprog@ hes 25yrs 6ft 5in know it all!??

      • Dumping Jane Seymour that could never happen !!, I can still see her being carried aloft by the umbongo’s in Live and Let Die, pure heaven, worth twagging off school to see that one

    • Yep you took the words right out of my mouth These Jocks and Taffs with their car stickers saying how great their Country is but have lived in England most of their life’s I went to school with a couple of these fake Jocks from 11 years old total fucking hypocrites in there Celtic shirts in Mansfield? If Scotland is so great fuck off back there and don’t come back The same to you taffs depart back to the Valley

      • Listen you cunt. If it wasn’t for my work teaching Yorkies how to use cutlery the cunts would still be banging on about how great and generous the tight fisted cunts are.

      • You can say what you want about Yorkies I’m not one of them but If you are a teacher? You need re-educating Mansfield is in Nottinghamshire not Yorkshire

      • I know where fucking Mansfield is. My missionary work was in fucking Yorkshire.

  9. If course the irony is these wankers in Spain etc are probably eating their full English breakfast (one of the greatest meals invented in my opinion) and saying ‘Too many immigrants, Thats why we left’ without realising they are immigrants themselves and that the poor locals are moving to get away from them.
    What a pile of cunt.

    • I disagree Francis, a lot of these cunts fuck off there and want all the benefits of being in Britain… Like the fuel allowance, medical care and wanting to vote in the referendum which a lot of the cunts did and no doubt voted remain. Maybe if these cunts didn’t vote remain we would have had a bigger majority and Brexit would have been done by now.
      So all this mess is their selfish faults.
      They can go fuck themselves.

      • You also say they pay taxes there… fine, they’re not paying any here though are they. Yet they want a vote, heating allowance to spend out there fattening themselves up and Healthcare funded indirectly by the NHS.

      • Bloody hell. Trust me to miss a cracking good cunting by “lying in.”
        I think expats are really nice people as illustrated by the one who went for Ron’s throat in the nom the other day.
        Many have a loathing for their country of birth. That’s the prerogative of those who live here so fuck off. Besides I agree completely with all B&W said. “We loved Spain so much darling, we decided we’d spend one long holiday there.”

  10. The word ex pat sounds like a cow pat that is no longer a cow pat.

    Or postman Pat changing his name.

      • How’s the spiders doing , Spoons?
        Ive got a new addition, a hedgehog that keeps turning up at the backdoor!
        Think its coming for bits of food the dogs left outside?

      • I think they’re doing ok thanks, MNC.
        I sat mesmerised watching one knitting a web.

        Be careful not give hedgehogs bread and milk.

        How you doing?

      • Im good thanks mate!
        Packing the dogs holiday bag?
        Think the hedgehogs after the windfall apples or dogs treats in garden,
        Or maybe fresh water in water trough.
        Nice to see though!
        Also feed foxes and a badger.
        Animal lover like your good self.

      • Only true blue british hedgehogs Anne!
        Foreign ones can fuck off they get nowt of me cept a steel toe boot up the harris!?

  11. I was going to write an essay about living out here in rural Spain but can’t be bothered as it seems everyone thinks ex pat’s ( I hate that phrase) are all like the Costa cunts. Many of us have taken residency and have to pay private insurance to get healthcare. We also pay into the system and are not trying to scrounge a free ride
    .sorry if we do occasionally enjoy a fry up instead of boiled donkey bollocks for breakfast every day but I thought all races and creeds like to eat their own type of food , be it Indian, Chinese, Italian, rice and pea etc.

    • You’ve probably git a higher ratio of Brits in your vicinity than most towns in the UK. 50% of the people in my town are either Dooshka-Dooshkas jabbering away (“Korrr-va, Korrr-va, Korrr-va”) or Ooga-Doogas clicking away in North African (“Ga-dowa, Ga-DOWA, oogi-doogi”).

      Everybody eats their native food, hence we have Dooshka shops everywhere providing Communist sausages, smuggled-in, nasty Polish fags, and prang/dope/pills. I have to cross the road, unable to pass in front, as the odour is skin to Jess Phillips exposing her front arse.

    • Glad you didn’t the old adage Birds of a Feather and When in Rome
      Ex Pats and that’s what you are no getting away from it

      • I am an immigrant not an expat, such an old fashioned colonial term. Do you class the goat shaggers and their like as expats?

