A non-eco-fuelled, high-flow and decidely high-powered cunting for one Greta Thunberg, por favor admin.
Whilst cunting someone at the age of 16 is normally not my bag (family members of course notwithstanding), this spoilt and entitled sock puppet of a little shit deserves to recognised for her unfathomable, borderline limitless potential to be one of the world’s all-time greatest cunts – Blair and Corbyn are, for the first time, looking at some stiff Hall-of-Famer competition from this Swedish shitbag.
Not content with being the (autistic) face of ‘saving the planet’, this nightmarish mannequin, undoubtedly fronting for some behind-the-scenes puppet master cunts, has now doubled down on her spoiled brat credentials; at the recent United Nations Summit, screeching in the classic millenial style to the world’s journalists that we, collectively, have failed the planet and “stolen her dreams and childhood”.
Would that be the very childhood currently spent touring the world – and racking up the CO2 air miles in the process now that her fabled seafaring crew have all returned home – whilst being waited on hand and foot with excessively fawning liberal privilege? This extra from Children of the Corn is taking her cue from all the similar democratic banshees like Alexandria Ocasio-Cuntez, as well as sharing the same doom-mongering, hypocritical take on the ever-vague and ever-changing global warming ‘crisis’.
Footage also has been doing the rounds of her bitter expression when Donald Trump walked out and ‘upstaged’ her later at the summit. I mean, what right does a mere president of the United States have to be considered more important than some wailing, lecturing Swedish teenager?
16 years old and already marked for supreme cunthood. If this is the youth Sweden is producing to combat the chronic enrichment of their land, then we might as well declare that nation well and truly conquered under Sharia rule now.
Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back
Just seen some pictures of that little bastard Archie with his mother. Fuck me, the cunt is as white as my arse. How can that be?
The ginger is strong in this one hmm. Too early to see how bad this terrible affliction is.
It’s obvious Freddie. It’s a changeling. The real one is as blàck as the fireback, with a mop of orange hair and webbed feet. It’s probably been adopted by some Dooshka Dooshka immo’s for a tidy sum, who will use it as a begging aid.
It will be able to say ‘ Beeeeeg Eeessshhu Plis ‘ before it can walk.
Good evening.
Fuck me every time Markle opens her mouth I hate her more – ‘I AM YOUR SISTA!’ Fuck off you’re a smug, stuck-up, elitist snob nothing like poor people anywhere whatever colour they may be you stupid cow.
Ginger Pubes was banging on about “Believing in science” regarding climate change but would the workshy fuckwit believe in the science of biology and genetics and the undisputable fact of only two genders?
Oh come on, give the poor bitch a break. She’s worn the same dress twice. She is so, like, down with her sistas. What next? Rumbling through charity shops and breaking into ‘Clothes For Romanian’ Banks like a dirty chav?
He’s been for a total blackendectomy already. Best to do it while they’re still young. Mr. Porchester will take him for his injections.
Apart from little greta only other swede i know is the chef from the muppets.
Greta Thundercunt impersonation by Liebour fuckwit Barry Sheerman:
Calm down Barry youll do yourself a mischief! Hehehe!
‘Stop stopping us cheating the people,and using mean words!’
Cunts like Barry just harden my conviction and focus my growing anger Rtc,
Theyre starting to worry though noticed?
Only just becoming aware people are fuming with them.
Who is this Barry Shitcunt anyway? Never heard of him until yesterday. Wanker.
I think that’s why he did it. Rabid prick, chill out you fucking bellend.
Yeah Barry get a grip you hysterical little cunt.
Boris should of shouted him down
Boris lost 8 out of 8 votes,
Doesnt play cards does he?
Welcome to join me for game of poker any day!
“Ill take the watch as well pal.”
He’s a mouthy Labour shitcunt, that’s who he is.
The first link I posted clipped the best couple of seconds right at the end, this one is better:
His truss was bent beyond repair and he will never be able to give it to Gaylord Adonis up the arse ever again
He’s the MP for Kirklees, which is Huddersfield area, he’s been in the job far too long. The bloke is a full weight wanker. Another one who’s enjoyed the luxury of being paid a fuck load for never having to work. His constituency also voted to leave by 54%, stupid prick should shut his mouth.
