A jumbo family, economy sized cunting please for this obese harridan, who fell back on the cheap tactic of evoking the name of fallen MP Jo Cox in the House of Commons yesterday in the theatrical Brexit showdown:
Boris rightly described her tirade as “humbug” then a cartload of other MPs leapt aboard the bandwagon, including Amber Dudd and Anna Soubry, two wimmin whose careers are now in their twilight, happy to cadge a few more seconds of airtime in their fifteen minutes of fame.
Clearly this Sherriff woman – a failed product of Weight Watchers, was trying to take attention away from the fact that Steptoe’s “we will decide after the election” has gone down like a ton of shit throughout the country.
There is a by-product to this faux outrage – it has encouraged Mrs. Cox’s anguished husband to crawl his way back on to the stage. The comments about his late wife have left him feeling “slightly sick”.
Join the club, buddy.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
I expect those women felt “slightly sick” when the saintly Mr Cox was furtively groping their tits and arses like the dirty little sex pest he is.
yes – he left before he was outed. But hey, don’t let that get in the way of St Jo of Cox. Has the beatification started yet?
If only we lived in the USA where I could legally own an elephant gun, this traitor would feel my wrath in the form of a 700 Nitro Express cartridge, 1,000-grain bullet at a velocity of 2,000 feet per second into one of her seven stomachs. FUCK JO COX.
“I shot the Sheriff… ???”
Yep bojo should say that /and re credit it to someone else so they could claim the royaltys/an i aint talking about crapton.
700 Nitro express – good choice sir. However, I would sacrifice some weight and velocity for accuracy. How about a classic 357 Magnum?
With that fucking sanctimonious fat heffer, I suggest a 25lb Howitzer would most likely be needed …
Seven stomachs, one for each gut roll.
Wasn’t Joe Cox that councillor that would only help the peacefuls but not the local families that had lived and worked there all there lives ???
shagawotZ, That wasn’t very funny don’t do it again or if you do leave your name on it
Instead of “humbug”, Boris should have called her a cunt, as no one could possibly object to the truth.
If he didnt have a fucking tv camera pointed at him its clearly obvious thats what he wanted to say
Or possibly cuntbug or humcunt. Either or.
I happened to catch this creature’s display by accident and I was frankly appalled that Parliament has sunk so low. If she acted like that in my local pub she would receive a smack in the gob and be permanently barred.
Moto Guzzi guy, perhaps?
The writing is on the wall for this porker and she knows it. She’s in a marginal constituency with a majority of 3000 , held up by the rigged peaceful vote, which was 57% leave. Come the election this heffer is yesterday’s news. Good riddance to the remoaner bitch.
What’s the left’s problem with humbugs? Used to love a nice humbug me. Callard & Bowser’s were the best.
Humbug it was. Victim card by proxy. A veiled attempt to smear Johnson as inciting violence, too – subsequently taken up by the centrist press and Verhofstadt.
But, as Johnson said during that debate,
“I believe that the continuing failure to deliver on the mandate of the people has greatly exacerbated feelings and the best way to reduce that tension is to get it done. Then the whole country can move on.
That’s where my constituents are and I bet it’s where the majority of our constituents are.”
If Sherriff, Brabin and Duffield get a slapping it will nothing to do with anything Boris has said. It will be because they are shrill, selfrighteous, undemocratic harpy cunts, and go out of the way to advertise the fact.
Humbug! WTF? You’ve not heard anything yet. In the coming weeks Boris is going to be using far more inflammatory posh boys language than that! He’s going to ratchet it up to words like gadzooks, poppycock and balderdash
By my halidom, that will be a pretty pickle!
Long live the English language, and stick it to the flabby inarticulate cunts, Boris!
The really stinging abuse will almost certainly be in Latin, though, so get a dictionary.
Snd also other choice phrases /get fucked is a good un
“I say and maintain, that of all torcheculs, arsewisps, bumfodders, tail-napkins, bunghole cleansers, and wipe-breeches, there is none in the world comparable to the neck of a goose …”
(Rabelais – Gargantua & Pantagruel)
…unless that it be the soft tresses of a parliamentary lady.
