The House of Lords

Isn’t it amazing how those Remoaners who are crying out for democracy resort to a bunch of unelected cunts, who are appointed to the aristocracy, to force us to stay in Europe? A week before they were slagging off Big Lizzie for proroguing parliament which was undemocratic by all accounts. Now they wanted the aristocracy to overturn a no deal Brexit.

The hypocrisy is a new level of cuntishness I never thought I’d witness in the UK.

I wonder if Owen Jones still wants to take back the streets, or leave it to a bunch of senile old piss smelling traitors to do the job?

Nominated by Duke of Cuntshire

77 thoughts on “The House of Lords

  1. Its truly disgusting how these cunts yell over each other in the house of cunts. I didn’t believe it when i was originally told but they do. You can yell, shout scream but no clapping for some weird reason thats a no no also talking at a sound level without being yelled at, interrupted and heckled at is too

  2. I have no doubt little Owen will be calling Heseltine. Lady Mangledbum and Mary Ann Adonis “national treasures” if he and his bunch of fellow mincers and benders get their way and keep us imprisoned in the EU, but given the enjoyment people like him find in making arseholes of himself and “protesting” he will soon find something else to take to the streets about

  3. They love taking to the streets and protesting Owens type, Corbyns type,
    In a ideal world they would have time,
    Be to busy, another 3mile of motorway to resurface to earn their food rations.
    After a full day of manual labour theyd be to tired for protesting.

  4. It’s fucking déjà vu this. I’m sure we’ve been through this whole, making a law to stop a no deal brexit, forcing the PM to ask the EU for an extension. Why the fuck are we doing it all again? Clearly the senile old fuckers have forgotten that they’ve already done this once.

    Once we get to January 2020 what will happen then? Are we going to do this dance with the fucking OAP club again?

  5. As past PM Paul Keating said, the senate are unrepresentative swill. At least we can vote these cunts out(though the system is rigged), but you poor suffering cunts have never had a choice. England needs a severe overhaul of it’s political system starting with an elected upper house and preferential voting in both houses and compulsory voting. Catch up with your successful settlement colonies.

  6. I’ve said it before but I’ll only ever vote remain if every single member of the house of lords and house of commons is sacked. If Brussels is governing us, there’s no need for a bunch of over-paid cunts governing us in London as well.

    Oh, and it’d be great to see the faces on the likes of Owen Jones and his eu-loving cronies when they’re conscripted into the forthcoming eu army

    • Isn’t that the point though? Being in a quasi-authoritative position and having no responsibility. The job sounds like a dream and dreaming is how these octogenarian yes-men do all day long in our drastically antiquated system.

    • I’ve thought the same Seymour if they want us in the the EU let’s be in it. All in balls deep, Schengen, Euro the whole lot. Scrap the HOC and the HOL and when we send our MEPs to Brussels we want really obnoxious argumentative fuckers who only ever want to take as much as possible from the EU be like the fucking Easterns and the Frogs,and Spanish, and Eyeties always on the make always on the take.
      Freedom of movement works two ways fancy living in a Mediterranean country just move and let the cunts take over this one. I’m off as soon as possible.

  7. As soon as the lords have helped do their job of keeping us in the EU that little twot Owen Jones will ‘take to the streets’ yet again to get the unelected lords banned.
    Thats after his usual brave battle with the far right/nazis etc witch infect our land.

  8. When Saint Tony Blair decimated the Hereditary Peers in the House of Frauds he was declared the great reformer and the great democrat by the fawning media. As usual Tony was thinking ahead……he packed the place full of his mates. When Tony disappeared to fill his pockets Cameron packed it full of his fucking mates. Thus the House of Frauds has become a retirement home and a pension top up for old politicians and the rich cunts they served in the first place. You only have to look at some of the cunt names:
    Shameless Checkmebarbill
    On and fucking on…….the list of slime, filth, criminality, shame and privilege. The whole fucking place needs sweeping away for ever.
    100% cunts.

      • Jonathan Aitken (ex jailbird MP & ex Tory Cabinet Minister) said exactly the same thing during a TV interview last week.

      • I would sooner be associated with a criminal than an MP, although sometimes the distinction is blurred.

  9. Lord Pearson is the only decent lord, the rest are useless, freeloading cunts….
    I liked it when sly news asked Gerrard batten about his association with the “convicted criminal” Tommy Robinson….
    “Well if you want to see criminals just look at the house of lords.. ”
    Bunch of frauds and thieves…

    Morning dudes….

  10. The Lords needs a clean sweep, just a dosshouse for rich old men,
    Full of questionable types anyway, most probably registered fiddle abouts.
    Half the decisions they make are in theyre own interests.
    Morning everyone!

  11. Piss stinking unelected old farts.

    Just get rid.

