A cunting please for Konnie Huq.
The pointless former Blue Peter bimbo had an epic meltdown on the Jeremy Vine show this week and started foaming at the mouth and screeching the following demented refrain at her fellow guests – “Would you want Brexit to happen now if suddenly the new term was that everybody’s head got chopped off”.
Keep taking the pills, Konnie. Oh and by the way, you’re a cunt.
Nominated by Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
She’d get it right up the wrong ‘un…no goose-grease, I’d go in dry. She can squawk whatever she wants as loudly as she wants,it won’t put me off my stroke.
Dick I’d hope you’d give her an extra forceful thust as you reached your vinegar stroke,in the hope of fucking some sense into her.
I don’t care that she’s a Mental…probably make her buck all the harder as I mount up.
Sir, you seem to be on the same level of depravity as that character from Blackadder the ‘Bull buggering Bishop of Bath and Wells’. Should I condemn or commend you?
Just as long as you don’t stick a red hot poker up my arse I’ll be happy.
Yeah, Boris’s bragging has definitely got the remoaners foaming at the mouth. Their normal swivel eyes are almost rotating in their empty little heads. If Boris pulls this off, which I very much doubt, they’ll be a mass libtard meltdown.
They might have to close the BBC for a couple of days due to mass suicides among the employees.
We can only hope.
Never heard of her, so I couldn’t give a fuck about Konnie Huq!
This is the clip of the deranged woman
And this is Piers Morgan’s even better impersonation.
This “creature” is a Cambridge graduate and doesn’t she just support what many cunters were saying on yesterday’s 21st. Century Educamation nom?
But you must know that such creatures know everything and cunts like us know sweet fuck all.
This is the clip from the Jeremy Vine show . . . . .
And this is the even better Piers Morgan impression … . . . .
I think Piers Morgan is a massive cunt, but I enjoyed the ridicule of Konnie Huq.
What a helmet she is, she also doesn’t realise that people wouldn’t want brexit with ridiculous terms a la. ‘having your head cut off’. Because we were offered brexit with ridiculous terms from Treason May and it was shot down in flames, so her argument is completely invalid.
I’d happily agree to Brexit with Remainders’ heads being cut off, it’s win-win as far as I can see.
Of course I meant Remainers. Once they were decapitated WE’d be the remainders.
Konnie was the business circa 2000. Sadly well past her fuck by date now.
According to some online gossips, the proud possessor of a massive coke habit (allegedly)
Might explain a lot…
Take a pill love and shut the fuck up.
Or just Huq off
Just watched this on the phone…..what a fucking loon!
I notice that Alibi Brown bitch was there but didn’t say a word.
Perhaps she was contemplating leaving the country if we leave the EU , just like she promised.
By the way Konnie’s tormentor, Mike Parry is a well known WUM who will say any old shit just to provoke a reaction. He certainly struck gold with Konnie, as he would with any remoaniac right now.
Who the fuck is this demented bitch?
I think we’ve got some sort of telepathy going on Cuntflap!!
No idea who this is either but Remoaners get ever more hysterical. There are those that voted Remain and there are those that voted unhinged Remain. London seems to have plenty of them.
She used to be on Blue Peter so men of a certain age have a “thing” for her. You wouldn’t think that being a Blue Peter presenter gives you the right to tell people how to vote but apparently it does. It comes with working for the BBC.
I used to rush home for Blue Peter so I could jerk off to Konnie’s tits. Mrs Magiccunt was very happy when Konnie left the show. If she was sunbathing naked in my garden now I would draw the curtains.
What, so you could jerk off in private?
Former presentable Blue Peter presenter. Not so much now.
She has a head like a witch doctor’s rattle, sharp, pointy teeth and hair that looks like it is treated to a twice-weekly blather in Fairy Liquid.
Well gone to seed. Huq off.
Fuck me that’s absolutely tremendous
‘Face like a witch doctors rattle’!!
Absolute classic!
‘Head’. Blind cunt.
Valerie Singleton would never have behaved like this demented bitch.
She’s married to arch-Guardian licker and rich libtatd Charlie Brooker whom I cunted in here last year. Author of Black Mirror and other shite.
Just goes to show,opposites don’t attract if a pair of cunts such as Huq and Brooker have hooked up. Have they any offsprings? What a cunt they’ll turn out to be.
Yeah, Brooker, another media libtard wanker. Ugly fucking cunt too.
Her marriage to that Galactiic level Cunt Brooker tells you everything you need to know about this has been Libtard Remainer loon. What a waste of space.
Fuck off.
He’s a top shelf cunt. She would’ve been worth knobbing twenty years ago but not now. She’s spent a couple of decades sharing a shitter with Brooker’s belly of cheese and constantly wiping his libtard màn-yòghurt off her müslim chin.
Sorry love, we’re leaving by Huq or by Crook.
All peacefuls want to see Infidel heads rolling in the dirt. Most of them wouln’t do it themselves but would be more than happy to let others do it on their behalf. That’s their “culture “ if you want to call it that.
Could be from watching all the ISIS propaganda
It looks like these Remainers are genuinely deranged, and very nasty indeed. It’s like a mental illness, and some equate it to a religion, where there’s no rational or logical reason for their beliefs, just blind faith. So they’re a bit like Al Queda. Their cries of protest are growing louder everyday, spurred on as they are by their desperation to stop Brexit, but at the same time to find any ruse to legitimise their obstruction. In the next couple of months, their noise will become almost deafening, and will be eagerly broadcast by their supporters in the MSM.
