Matt Healy

Matt Healy, lead singer of the wankishly named band ‘The 1975’ is in need of a cunting.

This snowflake previously helped finance a new LBGTQ community centre and was quoted in the Observer as saying, “You might wonder why it is needed, and even ask yourself what exactly is everyone still scared of, but sadly, I think stigma still exists even in London and we still have some way to go.” Nope, nothing to do with stigma at all you lefty cunt, more about having LGBTQ rights shoved down our throats by every snowflake at every opportunity.

It’s YOU that doesn’t get it. WE simply don’t care. WE don’t give a fuck if George wants to be called Nancy, use women’s toilets and play with men’s tackle. Do it, I don’t fucking care, just don’t bleat on about it. And don’t fucking tell me what I should think about it. I THINK it’s fucking bonkers. I THINK it’s fucking depraved. I THINK it’s a mental illness borne out by the fact that the suicide rate for the trans community is through the roof. But maybe it’s FACTS that scare you, you, fuckwit.

But anyway I digress. This bellend’s latest transgression is to kiss a male member of the audience in the UAE in defiance of the country’s anti LGBTQ laws. Fine mate, you might get away with that sort of thing anywhere else, but the UAE? You want to take that on? Maybe a few months in a prison shithole being rogered up the wrong ‘in by Mohammed, or should I say Mrs Mohammed, will change your liberal view point.

Utter cunt.

Nominated by Bellendiousmaximus

53 thoughts on “Matt Healy

  1. This cunt and his group come from Wilmslow, part of the Cheshire Golden Triangle – home of footballers and the Manchester stockbroker belt. A load of rich, privileged and drugged up wankers. Nuff said.

    • Is he really from Wilmslow?
      Always round there, thats where the money is!
      Matthew, i applaud you, dont listen to these bitter old men, and book me if you need a removal van & men!
      Im happy to listen to your bollocks..sorry views all day long, and charge you threw the nose for it.

      Oh and it wasnt me took a shit in your bedside cabinet it was like that when we got there!

      • This fuckin’ cunt and his band released a video only a few weeks ago where he was wearing a suicide belt that blew up. All for publicity for a new record. Needless to say, it’s not sold very well in Manchester.
        I hope this twat is not able to walk the streets of Manchester and finally succumbs to his reputed heroin addiction. I’ve never wished anyone dead on this site but this cunt comes as close to it as possible.

  2. I’d never heard of this cunt before, but a simple search on the web reveals he has a history of talking through his arse.
    The UAE would be doing us a favour if they threw him in jail for twenty years.

  3. I wonder what goes on at an LGBTQ community centre? Afternoon tea dances? Bingo in the evenings? “Ladies” baking competitions at the weekend…….French Fancies anyone?
    The mind boggles!

  4. A twat who loves to cross the line just for the kudos and the attention of shitbook.

    Well that may well work in Western countries, but in the Middle East you really are playing with fire. But then that’s the problem with these libtards – they live in their safe little entitled bubble, believing that wherever in the world they go they will be untouchable by the authorities because they will spout their libtard bullshit that they read about in the Guardian and other snowflake media sites.

    But then when reality kicks them in the balls and they end up looking for a paddle in Al Shit Creek, they moan and whinge that the British Embassy isn’t doing enough to get them home, and are to blame for not warning them of the local laws and customs etc.

    Let the fuckers rot in jail, imprisoned in a shitridden cell with 6 hairy gay rapists and a TV showing endless loops of Midnight Express!

  5. Oh that would please me no end if this insidious little queer got banged up in a Saudi Hell hole

  6. What a pathetic soy boy. I really do hope he’s banged up in the UAE and raped by bearded sweaty smelly Muslim sodomites twice daily.


  7. I was born in 1975. I’ve never (gratefully) heard of this cunt, but it offends me all the same. I remember a picture of her Majesty in every classroom and how we saw it as right and good, especially the Chinese, Indians, South Viets and others from failed colonies so very glad to be here.
    If you don’t like it move to the socialist tribal theocratic paradise of your choice, but us a favour and don’t come back.

  8. This cunt is the son of Tim ‘Auf Wiedersehen Pet’ Healy and that old scrubber, ‘Loose Woman’ (literally and figuratively) Denise Welch, who flashed her spaniel’s ears tits all over ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ a few years back, whilst getting pissed in the jacuzzi (as I recall, not that I watched the shitfest, just saw the delightful stories in the rag)

    That says it all. I bet she has sucked up his arsehole since he was born….a right little Mummy’s boy, which is why he has turned into such an epic arsehole.

    Looks like he has inherited his mother’s propensity to not be able to keep his giant piehole shut on any subject he feels the need to drone on about, pathetic cunt.

