Ian Blackford is a smug , egotistical , ignorant cunt!
He stands up in the house of commons, full of his own importance, spouting all kinds of crap that frankly, no one’s even interested in. He latches onto ANYTHING that goes against the big bad Tories and like a little fat ball of shite, crows about it with that self satisfied look…cunt.
Worse still , if anything goes wrong in Scotland, he and the evil Krankie point the finger and blame anything or anyone that’s not them or they’re party. The best of it is that they can’t run an economy and they’re completely ignoring the result of not one referendum, but TWO!
His party in my book are a complete cluster fuck and he’s a total cunt .
Nominated by Evilscotsman
Superb – he is worthy of his own cunting, and he’s got it. Fucking gob-shite, twat, jock cunt.
No nomination needed. He is beyond cuntness. He’s fucking poison. He is the complete opposite of any single thought that is common sense. This fucking awful prick hates us not only in a small way, he has the audacity and stupidity to fucking lie. I hope this cunt gets our Nazi right wing gas chamber. Utter fat fucking waste of my oxygen.
I didn’t know you could stack shit that high…..
Looks like he’s outside a prison with the visiting times on the wall behind him. Was he there to prepare a nice comfy cell for his pal, Fatboy Salmond? Yes, can’t wait for that particular shit to hit the fan.
It would be childish to refer to his rotund shape, his narrow view of Scottish politics, and the self-satisfied sneer on his face which must have been sponsored by a fair few lardy breakfasts, the tubby cunt. Therefore I won’t.
He is a cunt of epic proportions. Today is Bisexual Visibility Day, so don’t forget to celebrate that, oh and Meghan has self identified as a woman of colour, total denial of her white heritage in favour of the black.
Seems like identity politics is winning the day.
Ian Blackford needs to find his inner gay or at least a bit of Pakistani heritage if he wants to be seen as more than a rich wanker agitator.
Like Barack Obummer. He was always referred to as black, despite being mixed-race (black father/white mother). His white mother brought him up and got him educated after his black father did a bunk.
Big fat Scottish Nazi hates England with a passion but loves to sit in Parliament lording it over the rest of us plebs This cunt used to be some bigwig in the German Banking System but found another lucrative well paid job doing nothing in Parliament The sooner these SNP are sent packing back North of The Boarder the better (A People’s Vote To Kick Them Out Of The Uk) If Scotland’s so fucking great fuck off back and stay there you fat bastard
Is it bash the scots day? a little variation might be nice
Nope, some Scots are cunts and some cunts are Scottish. The SNP attracts cunts and currently is seen as speaking for Scotland.
The SNP seemingly hold the English in contempt. I generally like the Scots I meet. As I said in a previous post I believe if the Scots genuinely want independence I respect that and good luck.
If the Scots think the SNP are worthy of leading an independent Scotland, I think Scotland will become a very bitter socialist hell hole.
Apparently calling them “Scotch” annoys them
To right ya numpty.
The expression on their faces when you call them Poms could peel paint.
I had no idea how big a cunt this cunt was until I saw him on question time recently. He was a cunt amongst cunts, bookended with that fucking Nonlib Undem harpie whose name escapes me at the moment. Looking at him, there is at least type one diabetes in the post, hopefully heart and respiratory troubles too. Just keep eating those deep fried lard bites, and pounding down the buckfast not so wee laddie.
Living proof that deep-fried Mars bars are still alive and kicking in Scotland, the lard arse cunt.
PLEASE someone give the whinging Jocks who want to leave the UK exactly what they want, if only so we can all get a bit of fucking peace and quiet. Or can we not just round up all of the Anglophobic fuckers, stick them on a fleet of ships and send them off to some uninhabited island somewhere so they can make their own fucking colony, so the Scots who DO want to remain in the UK can also get some peace and quiet?
Miserable, moaning cunts.
They already tried that Nurse C. in the 1690’s in Panama.
I think they bankrupted Scotland and asked (or begged) to form a Union with England in the early 1700’s so we bailed them out back then, they have remained ungrateful bastards for 300 years!
Let them have their independence and cut them loose.
Sorry about the history lesson.
Send them off to one of their western isles would be a start Nurse where the full on lifestyle of incest and dancing naked every full moon would definately suit the insular fuckers.
I know this as i’ve seen the Wickerman a good few times.
About two decades ago, I seem to remember a rather controversial child abuse scandal in some of the Scottish Isles. The kids talked about “birds with big black beaks”, but IIRC it was decided that these appendages were black leather/rubber hoods or masks with dildoes attached…
Orkney Fudge, anyone ?? (and I am 1/4 Scot…)
Odious lunatic. Spouts the same broken record every pmq.
And it turns out that he is the spitting image of my new boss- the know it all condescending type.
Know fuck all about this haggis humper or his politics (although I’m more than prepared to take the Evil Weegie’s word on that) and I didn’t see him on Cunstion Time (paid money for this telly and I’m not prepared to risk hoying another one over the balcony in the steaming rage that inevitably results) but on looks alone…
CUNT! …no question
Watching the Labour Party conference today you could be forgiven for thinking that the 2016 EU Referendum never took place.
