Terry Christian

Terry fucking Christian is possibly the biggest cunt in the world.

First off, who the fuck even are you? Just some loud mouthed, fucking mong. No one in the world gives a fuck what you think, but by the virtues of social media, the BBC and Channel 5 (the only biased cunts who will have you), you still have a platform to spout your bollocks.

The manc bastard’s most recent drivel is to say he wants all Brexit voters to starve to death and OAP leavers to get the flu and die. He obviously subscribes to Project Fear. I hope when we eventually leave the EU someone publicly laughs in the little twat’s face. (I would maybe wish something more excessive, but I also don’t want to be moderated).

He wants two queues at doctor surgeries, one for ‘leave’ and one for ‘remain’, so only remain voters get vaccines. I’d hope that people like Terry the twat here would get their comeuppance after spouting all this shite, but I fear they won’t.

Hate is a strong word and there are very few people I genuinely hate, but this obnoxious, pompous, self-important little cunt I absolutely despise.

Something very awful should befall this fuck face and soon.

Nominated by elboobio

64 thoughts on “Terry Christian

  1. Obnoxious Mancunian cunt that should have been aborted by his mother. This twat was a cunt before Brexit – now he’s a triple cunt.

    The venom and downright nastiness of some Remainers is truly breathtaking.

    • I’ve decided we’ve got a saboteur who has registered with the intention of throwing the tickie system into chaos. He spends all day refreshing and posting votes. Fuck off you cunt.

      • I remember once there was a random ‘dislike’ feature that appeared next to the uptick icon. But not being snowflakes nobody got upset over unpopular postings.

      • Pretty sure we know who too. It’s no coincidence I fear that it only ever used to happen to one individual.

  2. After Brexit, this cunt should be deported to French Antarctica to hand carve ice cubes for whatever nasty euro bilge the EU parliamentarians drink.

  3. Terry Shitstian is a mammoth supercunt. However he is a fucking non-entity as far as I’m concerned, just another shill collecting his dirty pay slips from Drunker, Soros and the Rothschilds.

    Really nasty little cunt though. What the fuck happened to respecting your elders? I hope he gets AIDS, Ebola and syphilis the little turd.

    • If this twat didn’t have Asperger’s disease, I’d seek him out and fuck him up. Spineless cunthole.

  4. I’m counting the days…. When the fuck is this going to end ? Sick of hearing about Brexit. Nominations on here are interrupted with political opinions that spin off topic….. about BREXIT!!! We are going out on Halloween, a great date for it. Blood and gore, and if I have to listen to a remainer on the 31st they are likely to have a large pumpkin punched down their throat. We ARE leaving. Fuck Europe. We are and will be an independent island that will learn to stand alone again. Boris is a buffoon, but at least he’s taking us in the right direction. If the remainers want to stay in Europe then they should move there and find out how much we are disliked in Europe. Europe is the proverbial child. The UK is sick of wiping it’s arse.

    • But Brexit, Ron is important, and what is even more important is that mealy mouthed poofs in parliament, of whatever party are ganging up to try to stop it happening aided and abetted by the wankstain of a speaker. On the day of the referendum, I had a flood in our road (19 inches of water thgroughout the ground floor), but I still voted. After we won we had little arseholes complaining they didn’t vote because they were at Glastonbury (some politicians backed them up on that) – and they just thought everybody else would vote for them.

      I think it is not just Brexit that entitles you to boil our piss but the disregard that certain politicans have that they think they can bully their way to get what they want. That cunt Winson this week typified the holier-than-though, we-know-best attitude, and the fact that she looks like a giggly schoolgirl makes me wish her dad had fucked her mum up the arse that night (same with Grieve senior)

      • Couldn’t agree more with your sentiments on Brexit W.C.
        It’s so fundamental and will shape everyone’s lives way into the future.
        It’s important to know your enemy and their main tactic is to grind everyone down, hoping we’ll all roll over and accept the status quo. Well, we won’t and we’re not going away. I will fight, kicking and screaming(not in a big girl’s blouse sort of way) until DCI Hunt’s big white van arrives at my door to take me away.

      • Boris at the despatch box -‘everything has been done to suffocate the referendum result’. Yes suffocate, asphyxiate, strangle. And to see Gina Miller over the shoulder of her lawyer Lord Pannick….I can’t breathe.

      • Don’t pannick, don’t pannick !
        We’re doomed, I tell ye, doomed…

        Grey Major’s lawyer sounded like he’d got his meat and two veg stuck in a sandwich toaster.

