Order Order – a massive cunting please for all the fatarses stuck on the red and green benches at Westminster.
It seems that Tory peers are now colluding with LibDems and labour cunts to get Harry Potter’s granny’s bill to delay Brexit yet again, the meddling Hilary Benn and his oh-o-clever self satisfied smirking motherfucker:
It was originally suggested that the tories in the Lords would fillibuster so that the bill would fail before the houses close down next week.
Because that fucking hypocritical sack of shit (you can almost smell it on his piss-stained undercrackers even from the safety of the newspaper or TV screen) Corbyn is too scared to face an election, despite wanting one as recently as Monday 2nd September, Ken Clarke (“the national treasure” as described by some trollop on Wireless 4 yesterday) believe they need “more time” to discuss Brexit. I know the old cunts brain is packing in but isn’t 3 years and 3 months long enough?
Most of the cunts in the Lords should be in a care home. Many of those in Parliament ought to be in prison for their scams, a well as defying the will of the majority who voted for Brexit. We voted Leave, not “with a deal” or any of that old shit they have tacked on.
No doubt Starmer and Barry Gardiner will be on the radio and TV today producing more bullshit than a whole heard of Aberdeen Angus. No doubt Corbyn will be nowhere to be seen, because he is still shitting himself at the thought of being crucified at the polls. The nancy Blairites will make sure Steptoe, McDonnell Clive Lewis, are kept off the air, so they can try to keep their pure as TCP phoney image.
It would be possible to call an election with a one line bill under the fixed term rule, but will Boris do it?. It would be possible for Boris to ask the Queen to rescind Hilary Mary-Ann Benn’s bill, but will he?
I doubt it. What a bunch of lying cowardly gaggle of cunts foregather at Westminster every day to ponce of our charity.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
This Parliament of Cunts is not fit for purpose. Desolve it and drain the swamp.
We need to finish what Guy Fawkes started…
I mean dissolve.
I hope that Boris isn’t thinking…. Let the bill through signing us up, get an election blaming Labour etc. for betraying the will of the British people,get a majority and then say that it is too late to alter what he has already been forced to sign up for……..
Good point Dick.
That’s why Boris won’t join forces with Nigel Farage. He would watch Boris like a hawk.
How there are no riots on the streets at this blatant act of treason by this squalid shower of cunts, I have no idea.
This is a NATIONAL disgrace and we should remove these cunts as soon as possible, wipe the slate clean and start again. On our own. Out of the Fourth Reich, I mean EU
Johnson’s shithead remoaner brother has resigned. Great timing you little cunt. Reminds me of the Millionaireband brothers.
Meanwhile Change UK bitch, Berger has joined the Lib Dumbs. Loyalty is a foreign word to these chancers.
That fucking Berger bitch changes party quicker than she changes her knickers – the filthy cow. On telly, grinning from ear to ear – no loyalty, no repect for the people who put her where she is – they voted labour you shit – not for your worthless fucking whore face.
I hope the voters give this self-serving little shit what she thoroughly deserves at the nest election – a boot out the fucking door. She is symptomatic of all that is wrong with UK politics – it makes my fucking blood boil, it really does
Now The Anna Soubry Quartet, soon to be The Anna Soubry Trio. Chris Leslie will probably mince off to the LibDems as well
How in the name of fuck are they allowed to do this? The constituents voted you in because you represented the party that they wanted. If you now decide that you want to represent another party, the constituents have in fact elected a totally different party. This is why there’s the cup tie law in football to stop clubs signing players who have already played for a different club. Sorry fellow cunters, I haven’t explained myself very well but I hope you see what I mean.
I understand the metaphor. And you’re correct, MPs should not be allowed to just jump ship to another party, without there being a consequence, like triggering an automatic by election. That way the constituents decide whether the MP they initially voted for is still suitable to represent them.
These fuckers are supposed to work for us. Too many examples of them just doing whatever the fuck they want. Low and behold though, the laws that would govern this kind of behaviour are billed by these exact cunts. Same way they’ve just decided that they’ll make a law to delay brexit, fucking bent cunts.
Never known such a disgusting bunch of tramps in my whole life. Fick”em all.
Boris appointing his brother in the first place was a gross error of judgement. Surely Boris must have envisaged the problems this could cause him in the future. However, nepotism is not subject to reason.
Equally, old Joe should not have accepted a post but of course now he is leaving politics altogether, he will come across as a really principled individual which will do his future job prospects no harm.
it’s like musical chairs, what a bunch of cunts.
Another one joining the libtard Wankers, fucking big nose Berger.
Jo Johnson quits.
