Greta Thunberg (2)

A non-eco-fuelled, high-flow and decidely high-powered cunting for one Greta Thunberg, por favor admin.

Whilst cunting someone at the age of 16 is normally not my bag (family members of course notwithstanding), this spoilt and entitled sock puppet of a little shit deserves to recognised for her unfathomable, borderline limitless potential to be one of the world’s all-time greatest cunts – Blair and Corbyn are, for the first time, looking at some stiff Hall-of-Famer competition from this Swedish shitbag.

Not content with being the (autistic) face of ‘saving the planet’, this nightmarish mannequin, undoubtedly fronting for some behind-the-scenes puppet master cunts, has now doubled down on her spoiled brat credentials; at the recent United Nations Summit, screeching in the classic millenial style to the world’s journalists that we, collectively, have failed the planet and “stolen her dreams and childhood”.

Would that be the very childhood currently spent touring the world – and racking up the CO2 air miles in the process now that her fabled seafaring crew have all returned home – whilst being waited on hand and foot with excessively fawning liberal privilege? This extra from Children of the Corn is taking her cue from all the similar democratic banshees like Alexandria Ocasio-Cuntez, as well as sharing the same doom-mongering, hypocritical take on the ever-vague and ever-changing global warming ‘crisis’.

Footage also has been doing the rounds of her bitter expression when Donald Trump walked out and ‘upstaged’ her later at the summit. I mean, what right does a mere president of the United States have to be considered more important than some wailing, lecturing Swedish teenager?

16 years old and already marked for supreme cunthood. If this is the youth Sweden is producing to combat the chronic enrichment of their land, then we might as well declare that nation well and truly conquered under Sharia rule now.

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back

154 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg (2)

  1. Feel tight normally picking on a kid with learning difficulties….
    Oh go on then!
    Her face when Donny Tango turned up an upstaged her was great!
    An his sarky putdown was good too!
    I dont hate little Greta, but ill pin her arms while you all stick the boot in!

  2. She’s irritating for sure but she’s just a kid who’s condition leaves her terrified of Climate change, the same way I was convinced that a nuclear war with the soviets was imminent when I was a kid.

    Greta has been and is being used, the people behind her want to solve climate change with communism wrapped up in Agenda 21.

    Greta has been convinced we adults are monsters by real monsters who would manipulate a child’s illness.

    See past Greta, research the organisation behind her and draw your own conclusions.

      • It’s pretty horrific RTC, she’s put out there and she’s taking the shit. It can’t be healthy, especially with her issues.

        This is a case of don’t shoot the messenger.

        In other news HRH Harry has said he doesn’t understand climate change deniers. The royals I believed were meant to remain neutral in all matters. How about you speak out about the shower of shite in Parliament screwing over your Grans subjects?

        No, you know you’d get your balls smacked, Ok, how about your uncle Andy, anything to say there? Silence?

        Best hop on a few more jet planes and get in a few more jollies, fuck the climate then eh?

        I had high hopes for you at one time, thought you were genuine, liked the way you seemed to support veterans and had the common touch.

        All I see now is you’re only interested in maintaining the status quo.

    • Spot on Sixdog. Sponge faced Pippi Longstocking has a handler to these summits, a German climate activist linked to an organization called ‘Open Society Foundations, backed by the likes of Bill and Melinda Gates, fucking Bono and founded by IsACs favourite old globalist shitbag, George Soros.

  3. At this point I’m really struggling to remain sexually attracted to Greta. It’s not just the fact she shit in bucket, but is really starting to give me the creeps.

  4. Greta’s brain spastications make her crave attention, so I do feel a little sorry for her. She’s being used.

    That was the reason she had a face on her like DT had just teabagged her mum on live television, after he had the audacity to walk into a room while she was talking to the media (who, hilariously, all dropped her like a stone when Trump walked in).

    Part of me hopes he did it on purpose, but I doubt it as a many were arriving at the same time for the start of the conference.

    When she’s no longer ‘that cute soazzy kid’ and instead becomes the ‘creepy weirdo adult’ her handlers will drop her for a more useful idiots.

    Shame really, but God I’m sick of listening to the maniac going on as though we’ll all be dead in five years unless we all live in caves (‘we’ being the first world, not the likes of China, India, the Middle East or Africa, of course.

  5. Sure she has millions of followers too on the internet all hanging on every word that’s said by her. Of course they all virtue signal like it’s going out of style meanwhile the energy they are wasting powering the servers keeping these cunts connected is doing a fucking good job of polluting the environment not to mention the condensers chilling the chilling water has to transfer the heat somewhere now they could recycle the heat but I don’t know for certain so lets say half escapes to further heat the atmosphere. Now the internet is an amazing thing but the information storage and sharing comes at a energy cost so if its used for essential industrial, medical, commercial, military purposes it’s acceptable, but to use it just for sharing pictures of people doing something a million others have done or the fact some reality TV cunt has been a cunt with some other cunt really is a waste of resources.
    So Greta for all your possible good intentions you need to get the message over that pointless use of the Internet damages the environment and creates the sum total of fuck all.

