‘The Guardian has apologised for saying David Cameron had only felt “privileged pain” over the death of his son.’
Just how fucking despicable can this right-on, champagne Marxist, weirdo loving rag get?
There are many reasons to have a go at Cameron, but to put comments like this about the loss of a disabled 6 year-old in a fucking editorial is about as low as you can get. And as for’privileged pain’, look at the demographic of the readership of this arse-wipe rag to see what privilege is.
No wonder it is home to such cunts as Toynbee and Jones.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
The guardian, only outdone marginally for being a cunt by the independent.
….and The Times.
I suspect that The Guardian and Independent will be howling with moral outrage when the appeal judges deliver their verdict. I suspect Miller knows she is going to lose, because this grasping nosy, interfering old cunt – who is a multi-millionaire is appealing for funds to pay her legal costs. Let the old bag pay them herself, if necessary by going on the game (“Can I have my present now darling?) Major has appalling taste in wimmin so he would probably oblige, or old Soros if he can still get it up. Other than that put her in Holloway.
What the fuck is “privileged pain”? These mealy-mouthed, poisonous lefty windbags simpy don’t know which way to turn next.
I am not sure what type of privilege it is to see a young, disabled son pass away. The Guardian has withdrawn the editorial and apologised. So they fucking well should. The cunt that wrote the piece should have his bollocks removed (if male) or her vulva bludgeoned with a brick (if female). What a privilege that would be for them!
I agree, some utter tosser devoid of any humanity actually wrote the article. Then some equally hideous individual though it was worthy of publication. It’s despicable just how far some people will go to earn a crust. The lousy flea bag that is the Sun did a truly awful piece on Ben Stokes recently, sometimes ‘journalists’ are beyond words.
The Guardian has achieved its well deserved position on the Great Wall of Cunts!
Well said Cuntstable. ?
This is clearly untrue and never happened otherwise it would be headline news on the Beebisthan and/or Sly News.
The Gurdiaan is so painfully anti-Britain it is now only read by foreigners and sanctimonious shits who know The Left is doomed, who blithely continue waving the flag, who would be horrified if they ever came to power, and who secretly hate their lives.
The Guardianistas will never forgive the Pigshagger for calling the referendum and allowing trash like us to have a voice. Everything was going so well……they had Comrade Steptoe in place, it was just a matter of time before their social worker/diversity officer readership came to power.
They don’t give a fuck about dead kids unless they are peacefuls or some other foreign rubbish. The only cunts I have ever known who buy that cuntrag were arrogant, up their own arse cocksuckers. Almost all of them wimminz by the way.
Let’s pencil this in for some straight fucking talking.
I hate David Cameron. In fact I more than hate David Cameron. He is an absolute top-tier, elite corps, Zeus’-circle-atop-Mount-Olympus level of cunt. Rarely does a day go by when I don’t refer to this pig-shagging fuck-faced fucker as anything less than an intolerable arch-cunt.
However, the loss of a dead son is off limits. So far off limits that it never should enter the radar of anyone when they are insulting Cameron. For all the crass, horrific verbiage that I have written on Cameron, it never even entered my head to mock, refer or otherwise belittle a truly terrible event in his life; let alone use that very same incident to score a political fucking point.
Fact: the Grauniad school of demonisation on anything to the right of Mao generates far more prejudice, far more intolerance, and far more hatred than any right wing publication I have ever read. It doesn’t even compare. Bear witness to utter, utter scumcunts like Marina Hyde and Polly Toynbee. The latter of course happily using the death of Brexit voters since 2016 to make her own warped political points.
Neither words nor a demonstration of extreme violence upon my walls would ever convey how much I hate the Guardian, its writers and its readers.
When the nuclear apocalypse hits, when we are all dying on a scorched, nuked Earth, suffering from radiation poisoning and fatal dysentery, I still shall possess enough dignity to refuse pages of the Guardian to wipe my irradiated, leaking arse.
Nail on head, cheers TECB. Good to see you’re still full of piss and vinegar, I’ve not had much chance to get on here of Late.
Hello also to rufftuff and b&WC.
Still being moderated despite posting at a rate of twice a week.
C’mon admin, you can break it to me. What’s the deal.
The system is being arsey, but we still love you.
At least they’re not changing your avatar and making you look like a raving iron (and Guardian reader)
Thought you got to pick your own, well if you have a WP account then you can have what you like Mr Raving Iron.
Cheers Freddie, and thank God. My avatar is the probably the sanest aspect of my person.
That’s not very comforting!
“privileged pain”, what a strange expression, to me it brings to mind images of young men having their bottoms paddled with a cricket bat in some weird initiation ceremony for some strange society, on the other hand as I recall he also put his knob in a dead pigs mouth in another initiation thing so my vision of “privileged pain” maybe on the ball if not a little off topic.