Hearing that the EU cunts will give and extension when the surrender law is passed even if we dont ask for it.
They are desperate to keep us in or at least under their control,
Direct democracy is dead, 17.4 million people may have well stayed at home and not fucking bothered.
650 cunts should be dropped in mid Atlantic
Berger’s profile must have been used as the model for the prototype of Concorde. Next to Dominic Grieve she must be the ugliest fucker at Westminster.
The Tories, stabbed in the back by their own kind, are finished after this. No cunt will trust them ever again.
There’s only one winner here……. to paraphrase a popular Nazi campaign slogan :
Sir Nigel……Our Only Hope!
Freddie, a genuine question….if “no deal” was removed and they allowed a vote on a) rescinding Article 50 and continuing on present terms or b) accept May’s deal and hope to gain more concessions in the future…which way would you vote?…or would you even bother to vote considering what has happened?
I’m voting for Sir Nigel, whatever happens. In fact I might even join up…….20 quid I think it is. As I said, our only hope.
If it came to that I would vote to revoke. Because under Barnier’s Treaty we would be trapped in the Customs Union with Single Market rules and ECJ rulings without any say, for as long as the EU unilaterally choose to keep us there.
At least with revoking we would live to Leave another day when we had voted in a Parliament of that mind.
Sorry, forgot my coat.
Probably the wisest course,RTC. I’m not sure that I could even bring myself to vote.
Yes revoke it would be the best of those evil choices.
The only ballot paper I want to see is one with :-
“How do you want our politicians to be rewarded for their recent performance ?”
A. Given their P45 and banned from ever showing their bastard faces on TV again ?
B. Burned at the stake on the Westminster lawn, whilst hot dogs and burgers are sold ?
C. Hanged from the neck on Tower bridge and left for the brids to peck at, as a warning to anyone who seeks political office ?
All 3 if that’s possible?
Fucking cunts……
@ Dick
Brino was the Political Establishment’s plan all along. We were never going to be presented with a deal remotely acceptable to anyone except the EU and Big Business interests.
I would hold my nose and vote with a churning stomach and a heavy heart.
This country is finished.
Dead country walking. Our unrepresentatives are regrouping themselves into the Titanic Party and the Rat Party.
I said quite some time ago that there will be some sort of pact between the Tories and the Brexit party, the latter not fielding candidates in Tory marginals. Johnson has no realistic alternative remaining.
I think I might qualify as a smart arse, certainly smarter than those traitorous cunts in Parliament.
That sounds suspiciously like common sense Bertie.
Common sense was abolished in 1997, quickly followed in 1998 by the abolition of the death penalty for Treason.
The difficulty there is getting Farage off his high horse – no-deal, or no co-operation. And Boris is still hoping for May 2.1, I think. I’ve no doubt whatever that there has been frantic backroom activity, and Farage has so far remained above the fray, which is encouraging.
If the treasonous cunts stall an election until November, and if Johnson gets a majority, if he can rescind the no-no-deal nonsense and if he can can get a delay from the EU (oh, fuck me, not another one), it might be ok. But that’s four ‘ifs’ and requires that Farage is party to the possibility of a deal. If the cunts agree to an election before November – say Oct.15th – that still leaves them two weeks to screw around. although a Johnson majority would probably frustrate their knavish tricks*. Best option for Boris, but the cunts can see that too.
*Second verse of our National Anthem:
O Lord our God arise
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall
Confound their politics
Frustrate their knavish tricks
On Thee our hopes we fix
God save us all
Rather appropriate, no?
Farage has repeatedly stated on his 6pm programme every evening this week that there is no chance he will back anything that remotely looks like the May deal, even if the Backstop is removed.
As I said, it’s a difficulty. However, he is a politician. All he needs is an offer he can’t refuse, and all bets are off.
Hard to imagine what that would be, short of Prime Minister. Farage is not known to be a team player…
Things have got so bad I have just signed up and chucked my £25 into the bucket,
Here is the link if you want it, (or £30 to me and I will do it for you).
(at least I hope it is the Brexit party and not some scam)
It doesn’t make you a member unfortunately, only a ‘registered supporter’. E.g. no voting rights etc.
Do you see Lord of the Rings tickies? That cunt’s up to something.
Easily done on a PC, Shaga – just keep refreshing the page in the browser and up-vote your own comment endlessly. Told Admin about it ages ago – seems like there’s nowt they can do about it… May be a wordpress issue ?
It would appear he’s not the only one…
People in glass houses….. etc
I’ve been framed!
Tell me Sauron, do you really input 40-odd tickies manually? And how the fuck did you plant more than 100 onto my count to make me look like a cunt?