      • Yes as MNC says Parasites
        Ex Pats the truth always hurts it’s not Colonial it’s fact You might also want to change your avitar perhaps to a Spanish Waiter or something similar?

      • Good idea. I will change mine when you change yours to a big hairy minge, you talk like a cunt.

      • Yep Ex Twats like you sounds like you did us all a favour leaving the UK Easy giving abuse via a keyboard I’d have thought someone of your age would have known better Keep rubbing in the sun cream

      • Hasn’t the abuse been two way or am I missing something? Was trying to make the point that just because a few bellends protest on the coast we are all the same. We are not but I’m just wasting my time trying to fight my corner. Never mind, I will keep enjoying this site, keep my gob shut and apologies for living my life as I choose too. thought UK was still a country of freedom and choice.

      • It has to be noted I tarred everyone with the same brush, but I’m fully aware there must be some who pay their own way and expect nothing more from Britain. If it’s true you’re one of them, I salute you. But you must have expected no less a response from us cunts.

      • To be honest most of us really don’t give a flying fuck how you live your life in a Spain If you are happy with it just get on with it but don’t give us grief via your keyboard because you don’t like mine or other comments about Ex Pats

  12. So we’ve got millions of immos feeding off us, even more filthy traitors wanting to sell us off to a foreign power and millions of bastards who have run off like cowardly cunts but still want to have their say and have their arses patched up by the NHS. Fuck ‘em. You fucked off so stay fucked off.
    And fuck Gibraltar. The cunts voted 96% remoan so give it to the dagoes they love so much. Two bob traitor bastards.

  13. Also never voted for anything in UK since been out here.voted here for our local mayor as he affects our local issues. Don’t think our two votes for Brexit would have made much difference anyway as you cunts are being shafted despite winning the vote.

    • ‘Don’t think our two votes for Brexit would have made much difference anyway’… I don’t know which way or if you voted. It’s that attitude that’s fucked everything up. If you’d voted leave with the hordes of other traitors sorry I mean ‘Expats’ then it would have made a massive difference and could have been a much much bigger majority. If you voted remain then that speaks for itself.
      You vote for your local Mayor as it affects your local issues.
      Tell me have you learned the local language? Do the local natives say ‘I wish all these foreign cunts would fuck off?
      If I asked to vote in Spain or wherever they’d tell me to fuck off… We should say the same to the traitors sorry I mean ‘Expats’.

  14. Morning Cuntflap!
    Yes starting to heat up nicely isnt it??
    Luckily im always careful to post discreet inoffensive material,
    When the fightings finished do you fancy checking the bodies with me?
    Go 50/50 on any money &wedding rings?

    • Good to have a bit of narky banter now and again, bit of fun. Be a boring old world if we all agreed with each other all the time. I have to suffer the pain of being an immo and a gooner. A whole world of pain.

      • Dont take it ti heart sir Mali, immigration is a hot topic and especially during brexit period, passionate subject.
        Your not allowed back either!!?

      • Judging from the comments from you lot I might just stay here, the reception committee at Stansted could be hostile. May have to sneak over the channel on my crocodile shaped lilo to visit the family.

      • Wear a letterbox costume, youll be picked up by boat rushed to the mainland then whisked off by taxi with few quid in your pockets and a choice of new council house!

      • Dear god. Imagine the outcry if a fucking expat ( I really hate that term ) had the cheek to return and get a free house. I would never sleep soundly again.

  15. Too true. I was just saying the same to my gay ginger farmer partner as we were getting our bicycles out to go for a spin to our favourite vegan restaurant.

  16. The simple fact is this, you fucked off as Blighty wasn’t good enough for you anymore so you’ve got no say in anything that goes on here unless you come back and apologise for voting remain and pay some taxes.
    Don’t be trying to get sympathy with the old ‘we pay taxes here’ and private health care bollocks.
    You have been a gift to the EU in that they have used you as a bargaining tool against us, so you have helped the enemy.
    You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
    Enjoy your watered down spirits and shite beer and go fuck yourselves.

    • You’re on great form today Black and White! What’s more the HT score is Brighton 2 Spuds 0.
      Where’s Irritating Yank when you need him? ?

      • Ain’t seen him for a while BBU, he went a bit quiet after the Champions League final. ???