Max Mosley knows a thing or two about “privileged pain”.
I don’t like Cameron but it was a horrible thing the Guardian said about the death of his six year old son.
This is the rag that employs the likes of Polly Toynbee and Owen Jones so I’m not really surprised at the vile comments.
Cameron is a complete cunt and a privileged one at that but I draw the line on comments the Guardian came out with.It really is old news now Cameron is using it to punt His memoirs as if he needs the money ?
Anyway , Cameron is nowhere near as privileged as posh tits Toynbee. That bitch just sums up that arserag to me. How I would love to kick her putrid, stinking snatch in.
She speaks highly of you Freddie.
Yep last time I spoke to her she said if you see Freddie tell him to get fucked
There’s always a level lower with the Guardian.
They promote the (factually bereft) opinions of fucktards from all fringe, unimportant, identity based minority groups (trans, vegans, climate change zealots, etc.) and yet suppress the majority, fact based, common sense groups’ opinions.
Then they have the audacity to cry that their readership is down!?! Yes that’s because you only appeal to a tiny fraction of 1% of the entire UK population! Year on year more people are leaving the Guardian. Even classic “lefties” cannot abide it’s modern drivel.
In days of old, i.e., up to the end of the UK’s second dark age of 2011, it was simple: Guardian = Labour and The Sun = Conservative, with the other rags somewhere between; but in modern times – especially after the Brexit and Trump meltdowns – El Groaniad has shown its true colours as the Communist promoter of deviancy and state sanctioned mental illness under the guise of a “progressive” narrative.
Commenting on the death of anyone’s child (outside of consolatory notices) is disgraceful but to do so to garner political brownie points is abhorrent.
Anyone who reads the Guardian is a cunt, even those women (aka men) who don’t have one!
I’m not a fan of Cameron but that is just fucking low… absolutely despicable.
….obviously the police will be paying a visit ?.
Hate speech, mental anguish, discrimination, etc…
Cant say things like that these days. …or is it ok if a leftie says it?
ITV Lunchtime Nooze had a report from Cunter-Terrorism, blathering on about “right-wing extremism”…as usual, never any mention of left-wing extremism, apparemtly the right-wing variety is the biggest threat to GB today. I heard the name Neil Basu mentioned…
Have an imagine of this thing, burrowing somewhere in a landfill site, eating drinking from puddles, thriving on the local methane and hydrogen sulphide, eating garbage and chewing its way through piles of soiled undergarments discarded by Chuckyerbutti, The Flabbott, Thornpiggerry, Swinmong, Blamby, Dame Keira Starmer and Adonis-Ducky.
Until Agent 007 from Rentokil catches up with it, and it gets a few lungfuls of the carbon monoxide of enlightenment.
Also a brief thing on diversity – Bollywood dancing in Plymouth. Now, the two Indians involved were really very nice. It was just the usual whitey-suck-up-to you name it that boiled my golden stuff. All a load of daft munters, not a single lad (nor even an anally-enlightened member of society), and one daft bint was even caught on camera saying” Oh, yeah, like…I’d embrace….this diversity.”
Never have I been so happy to see an advert for my own funeral and a free biro.
Who reads these rags.
It surprises me that people still buy news papers with the interweb and other forms of technology about.
Newspapers are yesterdays news, all they’re good for is lighting your fire and wiping your arse when you run out of loo roll.
I only read the Guardian to alleviate my low blood pressure.
Decades ago, I put a copy in the rabbit’s hutch. Very deliberately, he rammed his arse up against the wire netting, and sprayed all over the carpet.
’nuff said…
I actually don’t mind Cameron. He did some good things and some cunty things. I thought him whacking up the tax threshold was a good move, benefiting millions of people who are too thick to realise it.
And if it wasn’t for him, remember, we would still be in the EU.
I hate many millions of people, but to the point of mocking the death of a disabled child? Fuck me, can you get any lower? Heads should roll, but they fucking won’t.
Don’t want to worry you but we ARE still in the EU, and likely to remain so.
Increasing the tax threshold was a sop to their partners, the Lib Dums.
Revolting. It just shows how low even supposedly ‘highbrow’ (my arse) rags will go to sell their shit.
I don’t care who you are, where you come from, how much money you have or if you are in or out of the public eye, if you have a disabled child and then suffer the devastation of losing them, it is something that you never fully recover from. No amount of money or privilege changes a damned thing for you. It is also something that you would not wish on your worst enemy.
To mock, downgrade or belittle someone’s pain and grief after they have lost a child, especially a disabled child (who will have already fought numerous challenges, battles and near death events already across the years), is utterly despicable and tasteless beyond belief.
