The Independent…..what a gaggle of cunts.
Today’s headlines:
If a no deal brexit could cause water shortages and a return to the black market, fear is a rational response…….
(I was going to leave the cunting there, as I feel there’s no further explanation needed, but I’ll add a little for context)
The story continues to list some of Michael Gove’s ‘bumps in the road’, that may occur due to a No-deal Brexit. Note the headline above, but the ‘story’ itself lists “low” threat level water shortages, although doesn’t go any further to describe what that actually means. First off, how is us being a part of the European Union or not, going to affect how much rain we get? This is utter madness. Are people reading this and still thinking that project fear has any credibility to it?!
The best line from the author comes in the next paragraph. “The most offensive part, for me, is the blatant deception”. Oh the fucking irony. Remainer MPs have spouted a load of bullshit scaremongering, and you’re offended that our government are somehow trying to deceive you by saying it’s not true. I want out, away from these people, I don’t care where, just fucking away. There’s too many of the cunts, we’ve created some kind of haven for mongs, and if you question them you’re branded a bigot.
Fuck off.
Nominated by elboobio
The fucking Independent can be even more sanctimonious than the Guardian. It has had more relaunches than Kerry Katona’s facelifts. It is also flagrantly in breach of the ASA rules: it clearly is not Independent it slavishly cheerleads for Corbyn and his group of Marxists, ponces and poofs.
The paper is really a basket case – it makes you wonder where the money comes from to prop it up.
There are times when I feel that I am the only sane cunt left on the planet and then I read the words of MNC, Freddie, Dick et al. Mind you, we are still outnumbered by the devious bastards who know what is best for us.
Shower of shite in Parliament and a press that bends he truth into something unrecognisable. These cunts champion the likes of Gina and Greta with no serious journalistic investigation of who’s behind them or their reasons for their positions.
The press we are told are meant to inform the people and enlighten on us on the face behind the sound bites.
The press instead presents click bait celeb gossip and fiction sold as fact.
Support the alternative media, shit on the MSM
Facts behind sound bites ffs
“First off, how is us being a part of the European Union or not, going to affect how much rain we get?”
Could the answer to your question El, lie with the fact that 71% of English water companies are foreign owned?
If we annoy the EU, the bastards will simply turn off the taps.
Even Dick’s water company, Northumbria Water is owned by a Hong Kong company so if the political situation worsens in Hong Kong, Dick could have his water cut off completely. I wonder how he’d feel about that?
Couldn’t give a shit,Bertie. I’m on a private supply. The Environment Agency tested it and said that it was unfit for human consumption under new guidelines,but it has served several properties for generations perfectly well and tbf. to the EA they told me that they wouldn’t be bothering to follow up their report or it’s recommendations.
I’m sure that some townies would be horrified, but I prefer natural water with a bit of dirt to the recycled toilet-water that so many of them enjoy.
Could be a business opportunity there Dick.
You could bottle it and sell it for it’s legendary aphrodisiac qualities. After all it done you no harm in this area! – a la Del’s Peckham Spring Water!
There’s a ninety odd year old widow-woman in one of the cottages who has drunk it since she was 17 and raised 6 kids on it,so,as she said,it can’t be that bad….especially as we only replaced the old lead pipes with alkathene a few years ago.
My lad was horrified when hillwalking in pennines I dropped down and drank from a stream!
It’s the cleanest purest water ive ever drunk, been doing it 40yrs or more, never got ill!
Its filtered through rocks and bone chilling cold.
He tried it and grudgingly agreed!
I considered this but do you really think they’ll stop selling to us? Money is too appealing to them.
No, you’re right El. I was just being tongue in cheek. The question of foreign ownership of our utilities and other services would be a whole new cunting!
You’re right Bertie, it’s a travesty that our utilities aren’t owned by British companies or even run by the government, seen as water is an essential utility. But the greedy cunts will no doubt be plotting how they can make the wet stuff more expensive.
The cry baby wimps who swallow all this project fear bullshit need to grow a pair of balls. Is this the country that sacrificed so much in 2 world wars, that went through rationing and all sorts of shortages? Is this the London that was bombed 55 nights on the trot in 1940?
Now look at us , a bunch of quivering nancies scared of our own shadows and crapping our pants as one ridiculous scare story succeeds another. I’m never going to forgive or forget these dirty traitor politicians and i’m never going to stop taking the piss out of the limp wristed cunts who suck their cocks on a daily basis. Wankers.
Well said sir
Hear hear!!
Attorney General Geoffrey Cox – a few minutes ago in Parliament – just referred to Hilary Benn as “the Right Honourable lady.”
Freudian slip… or simply calling a spade a spade? ?
Excellent cunting btw elboobio.
I suspect a lot of those “men” in parliament wear frilly knickers and use makeup – Duckie Dommie (Grieve) was on Wireless 4 yesterday and he sounds like a very old and effeminate vicar. Hilary Benn looks like Himmler’s granny in those daft glasses.
