I’m sick to bloody death of hearing those three little words ‘the Middle East’. It’s a term that has become synonymous with misery, violence, and corruption.
For decades, if not centuries, the region has been wracked by political instability and religious intolerance, often exacerbated by meddling and interference by one or other of ‘the major powers’ in pursuit of their own interests. Despotic, tin pot regimes abound, propped up by fabulous oil wealth or religious fanaticism, or both.
Wars, civil wars, and insurrections are the order of the day from Iraq to Syria via Yemen and Kurdistan. Israel is locked in a state of perpetual hostility with her ‘neighbours’. All of this has generated a huge ‘refugee’ crisis which has placed a massive burden not just on the likes of Jordan and Lebanon, but which has spilled over into Europe, fuelling tensions here.
Now, with Iran hijacking shipping in the Persian Gulf and (allegedly) attacking Saudi oil installations with drones, we’re told that The Don’s trigger finger is getting itchy, and that the region’s once again ‘near to war’. There’s a surprise.
The Middle East’s a stinking shithouse. What a cunt.
Nominated by Ron Knee
Totally non PC but accurate assessment of the region.
The Donald wont do anything apart from burst air. The yemins are cunts but its the way to do it – send the drones in bomb the cunts and leave. Donald is like a cunt that keeps saying he is going to neck himself but never does. Unlike the cunt with true depression that just does the job when the family are out shopping.
The Arabs… if their not killing the Jews their killing us and when their not doing that their killing each other.
A mate of mine had a building contract in Israel . He said not even the Arabs like the Palestinians, they call them the Pikeys of the Middle East.
I’ve been in Israel a few times Fenton (Jordan too) and I really liked the place. Last time I was there was when it looked as though the Palestinian peace initiative might actually bear fruit, and there would be a thaw in relations. Sadly malign influences (largely Iranian backed, I suspect) were never going to let that happen. As long as Iran vows to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, it never will. It looks as though there are some right hardnecks in Iran, but they’re not stupid, and are masters at knowing just how far to push things. They’ll continue a war by proxy with Israel, never daring a direct confrontation, because if push came to shove like in 1967, I’m sure the Israelis will go in, but HARD.
I cant remember which Israeli General said it, but one said ” If we loose one war we will lose Israel”.
so yes they do go in hard they cant afford to loose with hyenas as neighbours
oppression of intelligentsia via any form of belief structure (normal upheld with harsh penalty’s) is a great way to keep the sheep in line and do what the fuck you like yourself.
Communism and Islamic states have thrived on it for years.
Perhaps we should send over Greta Cuntface and all other snowflake liberals who make ridiculous demands that we should all adhere to because we’re wrong and they’re all so very very right!
Greta, Owen Jones, Lily Mong, Knob Geldoff and all the other righteous libtards should pack their bags and fuck off the Middle East and see how you get on over there!
Saint Francis of Assisi was the first peacemaker there. He met with the Sultan of Egypt (nephew of Saladin). Alas his mission failed. What we need is a new Saint Francis to try again. Maybe little Saint Greta -one cheeky smile from her would soften all hardened hearts. Problem solved.
What a cunting.
I have a prediction… There will never be peace in the Middle East, too much bad blood between the various cunts who inhabit said area.
Add to that the religious fanatism, and then add a load of nuclear weapons and add to that the Oil wealth and you have a massive pile of cunt.
I am bored of hearing abaaaaaaht Hamas this Israel that… Let them have a war and the winner is the winner, I’ve got bills to pay etc and ain’t got time for their bollocks.
Piss off.
I think that the cunts enjoy slaughtering one another. If this is the case there is bugger all that civilised people can do about it apart from making it an event to be televised a la Hunger Games.
The problem with the middle east setting itself on fire is that they do have most of the worlds oil, a major conflict involving or fought in the straight of hormuz would have an immediate impact on us all with rising prices at the pumps and in shops. If the oil fields are destroyed it could be years before any kind of normality returns.
The middle east is key to our way of life continuing, if the oil stops flowing to the west, well we don’t really want to know how bad it would be.
If it wasn’t for oil the place would be living in the stone-age it’s fighting so hard to make for itself.
Unfortunately it’s an inconvenience that the most strategic natural resource in the history of mankind just happened to be located in the Middle East.
Now you cant blame me for that, it was Moses and his map reading, Twat had of listened to me they would have been rich beyond their wildest dreams and none of this shit with the sand wogs would have happened.
You seem overworked to me God. When is your mate Allah going to do a shift?
Shows what an absolute CUNT of a comedian they have in the different variants of The Abrahamic Sky Fairy they all worship.
I have another prediction: Armageddon will start in the Middle East. Don’t ask me when but I just pray that it doesn’t happen in my lifetime.
I’ve said for many years that it will be because of implosion in Islam between the Shiite and Sunni factions.
I think it would already have happened if Saudi had had the bomb.
India and Pakistan must be a close second.
I reckon you’re right. It’ll really be time to start worrying when the bookies start laying odds on it.
fuck sake Ron why are you in moderation again?
Buggered if I know. Just about everything I post goes straight in.
Probably the thistle filter.
The ‘thistle filter’???
Am I missing something guys?
Send Sadiqistan Khan to sort it all out.
Dick Fiddler for Mayor of Londonibad.
Your second suggestion is likely to end in tears.