    In the process saving the taxpayer the tidy sum of about £70+m (£83,000 per cunt per year) for precisely fuck all.

    • Agreed, we don’t need a clean sweep, the whole concept of the house of lords is bent as fuck, they just need to be gone.

      I bet most of the piss smelling, old fuckers have had their driving licences taken off them because they’re a liability, so why do we keep them around to meddle in our lives.

  12. And why do we need 800 of the fuckers, the only upper chamber in the world that’s larger than the lower? And why do we need fucking bishops in there, who gives a fuck about bible bashers? Bunch of scrounging cunts who can all fuck off.

  13. Just heard LORD Adonis on the radio trotting out the same old libtard shite……..he even spewed out the bus wanker argument . Completely unchallenged of course. Who is this cunt? How many cocks did he suck to get into the House of Frauds?
    Burn the cunthouse down!

    • Well, he has confessed to poofery this year after many years of a sham marriage. What annoy me especially about this screaming queen is that apart from a short period in the mid 1980s when he was a councillor in Oxford, he has never held elected office (his latest attempt to become an MEP this year failed dismally as does everything he touches). What he is good at is “networking”, which the rest of us would call arsehole crawling, firt to Blair and Brown then Cameron. Luckily the voting public seem through him, but will the reported new 200,000 young voters who are so fucking naive they probably believe in fairies.

  14. Hurrah! The French foreign minister has just announced that France will deny the UK a further extension to Article 50!

    So the road is now clear for No-Deal? Nah, Boris will bring back Mavis May’s EU dictated ‘Agreement’, tweaked at the edges, and the Remoaner opposition will bite his hand off.

    Prepare to become a Slave State.

    • Morning Rtc,
      Thanks for that started off all cheerful glad tidings then pissed on my sunday!?
      But think your right, Mays deal rehashed.
      Ever get the feeling we’ve been cheated?

      • Morning Mnc…. I knew democracy was going to be cheated the moment the referendum result was announced.

      • Shocked em didnt we?
        Thought it was a foregone conclusion eh? Haha
        So proud the British average man bloodied their noses, we’ve always got that, they were reeling the after!
        The ultimate kick in the balls,hahs
        Fuck em! Fuck the elites, fuck E.U
        From now on anything the main stream politicians say im going the other way the cheating dirty bastards.

      • I would rather stay in the EU on current terms than May’s awful withdrawal agreement. Then have a general election and leave.

      • Agree Wanksock.

        Coincidentally I just left a post to that effect, but it went into moderation…

      • That’s their hope, they’ve done everything they can to prevent a good deal. A good deal would placate many remainers, enough to leave remain as a significant but much reduced minority.

        Removing Mo deal from the negotiating table is the most effective way to prevent a positive deal.

        It’s been the plan since the referendum.

    • I hope I live long enough to see the effect of this total loss of democracy, on the people who voted remain. How sweet it will be to hobble up next to them and say “see, cunt, it was YOU that didn’t know what they were voting for”

      • I have nothing against cunts who voted Remain in the referendum. Just the ones who have refused to accept the result and get behind implementing the democratic will of the people.

      • I know what you mean, it was almost the same division of opinion with my friends and work colleagues reflected in the referendum result. And, for the majority of them, they respect the outcome, even if they weren’t happy with the result. It’s just the few who will never accept it get on my tits. They are normally harping on about the newest SJW cause, and will never challenge their opinions, choosing to just listen to echo chamber opinions that bolster theirs. I wouldn’t fall out with someone for their political opinions, however I can’t say the same for them. Angry fuckers, those liberals…

    • Hi RTC – isn’t this standard EU bullshit? One or two will object till two minutes to midnight, then they will cave in, it’s all part of the theatricallity of that bunch of conmen.

      • Morning WCB. Bullshit or not, the EU will do whatever it takes to spook our Remoaner Parliament into signing on the dotted line, that’s all they care about now.

    • Don’t believe the French won’t give another extension. They will do whatever Merkel tells them to do.

      • If Merkel imposes a further extension she risks us having a General Election and voting in a Majority Leave Parliament which would run a mile from ratifying the vassal state treaty.

        That said, Merkel’s not the sharpest tool in the box, so you could be right.

    • I think if the Frogs really do block an extension the pussy parliament will revoke A50, the remoaners now think they have the power of the people.
      The May deal could get through with more bollocks added to the political declaration, but I cant see how Bojo could whip his party to support it.
      If I were on the EU side I would refuse an extension, they cant loose, no deal has gone, so its ‘the deal’ or remain!

      • Revoke would be better than May’s deal. With May’s deal the EU would have us over a barrel, trapped in the Customs Union, under the jurisdiction of the ECJ, having to obey the rules of the Single Market, with no say in anything for as long as it benefits the 4th Reich.