  6. I can only keep returning to the thought of how irresponsible Grungeberg’s parents really are. This applies whether they are the prime driving force behind this pitiful girl’s actions or whether they have failed in their duty as parents to allow their child a normal childhood away from the glare of all the hype and publicity.
    Their dereliction of duty is even more unforgivable, given that the girl has obvious
    health and psychological problems. This was perfectly demonstrated by her behaviour at the UN. She may well be intellectually well developed but her emotional development is that of a 10 year old.

    To her parents and all those fawning politicians and adults who follow her, I say this . . . . .
    You are the ones who have no only stolen her childhood but I fear it will also be her life as an adult, when she inevitably has some sort of mental implosion from the pressures and adulation on a young girl who was just too young to take it.

  7. She is a complete and utter cunt. I pity the non sexual that marries it. She no doubt sucks Muslim cock as well in the backstreets of Malmo.

    • Just imagine the chewing out the poor bastard will get when he comes home and forgot to pick up the soy milk. She’s the kind of unstable that’ll be threatening to throw herself out the window *HOW DARE YOU*

  8. I ham goink to ask der Werld Leaders if dey would all giff me a lollipop for holding in my poo-poo for almost fife weeks. I ham now so full of shit I might hexplode.

    I will scream und scream until I ham sick. I can you know.

    Now, giff me a lollipop!!

  9. Go and preach to the shithole third world about doing their bit for climate change by not breeding like fucking rabbits.

      • They’re nearly all white in Pitsea. I don’t particularly like the place, but it is a prime example of the antithesis of the metropolitan elite and why the the white working class have been left behind.

      • Exactly. As a northerner I struggle to understand this. Apparently, from a recent survey, Jaywick is supposed to be the most deprived area in England.
        Is this a similar type of area to Pitsea?

      • Good evening Captain. This is like the Two Ronnies sketch- answering the question from two questions before.
        Does the answer relate to Jaywick or Elisabeth Bott?

      • Ha ha, sorry Blunty. Good analogy with the Two Ronnies’ sketch. I love that.

        It was about “scweam and scweam” and the Just William reference.

  10. She’s gonna get one Hell of a detention when she goes back to school….she’s been bunking off for months….

    • Not dissimilar to Lucarse, or Jon Snot.
      Rather worrying.

      Heard the Grey Major gobbing off on News at Ten. Monumental cunt, useless toerag. traitor (oooh I said the T-word, aren’t I naughty ??). Never forget that Major’s total uselesness and cuntitude led to the election of B Liar in a massive POPULIST landslide. Populism was ok back then, wasn’t it, you wankstain politicians. ??

      Gina Miller is an anag. of L Minge Liar (I think).

      Jess Phillips is an arse-biscuit.

  11. She apparently has selective mutism, a type of anxiety disorder in which somebody cannot speak in certain situations except of course when there is a microphone shoved in her face or addressing world leaders at the UN with a TV audience of millions.

    • I think I’m going to develop selective mutism the next time I’ve an appointment at the jobcentre.

  12. If everybody is going to be famous for 15 minutes, I hope this joyless sanctimonious little bitch, who takes herself far too seriously, is now at the 14th minute and that when the 15 are up she, like Soubry, Thornbury, Swinson and co just shut the fuck up and never appear in public again. Couldn’t she go over and become a Taliban tart, put her in a burqa and become a suicide bombers bride?

    • Modern lefties don’t feel the need to win a vote, earn popular support, or produce anything useful in climbing to the top. They’re just right and everyone MUST listen.

  13. Let’s just step back and see what we’re dealing with here and who the world’s ‘leaders’ are listening to/coaching. we have a menstrual, hormone raddled, emotionally incontinent teenage girl with “ishoooooz”. and what do they do? Offer insightful reasoned comment based on extensive research and engage in equitable erudite discourse… oh no… wait a minute… I meant …have sobbing, incomprehensible screaming meltdowns twice a day before stomping out behind a slammed door of course. So, just the sort of international “special (needs) envoy” the world needs then.

  14. my hope was when she made her infamous voyage that she would come across the worlds last remaining polar bear floating on the worlds last remaining piece of polar ice and give this vegan cunt doll a real taste of meat up her bony ass as it was polluting the precious oceans

  15. Miles is gonna tear you all a new arsehole when he sees this!
    Hes a fan of little greta.
    He’ll go fuckin bananas when he gets back from church.
    You cunts better hire jess philips bodyguard

    • I would hire Jess Phillips herself, baring her manky teeth. “Ol roit iysac cunts il fookin av yer”.

      • Jess has teeth like Miles ex love willow!
        Imagine her chomping on yer ?
        Like a shark attack!