(Komodo, just now)
I watched this and this cunt playing the typical semi hysterical female on the verge of crying as to get a bit of sympathy. How they then tried to say Boris dismissed Jo Cox’s death as humbug showed there nasty side and and also their desperation. I am glad Boris didn’t apologise and kept saying surrender etc. The Labour party are a bunch of scruffy looking cunts who don’t have a clue, which is no surprise when you have Cuntbyn and the Flabbot on the front bench. What they also dont mention is the nasty behaviour of Labour and the comments they make whilst Boris the cunt is trying to speak. Then you have that Bercow shouting like he’s constipated and squeezing out a week old shit. What a pile cunt Parliament is for all to see now the spotlight is well and truly on them. Fuck the lot of them the rotten cunts…all of them.
Watching this Sheriff creature deliver her spluttering gurning rant made me feel quite queasy and dizzy. Not only because she is an ugly fat smelly bastard, but the amount of wobbling she did while doing her pantomime rant made me feel like I’d just been on the fucking Waltzers.
She is typical of the labour ‘women’ ugly, badly dressed fucking tarts’ the comment Bojo made about Cox was fully justified. Even with my limited understanding he clearly meant that as the Jo Cox message was ‘bringing people together’, until Brexit is shorted it ain’t going to happen.
The BBC cunts must have shares Jess Phillips Limited because she on the box again this morning, she really laps up the fucking media, al the end she said she would like to be Home Secretary….. what a twat, that’s Flatbotts job.
And what’s all this shit, a fucking accusation about a grope 20 years ago, why didn’t the silly bitch complain 20 years ago.
Seems to be the new opening move in the snowflake handbook, if the public elects somebody you don’t like accuse them of a grope decades ago, it’s basically impossible refute and you get all the cunts coming out saying women must be believed and if you don’t believe you’re a misogynist there’s no fucking decency left among that bunch.
Pikey Blinder and Flabbott hate each other’s guts. She has, in the past, told the Flabby One to “fuck off”, I mean literally. I suspect her comment about being Home Sec was another sly dig at the Flabbopotamus.
Being the size of a house, it’s only fair that Flabbot get the Home Secretary job
The more the libtard traitors slag Boris the higher he goes in the opinion polls. This is what people want from a leader…….a cunt who stands up and dishes the shit out to limp wristed wankers. Being conciliatory didn’t do Mavis much good did it?
fucking right
Afternoon my Lord. Would you like me to give you any more tickies today on the Epping Forest Guardian?
certainly have!
I’ve decided the time for talk is over and we need to take action! I have formed a new action group “The Cunting Popular Front.”
It’s aim is to infiltrate all the left wing local rags around the country and through subversion and civil disobedience we will disrupt their propaganda machine.
“Power to the People! “
All applications to join the CPF should be addressed to Wolfie Smith, 110 Tooting High St.
This fat bitch is a fraud and isn’t a real Hippo at all. Look at the facts:-
Hippos are most active at night. Then how come this large, sweating cow is seen only in the day? Yes, female hippos are called cows.
Hippos can breathe underwater for five minutes. Alright, but can we do a check on this? I wanted an official timekeeper and six people holding her under.
Hippos are herbivores and can snaffle up to 35 kg of grass in one night. WH-HAT? A herbivore? This thing? She couldn’t pass a Nando’s if her life depended on it!!
Hippo? You lying cunt. I call bollocks.
This is the first thing anyone has heard from her gob, apart from, “Six family buckets to take away please.”
She and others like her (Phillips) have helped the cause of Brexiteers with this nonsense. ‘Humbug’ is now a meme/micky take of the left trying to claim that almost any criticism of them is offensive language.
Six family buckets? Is she on a diet?
Incidentally, great name One Flew.
Hysteria is the badge of the Remoaner. Invoke some virtuous bullshit then screech when it doesn’t work.
The murder of Cox was a tragedy for her and her children. Fuck all to do with Brexit or Johnson. Her widower is an odious creep.
