Question Time {3}

Ok, maybe my previous nomination was silly, but this one isn’t: Question Time.

40 years of rants, a lot less civil than in the earlier years of the show. Tonight was no different. I could only see one Politician speaking extremely clearly, and he wasn’t reckless with his reasoning, like some of the other panellists. Ms Miller, sounding as arrogant as ever. A Liebour MP, who blustered and bloated (No, not that one) until a constituent told him he was just fine with No-Deal. An AM From Plaid Cymru. And Mr Cleverly.

I normally avoid Question Time. I should have avoided it and taken out a good few Plesioth on ‘Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate’. (Plesioth are annoying Piscine Wyverns, famed for their hipcheck.) Basically, any TV political show has become ridiculous and I’d rather be playing my drum kit than listen to several asshats make a mockery of themselves. And to those people: You’re worse than Bulldromes (basically, a giant aggressive boar). You run your smarmy mouths faster than the dang tusked nuisances can charge.

Give our bloody ears and sanity a rest!

Nominated by Pissed off Brit

69 thoughts on “Question Time {3}

      • If you’re in your 20’s and you come on this site, you’ve become twitter and bisted far too early in life.
        Still, you’ll not have died off before the next referendum takes place.

      • @BBC He’ll probably be in jail, along with the rest of us, for being far-right, fascist, racist ignorant cunts so the vote will be a moot point.

      • Trust me BBU, I’d rather not be so cynical. Still, could be worse I suppose – have good family and a good group of friends so things could be a lot worse.

      • I’m the only leave voter in my family of 4. So it’s irritating when my parents tell me to respect their vote. Excuse me? I love them but shit like this drives me mad. And due to my inability to find a job (Combination of things, really. I’ve got special needs, Dyspraxia and ADHD) that I would feel comfortable doing, I can’t move out. (I have a sister. She’s the 4th member of the family.)

        Oh yeah, IsAC is like a ruder version of that Bullshit Broadcasting Cabal show, Room 101. I love it! Keep up the cunting!

      • I worked for Wetherspoons whilst doing my degree and they’re pretty good with disabled/special needs people if you’re comfortable with doing that sort of work. Luckily both my parents are Leave voters and my sister doesn’t really care about Brexit beyond thinking the result should be carried out so luckily I don’t have that problem.

      • You express yourself very well POB. Don’t give up on that job. There’s one out there waiting for you.

      • I believe Grandpa Corbyn is looking to employ someone to walk in front of him, waving a red flag….

  1. Gave up watching this panto years ago.
    Bunch of spineless virtue signalling halfwits on the panel and ‘BBC approved’ audience of libmongs or gammons.

    • I can’t bring myself to watch QT anymore without flying into a rage when seeing a Brexit supporter being attacked and outnumbered by a bunch of cunting panelist’s.
      They don’t seem to flood the audience with raving loony leftist fuckers anymore only because they had to when the BBC was rumbled about their bias.

    • Hmmm?

      Well make sure you follow the government paid for (i.e. that we paid for) advice on rimming here first:

      Yes, that’s right, Warwickshire County Council have decided to micromanage our private lives even further with salient advice on arse-licking. Why, if you needed any advice on that, you just need to see 400 MP traitors with their EU masters!

      I’m moving to Coventry because they quite clearly have all hospitals, schools and doctor’s surgeries completely underused if they have money to piss away on this shite!

      Maybe they have advice for getting pissed and shat on too???

      Wouldn’t be surprised!

      Cunts! ???

      • Do you know Rebel, I thought I’d watch a few minutes of the clip and ended up watching it all, not in disbelief because those days have passed us by. No, I just thought how the fuck could Warks. ratepayers accept this? Probably 80% of them are not even aware of it. However, it’s the first time I’ve watched Dangerfield and will watch again. So thanks for that.

      • Yes Dangerfield is one of the triumvirate of YouTube bloggers know as “The Three Stooges” – Chris Dangerfield, On the Offensive and the truly excellent Iconoclast.

