I’d like to nominate people crying.
Recently noticed a lot of tearful types – hitching voice, tears streaming down their chops, bawling their fuckin’ eyes out, and when I realise why, its Brexit! Or some TV show or someone hasn’t bent over backwards because of their race, sexuality or beliefs!
Now I’m not heartless and everyone has a blub at some point in their life – death of a family member, extreme pressure, etc. However, call me old fashioned, but men shouldn’t be scriking their eyes out unless for a valid reason. It embarrasses me to see another man cry…makes me feel uncomfortable!
Unless your life is like a blues song, you’re back from a war, or someones died, dry yer eyes, toughen up, be a man and stop being a mardarse!
Nominated by Miserable northern cunt
You must be joking if you think the modern millennial woofter boy is ever going to stop weeping and sobbing and “showing your feelings babe.”
I blame it all on Gazza in Italia 90 although, to be fair, if I had to share my personal space with a nasty piece of shit like Gary Taxdodger I might burst into tears.
Good Morning
Not only did Gaza have to share space with a shit like Gary Linnekunt he had to share space with Gary Linekunts shit in Mexico. I am no good at links but just google Lineker shiitting himself Mexico and it should come upon YouTube. Maybe some kind cunt can do it for me.
Here you go WS…
Good quote here from 1900 years ago that predicted the current case in the Supreme Court…
Absolutely superb !
I wonder how a cap on the number of lawyers in the House of Commons would go down. They surely cannot object as it is entirely justified in the interests of diversity. It would appear that they are over represented by a factor of 56.
Every time he gives Remain diatribes from now on, I will picture him wiping his arse on the grass like the fucking baboon he is.
ThanksCMC always good for a laugh,
It all came about in the 80’s along with wholesale deviancy and gender bending. That fat poove Boy George and his occasional spooge receptical Marilyn were two of the main antagonists behind the ‘dress as you will and show your feelings’ horseshit.
To my chagrin I recall that Marilyn mutant had some single called Cry and be Free or some or other poovey shite in the charts. It encouraged the more light on their feet to announce their filthy pecadilloes to all and sundry and embrace the touchy feely way of life.
Real men below the age of around 40 seldom exist. I will admit to tears if a loved one or pet passes, but I will shed my tears in private as I am a real man.
In addition to his well worn arsehole being the size of a dustbin lid, we have the likes of Boy George to thank for this.
Do you really want to hurt me? Fuck off you frankfurter gobbler.
It’s the last resort for a bit of much needed attention when millennial cunts start to blub. The next thing they’ll be sucking on their mother’s tit for a bit of reassuring mummy-love!
If they don’t get what they want through screaming, shouting and stamping one’s feet they resort to The Blub. Now this may work for babies and very young children, but not fully grown hipster cunts!
You only have to see the tantrums when Shitbook and Twatter go offline for a short while – you’d think someone had stole their fucking sweets the way they cry.
Grow up and man up!
Here is something to make every fucker cry. Gaylord Adonis, the poofter old woman who thinks he has a divine right to interfere in anything he wants to dabble in is thinking of giving up his peerage to become an M.P.:
I would hope that Steptoe’s mob will make sure it doesn’t happen.
What a self entitled old cunt he is.
Well you couldn’t get a much safer Labour seat than Vauxhall so the crafty remoaner cunt knows what he is doing. Rumour is that Kate Hoey might join the Brexit Party at the next election. It would be great if she stood in Vauxhall and kicked his dirty traitor arse into next week.
It might be interesting to see if they Corbyn Labour party would allow the ultimate Blair arselicker to become a candidate, because I have always suspected that if they won an election Steptoe would be overthrown by a Blairite, and they still have enough of them – Keir Starmer and his blow-waves and Hilary Benn with his Himmler glasses, not to mention Harman – all Blairite brown-nosers to a man (or woman).
Corbyn can only be overthrown if the Labour membership choose to overthrow him. And they’re still pro Corbyn /McDonnell by a cuntry mile.
Yes but the enemy for Corbyn is the enemy within. Beware the Ides of March.
“Et tu Bertie?”
Sorry RTC have to reply to Bertie here as there is no reply button beyond his message.
I strongly suspect that political whore Tom Watson (“I can be anything you want me to be dearie”)is just looking for an excuse to overthrow Steptoe he has done it since day one in 2015. A bit like that little shit Heseltine, he wouldn’t actually be the final winner, but a suitable arselicker could be installed (like Minor Major was after Maggie) that would please Watson – I guess (if it does’nt have to be a woman – though I am sure Harriet and Sugartits will insist on that) they would compromise with Dame Keir – a bit of both,but if Adonis ever does get his scrawny arse on the green benches he would ensure he became leader, and whatever leader they had in place man, woman or it, would not be safe from that grovelling heap of self-important shit who considers himself essential to every project.