Looking at her she’s odds on to have a heart attack, I hope so, the big fat tub of sludge.
I thought Boris was quite restrained, i wouldve said ‘bullshit, bitch’.
As Douglas Murray has written, these fuckwits all feign offence to score political points, right down to the trembling blubbler of Sherriff, Thornpiggy and flabbot, as well as the jowls of Sourberries.
Far too many wimmin/wahmen and men who act like old women as MPs.
Douglas Murray was on Newsnight last week debating blockhead Paul Mason…
This vile cow is just a part of the leftie Labour Party Machine Jess Peaky Blinder Philips is another one these horrible Labour slags can say just what they want to who they want but as soon as they get a reply they don’t like all hell let’s loose.Horrible excuses for women and hell bent on changing the result of the Referendum result no matter what their constituents voted or think in short CUNTS
Absolutely. Jess ‘Life and Loves of a She-Devil’ Phillips has thrown more shit around than a cage full of chimps with dysentery.
Soon as she gets a tiny bit back, she’s screaming about outrage and asking for apologies.
About time she started dressing like an MP and acting like one, instead of the over reactionary fishwife that she is.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Women will bring about the downfall of the civilised world… Not nukes, not AIDS, not Ebola, not Islam (well OK, maybe that will), but psychotic blabbering wimmin…
I also see Brendan of the Blessed Cox is still milking his dead wife… The cunt makes Juan Peron look like an amateur on that score…
Cucky Cox will still be begging free drinks in half a century, Norm. He’is the Yoko Ono of the modern world,
All this puce faced shrieking and faux outrage has nowt to do with death threats or terribly terribly offensive language.
It’s simply because they all know they will get binned at the next GE.
Traitors and appeasers are,after all,filthy cunts.
Fuck you.
Remember kids, unless we do everything these harridans want, we might as well dig up Jo Cox and kick her skeleton about.
Paula “Shrek”.
Cannot see her own bad taste in up-casting Saint Jo of Cox’s name to garner victimhood brownie points, in a vain attempt to nullify any comeback from the Prime Minister but then goes into meltdown when he calls her rhetoric “humbug”.
The remainstream media were quick to call out BoJo as hurtful for calling St. Jo’s murder as “humbug”, when he actually did no such thing! He called out Paula “Shrek’s” outburst – including her nauseating reference – as “humbug”.
I’m also pretty fed up of the remainstream media calling/refering to the PM as “Johnson” and not “Prime Minister”.
The AL-BB-CERA even afforded the worst PM in living history – Theresa May – the address of “The Prime Minister” when referring to her, not so with BoJo. You respect the office not the person you cunts!
Anyone else see the suggestion that the DUP could be asked/lobbied to file a vote of “no confidence” in the PM thus raising a vote where Steptoe, “Toes” Swanson and Ian Kranky (Ian Blackford) would all HAVE to give BoJo their explicit vote of confidence in order to maintain their hung parliament?
Fucking genius! You could just see the traitors faces as they vote! Hah! Total cunts!
The country won’t forget.
Next election it’s Us Vs Them and as much as they’d like it to be otherwise, there’s is still only one vote. Many of whom may only get one vote!
Fucking 5th Column Cunts!
hung parliament – correct rebel – hang the lot of ’em – cunts
“I’m also pretty fed up of the remainstream media calling/refering to the PM as “Johnson” and not “Prime Minister”.”
Too right, Rebel – it fucks me right off to hear arsewipes like Jeremy-fucking-cunting-bastard-Vine and assorted nob-ended BBC cohorts on R2 referring to the democratically elected POTUS as Trump… That’s President Trump to you, you insufferable little piss-ant.
I would just like to state that there is no family connection between this
sheriff and that one.
I am a large cunt but of a different variety and versatility ?
These shouty women cunts with their mock indignation, outrage and constant misuse of the word democracy can all fucking go and do one! , like the boy who cried wolf the more these wretched cunts bleat the less people are going to listen, although a cunt of some distinction Sherriff is somewhat of a novice in the outrage game, Jess Phillips is truly the queen of cuntitude!