        I highly recommend watching their stuff. The Iconoclast nails modern bullshit, SJW idiocy and political duplicity with facts and an acerbic wit.

        While I’m on, “We Got a Problem” and Mòrgoth’s Review are also well worth a viewing too.

      • I cant believe a council website is offering advice on such debauched acts. Yet I bet their roads have potholes bigger than Elton John’s bumhole…what a load of money wasting cunts.

      • I’m from Warwickshire and can confirm the vast amount of potholes.
        However i’m now on the verge of vomiting and am wretching continually at the thought of Reg Dwights over used arsehole.

      • The same council that’s trialing self touching classes for 6 year olds.

        ? Been spending most of their lives building a pedo paradise ?

      • Nice link. Goes to show that not every cunt who looks like a cunt or has a voice like a cunt, is a cunt.

    • There are more worthy females deserving of a tonguing that come to my mind, Jennifer Lamiraqui for one, but each to their own.

      • Nice one HS, I’d give her one every day and twice on sundays. Even though the French are cunts they do have some nice ladies.

      • Natalie Dormer – I wouldn’t kick her out of bed if she farted.
        In fact, I’d probably stick my head under the covers and breathe it all in baby! ?

    • What is it with you and sticking your tongue up ladies bums??!! 😉

      How are you anyway, b&wc?

      • Its a term I use to describe myself liking/fancying a woman, thats all. Although I find it funny as I type it so I kind carry on with now and again MR, I’m fine thanks, a bit knackered, pissed off with Brexit, and cant fe fucked to do anything but apart from that all is good. How’s you MR?

  2. Question Time needs to be hosted by that Jeremy Paxman cunt, he wouldn’t allow these ‘Politicians’ when asked a simple question to waffle on abaaaaaht a load of unrelated shite. I saw Paxman in London once and he looked at me like he was trying to work out if I was a cunt with a slight snobby arrogant look on his face…top man.
    The cunt.

  3. BBCunt bias is what makes QT shit, it’s a good idea destroyed by a left wing agenda.
    Gina Miller is nearly as awful as treason may, the funny tinged cunt.

    • Liar L Minge looks like she’s been marinaded, and is barbecue-ready.

      Oxy-acetylene kit at the ready…

  4. The Beeb claim that their QT audience is politically balanced to reflect society.

    We all know that’s bollocks. I think the worst I’ve seen from that show was the show on the night of September 11, 2001. They pretty much said the victims deserved what they got, the cunts.

    But the “Who’s going to serve me coffee in Prêt” was a godsend for Brexiteers. What a cunt she was.

  5. A cunt programme made by cunts, featuring loads of cunts, watched mainly, I suggest, by remoaner cunts. When has the panel ever been 3-2 in favour of leave? Fucking never. It’s always remoaner heavy, sometimes even 4-1 remoan shite. Then there’s the inclusion of the sleb remoaner……..bastards like Russell Brand and the excremental Terry Fuckwitt Christian. It’s pure BBC remoan shite and a fucking disgrace.
    Bruce is a cocksucking slag but an improvement on that fucking old remoaner dinosaur before her. They should put the Brillo Pad up there but the BBC and the remoaners would shit themselves and run for the nearest safe space to have a good cry. Fucking traitor bastard wankers.

    • It’s almost impossible to think of a programme with more cuntitude shoehorned into it …..
      Actually the biggest cunts on there are the leavers, they should just tell question time to GO FUCK ITSELF!! And the BBC too ………

  6. Stopped watching it after Eddie Izzard went on it wearing a pink beret and lipstick. Hard to avoid it entirely though because sometimes a very special comment is made that goes viral, like the remoaner Londoner who asked, in all seriousness, who will serve her coffee and sandwiches if not for immigrants?

    What the BBC are trying to do is make you feel abnormal and that you should be in the nut house because you are the intolerant one, the hateful one and everyone else is normal.