    • Have learned the language. Locals are fine as when we register here, any increase in population, be it Spanish or foreign, they get money from the local government that goes to the village and benefits everyone. Didn’t think it was such a crime for anyone to move to a different country be it Europe, USA, Australia. If we all stayed where we was supposed to I wouldn’t be around as mother’s side is Swedish, a white and white cunt you could say. What’s your excuse?

      • ‘Locals are fine as when we register here, any increase in population, be it Spanish or foreign, they get money from the local government that goes to the village and benefits everyone’.
        I don’t get any benefit and I think you mean they get money from the EU… Which means money from us in the UK because we pay more in than we get out.
        The more and more I hear from you the more it’s seems your on the make. You renting your house out in England?
        I’m a half black and half white cunt born in England… The difference is if I fucked off somewhere and started draining another country and my own via the EU I’d pretend I knew naffink abaaaaht it. I wouldn’t dream of voting in the UK and I wouldn’t believe my opinion mattered as I left my country to live elsewhere.
        PS I went to Sweden once… fackin lovely and I have Swedish neighbors so I ain’t Swedaracialist.

    • B&W, I’ve never known you to become so emotional, you’re usually so laid back. Anger can cause high blood pressure and complications with the ticker. Take it easy my friend, I’m beginning to worry about you.

      • I’m fine Allan, I think I have become radicalised by the Brexit party.
        I’ll be fine tomorrow.

      • I suppose I will have to accept that people think that us immigrants to foreign shores are cunts who milk the UK and the EU. Moan about everything but run back when we need anything for free, vote when we don’t have the right and generally act the cunt in our villas on the coast. Fortunately we are not all like that but hey, something to live with. Now I know how the 17.4 million must feel when they are labelled as Nazis . Tarred with same brush.

      • B&W cunt. Calm down and get your tongue up some slaaaag’s arse. All will be well.

  17. There was an ex-pat on here a few years ago called Birdman who lived in Gibraltar. He suddenly disappeared, possibly dead or in prison. Funny feller though.

    • I remember him CM, a good laugh he lives/lived in Spain and worked in Gibraltar. I think he got banned.
      What happened to Jane-Arse… Cunt baaaaaaaaah

      • Birdman didn’t get banned. But he did post a few times (before disappearing) about having a mysterious illness or summat. Hope he’s ok.

      • Saxon and Skidmark Eggfart were entertaining as was Jane-Arse…..baaaaahh!

      • Looks like it. Lengthy impenetrable verse with f-f-f-footnotes. Not my glass of tea.

      • Skidmark was banned… fucking brilliant cunter… got a bit too lippy with admin if memory serves.

        Saxon still posts over at Dioclese’s place now and again.

      • Good afternoon HBH, Flora and RTC. The lizard, although correct, is an imposter. He/she is not really a dragon but a monitor. The school monitor.
        There was no attempt at stealth on my part (I couldn’t give a fuck, obviously).

        I didn’t get banned, I got bored. Ironic really: it was boredom which led me to comment in the first place, and I got fed up with moderation BS. Nothing to do with Admin, but some problem with dynamically-assigned IP addresses. courtesy of my ISP, Vodafone.

        I haven’t been reincarnated as a can of furniture polish, but as a weed burning flamethrower (hence the X300). Now my “secret is out”, I think I might wait until we leave the EU and then come back as Mike Yarwood doing a Boris Johnson impersonation.

  18. Let’s hope the Spanish flu makes a comeback in Spain and parts of Portugal and stops there as well.
    All these expats would be on an easyJet flight back here quicker than a Somalian getting to the benefits office.

  19. All expats should get a visit from Don Logan. If they come back and ‘do the fuckin job’ then they are entitled to a peaceful expat life.

  20. When I’ve been on holiday to Spain I have been embarrassed to even admit that I am English
    These Ex Pats or are they Twats? Fat gangster types with their peroxide blonde wife’s/girlfriends on their arms fake Rolex watches eating fish and chips and all day full English breakfasts swilled down with Lager in the Brit Bars that frequent the Costa
    These fat horrible bastards who sit in the sun all day long eating drinking and smoking with the skin appearance of brown human saddle bags banging on about Blighty being fucked and full of foreigners these stupid wankers are in point of fact foreigners in Spain themselves.Soon as we are out of the EU these wankers need a total reality check a 90 ruling if you are out of the Uk you don’t qualify for anything only your pension nothing else that inc No voting, any medical care, and the biggest piss take ever The Winter Fuel Allowence . Who thought that one up? If you want to live in Spain and run our Country down that’s fine but fund it yourself don’t expect the UK Tax Payer to do it for you Don’t forget your sun cream . Ex Pats are total cunts

    • Dont ever be embarrassed to be english George!
      Fuck what foreign cunts think!
      Your a prince amongst men by benefit of birthright!??
      Know what you mean about daft cunts making us look bad though,
      Im a ambassador for our country wherever i go!