I think I would even rather see David Miliband preening himself than Adonis – at least he did go through the motions of being an MP. Adonis would only be in it for the money and the kudos – but is too shit scared to admit it frankly.
The fact remains WCB that the current Labour membership is overwhelmingly anti the Blairite wing of the party and pro the Corbynite wing.
It matters not a jot what Labour MPs think or what, it is the Labour membership who will determine who is the next Labour leader… rest assured, now that Corbyn and his cronies are on side campaigning for Remain, the membership would not touch the Blairite names you mention above with a barge pole.
…what Labour MPs think or WANT. ?
Oooooh, Ducky ! What a pair of lips.
“When I’m sucking lemons”
I’ll admit to coming home after a particularly bad work day and having a blub, in private, occasionally with my wife, especially when we’ve been to a job with kids when they’ve died. Doesn’t make me less of a man, it makes me human and is a release valve. Mental health in the ambulance service is a massive issue and, in my case, this site is a welcome relief where I can let off steam amongst like-minded cunts. However, cunts that cry over reality tv shite, Brexit and other trivia need to fuck off, get a fucking grip and have a shit-load of Manupsprins. Then they should visit a childrens hospice or a palliative care ward. That’ll give the simpering cunts something to cry about.
Not so much the gore, it’s the poor fuckers that have been married for donkeys years and you have to stand there and tell them their husband/wife of over 70 years is dead. That’s fucking heartbreaking. And kids, of course.
Whatever they’re paying you DCI….it ain’t enough….
Hear hear. I take my hat off to you, DCI.
My Mrs is currently working as a Doc in a geriatric ward at the local horsepiddle. She enjoys her work; not sure I could cope with dealing day to day with the whole ‘end of life’ stuff. Truly upsetting.
Yours is a job DCI that most of us could not possibly do. We will always be indebted to you and your colleagues.
Hi DCI, the nom wasnt aimed at anyone in emergency services, armed forces etc, id cry if had to deal with what you guys deal with on a daily basis!
Aimed at modern ‘men’ who cry over trivial shite, act unmanly.
Got nothing but respect for you & your colleagues.
Mr Miserable.
I know, mate. Agree totally with you about the cunt that is Modern Man. Blubbing on the X-Factor and flapping their hand in front of their face is enough to send me into orbit
Good one Miserable.
On the subject of cry babies, soy boy Justin Trudeau has been revealed to be a secret racist!
Always did think he doth protesteth too much. ?
I agree with Saint Justin when he says “it is very hurtful to people who live with intersectionality and face discrimination.”
What? Do fucking what? I’ll stick my boot in your stupid libtard gob…….that’s “face discrimination” you pathetic limp wristed, racist cunt.
Jesus Fred, you’re doing some costume changes this morning. Are you going all theatrical on us ??
Justin does a great line in gobbledygook. Orwell would be proud of him.
Trudeaus a fucking bellend!!
On his previous state visit to India didn’t he and his family mince around dressed
In traditional Indian attire ?
Guys a fucking libertard wank stain …..
I thought “intersectionality” was to do with Spaghetti Junction, but that would be waaaaaaycist to Italians; but obviously not as much as Mockney Rubbertongue-Cunt’s risible attempts at Italian cuisine.
They called him a cunt when he would not take the feather bonnet off in a limo.
Hi RTCP ………….
? Morning Q…. ?
I’ll admit that I cried watching Downfall when Blondi was killed. That cunt Adolf could’ve taken her to Argentina with him and not just his picture of King Fred.
The start of Bambi is heartbreaking.
Crying is acceptable to me from men in very few circumstances. I know that sounds old fashioned but saw my fair share of horrible shit when in the Marines and I don’t recall ever shedding a tear.
There are probably psychologists who’ll tell you that I’m storing up shit for the future but I’d disagree.
These Brexit cry babies haven’t had my upbringing or my life though , so it doesn’t surprise me that they fold up every fucking time something doesn’t go their way. I wouldn’t want them next to me on operations though, the soft cunts.
The Army seems to have a recruiting campaign that actively recruits snowflakes now. Actually naming them
What a fucking joke. Try tweeting about your human rights being violated with a Russian boot on your neck .
At least the Royal Marines advert still suggests that if you get through training you’ll get a chance to kill the odd Somali pirate.
No disrespect to you the odd skirmish, is something you can laugh off and have a drink with your mates after woulds, sustained combat is a fuck. in particular when artillery or machine gunners get personal with you, its at that time you naturally want to get up and leg it but you suppress it, in the end you stick all those natural feelings in a little box and ignore them just to stay alive.
Then one day it all stops and that little box opens, trust me you wont be crying, you are screaming as it all comes back, then you get better or you kill yourself, its how it is.
I don’t disagree. Was more aiming my comments at people bawling over triviality
‘Are you chill enough to fly this’?
That line from the RAF recruiting ad is enough to send steam out of my ears accompanied by the sound of a locomotives whistle. Every fucking time.
