Two items on the news this morning showing how the poison that is religion continues to infect the secular West:
1/ A pioneering heart surgeon Sir Terence English suggests it may be possible in a few years to transplant pig’s hearts into human beings. Apparently, some people have “religious scruples” about this.
2/ The World Health Organisation has stripped the UK of its measles-free status. Apparently, the MMR vaccine contains pig gelatine.
We all know that Heaven hates ham!
Seriously, this shit is still going on as we approach the third decade of the 21st century? I’m not against religious fucktards partaking in their religion so long as they keep their shit to themselves and, more importantly, pay for their shit themselves. I object in the extreme to religious fucktards interfering in serious issues like medicine and public health.
I blame religious fucktards for the pain and suffering my late grandmother and my wife’s late grandfather went through at the end of their lives because their imaginary friend doesn’t allow euthanasia.
Cunt off you fucking pricks.
Nominated by Lord Cunt’s Mate de Cunt 1st Earl of ISAC
Fair enough but I don’t think you can blame refusing the right to die on the religious, I’ve not heard any argument form lawmakers or people in medicine along that line. And countries that are more religious than ours like Switzerland have brought in that much needed assistance to end ones life when it suits the person concerned.
A friend of mine went to Dignitas this week to take a friend who has motor neurone disease
Most people think it’s a plush hospital advertised with glossy brochures.
Not the case… it’s actually an old factory on an industrial estate in Switzerland. Very basic and very clinical.
That’s fucking unfortunate. People shouldn’t have to go out there full-stop let alone end their days in that particular setting. You should be able to go somewhere leafy, spend a bit of time of contemplation around nature, watch your favourite films one last time, have some slap up grub. Some people’s resistance to others choices what to do with their own lives and time is selfish and stupid.
Agreed. I’m all for euthanasia.
Me too, every time the house of commons appears on the TV; bloody good idea.
We constantly hear,”You have to respect people’s religions…” I disagree. I’ll acknowledge people’s religions but don’t see why I have to respect them. Believe in anything you want – flying horses, talking elephants, rubbing bits of Ash on your forehead, resurrected zombies, re-incarnated Llamas, pillars of salt, swarms of locusts or magic fucking centaurs….. but don’t expect respect.
We’ve handed over too much power to these credulous, empty-eyed Devil-dodgers from ALL religions/cults..
Cap’n, I believe in Brexit but people don’t respect me.
I respect you Johnny but God hates a Brexiteer.
Primitive superstitions subscribed to by primitive people with primitive minds. I don’t go out of my way to call these people cunts but try shoving your fairy stories in my face and you might be disappointed.
Don’t tell me, another post slagging off Mulsims and Christioans but not a word about precious, Talmudic Jews, whom Norman Finkelstein calls the most fanatical, religous cunts on the planet.
I wonder just who is financing and organising this this Muslim invasion? Best not to go there, as it might slight the Chosen Ones.
Let’s watch this post vanish.
Wrong site pal. Try Labour party.
Don’t think you’ll find much objection to that, jOby. The haredim are pretty widely disliked by Ortho and Reform Jews, to say nothing of the ‘secular’ ones who can’t get them to work or join the IDF for some ethnic cleansing.
Bet this one vanishes, though.
It wont but a few comments might get nuked if people get silly
But ‘human filth’ is acceptable for Muslims?
TY, Admin, respect your views too.
I wish people wouldn’t slip in spelling mistakes in comments. I never know if it’s deliberate and I might have missed something of nuance or that they’re just fuckin’ crap spellers.
When I was in the balkans we had a great old time of it, catholic Christmas day we shot the shit out of the serbs to stop them fucking up our Christmas, then a couple of weeks later we went and shot the shit out of them on their (Greek orthodox) Christmas for fucking up our Christmas.
Great Christmas that was we had bullets and everything
No playing footy with the enemy in no-man’s land for you then, Lord B!
The invention of the land mine stopped that kind of tom foolery
Bible bashers and other witch doctors would be well advised to stay out of politics, like the Archbishop of Cunterbury and his Remoaner Citizens Forum. Apparently the old fraud wants to “reconcile the country.”
God is on the remoaners side as you would expect. Just fuck off you superstitious old snake oil salesman.
Not religious in the slightest and never really have been. Went to Sunday school as a child but can’t say I ever believed what was being taught. Think the world would be a far better place without religion.
Always fascinated by those weird mental type individuals in town centres who are standing and shouting about the good lord and Jesus, and how we will all be saved.
Jesus Christ.
Amen brother
I remember my 1-ry school (C of E) headmaster – a great bloke, btw, telling us very early on NOT to believe everything you read in print.