Somehow they didn’t catch this on camera, it’s not been broadcast I can find.
LABOUR chief Jeremy Corbyn was blasted for criticising the PM over the Supreme Court ruling as he has previously “backed” judge-killing IRA terrorists.
“The DUP’s deputy leader Nigel Dodds said there will be many families in Northern Ireland who wished Mr Corbyn had spoken out in defence of the judiciary decades ago.”
The best bit!
The devastating intervention brought the febrile Commons to a standstill – and appeared to leave Mr Corbyn dumbstruck as he sat on the Labour frontbench.
That’s not been allowed to go viral!
Or the Belfast Telegraph if you prefer to avoid the gutter.
I think Greta has good intentions and means well.
I wonder what things the people around her are doing, not the general public but her parents and people in suits etc.
I can’t think of the proper word, but like a child film star whom is famous, people of all sorts trying to make money from them, being lead astray, then being forgotten about.
It reminds me of the fella whom played the artful dodger when he was a child. He took to drugs.
I hope they are not taking advantage of her. That would be very wrong.
I hate that spooky wee freak. She makes me want to feed plastic bags to whales while holding a hair dryer against a glacier.
Nice talking! Make sure that extension lead is plugged into a good quality ELCB though, especially with all that salty water around! And may I also recommend a paint stripper as opposed to a hairdryer? Will do the job quicker – i need just 50m searise leve increase before I can walk to the beach! Happy days. Fuck the Maldives. It’s too expensive anyway.
I never thought of that – if sea levels rise, my house will go up in value as I live up a hill (such as there are in Essex). Even more reason to fuck the climate – Jeeves, bring round the 7litre Camaro!
This girl is nothing but a chattel being used by her hippy parents to push their agenda and the sad thing is, she probably doesn’t even know they are doing it.
I also think that the whole plaited hair thing she has going on is deliberately contrived to make us think she is still some sweet little baby girl or something. For fuck’s sake, she is a 16 year-old young lady, not a fucking 10 year-old and the more I see and hear of her, the more shit bored of her endless diatribe I get.
If anyone has stolen her childhood, it is the people she has around her, just as the photo suggests. Her parents primarily, who should be encouraging her to be doing the things a teenager SHOULD be fucking doing, which is pissing about with their friends, going to school to expand their minds beyond just fucking climate change and annoying the shit out of everyone around them with their teenage wiles and ways.
But no. Greta is far too busy making bitch face at ‘The Great Orange Ape’, he with ‘Shredded Wheat’ for hair.
Oh, the joys of a misspent youth.
In the dim and distant past NC, didn’t climate change just used to be called weather?
Indeed it did, LL! I actually miss the good old days of the 70’s and 80’s when I was growing up, when we all just got on with life without all of this bloody scaremongering and paranoia. It is enough to drive you into the loony bin. Mind you, to be fair I’ve got one foot in the bloody door already!!
Yes same with me, as a child of the 80’s and 90’s this stuff just wasn’t around, certainly not in schools anyway. I read some university is making climate change studies mandatory for students so we might get our own homegrown finger-wagging weirdo soon.
swede’s aren’t they like turnips? just a thought, and my apologies to turnips
What about parsnips? Roasted they taste delicious.
Some people roast them with honey. I think they’re sweet enough on their own.
Parsnips indeed caramelise beautifully. Am looking forward to some with Christmas lunch; shall go for a goose this year. A Swede is very nice mashed with butter, nutmeg and pepper, or in a WPO’s uniform…
Like turnips but not as glamorous.
I think it’s commendable that her parents are keeping her out of harm’s way. If she was back in Stockholm or Malmo she’d be a permanent cock holster for the enrichers.
We had a Swedish au pair once. She was fucking mental as well. Perhaps it’s just a Swedish thing. Gave her the sack in the end. Useless cunt.
Useless cunt? Were any other parts of her body acceptable?
Sack, balls, and shaft was it?
I don’t think there’s much I can add but I just feel the need to contribute my 2 cents worth about this autistic little girl who’s displaying the personality of a serial killer. Watching that speech was just utterly cringeworthy. What really gets me is how she said “All you can talk about is money and fairytales of economic growth. How dare you?!” If it wasn’t for Swedish economic growth she’d be pulling a horse plough, farming vegetables in a starving country.
