Pointless YouTube Comments

I want to nominate people who put pointless comments against YouTube videos:

‘Such and such a thing brought me here’
‘Is anyone else here because of ……?’
‘Who’s still listening / watching in 2019?’ etc..

As soon as the first cunt posts this sort of comment, it’ll trigger about another hundred cunts to say exactly the same. No one gives a fuck what brought you here, just watch or listen and enjoy whatever it is without your vacuous cunty comments.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

109 thoughts on “Pointless YouTube Comments

  1. Typing “James O’Brien is a cunt” into google brought me here. Does any fucker care? Probably not.

  2. You tube is fucked. I used to watch a lot of informative stuff on YouTube until they turned it into a safe space. They are turning it into unicorn world with the emphasis on selling shit through influencers and liberal progressive bollocks and peaceful propaganda.

    Conservative voices silenced and anything questioning the system removed.

    Ok I best go and find another cat video to comment on.

  3. They’d be better off renaming YouTube to YouTwats – not only for some pretty shite videos, but for the inane fucking comments.(or lack of!)


  4. If you’ve ever got time on your hands look at the comments after a porno clip. Find the ones written in Spanish and see if you can work out the Spanish words for “cock”, “cunt”, “spunk” and “arse.”
    Or perhaps you already know them?

  5. YouTube’s great if you want instructions on how to do something,
    Ie-strip the dyson hoover and fix yourself!
    But yeah if you watch a music video,
    Say Badge by cream all daft shit under neath in the comments!
    “My brother used to whistle this’
    Miss my sister who emigrated in 81”
    Dont give a fuck!!
    Not even relevant shite.

    Anyone wanna see a photo of my dog?

      • Try it! Say “get dolled up toots!
        Im taking you for sunday lunch, we’re skipping church this week, so get some lippy on, the fur coat i got you , maybe the pearls and lets hit the road!”
        (Dunno why youd talk to mrs creampuff like a 30s american gangster but you might?)

      • RTC’s speciality of course is cream puffs.
        I make no apology for recommending my cousin Baker Betties YouTube demo below.
        Bettie also does a nice line in baps.
        She’s still not grown out of her Goth phase yet and she still bakes wearing her leather skirt.

      • There seems to be a recurring theme here RTC. . . .
        Cream cakes, creamed pants, ice cream
        I was offered a job at the local ice cream shop

        But I turned it down.

        I don’t like working on sundaes.

  6. For me it’s the cunts that just quote verbatim the exact same line of dialogue that we all just fucking watched.

    • For me it’s the cunts that just quote verbatim the exact same line of dialogue that we all just fucking watched.

      • Lol wondered who would be first on that one. This is exactly what I’ll do to them when I see it though.

  7. I’ll make an exception for comments on ISAC – loads of cunts brought me here. I think Jezbollah Cuntbyn was the first.

      • You find that reading IsAC Miserable, that you are exposed to a world of cunts you have never heard of ? Mostly politicians and mostly Brexit related but you read the nom, dig up some dirt and cunt them anyway to get in the spirit of things.

      • Before coming on here LL i had a diary of names my ‘far right book of hate’!
        Since coming on here had to buy one like the fucking yellow pages!!

      • There isn’t any yellow pages any more. Ha, ha! I’d ask for your subscription back as maybe that’s why you’ve got no new business coming in!
        Afternoon Miserable!

  8. I use You Tube to check on film trailers before I buy the DVD, but I don’t bother to comment on them. It’s amazing how many films sound really good when you read reviews but are complete crap when you watch them. You Tube has saved me a lot of time and money.
    And I have to admit I like watching cat videos too.

  9. I use YouTube to locate anything to do with the late and delicious Paul Walker….preferably of the saucy or clothes-free variety.

    Yes. I am a 48 year-old, sad old cunt, but who gives a fuck?

    Anyhow, I digress. Great cunting. Yep, those comments are annoying. “Still here in 2019”, “First”, “Thumbs up if you agree”…..what a bunch of fuckwits.

    Comments should be related to the video. That shit doesn’t relate to fuck all and appears to have been typed by a Primary Schooler.


    • I suspect we’ve all searched for someone we find attractive showing some flesh, just ask MNC….

  10. There are some decent documentaries on youtube, but I never bother reading the cuntish video comments on there. “Who’s watching this in 2019?”. What a cunt thing to write. No…I’m watching it by candlelight in an undercroft in 1815. Thick cunts attract other thick cunts so they don’t feel left out.

  11. I used to love youtube for the how to videos and TED talks.
    Now its just used by soshul meedja whining brats to sell you shit you don’t want or need.
    There are still a few good channels that I watch, but I’d estimate it’s now 90% bullshit and 10% useful videos.

    I hate when there’s a music video and people either quote a line of the lyrics or they say something like ‘this song reminds me of my goldfish that died…..fuck man….I loved that goldfish”

    I did used to like watching Jenna Marbles though. Not for what she was saying, just to watch her shake her lovely rear.

  12. I asked Google why my mates are cunts and it brought me here……. Speaking of cunts I see the government is opening an inquiry into collaboration between mps and the eu

  13. Should we really be Cunting people who make comments ranging from the ” Good point,that” to the ,frankly, deranged….?

  14. I rarely comment on Youtube videos, especially music. I do see these comments and think ‘what a dull cunt’.

  15. I can’t quite remember what, or rather who, brought me to this wonderful godsend of a site…obviously I has typed into Google “such-and-such is a cunt” but cannot remember if it was Miranda Blair, Corbyn, Suckdick Khan, Fat Lammy, Owen Jones, Diane Abbott, Jo Brand, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Ant and Dec, David Walliams, Jess Phillips…so many to choose and at least as many more that I haven’t mentioned. And it’s a list that grows longer every time I switch on the TV, go online or open a newspaper.

  16. Stormzy brought me here so I have a lot to thank him for really.
    The talentless gayness cunt.
    Fuck off Bongo.

  17. I love commenting on the Guardian YouTube channel. You can give them a good cunting . It’s like being in a cunting echo chamber. Very soothing.

  18. I’ll tell you what brought me here, I entered – in a fit of pique having watched the untrustworthy cunt on some pointless politics show: “Tony Blair is a cunt!”

    Et voila! And the rest is history!

    Doctors should prescribe ISaC for any form of spleen disease.

    Can I get a like now please? I need them to validate my existence.

    Anyone who doesn’t “like” is a transphobaracist Nazi! David Lammy says so!

  19. I think the first youtube video I watched was, Evolution Of Dance.

    P.s LIKE my comment so I feel validated lol.

  20. I only go on YouTube to watch my ex-husband’s (undiagnosed but it’s plain to see) retard son giving his opinion on stuff that I usually haven’t heard of. It warms my cold, dead heart to watch his inarticulate massacre of the spoken word. He hopes to get rich. “Like my videos and subscribe”. Fuck off, will I.

  21. Anyone else have a comment disappear? I don’t think there was anything that bad in it, I’d like to avoid upsetting the law, both for myself and the website, so I try to post accordingly. Not the end of the world. Just puzzling.

  22. Same as those cunts who start a post with “As a….” which is then followed by some sort of label or group, like they’re yearning after some kind of identity in their pointless lives.

  23. What’s the need for a “dislike” or thumbs down button on YouTube ? If you like the video, give it a thumbs-up. If you don’t like it, stop watching the fucking thing, you whinging bell-end.

    Thumbs-down if you dislike this comment…

  24. Sure it was Match of the day presenters are cunts which made me find this site. In a way this site has saved my sanity, thought I was surrounded by libtard snowflake weirdos everywhere I went, nice to know there is some like minded sensible people out there in this site.

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