ShagawotZ – you make me smile 🙂
To become a full member of Brexit you have to shag Ann Widdecombe. I’m sure you can manage that Mr Creampuff.
I chose not to do the £100 a month executive bit although the £10 mug might be worth it.
Ok Freddie.
I’ll shag Ann Widecombe for Queen &Country as long as it’s not in the Bum.
@ Freddie
In the words of Bartleby the Scrivener: “I would prefer not to.”
I’d do it…bloody ANYTHING to get out of the Fourth Reich.
Her politics, her attitude, go-getting…
What’s NOT to like…?
All of a sudden Tommy Mair doesn’t seem quite so mad….
….a visionary perhaps ?
Hang the lot of ’em and start again.
Never mind Mr Mair, David Icke doesn’t seem so crazy to me right now!
Ha ha is that the cunt that thinks that the moon doesn’t really exist?
You’re right… he sounds more sane than half the deluded cunts that spoke in the cuntmons last night.
I almost trashed the fucking telly I was so pissed off…
I did think that farage should stand aside for Boris, but then I think about how triggered those cunts will be if Nigel is pm… they’ll have aneurysms…
I think the Marx Brothers in their prime would have been hard put to it to beat the pompous idiots, the mincers and benders and the demented pensioners currently infesting Westminster
Marx Brothers? The Three Stooges more like.
And what the fuck was Rees-Mogg doing slouching across the benches like a cunt? Ok , he was showing his contempt for the traitors reading from their scripts but he should have known what the libtard media would make of that. Would he turn up unshaven and no tie? I don’t fucking think so. I thought the one thing they taught you at Eton was the importantance of presentation. What a fucking mug.
Excellent cunting. Surely even (currently gleeful) remainers must realise that the electorate’s voice has been silenced by said house of pimps. Our vote is of no consequence or interest to our elected representatives.
This time ’round, remain voters had the establishment with them 100%. Next time they vote, if the full power and influence of our “betters” isn’t with them, their vote will be as impotent as leavers’ was in 2016….
Apologies if this is old news, but only just read it – Philip Hammong has been deselected by his local association. In a way, being ditched by the grassroots should be more humiliating than being knifed by BoJo, but the little ponce almost certainly doesn’t give a toss. His only allegiance is to the old scrotes in Brussels.
And the pic of him in the Telegraph…he’s morphing into Mavis; same hair, puce-faced old bitch with a puckered mouth like a hen’s bum.
Philip Hammond won’t give a wank.
He will probably get a nice job in Brussels for his loyalty just like the Other traitors.
It is somewhat strange that all the protests have been pro-Remoan. I have seen few protests that are pro-Brexit, angry that the majority vote of the people has still not yet been actioned by Parliament after 3.5 years, and is unlikley to be (ever) at this rate, in my view.
What will happen if we are somehow scraped along in this Mavis Deal and become a vassal state? Will the Brexiteers take to the streets like Parisian peasants and riot/loot? Or are many of the Brexiteers formed of the more cerebral, reasonable sectors of society with mortgages, jobs and responsibilities?
I see few ‘ruffian’, strident Brexit protester types with facial piercings, blue hair and lice who are emotionally incontinent, although this description does seem to fit the bill nicely for a great deal of the Remoaner types.
You’re right. We have jobs, bills and responsibilities… and we also know that protesting is pointless. 1 million (apparently) turned out to protest B.liar on the Iraq war and he didn’t give two shites and did what he wanted anyway.
Brexiteers believe in democracy, so we’ll just wait until the election and make farage the next PM… they’ll be begging for Boris back one farage gets in. …maybe he can ask Trump to visit parliament and make a speech, advising them on how democracy works.
Most of these demo cunts are students, retirees (mostly teachers is my guess) and scruffy hippy types who don’t have proper 9-5 jobs.
Did you hear those cunts the other night when Boris was talking outside No 10? Do you think they would allow a bunch of “far right extremists” to get that close to the gates?
I don’t think so. They would have turned out the riot squad to drive them back down Whitehall. Fucking Establishment cunts.
They are the most odious, self-serving bunch of lickspittle, anti-democratic, treacherous cunts this nation has ever known.
They block “no deal” thus removing any fear the EU may have of not getting their way. So basically we’re back to the Maybot “cap in hand” farce of 2yrs ago.
They block a general election from taking place – knowing full well that their complicit careers are on the chopping block – which would invariably give a strong mandate to the candidate promoting a “The People Vs Parliament” campaign (which Cummings was definitely angling for but not even he could foresee the treachery of the sham that is the Tory Party).