  5. If this cunt was a brexiter he would be done for ‘hate crime’ and banned by the BBC forever.
    But he’s not so is regarded as quite middle of the road by the elite.
    Little troublesome wanker like Owen Jones.

  6. A shining example of the abject, festering childishness the afflicts many 21st century UK social commentators and MPs alike. Terry Christian ably demonstrates, even approaching 60 years old, he has the emotional intelligence of a fucking 3 year old and an IQ of a coat hanger.

    The mess that we are in now with Brexit is down to childish arseholes, just like Christian, who really should not be MP’s – come to think of it, I wouldn’t trust the cunts to work on the end of a broom or picking up dogshit from the highway grass verges.

    Cunts like Christian seem to believe their Remoaner vies are *more valid* than those who opted to leave the EU, hence why he advocates that people who do not accord with his views should come to physical harm.

    Why the media give this wanker a platform to spout his drivellous venom, God only knows. Christian, was a loud, gobby, ill-educated yob on The Word, the passage of time clearly has not been of benefit to him as it has failed to gift him with humility, wisdom and insight.

    Terry certainly isn’t a Christian. More like a Fuckwitt.

    • I think Christain (and others like him such as Ben Elton and Tony Parsons) still believe they are 20 year old motormouths, and don’t realise how stupid they make themselves sound today. They probably still watch old tapes of themselves as they were 40 years ago and imagine in their vanity we still see them as the same as then.

      Christain himself is nearer to old age than he is prepared to believe and he might be wishing these things on himself, but is too fucking dim to see it.

      • “…and imagine in their vanity we still see them as the same as then.”

        He’s right. I thought he was a cunt in the 80’s and I think, if anything, he’s an even bigger cunt now.

      • Though it’s hypocritical, I’m pro Brexit (so far I haven’t noticed receiving any brickbats for being a colonial). Ben fucking unfunny cunt Elton lives in Fremantle, Western Australia just like me, so the expat cunt should shut the fuck up.

      • Ben Elton lives there because he married a Convict and therefore took voluntarily transportation.

      • There is some fucking odd shit on here today. My post has been ‘liked’ 105 times? Really? Are we suffering a virus or some silly person with nowt else better to do.

  7. I hated the cunt in the eighties on that fucking shite show I refuse to recall in my mind and I still hate the cunt now. A very good friend of mine from Manchester has reliably informed me he accentuates his accent and comes from a decent middle class family so all that working class bollocks he spouts is a front. Why am I not surprised.

    • The Word – was a good show in its day. Thought it was the ‘90’s though, I don’t think he’s old enough to be active in the 80’s.

    • Cunty McCuntface

      Waste of a good abortion. Needs an extra large toilet to be flushed down – the Cunt

  8. Sorry you’ve missed it now but in a remarkable double whammy of cuntishness Gary Linecunt has just been appearing on O shitheads show. One highlight was that both admitted anyone who disagrees with them is automatically blocked. Btw Linecunt has agreed to take a pay cut from the BBC. So even he realises the amount of money he gets is obscene. Progress of a sort.

  9. This stupid, thick twat should be being prosecuted. If his verbal diarrhoea isn’t hate speech, I don’t what is. That bloke who called Soubry a Nazi got an eight week suspended jail sentence for fucks sake. He didn’t wish her or anyone dead, unlike gobshite Christian. I’m sure TC (Top Cunt) would have all people who voted Brexit having to wear some sort of identification. Sound familiar, you fucking cunt?


  10. To be fair I think it’s a fucking great idea….
    He can join the queue with all the eastern Europeans and third world dross, and the patriots can join the fast track “brits only” queue.
    And he can then be looked after by the African and Pakistani doctors, that will probably grope his daughter, and we can only see good wholesome English doctors.
    ….its a win win.
    Terry Christian for PM! (Only joking, I still think he’s a cunt)

    • A lot of people are calling him Terry Fuckwit on here which I think is grossly unfair. To be compared with that crassly-stupid, shouldn’t-be-allowed-out-in-public, salivating village idiot is vile and foul, and an insult to the great comic character from Viz (back when it was funny).

      Morning DtS.

  11. Hi Ya welcome to the Word
    This Manc Mong is one of the biggest cunts on the planet This is the tosser who says all who voted to leave in the Referendum should go to the back of the line for a flu jab I pay for my jab so you can fuck the hell off you little wanker.
    Another remainer who never knows when to shut the hell up when in doubt keep it closed the Owen Jones of Manchester

  12. Terry Fuckwitt is and always was a dirty fucking obnoxious Fenian cunt. The last time I saw or heard of the two bob nobody was his appearance on Remoaner Question Time. I have never seen such a cunt seething with so much hatred. Even the usual BBC remoaner audience were pissed off with this arrogant wankstain. He is one of those Establishment arselickers who damage the remoaner cause every time they open their dumb mouths. He is right up there with Blair, Major, Sourberries, Geldof etc. They are all traitors and I would love to see them on the telly every day when the election finally comes along.