Being a literal sort of kid, and possibly a sensible one too, the first thing on the list for me was the Bible. I never told him, though…I wonder if he guessed.
This made me laugh. 🙂
Like it or not, Christianity was a bulwark against the spread of Islam and provided a moral compass guiding people away from Degeneracy……….
“Was” being the operative word. The Church of England is now a bastion of rampant liberalism. They always bend with the wind.
They’re all rainbow-flag now, give me the old testament style fire and brimstone preachers telling every cunt they’re fucked!
If only you’d embraced it Dick. You may have been saved.
Repent !!
I’m thinking of taking it up,Jack. I’ve long had the yen to stand in some pulpit giving it the full Old Testament treatment…just imagine a Fiddler diatribe delivered to the quaking congregation (and particularly their whelps) which was seconded by God. The buggers would know my (and God’s) views on one or two matters by the time that I’d finished.
Might even drive down to Krav’s lair and shout religious cant regarding The Gayness through his letterbox…be a change from having to send it recorded-delivery.
I suspect you’d have to give an awfully long confession before they’d let you in.
Still, with persistence and diligence you could be the new Justin Welby.
Get To Flock.
‘skygod’, ‘imaginary friend’, ‘pink unicorn’. The hallmark of the New Atheism; scorn. A way of not having to investigate the religious idea or desire or impulse. Who has never looked up into the night sky and pondered the mystery of existence? Never to have that sense of mystery….a poor life in my opinion. An old atheist like Voltaire objected to Christianity on moral or social grounds. But never to the religious feelings. The New Atheist (in his hubris) objects to ALL religion. To religious feeling itself, contemptuously dismissing it all ‘. To quote the Bible trying to get rid of all religion is like ‘trying to corral the wind’.
I am, I must confess, an atheist. I find science provides testable answers to most of my questions, and the unanswerable ones are explicable by the limited ability of my brain – whether there’s an answer or not is not a legitimate worry. I’ve been through the gamut. Christianity requires me to believe five impossible things before breakfast, as do all the Book religions. There is no evidence that any numinous higher power takes the slightest interest in humanity, which is fully capable of destroying itself without Its help. Or indeed any self-defined part of humanity. I do not regard the holocaust as evidence of G-d’s love for the Jews, for instance.
Hinduism (and other paganisms) involve worshipping blue dollies derived from older shamanistic beliefs. Buddhism at any rate attempts to integrate the observable universe into a conceptual whole, but is usually misunderstood and corrupted, like all the rest.
I rather like Zen, and it doesn’t conflict with science, proselytise or seek conflict with other creeds, but suggests that polar opposites are contingent – very much like physics. So, sorry Miles. although I am a big Chesterton fan, and it would be nice if everyone believed the same thing, I can’t agree.
PS. The universe is wonderful enough for me without adding the eyes in the sky.
The five transcendental desires for God.
Probably quite a lot to do with dopamine receptors. But I’ll leave it to a biologist.
Not convinced? OK…you would agree there is one Objective Reality? Outside of our heads?
‘The Ontological argument, Argument that proceeds from the idea of God to the reality of God. It was first clearly formulated by St. Anselm in his Proslogion (1077–78); a later famous version is given by René Descartes. Anselm began with the concept of God as that than which nothing greater can be conceived. To think of such a being as existing only in thought and not also in reality involves a contradiction, since a being that lacks real existence is not a being than which none greater can be conceived. A yet greater being would be one with the further attribute of existence. Thus the unsurpassably perfect being must exist; otherwise it would not be unsurpassably perfect.
I can just about buy the notion that God is the universe, in its entirety, and indistinguishable from it, so why call it anything but the universe? And why worship it? It is, after all, you.
Also, you are starting with the ‘idea’ of God and proceeding to the ‘reality’ of God (whatever that actually means – I’m afraid I’m not up with the jargon).
I can start with the idea of a unicorn, and indeed draw a picture of one, but there is no conceivable logical progression to a real unicorn*.
Anselm’s argument is inherently flawed, even for a mediaeval logic-chopper, since it excludes the possibility of conceiving something with real existence. Which would make life in the real world very difficult.
I’m afraid you’re stuck with ‘Only believe!’ like all the other messianic cults. And I don’t.
*except genetically engineering a horse, of course But we don’t need God for that.
Well I only do this shit to you because you do not listen to me and say nasty things about me.
Too late to make excuses God. Fuck off cunt.
See what I mean !, I shall smite you with a pox and delay Brexit further to really piss you off .
I think you are a great God……now could you please rid this world of the following cunts…….
Tony Blair……actually I have a very long list but if I pray tonight could you see to it that they all pop their clogs…..
