Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service

A blue-light, sirens wailing cunting for Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service, please.

This shower of shite have dropped the children’s character ‘Fireman Sam’ because he’s male, so not inclusive. The children’s character will be replaced by ‘inclusive, gender-neutral’ coloured fire extinguishers. You’re supposed to be the fire brigade, not the PC brigade, you pandering cunts.

Makes me want to weep.

Nominated by DCI Gene Cunt

Lincolnshire Fire Service:

Maybe if you’re a carpet muncher then you should be able to be put at your ease and phone an all women fire brigade to put your house fire out. Please Dial 911 C-U-N-T for this service.

Now who would really want those self serving ‘privileged white males’ coming around and risking their privileged lives to put out a house fire, or sweep up a suicide on a train track, or clean up after a multi vehicle motorway pile up? I do for certain, and I hope the cunt or cunts who decided upon this bollocks find themselves in the same pile of kindling as Joan of fucking Arc.

Nominated by Cuntsince1066

40 thoughts on “Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service

  1. Good God! The next minute DCI, they’ll be painting rainbows on the side of your ambulance!

  2. Sam was a bad role model anyway, Pontypandy was constantly on fire when I used to watch it and half of the village population were firemen(sorry firefighters), what does that say about the level of education in regards to preventing fires?

    That pisshead from London’s Burning was a better role model

      • “Norrrrrrrrrman!”. I loved Fireman Sam during my youth. I remember being in children’s ward, the evening, nurse would wheel the telly round, pop cassette in and we’d watch it. Cheered us all up until we had operations the next day.
        P.s I remember I thought the nurse was made if chocolate, so I licked her arm to make sure.

  3. You have to feel sorry for these firemen……..carrying these wimminz …….and putting their lives on the line at the same time. That’s not funny and nobody should have to do that just to satisfy some airy fairy libtard philosophical horseshit.
    It’s also the wimminz, physically out of their depth, who are put into unnecessary danger here, let’s not forget that.
    But hey, right on sisters!

  4. Very dangerous bringing all this cultural Marxist shit into play where fires are concerned. Fires don’t discriminate or care much for commie mind-games. God help the 18st man stuck in a fire, trapped on the thirteenth floor, with a snapped leg and some 8st militant feminist pops her head around the corner in the deluded belief she can carry him out. This is happening in all institutions now. Commies rotting everything out from the inside out. All planned a long time ago, and now in full swing.

  5. “Firefighters in England are approximately 95% male and white. The Home Office is launching a new campaign to help fire and rescue services change that. Only 5.2% of firefighters in England are women, and 3.9% are from an ethnic minority background.” (BAME)

    “Firefighter numbers in England are down 11,000 since 2010 and fire deaths rose 20% last year.” (J.Corbyn)

    Draw your own conclusions.

  6. Just what we need. Some mincing tranny fireperson/ firenongenderspecefic who’ll refuse to put out fires because it’s too dangerous and an infringement of his/ hers/ its/ their human rights.

    Fuck me, you couldn’t make this stuff up.

    • Isn’t making it up precisely what they’re doing? I can’t fathom the circumstances under which any of this shit would be the result of natural progression.

  7. They have to look at their emergency vehicles too, I would hope they are all electric or run on some biofuel from the stationhouse composting their own shite. The colour scheme obviously has to go, I mean red is such a angry and confrontational colour and most definitely not in line with the modern Energy Release Service.

    • Have sll with david lammys face on fucking massive like!and a special siren !by special how bout greta mingebird thundercunt on top holding on imitating the siren!hers good at making retarded noises anyway!thatd liven shit up!CUNTS!

  8. “As I was walking down the street one day
    I saw a house on fire”…

    Most of these cis/trans types couldn’t even wank down the street. Or find it.

  9. I’ve just heard Charlotte’s fanny is alight; she’s overheated, thinking about me again.
    Oh well, on with the oilskins, rubber boots and gasmask – I must do my duty. All hands to the pump, and over to Dinas Powys.

  10. My dear old Dad fought like hell in WW2. He must be swivelling in his grave if after all his efforts this PC wankery is what has come to.?