Shame on them. They are total cunts.
The Guardian is a disgrace of a shitrag, only fit for Flabbot to use to wipe the sweaty shit stains from in between her grotesque ass cheeks.
Only a sanctimonious joyless Libtard could taunt a politician with the loss of a child. Utterly disgusting. The only people or children that have rights in their bizarre world view are several shades darker than white and answer to names like Um’Bongo or Abdullah. No one else counts.
Have to stop you there, MMCM. The Guardian has plenty of time for white children with gender dysphoria, or mental illness as it should be known. I agree, cunts though.
………and thieving pikey kids.
Not worth putting down if there’s a flood in the pub toilets. Wouldn’t want to add to the shit.
The Guardian, for only £6 a week you can support an unwanted newspaper in the UK.
And you don’t even have to read it or bring it home
Earlier this week the pipsqueak arsewipe nonentity cunt prime minister of Luxembourg (Xavier Bettell) set out to ritually humiliate Boris Johnson and mock our country.
Below is a table of which country is benefitting most as an EU Member State by 2022 (using 2018 figures)?
For every £1 put into the EU, the amount in £’s received.
Position EU Member State ROI from EU Cartel/£
1 Luxembourg £34.01 3304%
2 Bulgaria £6.14 514%
3 Romania £5.36 436%
4 Hungary £4.92 392%
5 Lithuania £4.63 363%
6 Slovakia £4.12 312%
7 Greece £3.88 288%
8 Estonia £3.68 268%
9 Czech Republic £3.45 245%
10 Latvia £3.36 236%
11 Poland £2.99 199%
12 Malta £2.58 158%
13 Croatia £2.36 136%
14 Portugal £2.13 113%
15 Belgium £2.03 103%
16 Slovenia £1.60 60%
17 Ireland £1.22 22%
18 Spain £1.21 21%
19 Cyprus £1.21 21%
20 Finland £0.84 -16%
21 Italy £0.83 -17%
22 Austria £0.70 -30%
23 Denmark £0.65 -35%
24 France £0.58 -42%
25 Netherlands £0.53 -47%
26 Sweden £0.52 -48%
27 Germany £0.43 -57%
28 United Kingdom £0.38 -62%
You will notice the United Kingdom gets back 38 pence for every £ we give to the EU, Luxembourg gets back £34 for every £ they give the EU. Something wrong surely?
Despite Luxembourg and Belgium being two of the richest EU countries, they are also both on the list of EU budget NET RECIPIENTS. This is because they receive a high proportion of the funding for administration as many of the EU institutions (such as the Commission and European Parliament) are based there.
Apparently Jean Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission and coincidentally ex PM of Luxembourg, and who spent years undermining the EU corporate tax laws) knows nuffink abaaaaaht it.
Thanks for that data. I will use it to upset a few snowflakes.
Good post Willy. I knew we were being done in but that puts it in perspective. We’re just here paying our taxes to finance everybody else’s road building, railways, sewers, bridges, et al. No wonder they don’t want the Golden Goose to flee. What a bloody stitch-up.
Luxemburg, which I have cunted in the past, gets more than six E European countries plus Greece put together.
I always knew Jean-Clod Druncker was a crook, a fraud, a loathsome spotted reptile (my apologies to Komodo for any distress caused) and probably a thieving ***** bastard, but this just disgusts me. As for the apology for a human being having back trouble, well I’m sure Dr. Mengele had a really warm bedside manner too.
Administration for EU funding ? Pfffft…
Open another crate of Gevrey-Chamberpot, and some more of that lovely Borderies cognac, mon brave !
Sod the lot of them.
Hanging’s too good, as my Grannie used to say. Youtube has a nice torture – being fed milk and honey until you are soaked in diarrhoea, and various “things” eat up your rotting corpse. Clod must be 3 /4 of the way there, in any case.
More pointless hatred from the left. It wont end well.
Guardian staff are utter scum cunts.
Leftie wankers.
Tossers,the lot if ’em.
Guardian readers get the Big Issue delivered, don’t they, eh?
Congratulations, Al-Groan, you have actually made me feel sympathy for David Cameron. Absolutely revolting – like NC said no amount of money or privilege changes the total grief that losing a child inflicts upon you.
My comms keep vanishing… Is Wordfence owned by Bercow & Miller ?
I genuinely want Guardian ‘journalists’, ‘contributors’ and readers to be fucking Wicker Manned. They represent the political force that is trying to take over in conjunction with how the hellishly-left-bent democrats are trying to take over America. I want to see this filth swinging from gibbets.
Fucking disgraceful antics.
Readership will probably increase.
Degenerate cunts.
Get fucked.