If she could grow a soy boy moustache they’d be indistinguishable.
“right honourable lady” – in this context, short for cunt.
Why thank you sir
Re water shortage. This is alleged to be due to short shelf life chemicals which come in via Immingham. (No not Dover, the only port that remoaners know) Immingham and the Humber ports, the biggest in the UK and a key link with Europe, have been prepared for over a year.
The only chemical I can think of with a shortish life is Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) as the chlorine tends to detach on ageing, heating, sunlight. This can be easily overcome with planning.
The usual scary bollocks. By the way this is the same chlorine that, shock, horror, the Yanks use to decrease the bacterial load on dead chickens. We also use it for the same reason on salads. Even in London.
Astutely observed, Cuntstable. And didn’t we use to make hypochlorite in Cheshire? I think we did. Ah, but we’re a globalised service economy now….all hail Hayek!
Gentlemen – Britain is saved!:
Just as long as she can get a large enough supply of Tenalady incontinence pads for her capacious bloomers.
No doubt the Independent will be creaming themselves, because this old whore is hardly a Brexiteer.
?. There is nothing like a dame. ?
2019 is obviously the Year of the Dame – whether in Law or Politics. Aren’t we fortunate to have these wise elders to defer to??
Oh how very gracious of the fish faced old remoaner slag. Well, i’d fuck Holly Willoughby if I was asked so what’s your point you ugly old trout? Are these remoaner fuckers really going to pull this trick? I hope so. Every day of their “ government of national unity” will lose them votes in their thousands. Cunts.
She should be welded into her caravan and pushed off Beachy Head.
The Inde…
The Inde…
The Inde-scribably shit newspaper.
Our MPs all so keen to get back to work, those cunts. Well seems many of them have time to get on twatter to score points and promote their credentials to be a leading light in our new faux democracy.
Rory Stewart, why don’t you fuck off to the liberal undemocrats, you’d feel right at home.
I was never a committed Brexiteer,I wanted us to leave with a deal on amicable terms. Now,I’d happily see us “crash out” even if we did suffer some short-term problems just to stick it to the Remainers who have refused to bend an inch or even accept Mrs. Mays,frankly awful,deal, and will only accept total surrender and the betrayal of the majority who voted to leave.
I’ve no doubt that there would be a few rocky months if we “crashed out” but a lot of that will have actually been caused due to lack of planning and preparation. The “elite” weren’t going to let us leave,so why bother planning for it was their thinking. We have had over 3 years to prepare for “Brexit” ( in any form) and yet nothing was done. This encouraged the EU to believe (quite rightly) that our Leaders were never serious about implementing Brexit and has left us ill-prepared to deal with the inevitable problems if (and it’s a fucking big if) Johnson manages to stay out of prison long enough to deliver any kind of withdrawal from the EU.
Fuck the lot of them.
May’s deal was good for Big Business and the EU, but for no fucker else.
Thank Dog Parliament, for whatever reasons, voted it down.
Fear not though, it’ll soon be back, and next time Labour will bite Johnson’s hand off rather than risk a genuine Brexit.
The remoaners will never vote for a deal no matter what it is. Their aim is to force a second referendum, which will be rigged of course. They’ve got Boris by the ball bag right now…..they must be feeling very confident.
A deal… a second referendum… it’s all the same now.
I remember when the Independent came out. ‘We’re independent, are you ? ‘ went the spiel.
What a load of Cunt . It’s the Guardian in designer spectacles.
Written by Cunts , for Cunts. Remain to the core, fucking establishment arse licking gobshites .
Get To Fuck.
Just another remainer clickbait machine, like the Mail and Guardian, putched at dopey humanities grads with a reading age of 3.
‘Wirral South MP Alison McGovern suggests Mr Cox, in speaking of a “dead Parliament”, should remember Jo Cox, the MP who was murdered in her constituency in 2016.’
How fucking low can these cunts stoop.
My geranium died.
How can you say that? Think of Jo Cox!!!
To avoid any controversy maybe he should have referred to it as
“a Parliament that has passed away!”
Either way, they’re all a shower of stiffs!
It’s amazing how out of touch they are, as always they listen to opinion polls and people they speak to who mostly gee them on. As ever they forget the silent majority, though as they all seem shit scared of putting their positions to the electorate, it’s possible they are in fear of the silent inscrutable majority.
Parliament is currently nailed to its perch.
Perch? Don’t mention that word Sixdog. I’ve got a smug looking parrot staring at me from its perch right now.
Percy’s only gone and finally done it!
Yesterday, he disposed of Granny by dropping a bowling ball on her head. Mrs B said it was just an unlucky Strike. Was it fuck. He’d been planning it for weeks and it looks like the perfect crime that he’s got away with.
The Plod would not come out because they said it wasn’t a hate crime.
WTF! Percy didn’t just hate the woman, he despised her.
What a way to go – death by parrot at 96 years of age.
