Aer Lingus Climate Protester

A nomination for the cunt on the Aer Lingus flight from London City Airport, who got up from his seat just before take off, to lecture everyone about climate change and then refused to sit down again.

It didn’t occur to the cunt that the plane sat there burning fuel and polluting the air for several minutes before returning to the terminal where the cunt was removed by police, and then had to take on more fuel to replace what had been wasted whilst he was spouting all his bullshit.

Should have just strapped him to the underside of the wing, his constant stream of hot air could have jet thrusted the plane to Dublin. If Aer Lingus have any sense, they’ll bill the cunt for the additional fuel cost and any expenses incurred for missing their take off slot.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

75 thoughts on “Aer Lingus Climate Protester

    • Deffo warranted a clump.. The fact he wasn’t is a sign of the times I guess.
      every fucker talks a good game.. Very few actually do wt

  1. Vote for me and my policy will be to throw these cunts straight into the engines.

    After working hard all year, if one of these cunts tried to stop my plane taking off for a well earned family holiday, he really would be fucking extinct after the rebellion my fists took out on his face.

    • This is a foolish idea, although jet engines are designed to survive a bird strike (depending on size) chucking a deranged pensioner through it would totally fuck it up.
      Perhaps tying him to the fuselage?

      • Or strangle him and toss him into an actual peat bog with a placard around his neck “2019 the year the earth ends’ should amuse archaeologists in 4000 years time…

      • I imagine that sitting the daft cunt in a Ryan-air economy seat with a child kicking the back of his seat the entire journey and two clinically obese cunts with a hitler-esque sense of entitlement to arm rests blocking both window and aisle whilst grazing (with mouth open) on egg sandwiches would be adequate torture for this complete cretin.

  2. I suspect this cunt has flown thousands of miles in his crusty sad old life; along with probably driving millions of miles in his petrol & diesel cars over the decades. But of course back then he didn’t give a shit about CC. But because its now the latest social trending gimmick he thought “Oh I know, I’ll do this and become famous for 15 minutes!”

    Give it another year and another social trending gimmick and this CC bollocks will soon be forgotten about; as will this daft cunt.

    • I think this is the 83 year old cunt who has boasted about being arrested 7 times and would “quite like” to go to prison. By all means send the old cunt to prison, and lock him in a cell with Hilary Nancy Benn and Mary Ann Grieve and let them take turns on a bucket – oh dear what can the matter be? – three old ladies locked in a lavatory

      • This old cunt wants to go to jail? Anything to avoid putting his own heating on. The same sort of cunt to be found drifting round the library or launderette all day,boring the tits off all and sundry.

  3. He has the look of a holier that thou right old smug cunt. You can see it about his persona. Without a doubt Air Fungus need to bill him and use every available shred of law to recoup their losses.

    • Fuck the blacklisting just give the cabin crew tazers,better than the entertainment they have on those poxy screens.?

    • He reminds me of that Uber cunt Phil Shiner. He had that holier than thou attitude until he was proven to be a lying piece of shit.

    • Blacklisting the cunts is a great idea.
      If this twat fancies a foreign holiday he can walk the the south coast and borrow Abduls French dinghy.

  4. The daft old cunt.
    That him in picture above?
    Looks like the sort who gives out the ‘watchtower’ religious berk, door knocker, pain in the arse.
    Fill him in up against a mattress so the bruises dont show,
    And bill him for the flight, aviation fuel etc.

    • I hate those fuckers. Always look a bit distant, tranquilised, grinning like empty-eyed Catholic cunts on Mother’s little helpers.

  5. Imagine if there were Muzlîms terrórists on board patiently waiting to set off their bomb. “Hello please Climate change man! Please be sitting down, dis device will not set itself off, you bloody barstid.”

    • Surely airport security should have stopped him during the baggage search when they would have been overpowered by his compost like farts from his plant based diet and reeking air of smug self-important bullshit and deduced he was an eco-mentalist.

      • The hateful guards were too busy eyeing the innocuous bearded Muzzie in the nightdress with the ticking shoes. Typical airport staff, living in a stereotypical world.

