A mammoth, volcano-sized, Gods-balls cunting for Dr Balvinder Mehat, who administered male genital mutilation upon a baby without the parents consent. The evil Granny took the baby to said doctor to be cut, according to her religion, and the first thing the mother knew was she opened the nappy to find blood everywhere.
An equal cunting to the police who have done everything they can to avoid prosecuting the assault by these evil fuckers on a helpless baby, and those heroes for enabling doctors to savage NHS patients with barbarism and ineptitude, the good old General Medical Council who suspended Dr Mehat for a whole fucking month.
Nominated by ShaggawotZ
So that’s what they mean by cutbacks in the NHS.
I’ll get my coat……..
A piece of shite. Who white cunts are defending. It’s not only him that should put to death there is plethora of scum in this country.
These sub continent middle ages types shouldnt be practising as witch doctors over here,
I wouldnt let them near me, fuck off back to mumbai. Mehat mecoat and menotice of disqualification.
I know nothing about this.
I’m sure you know nuffin abaaaahhht it.
Sorry mahatma! Wasnt pointing the finger of guilt at you!?
I would rather stay a Cavalier than become a Roundhead.
Poor sod wont be able to join in the rugby chant in his older years – “My oneskin lies over my twoskin. My twoskin lies over me three. My threeskin lies over my foreskin, so pull back my foreskin for me”, etc.
I don’t know why circumcision is still practiced – to me its a form of genital mutilation no different to what is practiced on umbongo girls.
And why should it be left to the parents to give consent? What say does the baby have other than to find its foreskin lobbed off before its even had chance to scratch its arse!
Religious reasons or not, genital mutilation against children of either gender is fucking wrong!
Agree. Except that female circümcision is considerably more debilitating, more akin to a male having his bellend lopped off. (I speak as a circümcised male, done for medical reasons, not mumbo-jumbo.)
The Doc deserves to die in a burning cage. For the grandmother I prescribe death by stoning.
Fucking savages. Such an offence should mean deportation. We don’t need that barbaric crap in this country.
But it’s cultural innit. And cuntflap raises a brilliant point if an adult was assaulted in such a manner having a part of their body cut off without their consent prison would result.
Sooooo… how’s everyone enjoying their slice of diversiddy on this fine English Autumn day?
Fucking hellski, these head hunting, desert death cult cunts are beneath even the lowest definition of humanity!!! If you did it to a dog you’d be led off in cuffs, front paged, publicly vilified and looking at 6 months as a racing cert; do it to a defenceless infant…? meh…
A difficult subject for someone of my tribe.
I am increasingly leaning to the idea that circumcision should be a conscious choice made only after the age of 16.
Corbyn is a cunt.
Good morning.
Surgery of any kind should only be carried out for sound medical reasons, not because of some religious mumbo jumbo. It’s as simple as that.
I’d give this Cunt a very long stretch of hard labour.
Good morning.
“I’d give this Cunt a very long stretch of hard labour.”
Nah bollocks, you could put an end to this despicable shit within the week. How? Simple. I’d give this pair of cunts a long drop to a short rope, I’d do it publicly and I’d televise it just before (a specially extended) Question Time. I should imagine that would focus the attention of any ‘medic’ intending to be complicit in such barbarity.
Next week itd be the turn of that butchering yard ape Michael Adebolajo. Watch the ratings soar 😎
Liberate the cunt’s balls off as punishment. Doctor Eunuch wouldn’t be so choppy if there was a proper threat and all the Merhats and Mohammets and Mehnis and Mubareks would know the consequence. Religion poisons everything whether it’s a bloke in a purple dress rubbing Ash on your forehead in February or a hirsute rabbí wielding a cleaver to snip off some skin from an innocent baby’s tadger.
But Ash Wednesday has a real significance Captain-“Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”. It has significance. The water of baptism washing away the stain of Original Sin. Say the use incense (the smoke rising) to represent our prayers rising up to God. Or striking the breast ‘mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa’ recognizing our sinfulness. You can understand the significance of these rituals, these acts. But for the life of me I never could understand how circumcising the foreskin of a baby would be pleasing to God.
I prefer the later books, The Prisoner of Azkaban and The Chamber of Secrets.
It was you putting or sneaking in Ash Wednesday that I now realise prompted me to post. IMHO a lot of Islamic/Judaic rituals are ’empty’. Not so in Christianity. That was the main point which I forgot to make.
All utterly irrelevant to you but there you are.
Lop his nuts off and hide them.
See how good a Ball-Finder he is then…
Feel the enrichment, though!!
Gas chamber.
Abrahamic religions believe that “god” made mankind in his own hermaphrodite image: with unmodified foreskins and complete female genitalia. Why do these crazies have to mutilate children? Because they are CUNTS of celestial magnitude.
Perhaps granny will be happy to have her tits ripped off and her cunt flaps stapled together.
Granny’s already had her clit removed, so would probably be up for that Moggie.
Bitter old crone, wouldn’t want her granddaughter to have the opportunity of an healthy enjoyable sex life, would she?