    • Lady Adonis belongs in that distinguished line-up, probably the best Brexit recruiting sergeant (I love a pôof in uniform) it has ever been my displeasure to hear.

  13. I went to Manchester Uni and I can confirm this obnoxious little wanker is hated all over the City with equal contempt A gold plated load mouthed cunt.

  14. I do wonder about this sort of reporting, the comments are childish, and to an extent unkind.
    Now if I was to say something like ” I would like to wind galvanised fencing wire round him like a spring and connect the two ends to a non fused car battery,” I would get into trouble, yet someone can suggest the withdrawal of medication and services to a section of society? wasn’t that done by a certain person in Germany some time ago? was he not perhaps a little far right?
    I give up………..

  15. Didn’t know this cunt was still alive and cant remember what purpose , if any, he ever served.
    Remoaners get ever more hysterical. 7 out of 10 MCR boroughs voted Leave. All by a much higher % than the national average. This cunt should shoot his gob off in Salford or Bolton.

  16. Why is it you can spot a cunt even before they open their mouth, I wish this cunt could keep his closed. I can’t even look at his picture.

  17. In an ever changing world,its sometimes reassuring to know that some things never change.
    Terry Christian-a cunt in 1991 and still a cunt in 2019.
    The Word? The TURD more like.

  18. I heard that Manc cunt going on about private schools once on Radio 2. Despite the fact that he is as privileged as they come. Vile piece of shit.

  19. Fuck me rigid in Angola I share the same name.
    I’m off for a drink and a quick deed poll.
    What a gigantic cunt he is.
    Fuck off.

  20. This cunt is just so typical of hypocritical lefties. They espouse inclusivity, understanding and peace and love for all, but then spew out toxic statements about wishing starvation and death on anyone who voted ‘Leave’…..and on ELDERLY PEOPLE of all people, who lefties always bleat on about as being ‘the most vulnerable’ in society. Does this cunt even recognise his glaring hypocrisy?

    This just goes to show that their deep seated sentiments only count if you are doing what they want, when they want and not going against their lefty grain.

    So he wants two queues at GP surgeries, does he? What, much much like racial segregation then, you cunt? Yes, very liberal and inclusive, I must say.

    This fuckhead has a screw loose.

    Yet more evidence of how Remoaners have now resorted to throwing their toys out of their pram, as a means of argument.

    Christian is a washed-up nobody. Even when he was allegedly ‘a somebody’ presenting that pile of shit, ‘The Word’, he was just a mouthy, irritating, obnoxious common as muck Manc cunt, who if he wasn’t on TV, would be feigning mental health issues and collecting benefits.

    He needs to fucking well stay gone and shut his piehole, as there are more than enough whining Remoaners chatting shit as it is.

  21. The hypocritical, washed up arsewipe will also be proclaiming ‘hope not hate’ I’d bet.
    The cunt needs to be restrained in a straitjacket for his own safety and that of others.

  22. An annoying little twat with an equally annoying Mancunian voice. According to Sam Fox the little tit has a tiny tool. Rather like his brain.

  23. Loud mouthed twat should have dribbled down his mum’s legs. If a leave voter said that they’d be accused of all sorts of right wing bollocks. This heap of crap needs his face filling in

    • I wouldn’t mind betting he DOES dribble down his mummy’s legs, after he’s had his lunchtime feed.
      Milky milky…

  24. I was at the funeral of a mate who dabbled in the Manchester music scene a few years ago. Terry Christian turned up only to stand outside the church from start to finish smoking cigarettes. He thought he was too important to stand with anybody else. The contemptable thundercunt.

    • Dead right… The little cunt ‘Tez’ is despised by any clued up Mancs… The horrendous little shite also sucks Glazer cock by appearing on MUTV… Ironic, when one considers that ‘Tez’ used to be a City fan… I’ll never know how he got the Word gig in the first place… It was the Madchester era and I suppose Channel 4 wanted a plastic manc… Thing is, the cunt is a disaster as a TV personality… Looks like Greta Windowlickerberg and sounds like Frank Sidebottom….

  25. Our Terry is a legend, he was pushing the boundaries of cunstishness before most cunts realised you could make a full time living out of being a cunt.

    This cunting is a tribute to his hard work and dedication for being a cunt spanning 4 decades.

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