‘Diversity is our strength’, Suckdick would tell them, as some cunt lobs a hand grenade his way.
They need to reinstate Tony Blair as Middle East peace envoy or whatever the fuck he was.
He could sub contract legal duties to his wife, she could sue Saudi Arabia on behalf of Iran… The money they would make would make their sixty million pound fortune seem like pocket change. Once Blair had sorted out the Middle East he could get Iran to join the EU (whilst he took a percentage on oil sales).
Cmon Tony, anyone remember the song… Things can only get better…that could be his anthem again blasting out of his convoy of cars whilst driving about the shithole’s of the Middle East.
Go fuck yourselves.
Yeah B&W. Tony Blair, A Cunt for All Seasons.
Mmmm… this sounds like a plan…
My mate died yesterday from long term effects of being tortured by the Saudis,so I’ll happily go along with this Cunting.
Christ almighty.
Heart rending story. The Saudis are cunts.
That’s pretty cunty, the idea that your safe because you are a Brit is far from the truth nowadays.
Dose not say what happened to his dog though.
Please read this link. I know links are often ignored, particularly Guardian ones but this story is very powerful.
Admin note, yes it is hence you got bold.
Wow! I feel honoured! Last time I got bold resulted in a slap in the face.
That’s because we like you, we have been known to do worse
I once heard that the reason Arabs are full of anger is because they all have small genitalia. Add together being a virgin plus having a tiny widdler and it explains a lot.
There’d be plenty with fuck all by way of tackle if I got my way.
By all rights the Chinese should be even more angry then ?
The Stormtroopers of Death wrote a charming little ditty about these goat-botherers…..it’s called Fuck The Middle East.
Israel did not force the Arabs to leave in 1948: The Arabs did. However, Arab states forced my tribe out of all Arab countries.
Has there ever been a forced entry into Bumholia?
Followed quickly by a rapid withdrawal. I should think!
At my age, I am grateful for anything…..
No. However, Bumholia has invaded many foreign territories.
Bumholia is a real shit hole.
Absolutely. About a million Jews were forced out of Arab countries, and I believe have never been compensated to this day by the Arabs for theft of their possessions and property. Funny how you never hear about that from the pro-Palestine mob…
Perhaps because they have an equal and opposite claim for the loss of their legally-held land. As Netanyahu has just undertaken to annexe half the occupied West Bank, that continues, and compensation is noticeable by its absence.
(Hopefully, Bibi’s corruption will catch up with him soon, but Gantz in combination with Lieberman, will be even more gungho in the ethnic cleansing arena)
Israel has settled its other differences with most of the Gulf states and Saudi Arabia, in the interest of ensuring Iran doesn’t become a regional power. They are singing from the same hymnsheet on this. Ironic. Iran, not being an Arab state, not only does not persecute Jews, but has laws to protect them.
Absolutely correct what Ron Knee and Krav said about the expulsion of 1 million Jews from the arab world after 1948. The main difference between them and the palestinians, is that the Jewish refugees were taken in by Israel and resettled, whereas the palestinians have been kept in camps by the arabs for the past seventy years, and their so called leadership have milked every second of it.
The Jews were resettled in what they claim is their own land*, right? And the reason for the Palestinians not being resettled on what they thought was their own land is? No right of return, perhaps?
*According solely to G-d.
Oh you’re absolutely right K. The shit flies in all directions in the area it seems to me.
Ah yes, of course, the spiritual home and epicentre of the religion of peace, and inevitably as a result, the most peaceful region on earth.
seeing as I am pissed I will share something.
Despite my profession I was sub clergy, yep I was going to do the deed and was full of the love of god.
1991 on the start line, it was perhaps the start of the apocalypse or a mad max film.
I had prayed that this would not happen, but it did, I knew a lot of people would die, and they did.
At the end I came back down the basra road vehicles pushed to the side, burnt, shot up, the loot of the Iraqis scatted next to the road.
The orders were not to interfere, let the Kuwati troops deal with the resistance, they did, not the Iraqi resistance but the Kuwatis who fought after the army legged it.
I was waved across the border by smiling customs men I had 12 87mm anti tank rockets, 10 hand grenades and 60 rounds of 9mm.
I lost my faith out there, its not that I do not believe but I saw a lot of flaws in it,
Year later it was no holds barred in the balkans, and I will tell you just when you get to the point you would happily kill them all, someone does something nice and fucks up your line of thought.
it was all shit, the only thing I treasure is the closeness and the sacrifice we were willing to and made for each other (no bum sex if you are curious).
well that’s off topic, but yes me god and Allah sort of fell out in the first war, funny because provos were ungodly ,
may I say that I have not had a shit life but doing yours is a load of wank
Lord Benny, I sincerely believe you should publish your memoirs.
Iran is always portrayed as the bad guy and Saudi Arabia – where 7/11 was conceived and which is a barbaric dictatorship – seen as some kind of ally of the West. Imagine how Trump or European leaders would behave if Iranian nucleared powered ships sailed off American coastal waters or set up a fleet in a country like Iceland or Albania, for example. It would be a different story then. Freedom of the high seas only seems to apply to the US and the Europeans.
Amazed no RTC on this post…..probably eyeing Gina miller as she walks heavily guarded into the supreme court.
If Greta Thunderbox’s anti internal combustion engine pantomime upsets them enough, maybe she will be diappeared down a very deep oil well…