        At least with revoke we would be free to fight another day, regroup and Leave sometime in the future at a time of our own choosing, once we’ve voted out the Remoaner traitors for instance.

        As for the ‘political declaration’, it doesn’t matter what’s added, that document is not legally binding, unlike the Withdrawal Agreement (Treaty).

  15. Nah, remoan means remoan to these cunts, they won’t vote for it.
    Anyway, you can’t trust what the greasy French say about anything. They are just remoaners with onions round their scrawny necks.

    • Faced with the prospect of no-deal, May’s EU dictated deal is Remoaner heaven! Why do you think those 21 ex-Tory traitors all voted for it three times?

      Plenty of Labour Remoaners now saying they would vote for the May dealif it comes back again.

      • I believe that Stephen Kinnock’s bill (son of Neil of course nepotism for the few not the many) proposed reintroducing the May bill last week and it was nodded through because there were no “no tellers” available. Obviously another stitch up by the remoaner gang.

  16. Nothing new here, the referendum put power in the hands of the people, the people didn’t vote how we were meant to and the establishment have had no choice other than reveal the reality of democracy in order to ensure their agenda is continued.

    The current crop of politicians are no worse than they have always been. Those calling for a second referendum are hoping for the right result so they can reestablish the “legitimacy” of the sham democracy.

    The referendum was a wizard of oz moment, the curtain was pulled back and the wizard was revealed. The gamble is now that the sheeple are to preoccupied to see the truth and from what I can see the political class are going to pull it off.

    It’s sad to see that so many are prepared to see the lie exposed and then participate in the sham.

    I ask all those who have abandoned party politics to ensure brexit doesn’t happen why they could not do the same to resolve so many other issues that blight our nation. Let’s take homelessness for a start, why is it that parliament has not acted to prevent the deaths of homeless people, dying at a rate of 1 every 19 hours currently. Unresolved because it doesn’t matter a flying fuck to the shower of shite in parliament. So all you MP’s and Lords out there please explain how I’m meant to believe that your brexit stance is for the good of the people when you do nothing to prevent the deaths of the most needy of the the people?

    Everyday someone dies on the streets, abandoned by society and abandoned by those who are meant to protect the most needy citizens.

    Some of those homeless are combat veterans, what society allows a person to put their life on the line for democratic principles and then allows that person to die on a street to be found like a stray dogs carcass?

    Fuck the system, fuck parliament and most of all fuck us all if we continue to allow this sham to close the curtain and carry on as it always has.

    • Spot on Six,
      This Brexit circus has exposed the fact that we do not have a democracy in the UK.
      Like my father used to say, “We live in a free country, we can do exactly as we’re bloody well told”.

    • This has been a public information broadcast on behalf of Shelter.
      Seriously Sixdog, you’ve made an excellent point.

    • Righty or wrongly, the average voter is more interested in the perceived health of the economy and their own pockets rather than the plight of the homeless.

      • Very true RTC, that’s where Parliament is meant to step in. We’ve been told many times that Parliament is in part meant to act as the national conscience, it’s been mooted as a defence for parliaments actions in brexit.

        Besides that I don’t know how many voters are losing sleep about the lack of workshops for black lesbian single mothers but there are cunts in Parliament who say we cannot be considered a democratic and inclusive country without them.

      • There are far too many people in this country nowadays that have to watch their pockets or risk becoming homeless themselves.

  17. I love that picture. £300 just for showing up?! Nice!
    Does that only count for house of lords, or can it include anywhere?
    Showing up for an appointment, job interview, work, the doctors, the dentist, picking the kids up from school etc etc.

  18. Over 750 of them , just so they can fucking fall asleep, babble shit and get asked to get involved in subjects and amend bills affecting the entire country, whilst probably nursing a dementia-ridden brain?

    Fuck the fucking fuck off, fucking useless old farts.

    • But, Nurse, £300 Just for that. You could just sit quietly in the back playing candy crush. I would!

      • Well yeah, one must agree with you there, Spoony, although I would be playing ‘Panda Pop’ rather than Candy Crush, but I might alternate the two.

        Apparently, the old duffers can choose to accept an ‘allowance’ of 300 quid or just get a reduced ‘attendance’ rate of 150 quid.

        Hmm, let me ‘phone a friend’ as I’m not quite sure which one they are more likely to opt for…….

        Nice work if you can get it…..or fall asleep doing it, more like.

      • There was a story a while back of one cunt who used to show up, keep his chauffeur driven car running outside, sign-in and then fuck off for the day.

        Lets hope the Palace of Westminster’s current refurbishment are taking into account the reinforcing of the benches for when Baroness Flabbott of Hackney will undoubtedly take her seat amongst all the dozing, decrepit, privileged honkeys.