Only if you shag Diana Abbot on web cam for me.
While you’re here God, answer this for me. If you’re so fuckin’ omnipotent, why is there so much suffering in the world?
Admit it, you’ve fucked up.
And whist your at it, shut that fucker Welby up who thinks he’s got a direct line to you.
I have the occasional day off.
You’ve had 13.8 billion years off…
I don’t get paid holiday like you, was it that long?
You haven’t evolved much have you.
Evolved? We’ve fucking regressed.
Why don’t you just come out and admit it God – you’re just a sick sadistic pérvert who gets his rocks off watching humanity suffer.
Are we not men Moggie?
We are DEVO.
If you could collect all your joys on the one hand, and all your suffering on the other, which given the choice do you think it would be wisest to retain?
What do you learn from getting what you want, in what important ways are you shaped by leisure and indulgence of your own selfishness?
…is what God might respond.
I told him to say that.
Ok Mr God, which is the true religion?
And, was the answer to life, the universe and everything really 42, if so what was the question?
Dear God, bring us a WTO Brexit on October 31st and I will be a believer for ever. I will never cunt you off again. Promise.
I don’t do Religion, its a load of man made bollocks, just be nice to each other and try not to fuck the place up and we will get along fine.
The answer to life? Death of course without it you would be a little bit overpopulated by now wouldn’t you.
as for the Universe I will keep that under my hat I dont want you lot fucking that up as well.
Thank you, O Lord. I will now start a cult based on Your words here, and I guarantee it will be fighting all the other cults in ten years. Always a pleasure to do Thy will, as interpreted by Your servant, Me.
Damn and blast, I was hoping you would say that the poor opressed white males were the chosen people!
I have just checked my parts list and can confirm that when I made Man I included balls and a voice, should you choose not to use them don’t blame me
Is that why so many people talk bollocks?
I thought the bomb in “Dark Star” was supposed to be God.
He said he was…
The worst religion is the Pious Latter Day Church of St. Anthony, formed in 1994 at a now defunct poncy Islington eatery. St Anthony suffered for his sins and was crucified in 2007, but his acolytes have seen to it that His will still be done, so came forth the Gayness of Westminster, instituted by His on on earth, Owen Jones and their leader Holy Mary Hilary to see to it that we were forever chained to every fucking rubber-boat visitor to the Kent Coast, every Eastern European with a loud voice and mobile phone, every dark key and Parking Stanley who hear His word and every official corrupt bastard in the EU, and the people gave thanks and made images of St. Dominic and St. Adonis, and to this day they see to it that the word of St. Anthony is spread abroad.
The Salvation Army has War Cry
St Anthony has The Guardian and The Mirror
and all three are unreadable.
St Anthony, whom Cash preserve, has been in Ghana and Gambia this week, preaching to the heathen. He is proposing further legal action to exorcise the satanic religion of Brexit.
Important, excellent cunting M’Lord.
Religion has no place in medicine and clinical decisions. Religion is a personal choice and medicine should not be kowtowing to these assholes when it comes to life and death decisions, in particular.
It is a sick society that prioritises its religious beliefs and faith as being worthy of greater respect than a LIFE.
Like fucking Jehovah’s Witnesses who do not believe in blood transfusions, neither giving or receiving it.They would let their child die on the operating table rather than have them be given blood to save their life.
I’m sure their God would just love that, wouldn’t he/she/it? Fucking nut jobs.
As far as euthanasia goes, I am all for it. It angers me that the powers-that-be in Medicine do not seem to grasp that being a carer is not just about saving and prolonging life, though of course that is the primary focus, but it is also about respecting someone’s right to end their own life at their own choosing if their quality of life is horrendous and their condition is undoubtedly terminal. Nobody has the right to dictate to them otherwise.
Health professionals are supposed to be patient ADVOCATES. Part of really caring for a patient and being compassionate should also be about recognising that medicine has gone as far as it can do and that the humane thing to do is to help them end their lives with dignity. peacefully and with some final semblance of control, when an illness has taken all control away from them.
But all we get are these religious types sticking their oar in, who have their heads firmly lodged up their assholes and don’t truly look at the humanity issue here.
Wouldn’t it be much safer Nurse to just focus on palliative care instead of going down that legally-challenging, morally-precarious ‘assisted dying’ route?
Yeah, that is the usual ‘acceptable’ way of assisting a ‘comfortable’ death for someone who is terminally ill/dying Miles, but I still think that if someone doesn’t want to prolong their life any further and ebb away in a coma which may be quick or on the other hand may be arduous, they should be able to do that. I think that euthanasia will never become legal in this country. It is far too touchy a subject for anyone to deal with in a rational and logical way. Those against it just see it as killing someone.