She’s being completely used and exploited without realising it. I’d feel sorry for her if she wasn’t so irritating with her sanctimonious, finger-wagging bullshit and glaring mongoloid face. And shame on her parents and advisers who think it’s OK to put her on the world stage like that!
I recently had an affair with a gorgeous 5’10” Swede. Amazing fuck but completely batshit mental. It’s definitely a Scandinavian thing. They’re all crackers.
The problem I have with all this is that young Cuntberg’s mother stated that GRETA CAN ACTUALLY SEE CARBON DIOXIDE IN THE AIR. How the fuck are you supposed to take these fucking clowns seriously?
I can see my farts in the air; the flames are a dead giveaway, also the strong smell of garlic.
I can see the bullshit emitting from her chapped lips… and I can smell the rehearsed, choreographed, breathless breathing indignation.
Worst acting since a crime-watch reconstruction.
that fucking volcano in NZ must have blown the stupid cunts eye balls out
Turdberg has a face like a ventriloquist dummy!
Imagine the fun Spitting Image would have had with Greta Gambolputty de von Ausfern- schplenden- schlitter- crasscrenbon- fried- digger- dingle- dangle- dongle- dungle- burstein- von- knacker- thrasher- apple- banger- horowitz- ticolensic- grander- knotty- spelltinkle- grandlich- grumblemeyer- spelterwasser- kurstlich- himbleeisen- bahnwagen- gutenabend- bitte- ein- nürnburger- bratwustle- gerspurten- mitz- weimache- luber- hundsfut- gumberaber- shönedanker- kalbsfleisch- mittler- aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm?
They wouldn’t even need to do a puppet of the rubber faced little cunt…
Shane we don’t have a best comments wall, that would be on it.
Sorry, no sympathy. She’s an MK-Ultra Bot just like Sabine and Ursula Eriksson were. Pippi Longstocking Goes To The Big Meeting To Try And Tell Everyone To Go Vegan, and gets told to fuck off. I can’t wait for the sequel, Greta goes Bananas. I literally don’t care about ‘She’s only 16’ and/or her parents did this to her. No. She’s not real. She’s an MK-Ultra BOT sired by Soros. Have a nice day deniers 🙂
Buy her some trainers with flashing lights and a colouring book and the window licker will be just as miserable…hope it dies of an epileptic fit
No shit ain’t that the truth????
Excellent cunting, and a well written case. We’ll done ECB
A bottle of cider, 10 fags, half an E and a good fingering, thats what this doris needs. Be 16 love, cracking times enjoy it ffs
Alot of E is really just full of shit m8, pure MDMA is much better imho but alot harder to find a reputable source. So many unfortunate souls buy some dodgy E from a shady dealer at a rave or half baked gypsy and drop dead because it has lethal chems mixed in
Also don’t even think of mixing alcohol with it thats a fast way to a coma, just drink a moderate amount of water not too much an turn on your favourite EDM or techno and ‘turn on, tune in and drop… drop out’
Future head case alert.
‘Half an E and a good fingering…’
Fucking brilliant 🙂
I like gretas ‘the world is dying, all is doomed’ nilihist speech really speaks to the self destructive watch it all burn inner cunt in me.
The thing is i probably consume less emissions then this little window licking twat’ I don’t drive a auto, i recycle, I don’t pollute and even pick up other cunts litter most of the time when out an about, so wheres my bloody Nobel peace prize?! Oh wait I forgot you have to be a puppet for George Sorearse and the EU to be given this type of limelight treatment
I don’t think there’s anything ‘inner’ about the cunt in you.
It’s like all the dumbest, most resentfully sad cunts from the youtube comments page got fed up of the smattering of half-way reasonable comments there and decided to find a safe space for bitter morons – a bunch of sad, resentful cunts slagging off pretty much anyone successful or outspoken. Bravo, cunts. Bravo.
dont even bother, its a fuckin window licker, smack it round the head, put peppa pig on the iplayer and ignore the retarded cunt, hopefully it will suffocate trying to sniff a flt tip pen.
“You stole my childhood”.
I assume she is addressing her mother, for consuming so much alcohol during pregnancy that Cuntberg has fetal alcohol syndrome.