Finally, they *may* accede to a general election once “no deal” is made law (i.e. once our capitulation to the EU is complete).
So basically 400 remoaners in Cuntminster not only want their cake and want to eat it, they also want your cake and will eat that too!
And the hell of it is, it’s not even their party, and no cunt even invited them!
Come on mods, nowt in the above (yet again) that is contentious.
Just more Rebel gold! ?
Don’t you just love having comments moderated for no good reason.
Who’s algorithm are we using? Google’s??
There’s something that doesn’t seem to enter Remoaners’ heads. This isn’t really about Brexit anymore, this is all about putting a vote to the nation and then totally fucking ignoring the will of the people. Regardless of how anyone voted, every single cunt in the country should be united in this but the Remoaners seem incapable or unwilling of grasping the bigger picture. They talk about democracy but are they really so full of themselves that they cannot see the irony?
They’ll never understand this, they’re so fucking stubborn that they know best. But it isn’t about who thinks they know best. It’s the fact that if 17.4 million people are ignored and the referendum result is buried, there’s absolutely no point in voting for anything ever again. If steptoe got his way and we had a ‘peoples vote’ (fucking urgh) most leavers wouldn’t even bother to vote, I know I wouldn’t, what would be the fucking point, we already did once and the cunts didn’t listen anyway. Remainers need to realise this isn’t just about brexit.
Mind you, it’ll be fucking funny the next time they vote for something and are totally ignored. You’ll be able to hear the protest squeals (undemocratic!!!) all over the country, the hypocritical cunts.
And you could be sure there would be a multiple choice referendum question. Such as Leave with the TM deal,Leave with Another Deal, or remain in the EU. Would have said No deal but that looks like its gone to shit. So splitting the leave vote and that’s Checkmate.
As I said in another post it’s not about brexit now it’s about democracy and what it actually stands for in the UK circa 2019. Not sure the remoaners and the cunts in Parliament actually know or more importantly care. Very sad times.
Those remoaniacs that a fortnight ago were baying for a “People’s vote” now seem to be lukewarm about a “People’s General Election.”
Funny, that…
Meanwhile, I am amassing images of the luscious Charlotte, Queen of my blackest heart…Maybe I’ll espy her again in the lighting dept. of JL, and I’ll sidle over to her, casually suggesting a suitable plug and overcurrent protection device for her rubber-insulated socket.
That’s right Cupid, it’s called an “ersatz democracy”: tell the people they’re in charge and then they (the politicians) do whatever the fuck they want anyway.
In less civilised times (the Roman Senate for example) people got (to misquote a temporal reference) “medieval” on their asses!
Now I do not condone violence, but when the people are ignored by “the few” then surely there is a case to have the cunts arrested, or – at the very least – dismissed from office, for being the abject traitors that they are!?!
When was the last time you saw a football result that went like this…
“So 4-2 to Man United against Brighton then Carro!”
“Yeah, another great 3 points there for Brighton though. Nobody likes Man U, so a five-man pools panel decided to give Brighton the points anyway.”
It’s alright though – you remoaning, leftist, globalist scum – a time will come when they decide to ignore YOU along with the rest of us. And then what are YOU going to do about it?
Answer: FUCK ALL!
Because by then the elites will have all the power they need to suppress any form of wrong-think; and any out of tone comment, look or text will see you in chalky for the rest of your natural life!
Unless they decide to “Soylent Green” your ass first – as suggested by a progressive Swedish Professor here:
No doubt a delicacy reserved for white meat only…
Welcome to the Brave, New Clown World! ???
Fucking CUNTS!
I am currently working on a case involving the court of protection where the case hinges on a persons capacity. A person who lacks capacity is deemed unable to make even basic decisions, so you have to be a pretty thick cunt on order to lack capacity.
Well, we have 650 cunts in the Commons, all of whom lack capacity, and ergo, are pretty thick cunts.
… I need to speak to you CnR 8-{
Mr. C. Chops
We cannot trust the cunts in Parliament, we cannot trust the Government, cannot trust the EU and we certainly cannot trust the People. Our only option is an unelected Dictator. You know it makes sense.
I understand Winston Churchill’s grandson is looking for a job. ?
Afternoon Sir Limpers.
I need a drain unblocking, if he’s both interested and capable.
And Anthony Linton Blair
Hope you are going in all guns blazing Sir Limply you certainly could take a few out in a good old African style coup. Expect you know about a few of them with your past dealings.
Damn and bugger, where’s me old Black Shirt?
Welcome back, good Sir.
Re the black shirt, is it down at the Chinese laundry ?
Who ever heard of a government (in big trouble) that wants an election and the opposition doesn’t?
Strange times.