    I assume Question Time’s panels are now comprised of cross dressers, fat left wing stazi thug women, Satanists, letterboxes and gender fluids? If not, won’t be long.

    • Surely the BBC in the name of inclusiveness should have a Ninja looking letterbox on the panel. What a laugh that would be especially if at the end of the show the letterbox reveals himself as a transbender cunt.

  7. Can’t watch it without feeling an urge to do something that would get me on a watchlist.

    There are no political programs on the BBC, only echo chambers with hand picked audiences.

    • Me too, SV, but I suspect all of us here are on a watch list.
      I’ve given up caring, because I now know there are so many like-minded people.

      Unless, of course, I am about to be dragged into court by the cunter-terrorism muppets, and charged. Shamefully exposed as H Belinda Hubbard, real name Doris Pol Pot

      • Sometimes I get paranoid and think I may attract the attention of the powers that be. But if they are really that interested in what we lot basically grumble about, it means that the intelligence services are either.

        A. So well funded they can screen every place people have a moan.

        B. They are really shit at their job.

        C. The threat from radicalism is a lot lower than we are led to believe.

        The alarming desire to sustain and retain democracy may however result in our cards being marked if Swinson gets a sniff of power.

  8. They cancelled one due to come from Bolton. Presumably because they couldn’t rustle up enough remoaners for the audience.

    • Doesn’t matter where they film it the remoaner questioners in the audience all have posh Home Counties accents. I imagine there’s a BBC coach outside waiting to take the fuckers back to London.

      • Be discrete Bertie. The rest of the cunts on here will accuse us of the gayness. Apart from Lord Fiddler.

  9. Love it when the panelists think they’ve made a killer comment, and don’t get a round of applause they think they deserve after talking bollocks and looking smug… Cunts

  10. I record it to view later. That way am able to take regular piss cooling breaks.

    Top-Tip: Never watch just prior to bedtime.

    Watch with a nice bowl of porridge in the morning.

  11. They should get Stephen (stir) Fry to host Question Time.
    Him doing that annoying, “Gooooood eeeeeeevening, good evening, good evening, good evening”, throughout the entire show.
    A sprinkling of Alan Davies pretending to be thick.

  12. No QT is allowed in my house on medical grounds.
    It’s a rigged panto full of smug cunts.
    Just thinking about it will get me 10 years dungeon.
    Fuck that.

  13. Kicked the tv license into touch years ago so I dont have to watch this. The Mrs prefers pornhub so im sorted thanks.

  14. The radio version, Any Questions, is in the very same respects a rotting pile of pig cunt. It was getting bad enough under Dimbleby, but it’s unlistenable now, though they seem to have stopped the on-cue cheering and whooping applause by an audience drawn from a Brussels estate (presumably)…which rather gave the game away, perhaps. Any Answers is still entertaining once in a while, as the girly presenter is easily stymied by callers with access to facts.

  15. The question we should all be asking is how the fuck did this banana gobbed prossie get to the forefront of British politics?….

  16. I use question time to monitor my blood pressure. Guaranteed they have at least one, usually four cunts I find particularly challenging, then you throw the audience into the mix, and it’s vein popping time. Occasionally, there is some light relief, such as Ed Davy getting hammered by everyone in the building, including that dreadful Ash Sarker or whatever her name is. What do people like her put down as a job description? ‘I have opinions’? Journalism sort of infers some investigation on subjects, but cunts like her dress up opinions as fact, and have no idea of balance. Without balance, it’s purely opinion, and fuck all else.

    • That Sarkar slag was on a BBC documentary series ‘Rise Of The Nazis’ a few weeks back. Fuck knows why, probably cos she’s a Communist, no useful contribution whatsoever.

  17. Ash Sarker gets on for being a commie and the beeb imagine she’s down wiv da kidz innit.
    Why does that Gina traitor woman look more like she’s fucking grimacing when supposedly smiling.
    Ugly on the inside i suspect.

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