If they’re that chill they probably cant deal with modern avionics.
Makes me cringe. Crock of shite, but then living in an age of Xbox, X factor, strictly good payout for shagging my partner and the relentless political drivel plus the beatification of saviour of the world thunderberg; ‘tis to be expected. There were enough cunts in the RAF when I did my bit must be full of the fuckers now
I love that marines recruitment advert!
Whilst the army ones full of ladies and cunts praying!! The Royal Marines ad definitely lets you know you have amore than a decent chance of shooting some swarthy cunt in the face! , personally I would like to take it further and show a RN ships deck gun giving a Somali pirate the good news……
I worked in Russia 10 years ago, teaching low level I.T. to kids. Stayed with a family in St Petersburg. The stories they told of the hardships they and their other family and freinds endured actually brought tears to my eyes – which actually was looked upon with bemusement/curiosity.
I think what I’m saying is, Russians are hard cunts, probably through hundreds of years of shite that’s been thrown at them, so to hear that milennials cry over Facebook outages and so forth makes me sick to my stomach. Fucking lilly livered cunts.
Respect to service people, police ambulance and fire crews and hospital staff. No blame there for shedding a tear or two Male or Female.
Its cunts like No Genders crying in front of Simon Cowell on Cunt Factor or Cunts on the Voice, grown males sports people or BBC presenters crying on Strictly Cunts Nobbing cause they can or cant tango that need a gargantuan cunting. A well called cunting indeed.
Ah but they are so in touch with their inner selves, we should reach out to them (With a shovel and slap them round the face) 🙂
Leave our toxic masculinity alone you cunts, soy boys we is not!
I think a lot of this bollocks started when princess Di croaked. Grown men ( many of them not gay ) sobbing openly as the funeral cortege passed. Cunts
Is she dead then?
That Trudeau fucking idiot makes me cry laughing.
I’d laugh/cry even more if Trump gave him a straight jab to the jaw which he so obviously wants to do.
Crying is not always a sign of weakness. I freely admit that I am sometimes moved to tears by a piece of music, especially one of Creampuff’s Stockhausen’s CD’s.
Nice cunting Miiserable, you tough, unfeeling, heartless individual. ?
In a past life I went down with the Titanic. ‘My Heart Will Go On’ never fails to bring a tear to my eye.
Stockhausen’s ‘Kontakte’ puts iron in my soul!
Aimed more at attention cryers Blunty!
Everyones cried at some point!
Im not heartless!
If the dog died id go into mourning thatd shame queen Victoria!
Oops also the missus & kids!!
I think the only ever time I cried out in floods of tears was when Optimus Prime died. 1986. You bastard, Megatron!
I know Hot Rod was trying to help, but still.
After all these days I’m not bitter lol
P.s. this music always gets me weeping when I hear it.
Being more a fan of the Decepticons (they turned into jets) I dont think I cared.
Heartless child, but there you go.
Starscream was such a drama queen but I loved him.
Spoony, I think you’re suffering from a severe case of MAS . . . . .
Metallic Attachment Syndrome. I can put you in touch with a doctor of psychotic enlightenment.(DOPE)
As someone who has cried twice in the last 5 years (for a relative and my dog) i support this cunting wholeheartedly. I see these wankers blubbing over fucking Star Wars trailers, Trump, being told they’re fat (by doctors), being told they cant have any more of their mum’s savings to blow on clothes, cars or holidays, only getting a C in Non-binary dance theory, and a lot of other entitled, narcissistic wank.
These people are cunts.
It’s okay to cry, just do it in private.
I guess the secret is ‘if your going to cry, do it in private.’
Sorry TITS, you were typing as I was thinking the same.
Watership Down gets me, as well.
I didn’t think I was capable of tears but I’ve been proved wrong twice this year, first when I had to have my cat put to sleep and then in hospital when I’d just come through two days in intensive care and they told me I had to have a second operation. Frustration more than anything.
Can’t imagine anything else bringing me to tears, unless I get my knackers trapped in the microwave door, or the Tories win the next election.
Cry Babies
Gina Miller
John Major =. Cunts
Question fellow cunters How is it these two pompous pricks managed to leapfrog everything else through the courts and put their case to try to stop the closing of Parliament through the High Court?
Who’s paying ?
‘Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean,
Tears from the depth of some divine despair
Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes,
In looking on the happy Autumn-fields,
And thinking of the days that are no more.’
Nice that Miles, as always.
Suck it up and press on regardless.
Unless your gran dies or such.
Real Aussie men don’t fucking cry in public full fucking stop.
Except in press conferences after they been caught red-handed belt-sanding cricket balls.
Just harden up, dry up, face the camera and say “yair we fucking did it. Just like those cheating subcontinental chuckers do all the fucking time you don’t call them out do you oooh fuckin nooooo you frickin hypocritical twats” etc.