After this weeks debacle I just can’t bring myself to watch or listen to the News anymore.
I get all my information now from you chaps
ITN News isn’t too bad, Mary Nightingale never looks to smug, and she gives me the ‘orn.
She’s got more wrinkles than one of Lineker’s crisp packets
If Boris is genuine about Brexit, then he’s been stitched up proper.
But it’s a very big IF….
Don’t think he is RTC. It’s Mavis dog turd mark ll . Boris is even saying he will sack the Spartan’s if they do it get behind it when it’s the Spartans like Bone , Baker , Francois Et al who command the views of the Country.
BoJo is a thick shite and I doubt bright enough to work out that he can help Lord Nigel win seats that the Tory’s will never in a million years win so that Lord Nigel helps him retain seats he would otherwise lose — a win win if only Boris was true Brexit and not Mavis with some testosterone— but not a whole lot!
Oops – if they do not get behind dog turd my 2 should he get the 4 th Reich to agree it post GE.
Anyway my feeling now is we have given Mavis and Boris both the benefit of the doubt …….. our only hope now is Brexit Party.
Bugger !! Dog turd Mark 2. Drat these pesky I- phones
It’s plain to see Parliament is not functioning, given the majority of MP’s seem to believe that once we vote if more information becomes available the people should be allowed to reconsider their vote and have another vote, it’s fucking rich that now we can all see our last choices at a general election were very poor we should be offered an immediate General Election.
Of course the hypocritical cunts will not allow us to have one until they have totally fucked up any chance of us leaving the EU.
They can all fuck off.
Yes – I thought the Lib-Con Alliance we had in govt a few years back was a crock of shite. Now we know that, can we make sure that all Lib-Dems and and Con(artist)servatives involved are euthanised?
Amazing how Cunt Clarke has managed to re-invent himself from the piss-stained embarrassment of an old senile uncle to saviour of the the UK. However, they don’t realise that he is still a booze-addled old cunt.
Mr Fucking Punch. Blair’s second rate puppet.
That’s the way to do it.
Hold on, he’s changed his mind. Again.
And you’ve changed your avatar!
Afternoon Willie.
PS: I thought Dominic Grievous was Mr Punch?
Afternoon Ruff Tuff
For some reason unknown to me I have to type my Name and Email address every time I post on my PC, not so on my iPhone or iPad. Extremely frustrating, to say the least.
Currently losing the will to live. What is going on in parliament is the most disgraceful act of sabotage possible against the democratic vote of the people of this country.
Afternoon cunters, long time, no speak. I’ve been a busy little Bee. Unlike the subjects mentioned in this excellent cunting. Spending all day making weird groany noises, whilst thinking only of themselves and their dominant puppet masters.
After a hard days sitting down on a weird green sofa they definately need their tax-payers subsidised bar for a booze up before making their way to one Westminster’s restaurants for a slap-up meal, paid for my guess who? Us!
Well cunted Sir Boggs. I think the whole Brexit saga has really opened the eyes of the sheep up and down the land. General Election?? Yes please. And when the remaining shit-weasels have been deselected by their constituents i think a trip to traitors gate might be the order of the day.
Great cunting,chisel it in marble for all time.
It’s quite possible this disgrace is beyond my powers to describe…no,wait:
Fucking disgusting Quisling cunts.
Hang them all.
I at least get a good chuckle out of the fact they the Remoan cabal have called themselves the Rebel Alliance. Why, just why would you do that when it’s so easy to mock?
It’s made my fucking blood boil this week. How long have the cunts been moaning about having an election? Since Boris became PM, calls have intensified, saying he has no mandate from the electorate. Now, like some annoying fucking dog chasing a car that comes to halt, they don’t know what the fuck to do. The scum have had the luxury of being able to stand back and constantly moan and whine, with nothing to offer other than say fuck it and cancel Brexit. Any Cunt can do that, especially if you have cunts like the bbc amplifying every quisling word.
Look at how shambolic the government has been. Any half decent opposition should walk it in an election, so it just goes to show how shit Labour KNOW they are, that they couldn’t even beat those shower of cunts.
If I ever go to a polling station again, it will only be to spoil my ballot paper. A waste of fucking time.
My fucking ballot paper would probably me fucking moderated too. Fuck it.
Worryingly steptoe actually has this in the bag, he doesn’t want a GE now, because he’d have to deal with brexit, he just has to hang around until Boris gets fucked off by all the remainer cunts, brexit will be indefinitely delayed or cancelled and he can waltz in to number 10. Conservatives are finished, Lib Dems are full of lying scum and Nigel won’t get the votes. We’re all fucked.