Then she can sing that Cliff Richard song, “In-fibu-nations, in-fibulations, when I tell everyone that you’re in love with meee.”
The fuckers really haven’t evolved at all.
Wish I’d checked in to isacunt after my breakfast. Put me right off my sausage!
Skinless sausage?
Like I say, it’s about time we took our collective foot off the “hug a peaceful” bandwagon (through positive discrimination and media suppression of their evil deeds day in, day out).
Suckdick Khunt did fuck all when the “peacefuls” went on a March purposely on Diwali to piss off our Indian brethren (who aren’t cunts like the “peacefuls” are).
Imagine if the reverse had been true on Eid? Not only would the “peacefuls” shown exactly why they’re peaceful, but plod would have been there to arrest the marchers on “incitement of hatred” charges (just like what happens when non-peacefuls dare call out Mo’s mob on their actual heinous goings on).
And let’s face it, if we only allowed Indians in from the subcontinent, there’d be no issue but because the evil shithole to the northwest of India was technically classed as part of the commonwealth, we had to let that sc-um in too!
And it is them who have been the main problem in this country going forwards.
Pre Ayatollah Iranians – stranded here when the Shah was deposed – are some of the nicest, most secular people you will meet.
The good Christian folk of the West Indies never caused any meither and integrated.
Every Indian person I have worked with have been lovely, lovely people with wonderful families.
It’s just those cunts from that shithole and “peaceful” Africunt shitholes that are the real problem.
If we fucked em all off tomorrow no one would notice or care (as they are the most benefits scamming cunts going)!
Fuck ’em!
I’d mostly agree, Rebel. On the whole Indians are alright although they love a bit of fraud or cash-in-hand to dodge tax contributions, though they aren’t murdering infidels for not believing in Ganesh, Krishna or a monkey god.
Incidentally, great bashing of Keith Vaz which has finally appeared on yesterday’s thread.
Don’t forget it’s a double-barrelled name: Keith Vaz-Eline!
Talking of moochy cunts (and floodgates), here’s today’s headline:
-Fire Brigade Condemned for Systemic Failures-
Let the Compensation begin.
Seeing the picture, I thought he looks like a suntanned Terry Tibbs from fonejacker.
I hope the boy gets to choose his gran’s nursing home and that she lives for a very long time sitting in her own shit with black pudding for every meal.
Male circumcision is fine but the female variety is totally barbaric. The issue here is the cowardice of the GMC in dealing with this witch doctor. Peacefuls get away with murder because the authorities are shit scared of offending their cultural sensitivities. It’s getting to the point where Peacefuls are some type of protected species. Piss be upon them and those in the West who are scared to stand up for the values of Western civilisation, which is far better than anything these third world barbarians have produced since the 13th century.
Just noticed this is about male not female circumcision. Not sure about this cunting as male circumcision is not barbaric from my point of view but I accept it should always be done with the parents consent.
I was “ kidnapped” by my Jewish grandparents and circumcised as a child against my fathers wishes ( my father being a Catholic). My mother was in a quandary about the whole thing and felt guilty. As for me, the alleged “ victim”, I have never had a problem with it and don’t mind being circumcised at all. It’s easier to keep clean and in the USA it’s standard practice for the majority of male children, whatever their background. Hardly genital mutilation.
Being circümcised didn’t stop me masturbating from the age of twelve onwards, quite the opposite in fact!
I can see how it might have benefited Middle Eastern desert tribes 2000 years ago – sand getting under the foreskin could lead to serious infections, etc. And kids would be more vulnerable. But no excuse (apart from medical reasons) for it in this day and age.
You’re welcome.
Peacefuls are cunts, simple fact.
Cunts without clits.
Yes i know. But can’t you just feel the sheer vibrancy and enrichment!!
“Diversity is our strength”
They are still dragging natzi ss /prison guards/doctors(mengeler) etc out 50 years plus later !they should at the very least jail the fucker for life
My view is that circumcision should only be practised (other than for medical purposes) when consent can be given by the individual concerned. Clearly a babe in arms cannot give that consent. I don’t care if ‘cultural grounds’ are given in justification. If somebody from Africa turned up claiming that it was necessary to remove the top of an infant’s finger for ‘cultural reasons’, they’d probably face criminal investigation. I don’t understand why chopping off the foreskin is regarded as different.
I would have thought God made the foreskin to protect the bellend. Or help to clean it. Like the eyelid protects the eye. Or cleans the eye.
In the case of most of these types, permanent removal of head from body should be advocated.
Reckon you’re bob-on Ron. The foreskin is there for a reason – Nature’s not daft enough to tack on something useless for a laugh.
Having your bellend twatting around your trolleys 24/7, chafing up and down the tweeds, with nowt to protect it is sure to desensitise the poor thing ?
Even worse when it was some cunt else’s choice, not yours….
Spanish Boot for this cunt.
That heap of shit should be struck off the medical register and dumped inside for 15 years. Its fucking child abuse
That’s the going rate for assualt on a minor. If it was my way I’d have the cunt tarred and feathered