      • Don’t mention Willow. Btw have you seen Miles and Willow in the Latest Lloyd’s bank ad?
        The love that’s flowing between them is incredible.
        I was moved that much, that I’ve opened up an account with them!

      • Yeah Miles and willows forbidden love advert!?
        The love that dare not speak its name!
        Now ive made it seem dirty an feel guilty!
        No love like that between a man and a barnyard animal.

  16. Greta Thundercunt, Gina Miller and Guy Fuckoffstad all cunted on the same day, it is a cuntoligists idea of heaven or reason enough to despair with what we have to endure from the cunts

  17. This deluded mouthy ugly little shouty gobshite needs to go fuck right off.

    All she does is shout and scream like Bonnie Langford used too.

    She is the mouthpiece for adults with a fucked agenda.

    Who,the fuck,does she think she is?

    Fuck off,darling, go do your homework and put your headphones on.

    Ugly hint.

    Fuck off.

    • Youve got a thing for her!
      Can tell, just ask her out dont be shy!
      All them years you thought you were gay?
      Just hadnt found the right girl krav!

      Kravdarth thunbergs from Bumholia

  18. As annoying and repulsive as this cerebrally scrambled fuckwit actually is, I’m beginning to think that the cunting should be aimed more at her parents and the neo-Nazi, tree hugging, eco-maniacs that are pulling her strings. It seems that her sister is also suffering with an endless list of “mental disorders” including, a new one to me…defiant syndrome – basically an excuse to regularly lose control and tell your parents, teachers etc. to go fuck themselves! Now as a kid, I also had this but my dad cured it in one day by giving me good hiding and washing my mouth out with soap, but I guess parenting advice in liberal Sweden doesn’t extend to simple fucking discipline!

    As for the fucking eco-hippies, that are in fact stealing Greta’s life whilst simultaneously frightening an entire global generation of kids to death with their hysterics, they are becoming a more and more disturbing cult that needs to be squashed very quickly – or they could just shut the fuck up!

    • ‘Defiant syndrome’

      Or as it’s always otherwise been known, “Being a spoiled entitled little cunt who just needs to hear ‘No’ sometimes.”

  19. It’s child abuse, no question. The shit those cunts are putting that poor dustbin lid through is going to have dire consequences. He parents need birching for filling her head full of crap, and allowing her to be sock puppeted and fuck knows what else by that kraut broad and her team of super villains. Listen to that speech that she gave the UN. When she wasn’t ranting like Rainman reading mein kampf, she was reading out a lot of highly technical information which I doubt many people listening could understand. I wish someone (Trump would do, every cunt hates him anyway) would have asked her to explain what she was talking about, to see if she understands.

  20. There’s only one reason why the Thunderbirds arse is being kissed by the usual politicians, media, the libtard luvvies, corporate America and corporate Europe, and it ain’t to save the planet for fucking polar bears.
    Fear, control and money.

    Shit, that’s three reasons but you know what I mean.

  21. I see that the Antarctic research vessel that was launched today has honoured Greta by naming one of the lifeboats after her – “ Boaty Mc Mong Face”

    • The Duchess of Doolittle had a full days ‘work’ and pressed a big yellow button to break the champagne bottle over the side. Phew, mum of three small children, working royal, she will be feeling it tonight.

  22. This hateful little cow is really getting on my tits. What a fucking turd she is.
    I thoroughly enjoyed the moment Big Don waltzed in and stole Thundercunt’s thunder. The look on her face -hilarious! She looked like she was in a lift that Diane Abbott had farted in.

    • I like how Donnie Tango walked in!
      Like a gang leader who knows hes hated and doesnt give a fuck!
      He should of pinched her cheek and offered her a lolly, proper patronised her!
      Shed of been frothing at the mouth drumming her heels on the floor…

  23. Her Parents and puppet masters must know by now that this whole circus has backfired and she has become a figure of fun and derision.
    If they have the smallest amount of compassion they should pull her out of public view ASAP.

    • Earning to much money out of her Fenton, and loving mingling with the rich n famous!

      • There is a track record with this kind of thing, Malala Yousafzai and David Hogg a gun control activist who survived a school shooting to name two. Any real, well meaning message gets lost amid the politics and hijacked by leftist agenda driven bullshit.

    • Her sad demise (surely imminent), and a good career move will give libtards the opportunity to bury her in the same grave as blessed St. Jo Cox, for frequent disinterral whenever it suits their anal monologue.

      • The sooner the better. Although she would then be elevated to Diana /Mother Teresa status, and we would never hear the end of it. We might even get a tearful tribute record from Dame Elton…
        “Prozac In The Bin”.

  24. The Swedes are some of the maddest Fuckers on the planet. Mother Nature has them on a Darwinian fast track with a Peaceful conclusion.
    The loopy Cunts.
    Fuck Them All.

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