        You should try a plant-based diet, LL. My arse emissions have a wonderful pot pourri bouquet with a soupçon of violets and a hint of freshly-mown lawns.

      • I went vegetarian for six months when in India, Captain. A necessity of an intact arsehole more than any great desire to do my bit for climate change.

      • Ahh yes, India. Me too.
        Boil it, grill it, bake it, or forget it.

        Hello please, old chap.

      • India? You lot the fuckin Beatles?
        You want dysentery and flies everywhere go to London!

      • I don’t wanna be Ringo, in his younger days he looks like a 1980’s Gary Lineker.

      • If you go veggie you’ll probably avoid Delhi Belly unless you scoff some street food. I broke the rule, bought a street pakora (“three ruppees, kripp’na”) and was sidelined for 24 hours. It came out of every hole.

        Hello please, compatriots.

  6. He sure looks like one of those self-righteous nasty cunts who is very fond of dishing out rude, sarky comments at the top of his voice, but when he eventually receives a well deserved punch in the gob, he’s playing the innocent victim and is on the phone to the authorities at the same time as he’s picking his teeth up off the floor. Cunt.

  7. That Australian band’s song-‘Everywhere you go, you always bring the weather with you’. Even on a plane.
    ‘Look out the window!. ‘Cant you see what’s happening??!!!’ ‘Yes, its raining’.
    Would you get turbulence flying to Ireland? I suppose this zealout would have said: ‘See this is Climate Change in action!!!!’.
    Fuck me the smallest of small talk was always the Weather. Now it’s the main subject of every conversation.
    There is a Chesterton short story about a man who does actually believe he ‘brings the weather’ with him wherever he goes.
    No criticism implied or otherwise of Saint Greta the Great of the forests and the fens who I worship and adore.

    • Rob McKenna, a lorry driver in Douglas Adam’s ‘So long and thanks for all the fish’ is an actual Rain God, so fuck Greta.

  8. Having been trained in Krav Maga, as well as various martial arts, I would have got him off that plane in less than 30 seconds. I mean I would gave got him to the door and kicked the sanctimonious cunt down the fucking steps the irritating held end pompous entitled CUNT.

  9. Greta Snackbar!

    Prof that climate change is a religion, a gibbering idiot causing grief on an airline.

    What was the cunt even doing there?

  10. Old cunt looks like a wizened version of Max Von Sydow. AKA Minge the Merciless.

    What a minge.

  11. During a cold snap last year which produced snow and icy conditions, certain organisations were advising to avoid any non-essential travel, but if the journey was necessary, to take extra clothes, a blanket, hat, gloves, a flask containing a hot drink and some food, a torch and extra batteries. Also suggested was a shovel and a bag of rock salt.

    Sound advice no doubt but I did feel a bit of a cunt taking up three seats on the tube….

  12. Gammon surely? I thought all these real old cunts were dying off, necessitating a fresh referendum? There’s plenty of thick old libtard fuckers who are just as susceptible to a hot summer, or a cold winter.

  13. If these cunts weren’t doing this they would be holed up in outback USA waiting for judgement day, as predicted by a loony. For probably the 5th time.
    Millenial hysteria for snowflakes and bellends.

  14. Decrepit old cunt, he’s either a commie or a idiot tool of commies. Most of these protesting types are attention seeking wank stains.

  15. Once upon a time it was considered a glamorous job but who would be an airline steward today? If you’re not being assaulted and called a cunt by pissed up chavs you’re dealing with libtard cunts trying to stop foreign rapists being deported or sanctimonious pricks like this old fucker. There’s also the prospect of being hi jacked or blown to bits in mid air.
    They should have a mobile gallows and hang these bastards on the tarmac right there and then.

    • Hehee, made me laugh that Freddy,
      Yeah yer in flight movie is “hang em high”…

    • Had a quick butchers at the link above and just a bit further down the page, another classic headline

      “The many ways the LGBTQ community will be disenfranchised by voter ID”

      The Metro – what a pile of wank

    • Let two wheels drift into a bus lane and you’re photographed and fined.
      What’s gonna happen to these cunts, not a lot….