From men wanting to rape her to the constant death threats this PIG FACED CUNT takes some beating , along with rentagob Angela rayner and the ferret faced Rebecca Long Bailey they could form the yellow beard muffketeers….
Gopping cunts……
Alright Q, I was trying to picture what Rebecca Long-Baily reminded me of and ‘ferret faced’ nails it, she is like a nervous little rodent in secretary glasses and her drawn on eyebrows in permanently surprised mode. I could see the cunt nibbling on a bit of cheese.
Good afternoon mr liquidator
Are you enjoying the remoaners shenanigans?
Nothing surprises me anymore Q, the level of cuntishness this vermin will stoop to. They keep talking of Boris’s rhetoric is encouraging civil disobedience which is fine by me, I have started stockpiling milk bottles and paraffin and got my eye on a 48″ flat screen at the local Asda if it kicks off.
She’s actually probably more schrew faced come to think of it , tiny little eyes and a long pointy snout …….. easy on the eye she is not……
Hopefully in a trap?
Doolally Rececca Long-Bailey is apparently favourite to succeed Catweasle as ‘leader’ of the Labour Party. It has to be a woman, you see. Please God make it so. ?
Afternoon Creampuff, I hope so too. Imagine RLB, Wee Jimmy Krankie and Swindleton. Was going to say Lucas Spock head too, but she’s gone, Its like Westminster’s version of Charlies Angels if your on some of Creampuffs magic mushrooms.
Yo Riberal Riquidator!
Sorry, that was the mushrooms talking. ?
Lucarse gone? Pity cos she’d make the perfect co-leader (with fatty Blackford) of the Government of Remoaner Unity.
Sorry I meant Lucas gone from leading the Greens. I saw Blackford being interviewed last week, what a punchable cunt he is.
what is it about yorkshire labour mps – they are all fat and stupid and anti-demcratic?
cunts the lot of ’em
Have you got a record out, Lana ?!!
Lets stop pretending Cox was some sort of saint. She new perfectly well that thousands of children were being raped and abused by muslim rape gangs and did fuck all about it.. Just like the fighter for women rights Jess Phillips. Dead cunt . Live cunt.
I agree a set of of proper attention seeking cunts New Labour New Danger
I’m outraged!! ??
Late news: I regret to say that the boys in blue (only I just hope it was wimmin in blue) have had to attend Bulldyke’s home three times this week because the poor little love is scared.
The nail that stands up is the nail that gets hammered down (old Japanese saying)… Cause and effect is an alien concept to the Humbugs*. Could I be getting cunted because I am a cunt? Not a chance. I’m perfect. I am getting cunted because everybody else is a cunt. Help! Murder! Polis!
*They now know who they are
I know I’m a right fucking wrongun, but I’d love to do Jess Phillips right up the fucking stench pipe whilst smacking her fucking massive 44DDs around, the cunt.
I hope that nice Mr. Boycott lends you a bat for the smacking part.
? Happiness is a warm cricket bat ?
Source: Prince Philip, uber-immigrant.
Like Gina Miller, Butch Phillips is a frustrated old cow. She needs a l o n g hard brutal shag.
I saw the far left bragging on FB with a film of the cunts throwing missiles at Boris and co. If you actually lived under a far right leader you’d be snatched and disappear you stroppy spoilt cunts.
These cunts in parliament have been inciting that. When the BBC asked Javid if he thought Boris was wrong to use the term humbug he asked the presenter if Mad Dog McDonnell should of been talking about the murder of politicians.
The BBC presenter dismissed the question.
Cunts to the last
The trouble with West Yorkshire is that it is a dump full of violent, chavvy, rough and even terrorist types, so with a population like that no wonder it returns a horror movie creation such as this Paula.
You are right Mr C. These useless cunts held up by rigged votes and apathy, methinks a wake up call is coming. I suppose that now the real world is creeping into their libtard bubble some gussets are being autographed.