There’s a reason why I have nicknamed this coming period ‘Peak Shriek …’
P.S. if you really want to trigger the sore losers just stick a GB sticker on the back of your car.
She looks totally demented – a real window licking cunt, but most ultra-remainers look and talk like that. Duckie Hugh Grant had a similar hissy fit this week.
As remoaner rants go the Grant poof’s was quite amusing. He described Boris as “an overpromoted rubber bath toy” and the Tories as “a bunch of masturbatory prefects” ( not the traitor Tories obviously)
Then he went on about “the freedoms my grandfather fought for” like the cunt he is.
A pity he didn’t mention racism then somebody could have reminded him of exploiting poor black women in Los Angeles by paying them to suck his cock.
Fucking cunt.
Cunnie Fuk knows what she’s talking about, she was on Blue Peter you know? She’s married to man of the people Charlie Brooker, he’s a clever cunt.
She’s also a sleb, that means she definitely knows what she’s talking about. It may sound like an incoherent babbling rant to us, but we are only simple plebs. Connie supports remain, Connie is ethnic, Connie is a woman, Connie is perfect, the thinking mans Diane Abbott.
Connie should be PM, only Connie can save us now.
Who beheads people, err i think it’s Allah’s mob. Konnie people of your tan. You Cunt.
She used to be half fuckable. I’d rather shag Captain Hook now.
That charlatan isn’t a real captain, you know. False hand, fake uniform, daft wig. What a croc.
That birds a raving nutter. What’s she going on about re heads being chopped off?
But female, of colour and a “celebrity” Remoaner to boot. Her her on telly against some middle aged white Leavers.
Unfortunately she comes across as a loony nut job.
Very fuckable though.
As long as you have piece of Duck Tape® handy.
Obviously, she’s a cunt but so is her sister, Rupa Huq, who’s a Labour MP. Cuntitude must run in the family.
Rupa Huq…. now you’re talking SERIOUS CUNT!
Konnie is Fred Dibnah by comparison.
I assume you are being ironic, Ruff Tuff?
Just seen pictures of Rupa and she has a face like an ashtray in a working mans club.
To paraphrase Wild Man Fischer:
“It’s not what’s outside, it’s what’s inside a person that counts!! DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND MMCM?!?!!”
You are clearly a man of refined taste, Ruff Tuff. I just look for tits and ass ?
I’m more a well turned ankle man myself.
Ah, that’s what I like about IsAC, the variety. The titillating image of a young ladies bare ankle for Creampuff and Mr Fiddler doing poor Konnie ‘up the wrong un’ at the top of the page.
Further evidence, if required, that IsAC is not an echo chamber. Evening LL.?
Evening Creampuff.
BBC Children’s TV Presenters + The religion of piss = This.
I’d rather leave my kids in the presence of Jimmy Saville than this far-left fuq-tard. The resultant therapy would cost less.
Connie Huq aka Cunntie Fuq.Completely deranged window licking cunt. I see that other prize cunt Alibaba Brown beside her. Where’s a sniper when you really need one. Connie Huq? Go and fuq.
Silly cunt should have stayed at blue peter as she’s obviously out of her depth on adult TV…..
Throwing your toys out of the pram and having a hissy fit over a democratic outcome has no place on TV….we have Westminster for that.
She would certainly have a sticky back when I’d finished with her, and it wouldn’t be plastic.
After fucking her I would take her to the vets to be given the needle, it’s all she’s fit for. Dirty remainer cunt.
Curry munching Corbynite toss pot. Get a burkah on and shut your samosa hole.
Evidently a complete cunt, ticks all the boxes, including synthesising a news event in order to plug her book, which I decline to publicise further.
Turning instead to the cause of her choreographed rage, I recommend this for anyone looking for a ray -only a thin one, but a ray – of hope:
He’s a bit close to the Soros/Illuminati/Icke school, but the analysis is one I can agree with.
NO! Nonononono! Damned if I know how that link slipped in. I’d been looking for Blair after leaving Ghana and it had stayed in the search bar despite loading THIS:
IGNORE THE PREVIOUS LINK or be very sorry you didn’t!
I read that link earlier and came to the conclusion that either somebody had hacked your identity, you were shitfaced or had lost your mind.
I c&p’d the link from the browser bar, rather than the Google one, I now realise. Only noticed it was a Twatter – and Blair’s Twatter, too late. Still, know your enemy… he’s howling about a second referendum again in the Standard, and plugging this week’s community lie, which is that it’s ‘in the country’s interests’ to stall Brexit (completely).
Incidentally, When Tony Got A Commons Bill Blocked by Advising the Queen, here
Greeted with silence at the time, I recall.
Interesting. If he plays the goat scenario I genuinely believe somebody will try to murder him, nutters aren’t exclusive to Remain.
My thoughts exactly. Please, Dog, that the Boris turns out to be “the man”, and not a pygmy-goat.
I’m not holding my breath, though…unless the luscious Queen Charlotte of Wales and her ample rubber-knickered rump are upon my face.
What would you expect from a former employee of the home of cuntitude the BBC, reasoned impartial debate I don’t think so