Delegate after delegate campaigning to Remain, completely unaware it seems that the country has already voted to Leave.
“If you want to fight to Remain in the European Union – vote Labour!” Dame Keir Starmer.
Looking at some of the posters outside the conference venue and the flags being waved inside, you could be forgiven for thinking you were at the Nuremberg Rally.
Nearly choked on my (Scottish) oatcake with cheddar when I saw that thumbs up picture. Hate to sound like a millenial, but ROFL.
Normally like the scots, but hate this little fat smug fanny.
Thumbs up Fandabbydozy if your living off the taxpayers money eh Ian ?
Troughs never big enough is it kid?
When it happens your first up against the wall.
In the real world this thick bovine xenophobe would be lucky to secure employment as a council car park attendant.
Or Supermarket trolley person!
He would be muttering stuff around the car park like “These trolleys are the legacy of this Tory government and they demand to be independent for a better Scotland.”
I distinctly remember this Blackford cunt saying that when Parliament returned, his voice was going to be loudest, and he would make sure that the only topics of conversation would be the issues that interest HIM and things that HE will enjoy discussing.
So expect a PMQ’s all about fish suppers and rent boys.
Could be worse, he could be Greta “Noble Prize” Thunderburger.
I bet he knows what black cock tastes like.
Liquorice …………
Hey! You stole my line! ??
Hard to see the diffierence between Balckford and Wee Jimmy, both first class cunts!
Just watched the news and the clip of St Greta at the UN, she has been well coached by her ‘team’
And closely followed by tye flying Royals, carbon enriching the world, the Markle woman giving it the offensve ‘Woman of Colour crap.
All cunts!
Greta Thundercunt sobbing today as she was upstaged by Donald Trump.
Somebody,please send this autistic Joey Deaconite back to Stockholm in a freight box.
Fucking delusional cunt. Dinesh D’Sousa compared her to a member of the BDM ( Hitler Youth for girls.) At least they looked smart.
Fuck off Greta.
I watched little Gretas speech earlier,
And to be fair for a kid, and a kid with something wrong with her,
Shes good at public speaking, least shes saying something that she believes in unlike most of the cunts on the world stage.
Know shes a preachy little cunt but lot worse than her, like Mr Blackford!
I would be happy with a ban on flying for all under 25’s
Bet that would go down well ?
Under 65s far as im concerned.
Less shite flying here and no tourist money going out the country,
Was going florida? Tough shit!
Spend it in blackpool.
Maybe if people understood her condition they might understand what drives her obsession with climate change.
Worth a read.
I’ve worked with people who have Autism or Aspergers .
The first time I looked at her I could see straight away there is something odd about her.
My mates kid has both, hard work to look after a kid with these conditions.
My mates kid has issues but self taught hisself to play a keyboard/piano, and he plays like a professional musician.
Nice kid but with lot of problems.
Thats why i take it easy on Greta, just a kid, but mr Blackford?
Id nail him to a tree and not give it another thought.
Doesn’t invalidate what what she is saying. Like today how refreshing to hear someone finally attack ‘growth’. What did she say? ‘You with your eternal growth’. Great stuff. I have waited years to hear someone challenge the idea we have to have ‘growth’ year on year. I have listened to politicians of the left or the right and it is never challenged. Even by the fucking Greens.(They talk about sustainability but it is sustainable ‘growth’). Turns out it came from a tortured Swedish girl with special needs.
“How Dare you!’
Yeah she isnt wrong if you believe that the worlds in climate crisis (i do.)
Evening Miles!
Think you scared off the tickie fairy,
Left a bowl of milk out an a malted milk biscuit last night, untouched this morning.
Got a hedgehog though that keeps turning up at back door. But doesnt give out mass tickies.
The voice of authority Miserable. One word from me and they have scuttled off meekly. Hope hour domestic situation has calmed. Ah young love.
Yeah passions run high when your young!
All gone quite now, seemed a nice lad but hes in mrs miserables bad books,
She let me eat the cake shed bought him so ive benefited!?
No girlfriend no cake, hope he doesnt come back for either!
Hear, hear!
I was agreeing to what MNC said about,
‘I watched little Gretas speech earlier,
And to be fair for a kid, and a kid with something wrong with her,
Shes good at public speaking, least shes saying something that she believes in unlike most of the cunts on the world stage.
Know shes a preachy little cunt but lot worse than her, like Mr Blackford!’
Hear, hear!
Labour Party conference: McDonnell promises 32-hour working week.
How exactly is that going to help matters John, you stupid cunt?
Ole mcdonnell talks incessantly about workers rights, never actually done any!
As a young bloke struggling to pay the bills and feed/clothe a family,
To be told from now on its a 32hr week id of hit the roof!!
No friend to a working man this charlatan,
No friend to anyone.
Fuckin commie.
we had a 3 day week in the 70’s but it didn’t last.