She looks like Terrance & Phillip.
“Shut your fucking face libtard fucker”
Put her down a Russian coal mine.
“Whilst cunting someone at the age of 16 is normally not my bag (family members of course notwithstanding)”
Think that needs a rephrase sir.
its a fuckin window licker, stick it in a home and let it do colouring and watch peppa pig…its just a fuckin retard
Good hard kick in the snatch required, what a cunt….
Good hard KNOB in the snatch, more like. And in the gob.
After it’s been up her Gary Glitter.
I’m not volunteering though.
I’m sure Guy VerminHofstadt’s Babysitting Services would oblige.
He could wear an SS uniform, while she licks the windows of his Himmler specs.
And as usual the disingenuous press demonise anyone (old white men!) who doesn’t subscribe. They hate labels but label here.
Though I’m a terrible white old man myself, I can’t say I’m “freaking out”, certainly not Greta style. More a long deep resigned sigh and roll of the eyes.
Just read this on Youtube comments by ‘VIPFlight’:
‘This to all the school kids going on strike for climate change:
You’re the first generation who’ve required air-conditioning in every classroom, you want TV in every room and your classes are all computerized.
You spend all day and night on electronic devices, more than ever you don’t walk or ride bikes to school but, you arrive in caravans of private SUV cars that choke suburban roads.
Worse than rush-hour traffic…you’re the biggest consumers of manufactured goods ever, and update perfectly good expensive luxury items to stay trendy.
Your entertainment comes to electric devices. Furthermore, the people driving your protests are the same people who insist on artificially inflating the population growth through immigration which, increases the need for energy manufacturing and transport.
The more people we have, the more forest and bush land we clear, the more of the environment that’s destroyed.
How about this?
Tell your teachers to switch off the airconditioning,
Walk or ride to school,
Switch off your devices and read a book,
Make a sandwich instead of buying manufactured fast-food
No, none of this will happen because you’re a virus of selfish, badly educated, virtue signaling little turds. Inspired by the adults around you who crave a feeling of having a noble cause while they indulge themselves in Western luxury and an unprecedented quality of life.
Wake up, grow up and shut up until you’re sure of the facts before protesting.’
Absolutely brilliant post that. Nail on the head.
Min 7:50 – For those on the Greta Thunberg bus, her activism is that of every other breeder folks – doing this for her future children.
I can’t believe some are ‘fangirling’ this wannabe future breeder.
I am fighting climate change so my future children can carry on existing. That’s like saying I’m going to extinguish with the fire raging from this burning television with a bucket of water.
‘extra from Children of the Corn’ – lovely stuff.
House of whatever the fuck. MP’s don’t want Brexit and that’s the end of it. The people who were ‘misinformed’ were the politicos that had been reassured it would ‘never happen’ that us plebs would vote leave. This is the bare-naked war of our times that what they thought we would roll over and accept wasn’t actually so. It’s been three and a half years and look what’s happened to the American Democrats in that time – they’ve ripped their masks off and have gone all-out saurian desperate in their efforts to enact the globalist agenda. Guy Verhofstadt wants the EU to be one of the ‘five powers’ – I want him to be exposed for the Maddy-fucking kids made to order diddler that he is when he and Soros, Merkel and Macron abuse them in their Adrenochrome parties.
Trying this here because it got modded in the relevant cunting.
i enjoyed tbe comment, ta. have to blab more, can’t say “brilliant” on its tod, too short a sentence.
The *autistic screeching* meme was made for her.
Her mum was a swedish blonde. Who was the dad, Gollum?
parents who are brother and sister always produce retarded cunts…it couldn’t even feed itself so let the cunt starve to death
Greta, she really has no sense does she. She wants people to be educated on climate change but decides to call a school strike. How do they expect kids to learn by standing in a square full of people, blocking the road and being surrounded by fumes.
Jog on Greta you cunt
I heard Hilter’s poster child is already heading for New Zealand to scream “Volcano how dare you”….stick the annoying retarded cunt in a secure home for learning disabilities and give it some colouring to do and some trainers with flashing lights…retarded cunt couldn’t make a jam sandwich what is the point in keeping it alive.
I wanna push gretas face into the floor and train her hard !