    • His mams a fuckin disgrace is what she is!
      An his dad Tim is a cuckold of the worst kind turning a blind eye to her antics, if my missus acted like that id do a 20 stretch, Tim should of taken a axe to the old spunk bucket.

      • Depends what it is really, sure if she burnt my tea, well accidents happen, no problem.
        Public humiliation by shagging anything in pants?
        Youll never find the body..?

      • Most modern pop twats are the children of thespians or other celebrities.

        It’s largely a cliosed shop to those who arent.

  9. As Mainwaring said to Sgt Wilson ‘you’ll turn Pike into some sort of Nancy boy if you’re not careful, Wilson’.

    • That line would surely be edited out by the BBC these days. That’s bound to cause offence amongst the…….Er…….Nancy boys.

      • Its more likely to be, “Your excused from drill practice today Pike, its Trans Pride in Soho Square this afternoon.”

      • Not even that LL – Dad’s Army is to be banned in the New Libtard Paradise as it has been identified as a cause of Brexit.

  10. Afternoon cunters,

    Cant say I’ve ever heard of this prick but I’ve often thought that if an alphabet entertainer or “musicians” need another alphabet person to look up to then they should look no further than Rob Halford. Never heard him bleating on about liking cock or moaning about being oppressed. He’s too busy being making music and being a general badass.
    Ofcourse Rob is a real person, from a real working class family with real experiences of the world. It’s all identity politics. All respect to the “small g” gayers, who manage to stay away from all this bullshit. They’re the real victims here.

    This Healy cunt can suck my piles. Grim little bastard.

  11. He has a face that deserves repeated beatings and then starting again. I’d like to kick his bollocks through his tonsils.

  12. There’s a bigger for cunting this creature, and the rest of his far left band. They recently released a video for their latest song, which features their lead singer wearing what appears to be a suicide vest. Considering this was not long after the second anniversary of the Manchester bombing, it’s caused considerable distress among the victims and families of victims of the Manchester bombing. To date, they haven’t even issued a statement about it, never mind an apology. So, fuck the 1975. A bunch of eco loon loving, far left, arrogant cunts.

  13. I’ve seen this detestable cunt once before. I had flicked over to the Brit Awards and these cunts appeared. Then this Matt Healy cunt began a speech about “misogyny in the music business”. As soon as he said that sentence, I immediately switched channels. This arsehole is the music equivalent of Owen Jones-an utter,utter cunt with a face you could happily smash in with a cricket bat. The photo above is one of the cuntiest images I’ve ever seen. He dresses like a cunt, but there was no need,as his face already screams ” CUNT” no matter what he wears.
    Fucking cunt.

  14. No idea who this instantly forgettable arsewipe is but in the pic above he’s using a capo on the first fret and fretting just the bottom E string with his middle finger… Wow ! What a fucking awesomely talented guitarist… Not

    Also got his tongue out like a 5 year old trying to use a crayon…

    Unquestionably a cunt.


    • It’s because…

      a) his bollocks haven’t dropped so he can’t sing a low E and…
      b) his twiggy little schoolgirl fingers haven’t the strength to barre an F at the 1st.

      • Aye, but he’s playing a B flat all by himself. Cheers CC – you do realise that now I’m gonna have to go pick up my guitar and see if I can sing a fuckin’ low E !!

      • I swear down, I’ve just been downstairs, bonged the E string and sang the note. I really do need to get a life.

      • Mr. Gusset? The rock ‘n roll doctor will see you now.

        “Alright cunt”

        “Ah… yes…erm… I don’t know how to say this… I have some unpleasant news Seymour and it’s probably not something you’ll want to hear. We’ve had the “Gusset” results file back from the analysts and it appears that you are… (god this is the part of the job I hate) … ahem…

        …a Muso!

        Now now there’s no need to panic, these are rare cases, it’s rarely fatal and can be effectively managed with regular beer infusions and a selection of herbal inhalants. I you like I can write you a tabbed prescription for a bitching Dm9th which should help with the facial twitching but won’t diminish the desire to eviscerate Matt Healy I’m afraid.

  15. OOOO Matty you look so cute can I join your band, so I can shove ya banjo up ya arse sideways then tell us all how ya feeling you sparrow faced cunt, pathetic

  16. The 1975… Shit name for a shit band… Are they covering Chic with Greta Windowlickerberg?

    Ah freak out… Le freak spastique…

    And Healy’s mam is the biggest slag in Geordieland… Which is an achievement, considering she is up against some pretty strong competition….

  17. Dear dear me I do hope he gets 1975 different and previously unknown variants of Ebola.
    Get fucked.

  18. Let him have his say whilst he can because this talentless turd will be a regular at job seekers in the near future, or with a bit of luck he might join the 27 club.!

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