    • Throw bags of dog shite at them, the cunts.
      Apparently the police are so lovely and gentle unsticking them.
      Now try the same trick in one of the really high per capita polluting countries like Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi, or the others in the top ten in this list
      Or of course the hugely general polluting countries like China and India.
      Don’t think it would be so gentle there.
      We have committed to become carbon neutral and have reduced our output by the most of any serious industrial country.
      the UK managed the second biggest ten-year drop in CO2 emissions, at 170 million tons. This represents a 3.5% annual reduction rate, easily the best for any big country.
      And that quote is from left wing source Forbes
      Stupid cunts.

    • Who the fuck is this cunt “Jack Monroe” was my first thought. Seems to a daft cook bint, and not some cunt of a bloke as I’d imagined. Well, fuck her, silly cow.

  16. Looks like an Oirisch Proclaimer. If he doont like flying he’s welcome to walk the 500 miles or even 500 more.

    • If ever one of those cunts got on a flight I think everybody, cabin crew included would have got off

  17. If he was going to do it let us be thankful it was on Aer Lingus, time for stricter border/immigration controls Leo !

  18. Rejoice! Dunkirk Pleasure Cruises delivered another ten hardworking taxpayers in one of their trademark rubber dinghies today. Trebles all round!

    • Thanks Freddie, it always warms my heart to see more of the chosen arrive to enrich our culture.

    • Ah but he was only trying to kill ordinary people in the street. That’s not news. If he tried to kill an MP or spray painted FUCK OFF on the door of a mosque or a gay bar you would never hear the end of it. That would be “the rise of the far right” and “the politics of hate.”

      • Indeed, and such is their desire to be killed by straight white males that they pay £7000 a pop to cross the Channel in a rubber boat when they were already in the EU paradise.
        Mental health month? I think somebody needs to take a look at these crazy cunts!

    • Got lost on his way to the sudanese embassy &panicked /fuck me yet another one who dont make the grade.dont they teach em anything at these terrorist training places ffs/shame he couldnt have ran over a fair few worthless bastard mps tho

  19. Notice this cunt never got on a plane out of London full of young lads from Essex that have lost earnings out of this.

    Funny, that.


    • Oh yeh. Always very soft targets. Never anywhere that the locals would give them a fucking good hiding

      • Where are the mass protests outside VW dealerships, due to the cheating Krauts fiddling their diesel emissions figures?
        That got forgotten about soon enough, didn’t it…

  20. I cannot fathom what these cunts think they will achieve with all of this total nonsense. Does he think anyone on that plane gives two fucks about his protestations and soap box lecture? (devoid of the soap box of course.) What a raging knob end.

    They just want to get to where they are going to without their journey being halted by some batshit crazy, old fossil who probably has a fucking shrine to St.Greta back in leafy Cuntsville.

    I actually think they all have a point. I think Climate change is a cause for some concern, but this bullshite does not further their cause or make anyone take them any more seriously…..all it serves to do is alienate people who are just trying to go about their daily lives or travel from A to B without this ludicrous fuckwittery getting in their way.

    Shame they couldn’t have strapped a parachute to the old fart and kicked him out on takeoff, courtesy of a size 10 ‘Carbon footprint’ right up his arsehole.

  21. A caption for the picture.

    “Stewardess confronts flasher”

    He’s even got the raincoat for fucks sake…

  22. I’ve not travelled by aeroplane in a long time.
    I think in the old days it was quite special and glamorous to fly.

    I’ve never flown first class. Always cattle class.

    Is first class any good? What’s the difference? The different classes of cabin are still on the same aeroplane, mind.

  23. I haven’t been on a plane since 2013 and have no further plans for air travel.

    The thought of travelling with chair kicking children and drunk chavs doesn’t bear thinking about. Dealing with drunken, low iq, zombies on a plane seems to be all too frequent these days, so no thanks. Plus those seats are like sitting on razor blades. Don’t fancy getting blown up much either. And now we have greenies on a plane flying places in haste so that they can tell people not to fly. Sounds like a comedy horror.

    Buy a sunbed instead and get skin cancer at home.

  24. Fly whenever you get the chance and fuckem. But, always outside of school holidays so no little cunt kicks your seat and screeches.

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