For me personally, I just don’t think anyone has the right to say to someone they cannot end their own life. It is their life. The worry people have is that anyone could just use euthanasia if it became law to end their life willy-nilly, but under tightly restricted conditions, only when someone is very unwell and nothing more can be done medically….and/or they are suffering, but also want to be autonomous about how and when they die….I think that is a different matter.
‘but also want to be autonomous about how and when they die….’
But they are not acting autonomously by definition they are being ‘assisted’. It depends on who is doing the assisting. And for what reason.
Also as we know from another debate oftentimes ‘tightly regulated restrictions’ can become lax over time.
Bit heavy for a Saturday afternoon Nurse. Me and Mrs Plastic are going out on the piss tonight. I confidently expect to end up in a prison cell in the morning.
Miles, may I remind you it is only Friday. You’ve let all this silly poetry nonsense fill your head that you’ve lost all sense of time.
It can only be the fact that you’ve fallen head over hooves with Willow that’s put you in this giddy state.
A serious enquiry – how is your sister now?
@ Nurse Cunty. Important point of order:
Euthanasia and Assisted Dying are not the same thing.
Euthanasia = Someone else (e.g. a relative or the State) decides you should die.
Assisted Dying = You decide that you want to die and ask for help.
Nurse Cunty – just tell him he’s a smartarse and you’ll have no more trouble with him!
“I confidently expect to end up in a prison cell in the morning”………
I’ve been confidently expecting you to end up in a padded cell for months now.
Hope you and the long-suffering Mrs. Plastic have a good night.
She’s already given me an earful on the Roman Catholic Church Mr F. Her antagonism will be magnified a hundred thousand times when she’s drunk. Hang onto your hats we’re in for a bumpy night!
Forgot to mention I am strongly against Euthanasia – except in the case of Berte Blunt – though equally strongly in favour of Assisted Dying.
That’s not very nice!
I can’t be held responsible for the sins of my parrot.
His keyboard skills are exceptional and he knows all my passwords.
RTC – yes, you are right and I apologise. i was racking my tired brain to think of the correct term so just latched on to ‘euthanasia’ like a thick cunt.
Anyhoo…..what I MEANT to say was assisted dying I am in favour of and that is definitely what I actually meant!
I never doubted that is what you meant Nurse Cunty.
My reply was for the benefit of those in the peanut gallery less capable of making the distinction…
Agree with you entirely, Nurse.
Given what has been going on in Wetminster, I see no possible intelligent discussion re euthanasia (nor anything else, as a matter of fact).
Midwives, their techniques, and associated drugs are frequently used to help us into life; I see no problem with being “eased out.” It doesn’t have to be toxic or violent, nor murderous. Of course, we could always take a cue from the royals (not a billiard cue, though)…
Lord Dawson of Penn
Has helped many men
So that’s why we sing
“God save the King !”
(“The King’s life is moving peacefully towards its close.” As indeed it was, to make sure it hit the morning papers, so nicely-ironed copies could be read at Fiddler Towers and the Duke of Cuntshire’s place over tea, toast and marmalade)
My linguistic apologies too – please read “assisted dying.”
And Blair’s mob are called The Damnation Army.
When I see B Liar and Greta Thunderbox, I know that Satan exists.
Slightly off topic but will piss off the religious cunts and libtards.
Bernie Sanders says that Population control should be part of the solution to climate change, giving birth control to developing countries.
And sterilising stupid feckless young men and women who have nothing to offer and whose children and grandchildren will be a blight on the country for generations.
Sterilisation should be a requirement of early release from prison and for claiming out of work benefits for more than 2 years.
Bloody right. It will also be a partial solution to mass starvation, tribal warfare, pressure to migrate, and epidemics of filthy diseases. On this one – go, Sanders.
I never thought I’d agree with anything Sanders said. Fuck me! I’ll be voting labour next!
I’d forgotten about this nomination.
I hereby promote myself from Earl to Marquis.
Couldn’t agree more with everything you say. Religious fucking nutcases shouldn’t be allowed to stick their noses into other people’s business. I got part of a cow put in my heart, it could have been part of a pig and that would have been fine with me. I don’t need some bonkers fanatic deciding what’s good for me, that’s my consultant’s job.
And when my time comes I don’t want to suffer, I want them to put a needle in me and send me to sleep permanently. That decision should be mine alone. And I shouldn’t have to go to Switzerland and pay a fortune for it either. Eventually they’ll do it here, when all the old religious idiots in parliament have died off. These same cunts wouldn’t want their pets to suffer, they’d get their vets to put them down. People should be spared the same way.