      “You there! Yes you Miguel or manuael whatever your called,
      Chop chop!
      Carry those bags to my quarters theres a good boy!
      Oh and wash your hands first!
      Don’t want greasy handprints on it!

      • Don’t worry MNC I won’t wise words from a fellow Northerner I hope you are well bud nice reply regards from Mansfield

      • Good cheers George!
        Fighting fit and full of venom!
        Packing my wellies and weatherproofs for a holiday in Derbyshire!??
        Fuck the costa del sol ?

      • Yes fuck the Costa del Sol ?
        Derbyshire you say enjoy it buddy A good greeting to them when you are on their patch Ay Up Me Duck enjoy ?

  21. As the picture suggests, these cunts are not expats. They are not living outside of their native country to return at some date….they are immigrants who have fucked off out of this country, dropping it like a ton of hot shit because the grass is greener on the other side and the standard of living is apparently better.

    Well apparently NOT because as soon as they (usually) get sick, they suddenly become all teary-eyed and nostalgic for Blighty, AKA, they want to get treated for free on the good old free-for-all (except it isn’t, because UK taxpayers prop that shit up so every freeloading fucker can have it free) that is the National Health Service.

    This is a subject very close to home for me. My Dad was in the Royal Navy for 10 years. He had a ‘best’ friend in the Navy who when they both left the service promptly fucked off to South Africa and never bothered to even pick up the phone to contact my Dad to see if he was even bloody alive, over the course of some 40 years. A few years ago, now in his 70’s, this bloke suddenly landed back in the country, started claiming benefits, got hotel accommodation swiftly followed by a flat (all paid for by the taxpayers of this country) and then the sudden about face he had as regards returning to the UK became crystal clear….

    ….he had just been diagnosed with prostate cancer, knew well and good that the free care he would get in SA would not be up to par, so he legged it back to the Land of Milk and Honey.

    And what’s more, who did he call as soon as he landed? Oh yeah, my dear old Dad who suddenly became his bestie again. He also managed to cajole £600 out of my Dad to buy himself a second hand car. My Dad claimed he had loaned him the money. I know better as my Dad has the biggest heart around.

    To say my tits were steaming is an understatement.

    These cunts are a laugh a minute too. They don their Union Jacks in their ‘British Clubs’, they usually refuse to fully integrate into their communities or learn the language, expecting everyone to kowtow to them and their ‘me no speaky da lingo’ bullshit…so really they only want what they can take from their new country and give virtually nothing back….much like the very fuckers who land on our shores.

    I have no time for any of them. You made your bed, you fucking lie in it. You cannot have your cake and eat it. If you leave, there is no open door policy when life becomes inconvenient for you in foreign shores. You don’t get to whine and moan about Brexit destabilising your status abroad.

    Frankly you can all go and get fucked.

      • He really is BAWC. He has married a gazillion times too, has spawned sprogs all over the place that he had zero to do with over the years and has this massive sense of entitlement about everything.

        Nothing but a pain in the arse.

    • Excellent piece Nurse C!
      What if and I know it’s a big if, what if we actually leave the EU? Will we see the state pensions of these expats being frozen?
      We must, surely, because that’s what happens to expats living outside the EU in places like Australia.
      Those living in Oceania don’t get yearly increases in the state pension so all the other fuckers should not. You froze out the UK when you left, why should you get increases from a system based on inflation or rise in earnings that don’t apply to you?

      • So my 39 years of tax and national insurance mean fuck all do they? UK is full of lazy, scrounging cunts who have spent most of their lives on benefits and never done a decent days work and still get a decent pension. I also think I am getting a bit of my old man’s pension as the poor fucker died a week after his 65th birthday and never got a chance to spend any of his hard earned. Served from 39 to 46, a lot with Monty. Medals hang proudly on the wall.