Next stop a state owned London Stock Exchange. Nothing owned by anyone, just the state. They are a hair’s breath away from that policy and to think people will vote for it.
Free prescriptions to Willie.. Love to know how the sinister old Marxist is going to fund all this ?
Simples Fenton. He’ll grow the economy by 10% so it will all be self funding.
Plus he’ll add £500 billion to the national debt and invest the proceeds creating jobs for East Europeans to dig holes and fill them in 32 hours a week – the increased tax take will pay for everything, including the integration of 600,000 banned private school pupils into the state system and…
It’s obvious, McDonalds said so on the telly.
Marxist-Lenninist commie,you mean.
Yeah, marx brother john lennonist commie, always on about workers, hes never worked in a factory or industry,
Daydreaming cunts never done a nightshift or woke up aching from head to toe knowing hes another 12hr shift in front of him.
Hes a fraud krav and he does know what black cock tastes like!
Fat smug jock cunt. Can’t stand the fucker.
Quiet innit?
You moaning old bastards nodded off in dayroom?
Having a sponge bath of the home help?
Im hiding, house full of upset women,
Daughters split from her boyfriend by looks of it,he came over to stay from south of France yesterday, just suddenly gone!
Im staying well out of it!
“Im staying well out of it!”
Hands up who’s said that very thing and been surprised to be bang in the middle of a situation?
Daughter, her best friend and mrs miserable all upstairs like a coven hating on men, even the dogs joined em!
Tell you sixdog, nowt could make me enter that room, know I’ll get the flak this lads due!
I cunted this sack of dog shit on the Nicola Sturgeon thread…..
The thing I find most surprising about this tubby red faced wanker is he hasn’t needed a defibrillator during his parliamentary rants!
Watching this beluga whale breaching from his seat in the HOC is a tremendous sight , blackford is surly only a rant or two away from the crematorium!
Keep it up CUNT!!!
Has it not crossed him and Krankie’s minds that for all they desire it Scotland won’t be able to join the EU as an independent nation thanks to their debt?
I saw Pilsbury Mc.Doughnut on QT. What an opinionated, arrogant and ignorant motormouth. The gobby fat bastard just wouldn’t shut the fuck up. How this Cunt has avoided a fucking good twatting shall forever remain a mystery to me.
Give the Cunts another referendum, hopefully they’ll Fuck Off.
An excellent Cunting.
The deep fried Mars bars are on me.
Good evening.
I saw that Jack. Wouldn’t let Ian Dale get a word in edgeways . And all I could here coming out of his fat Haggis hole was incoherent bollocks. None of it made any sense ?
Our telly has never been as close to destruction as on that night.
The man is pure essence of Cunt.
Is this really the first time this utter wank spanner has graced these pages?
He and little Krankie are the reason we English should also be allowed to vote in any forthcoming Scottish independence vote. Fuck off, cunt.
This cunting is actually Ian Blackford [2]
Wheres Blunty Rtc?
Starting to miss him, maybe not that parrot, but no one does indignation like Bertie!
He respects you cant you get the silly sod back cunting?
Blunty said he was taking a break, I implored him not to make a stranger of himself.
Knowing Bertie he’s probably been busy down in Brighton organising fringe meetings for parrots at the Labour Party conference.
Hold on Miserable, he’ll be back before the week’s out, I’ll be bound.
Hope so ruff tuff, dont like to think of him upset, hes a sensitive bloke but a good one.
When on here you sort of visualize someone dont you?
For some reason in my minds eye Blunty looks like Jean claude Junkher!
Dunno why?! Haha?
If memory serves Blunty once left a post implying that he was… err… somewhat overweight.
I know you’re reading this Blunty – come on, put us out of our misery, tell us: are you Juncker or Blackford?
Yes mr Blunt, enoughs enough!
Self imposed isolation is all well and good, but the world needs setting to rights, answer Rtc’s question! J C junkie
Lookalike or whats for pudding Blackford?
I can’t understand why he was bothered. If I took a sabbatical every time that I posted something that mildly offended someone….Anyhow,I read back what was said and I don’t believe that anyone,bar him,gave a shite.
Well Dick your a naughty boy and Bluntys the sort who blushes if he sees a bra advert.
Part of coming on here is risk youll either be offended or set someone of crying, not worth fretting over!
Dont go out of my way to upset anyone and apologise if i do, but i dont sit up worrying about it.
How you doing pal?
Doing well,ta. Just been finishing off some paperwork,not a job that I enjoy but had to be done.
A fucking bastard, and no mistake.
Old forester rocks, and i’m fucking full of the stuff.
Blackford clearly models his monologues on those uttered by Russ Abbott’s C U Jimmy character.
Cunt must breathe through his ears as he can deliver rapid-fire, seamless bollocks at a rate of around eight words per second. All fucking meaningless horseshite, but by Christ, this cunt is clearly intoxicated on the sound of his own voice.
Keep breathing in the pies my bullshitting scotch friend.
I look forward to reading of your demise.
Now get fucked.