I was kicked out of Sunday School. The beginning of a slippery slope.
So much for ‘ forgiveness ‘.
Get To Fuck.
I was kicked out of Sunday School and the Cubs , both times for putting dirty words into the happy clappy songs they used to make us sing. “Coming Round the Mountain “ was a particular favourite I seem to remember . The writing was on the wall…….and sometimes in the hymn books.
I was severely beaten at school for doing the actions to ‘Swing Low Sweet Chariot’ at our Sunday evening indoctrination session. I learned all about Christian charity in about 30 painful seconds.
And for that transgression alone you shall go to Hell, Komodo: nothing personal, btw!
To make your torment complete, your time without end in HADES will be the torment of an eternity shared only with your “cohort” of the rest of your fellow IsAC-ers.
Just imagine that: an infinity of nom’s, carping on about BREXIT, Temporary Traffic Lights, Owen Jones, Teresa May, Tony Blair, no respite, endless jokes from JRCuntley, Herr Fiedler’s unceasing flaming… no Fred Dibnah on YouTube for light relief….
Hang on, I just realised that is probably your idea of Nirvana… oops!
We all make mistakes!
I see you found my old handle in a bin. Suspicious.
Not really that IP was last active here 2019/01/29 at 2:42 pm its friendly, big brother is always watching
The price of peace is eternal vigilance, or something. Thanks.
You’re the frogspawn of the Devil you are Freddie.
I really can’t my head around why people in these enlightened times still believe this rubbish.
I suppose it’s all about control and indoctrination.
Give me a child to the age of 5 and I’ll give you the man.
Religion should not be ridiculed or dismissed as it is an innate part of man´s consciousness and culture. I remember being in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia (as it was briefly known over 30 years ago) and attended the trial of a Matabele woman who had killed a man by bashing his brains out while he sat by the fire. She was given about two years imprisonment by the judge – who was white incidentally – because her claim that the victim had been plotting with witch doctors to do evil to her and her family was accepted. No-one batted an eyelid. The British Empire was careful to tread very softly on the prevailing religions in contrast to Islam for example.
There’s just too many people.
Research shows in the very near future there will be a shortage of burial plots.
Let’s hope it doesn’t lead to panic dying….
There is no greater social evil than organised religion. It is the cancer in the body of humanity. It is also a serious form of child abuse.
In one school kids are taught – as truths of history – that the Normans conquered England in 1066 and that Jesus is the son of God.
In another school children are taught that the Normans conquered England in 1066 but that Mohammed received the definitive divine revelation.
In a third school they’re taught that the Normans conquered England in 1066 and that neither Jesus nor Mohammed is of any significance beside Guru Dev.
And in a fourth school that the Normans conquered England in 1066 and that Jesus, Mohammed and Guru Dev are false distractions, attention to whom is likely to provoke God’s jealous wrath.
Those examples are just the starting point.
In schools all over the country these ‘truths’ and worse are being force-fed to different tribes of kids, none of whom are in a position to assess their credibility or worth, sowing the seeds of divisions capable of resulting, in their logical conclusion, in murder and war – suffering on an unimaginable scale – as history sickeningly demonstrates.
Are you saying that the Normans didn’t conquer England in 1066?
If so, that’s one in the eye for every History teacher I’ve known.
It’s time you got euthanised.
That’s not very nice. I’ve no control over my parrot or what he says, as he knows all my passwords and has taken to impersonating me.
I was sent to a Papist school and then forcibly baptised, where all the lay teachers were continentals, nostalgic Facisti/Ustache and whom decried Her Maj and her consort YASUR (the one true living God) as heretics.
The only thing I learnt there was to hate Christians
Don’t hear the U word much, you must be a colonial, lots of them hid there dreaming for the rebirth of the NDH
The peacefuls will be wiped out by measles and heart disease. It’s natural selection.
And if that fails maybe the odd thermonuclear device
We need to herd them all into one place. Can I suggest we coax them into Wales with offers of virgin schoolgirls and disease-free goats and perform our moral duty on the sand-devils.
Just let me know which day you’re coaxing them all over to my neck of the woods, Shaga – I’ll pop over to England for some shopping and get back when you’ve nuked them. Do you need any more tickies ?!
Let those with a problem based on religious grounds fucking perish, bunch of cave-dwellers.
I say this knowing Christianoids have no problem with piggies.
Objecting to a dirty pig toilet and the diet of pigs is one thing.
Objecting to the gelatine is fucking stupid.
This is one of the best threads we’ve ever had by a country mile.
I agree. I am off now for a Cuntry mile walk.