      • What the fuck has your father got to do with it?
        On that basis, I should be getting double pension for my father who never ended up drawing a penny.
        He fought in the 8th army as a tank commander, was blown up and ‘lived’ his life full of schrapnel with arthritis before dying at 64.
        Let’s leave the ‘old soldier’ card out of this – that’s an entire different cunting.

      • Thanks BBU.

        My opinion most definitely is that they should be frozen, Fair enough, they are entitled to something as far as they contributed, but beyond that, hell no. It is fucking ridiculous financing people who fucked off, often years ago.

        I have this argument with my Dad about his so-called friend. He claims “well he did his time in the forces and served his country”……yes Dad, but that was a million years ago and since then, what exactly has he paid in?? Sweet fuck all, certainly not enough up to the point he fucked off to warrant what he has reaped after coming back to the UK.

  22. Over the year’s I have only ever had a conversation with two people who disagreed with Brexit ”quell suprise” both expats
    No 1 – a cunt who had left to live in France but was on a flying visit back to see his aging mother ( so who looks after her when you’ve returned selfish cunt) and was complaining about being fined for not paying the toll on The Queen Elizabeth Bridge Crossing obviously forgotten how to read english
    No 2 -Young woman who decided that working full time day after day was somewhat burdensome and working in a ski resort was a better option, come the inevitable leg injury hops back to blighty to get it put right
    So lets agree some of you may not be cunts but the vast majority are,( just had a look in the French dictionary for fuck off and couldn’t find it so what ever it is do it)

  23. Sorry to hear this NC but your Dad sounds a real diamond.His mate on the other hand as already said is a proper gold plated cunt .

  24. All these traitorous Expats are only interested in themselves… As Bertie said above they all all want their nice little pensions going up every year and voted remain to secure it without giving a fuck abaaaaht all the European trash settling in the UK and US getting shat upon by Drunker and Co.
    Nah ‘I’m alright jack’ sat on my diabetic arse in Spain getting the best of both worlds.
    Yet want to whinge and bitch abaaaaht what’s going on in the UK and even have a vote.
    They can go fuck themselves with a Paella pan.

  25. We have ’em here, snotty Poms that claim pensions from both countries, piss and moan about how much better it’s back in England, deride the Skips, colonial Indians, Chinese and Wogs (southern euros whom have done there damnedest to improve the colony). They also tend to be Freo dockers supporters and live in Rockingham, Kwinana or Mandurah all absolute shitholes that needs walling off.

  26. Great cunting yet I also must disagree..I do find the Spanish variety of former English persons very entertaining with their complete fucking idiocy.I must say that I consider Spain to be a dried up non country with fuck all to offer apart from lager and sun..though it must be said I am a royal cunt.
    I’m sure English persons in other European countries are very well behaved.
    Anyhow I really do think it best if they all fuck right off and lie in the beds they made.
    The cunts.

  27. expat communities. they piss me off. little bastions of arrogance and ignorance.
    I know a family who lived in Spain for 10 years and don’t speak spannish.
    I don’t like the ghettos in the U.K. where no one speaks English or attempts to integrate sometimes you get the odd expat who has “gone bush” and is viewed with disdain by the other expats.
    bunch of cunts normally.

    • Yeah, all a bunch of cunts. Bit like spaccers and raspberry scroungers tarred with same brush until a passionate post makes everyone feel sorry for you then it’s a candle in the wind moment. What comes around….

  28. I’m have thoroughly enjoyed reading through all the comments of this cunting, I must admit I didn’t expect it to become such an entertaining subject.

    • Let me know next time your gonna start a civil war ill get snacks in Elboobio!??

    • Been good fun. Looking forward to your next nomination. Football is crap,? Beatles were a bunch of wank? Is beer for gays! You decide.

      • Haha! Tell you what sir mali, youve taken a right kicking on here and held your ground, Ive nothing but respect for you,
        Your allowed home you little traitor you,??

      • That’s the price to be allowed to come home? Be slated by several cunts on the internet and take it like a champ. I hope it’s not the same rules for Gary Glitter or Shamima Begum.

      • No but i like hes got backbone and he looks like Blakey!
        Give him a pardon Elboobio hes a casualty in a war you started!?

      • To be honest you have had more flak shot at you than a Lancaster in a daylight raid over Berlin.You have taken it on the chin good for you I think we all think Expats are twats and Scoungers My point on voting is still valid don’t live here you cannot vote We will postpone the Tar and Feathering next time you hit Gatwick

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