  11. There should be jazz hands instead of the loud triggering sirens and lights. Also talking of sirens they go woooowoooooo like a mincing fucking gender fluid tragedy of life.

  12. A few years ago a fire service had sent one of its crews on a leftie driven indoctrination course because said crew had shone a spotlight on a pair of sausage jockeys copulating in a public carpark, in contravention of the law, I phoned the cunts up and was treated to the full P.C shit list, near the end of the conversation the public relations twonk told me they had sent some fireMEN to learn sign language, really!! .
    He had no answer when I asked him how that would work in a dark smoky building. Absolute cunts of the first water, money wasted by the bucket load on totally useless P.C shite. When or where will it end.

  13. Our next door neighbours in Lincolnshire who run the Fire Service are cunts.Political Correctness gone mad these are the folk that have Polish as their first language ask the good people of Boston who have to put up with it every single day When does this rubbish end Fireman Sam you are welcome anytime in Nottinghamshire.

    • I was going to ask whether the money wouldn’t be better spent on making the fire engines comprehensible to the inhabitants of Boston by painting the following on the sides:

      (FIRE in Polish, Latvian, Romanian and Somali, in order)

      Looking forward to Postbox Pat and his oppressed black-only cat.

  14. I hope the driver of the fire engine,tender or whatever it’s called now does a risk assessment before rushing through the traffic.As for the sirens and flashing lights they could be distressing to people with sensory problems.Sohope the driver has a good brief to fend off the compo claims.

  15. The fire services are already cut to the bone financially, and these cunts are worrying about – and spending fucking money on – ‘inclusive’ red and blue dilldos… PC psychos, ah just gas ’em….

  16. And they’ve got yellow pants on.Why aren’t they wearing skirts?
    No wonder this country is fucked.A panto at every turn.

  17. I think a seperate cunting is needed for the bell ends who drive fire engines like dickheads up/down same st within minutes lights on etc like they m on a fucking scalectrix track /fucking nob heads if ya average guy did that and abused the service he ed be the down the fucking bank en all fucking b

    strike one, please improve your spelling grammar and attitude before posting again.

    • Driving like dickheads? And you know what job they’re going to, do you? When I’m driving my ambulance to an 18 month old child, not breathing, am I going to drive under normal conditions? How would someone with all your experience of responding under emergency conditions, drive to an emergency? ‘Average guy’? Against rules, but I think a seperate cunting is required for ‘experts’ like you, anbe frank.

      A far wiser person than me said: “Far better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you’re a cunt than open it and remove all doubt”. Could have been Dick Fiddler or any one of the many fine contributers to this site. In this case, too late.

      • You have yet to see in a different demograhic area such as yours as to how certain services are run .I have had friends in said emergency services and am only to well aware some people unfortunately abuse a position of authority .Take it from me i have great respect for the emergency services and first hand experience of such unfortunate incidences .n.b The police are the worst
        They are reckless if need to be tho.

    • Nope no problem with grammar .was in a rush when typing.2nd I dont have an attitude and the point is there are people who work for the emergency services including fire service who abuse their position to drive around with lights &music (two tone siren)like a set of morons who think its fun (up&down same st within minutes needlessly.They should be taken out and shot dead at point blank range.meanwhile someone more genuinely deserving of a position of authority should be allocated there job .

  18. Fireman Sam is inclusive. There is Sam, Penny (female), captain (near retirement age) and Elvis (gay). I’ve watched Fireman Sam and 75℅ of their callouts are due to a ginger trouble maker called Norman Price. Son of a single parent. Very realistic.

  19. Those fire extinguishers are not compliant – in terms of health and safety law and standard rationality.

  20. Now correct me if I am wrong but Fireman Sam was a government engineered experiment.
    My understanding is that during the Brixton riots fire fighters came under attack from rioters who had put them in the same category as the police.
    After the riots Fireman Sam came about as an educational tool for the budding youth, projecting friendship and service in the hope that in the future the service would not be targeted during civil unrest.

  21. I don’t care if the Fire (person) is white, black, yellow, green with purple fucking spots. If your house is on fire or your trapped in a car, who gives a flying fuck what background they’re from. Fucking stupid, ignorant fucking twats.

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