The funeral’s on Friday. You don’t mind looking after Percy for a couple of hours so I can go?
I’m really beginning to regret taking on this Avatar of Bertie’s. If I’d realised Percy was part of the package, I’d have had fuck all to do with it.
No worries, Arthur the anaconda seems to find parrots an acceptable appetiser before the main course of crocodile or wilder beast.
Percy Parrot, come on down.
What a guilt-tripping twat.
“My cat’s got a bit of a sniffle.”
“How very dare you. Think of Jo Cox.”
When I think of Jo Cox, I think of her and Bob Smelldof with their scum buddies, on their boat, giving the finger to struggling British fishermen.
Fuck em.
Utter cunts and filth, one and all…
I hope (haha) we do leave and all the doom that is being foretold does come to pass.
The reaction by the MSM will keep me going for the foreseeable.
Spineless degenerates.
Get fucked.
Supreme Court judgement entirely predictable. And unanimous.
How many of them voted Leave do you suspect?
I dont think ive read a story from this peaceful part-owned rage since a mong on facebook shared the Indie’s bullshit story about Theres May shutting down the Internet’
The most diplomatic thing I could say was ‘looks like you’re in clickbait hell, mate’.
Many others seemed to concur.
Then again, he is a lib dem voter.
The Standard, which even though free can’t even be given away (see the unread piles at supermarkets and stations next day) is as crackpot as the Independent. Fanboi George Osborne features the whorecunt today:
Brave Gina has got our full support
That slag needs locking in a room with a load of horny peacefuls. Bitch.
They’d sooner have a goat, I would too.
Labour now vote at their cuntference to retain freedom of movement and give the vote to all migrants. I’ve not seen their definition of migrants but if migrants include illegals and immigrants without British citizenship and those currently awaiting asylum decisions Labour are removing the rights of citizens to decide the future of the nation and handing it to all comers.
Labour please agree to an election, brexit apart the citizens of this country have a multitude of reasons to destroy you at the ballot box.
International socialists we are not!
Rejoice! Labour’s just handed its Leaver constituencies to TBP!
The Indie is a very nice paper perhaps a bit too sophisticated for the likes of you c*****s
Possibly you’re right………
You could try substituting one asterisk for each missing letter. Your style seems familiar. You don’t happen to live in the Cheshire area do you?
He’s calling us chappies, isn’t he?
Could be Ruffy. On a different subject, it’s bizarre as you say that ‘cüm’ embedded in any word results in moderation.
The scüm that oppose Brexit have no acümen and must succümb to the will of the cümquat eating electorate.
Can you beat 4 cüm words in one sentence without moderation?
I’ve no doubt you can meet the challenge because you are the moderation guru on the site!
Do you remember the cîrcümcision nom Bertie? Practically every post went into moderation! ?
Did it happen to mention giving hur peez to bay beez via oral secks?
That’s right RTC. Did you say it had something to do with an actress having love juice over her face!
What’s the world cüming to?
Yes – it was to prevent the reposting of a link containing leaked pictures of Jennifer Lawrence with cüm dripping off her face.
I’m just watching Made In Britain. His scene where he talks about being British is as true today as it was in 1982. Fuck msm.
Owned (as is the Standard) by Yevgeny “Two Beards” Lebedev, friend of Mandelson, employer of Osborne….wtf does anyone expect?
Just waiting in the wings for TECB’s splendid cunting nom of Mealy-Mouth-Miller to be posted up.
‘Del Monte approved mouth’. Fucking spat my tea out over that one.
Miller is a tropical-fruit flavoured monkey-spooge drinking, arsehole rimming cunt. I could planish her fucking ugly witch-doctor shrunken head with a baseball bat. All day – I wouldn’t get tired of twatting it.
Well said maskinback. Why the change in name ? Did you perchance tear your frenulum?
How is your bro Barry doing these days?
Eloooooooeeeeeeeessss – a
That’s the song that sprung to mind Paul but I thought you might have been a little young to remember it!
Just one of my non de plumes.
I will see what others I can devise.
ps The Damned cover version of Eloise was not as good as you and your bros. version.
A good cunting!
The Independent does make for a cracking toilet roll replacement though! Thoroughly absorbent. Only problem after Brexit will be that, without any water to flush the shitty rag away with, how do I get rid of it? Maybe I’ll just post boxes of the stinking, festering pulp over to Greta Cuntberg to prove that I’m doing my bit for recycling!
Posh Grauniad and Independent hacks only drink Badoit and Saint Geron.
They probably bath and shower in it.
Should the dreaded day arrive they will sidling up to spivs dressed in striped sweaters like onion-johnnies and asking out of the corner of their mouth “Avez vous une bottle de Evian, mon vielle china?”I
By the way, ‘n’ that, the headline is rubbish, cos we is EU citizens.
So we are all being hit by they hostile environment.
Maybe they mean Sourbrie and her Quisling pals.