  19. Sunday Times wine bar pissup story for today, or should that be investigative journalism scoop?

    ‘No-deal will fill UK up with rapists and criminals.’

    So says the ICCC, address SW1.

    • So we don’t have a country full of criminals and rapists now? What would actually change is the reporting of the problem.

      I despair, the one thing Alex Jones got right was the info war. Influenced by 1984 in all probability. The ability to turn down into up has never been more significant.

      Fuck it, give me a bible and a gun, I’m prepping for the end times, yee hah!

    • That’s more votes for leave. Our current rapists and criminals won’t like the competition.

  20. Would be different if we had an elected upper chamber but that’s never going to happen.

    What might happen is Boris going to jail, probably courtesy of Gina Miller. Can you imagine it! Quick where’s my betting slip.

    • Better to just lock all the doors and windows in Parliament and rename it HMP Westminster.

      Now there’s an idea…….

    • The BBCs favourite old woman, Dowager Duchess Dominic Grieve was on Wireless 4’s PM smacking his chops over just that prospect yesterday. I would honestly like to see that smirking cunt given a fucking good horsewipping. He sounds so fucking self-satisfied – and again from a has-been just as Fatarse Soames is known as “Winston Churchill’s grandson” so Dommie is knows as “former solicitor general”. I used to be my schools cross-country champion, but that was fucking decades ago, just like it is for these tossers.

      • That was a reply to Cuntologist about chokey for Boris – the scrolling seems fucked up on my machine.

      • Point totally on point anyway. Grieves is despicable. There are so many of them. Where will this end!?

    • Seeing the cunts ‘we’ve’ ‘elected’ to the lower chamber, I’m not so sure that would work. One thing I’m bloody sure of, people should not be ennobled for just being the top of their highly lucrative corporate tree. They’ve been rewarded for that already. And they should definitely not be ennobled if their’s the slightest suspicion that they have contributed any more than the basic membership fee to the party that ennobles them. Half the cunts in there are simply corrupt.
      ‘For services to….” should be accompanied by a clear description, in a public record , of what those services really were, too.

  21. Speaker: “All in favour?
    Some people: “Aye”
    Some other people: *snoring*
    Nursey: *playing with phone* “Devine! Tasty! Sugarcrush!” 😀

    P.s I’ve not played panda pop, Nursey. Any good?

  22. Every now and again, a phrase becomes popular in the media, as unimaginative reporters, and the insufferable pricks they talk to embrace any new catchphrase or soundbite, and use it repeatedly. A couple of years ago, I noticed the phrase ‘sea change’ creep into use, for it then to be worn out by any cunt trying to spice up their opinion. A more recent annoyance is ‘broad church’. How can that even make sense? Used to illustrate how diverse of opinion the political party being referenced, it’s as with all these sayings, nonsense. A church may have cunts from a variety of backgrounds, but ultimately they are there because they all believe in the same old crap. Whereas in the media, it’s referring to a variety of beliefs and opinions. So it’s bollocks, and anyone who says it is a cunt.

  23. Yeah, notice how the libtards are lauding Fatty Soames just because he’s Churchill’s grandson. Apparently this gives him some special status and insight.
    Yet, only a few months ago the same libtards were calling Churchill a racist murderer and white supremacist. History re-written and then re-written again.

  24. The fact that these remoaners are getting so desperate now and flinging their shit in every direction leads me to think this brexit thing might actually be happening. They’re talking about sending him to prison now, FFS.

    Boris has a chance here to cement his place up there with Churchill and Thatcher. All that’s required is courage and nerve.

  25. If I were advising Boris (and I fucking should be) I would say go to prison. What a martyr! What a hero! What a fucking sensation! It would be the number one news story all over the world. Even cunts in the Amazon Rain Forest with bones through their noses would know about it.
    Do it Boris and all is forgiven you cunt !

    • He should go to prison. Then Rees- Mogg and co could ‘spring’ him. And he’d go into hiding and the whole country would be asking ‘Where’s Boris?’ He’d go down in history like Bonny Prince fucking Charlie.

  26. Just caught sight of that mad evil cow Polly Toynbee on the box. Thank Dog the sound was switched off.

  27. You have made a very good point, the homeless have been let down, the reasons they are on the street are probably many and varried.
    The pressure on housing, social and private hasnt been helped by the uncontrolled flow of peope from the EU adding pressure to the housing stock.
    How many of the homeless are from other EU countries, how many social and temporary homes been taken by EU citizens, if these questions are asked the questioner is called racist and seen to be demonising immigrants.

  28. I’m still trying to find out the definition of a ‘no-deal’ Brexit. Even Article 50 has a default set of agreements therefore STILL a deal in there!

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