Travellers (3)

Well it has been almost a year to the day since my last “travellers” cunting – heavily quoted because travellers is PC speak for feral free-roaming fucktards.

They’re in the news again, this time for allegedly (come on, we all know the score) successfully murdering a policeman by dragging him along the road with their vehicle. Probably a shitheap stolen white ford van with no tread, rusting metal work, and one blinking brake light that twitches.

I’m not sure what vexes my piss more. The fact that these free loading cunts were caught stealing, the inevitable whinging commentary from upstanding members within their shitheap, or the fact that the media once again delights in evading the correct terminology to describe these unrefined wankgibbons. ‘Camping site’. Yeah, that’s exactly what it is. Fucking media cretins. No comments allowed on any of their articles no less, no chance to correct this violation of distilled cuntery.

How this can continue? Easy as pie in PC land, where rainbows fly out the arse of every media outlet, but no critical cunting when a cunting is well, well overdue.

Travellers my arse. Cunts.

Nominated by The Big Chunky Cunty

81 thoughts on “Travellers (3)

  1. These cunts are always popping up round here. Usually with cries of “wud ye loike ta boi sum carpet” or “can oi tarmack yer droive”, just last week one was hanging around my mums house. “hello Sor, would ye be interested in me toidyin up dat dare garden?”
    “For free? That’s very decent of you”
    “Err,no Sor, dare wud be a fee”.
    ” How much?”
    “Well Sor, dat depends on de toime it would take and…”
    “No thanks. Fuck off”.
    Chancers the fucking lot of them.

  2. I see some East European is being tried fro the murder of that poor girls in Romford. Sounds like a fucking Albanian.

  3. Fucking pikeys, I’ve seen a drone with a flame thrower on YouTube used for hornets nest treatment and back burns, would be ideal to burn them.

    Seriously there are all these earth rebellion, anti Brexit cunts, what about an anti pikey group who respond to calls of assistance to disrupt the pikeys as much as they disrupt humans, a fucking large group of people descending on their camps by the coach load would cause the police more problems that moving on the pikeys. It’s time, we could call it the 4th Reich or something.

  4. Once had a ‘girlfriend’ of sorts. well, a friend with benefits more like – and she wouldn’t have a bad word said about travellers, thought they were the ‘salt of the earth’ as she put it…

    That is until the fateful day she made the horrifying discovery that her younger daughter had fallen pregnant – and guess who the father was ?

    A fucking gypo….

    Laughed ? I nearly pissed myself. When she was recounting this, I found it very difficult to keep a straight face.

    I can tell you ‘salt of the earth’ went well out the fucking window that day.

  5. There’s a Czech guy works in my office. He fucking LOVES Pikeys having encountered the cunts in his home country.

    He is my favourite member of staff as he uses his foreigner status (even though he is smarter than everyone in the office) to make 1970s style comments about gyppos and all sorts of cunt groups that often come in for a beating on here. His comments and opinions on peacefuls are an utter joy to behold.

    HR tried to pull him on it and he went all ‘no speaky English’ despite just completing his MBA in English two weeks before ?

    He fucking cracks me up.

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