‘Church House Declaration’ Signatories

The anti democratic cunts who signed up to Steptoe’s ‘No No-deal Brexit’ bollocks.

They don’t want to stop no deal. They want to stop Brexit. They voted for a referendum, they voted for article 50 but now appear to ‘not really mean it’.

Johnson has pre-empted the cunts and by fuck are they wailing. Because they wanted to subvert democracy and he has fucked them up. Johnson’s ploy is aimed at the EU and their UK collaborators. It seems to be the only way the EU will take the no-deal threat seriously by removing it’s UK treacherous power base.

So fuck the undemocratic cunts and bring on the reckoning.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

40 thoughts on “‘Church House Declaration’ Signatories

  1. The Church of England has often been described as the Conservative Party at prayer. Well they can expect a few more empty pews next Sunday. The Cof E are absolute cunts to get involved.
    Merkel and Macron have indicated there was finally movement on the European side and now that has happened these cunts try to scupper any possibility of serious negotiation.

    • i’m a regular CofE church-goer, but if they are behind this shit, I’m no longer going. Welby is a cunt anyway and should put all his efforts into pushing back on the peaceful influence in this country.

    • There appears to be a misunderstanding here. This cunting has nowt to do with the Church of England.

      It’s about the Remoaner MPs who met in a famous building named ‘Church House’ last week to discuss and agree tactics to stop no-deal, aka scupper Brexit.

      That said, the Church of England are certainly cunts but that’s for another cunting…

      • Yes, the CofE angle puzzled me too. However, they are certainly mealy mouthed cunts who are complicit in their own extinction.

      • Good afternoon RTC

        Thanks for the clarification, however a number of senior CofE clerics, including Archbishop Welby/Montague-Brown, are up to their necks in this.

        Just as an aside it is interesting to note that Welby’s Auntie was married to that great appeaser R.A.B. Butler. He did al he could to undermine Churchill in 1940.

        Welby has a real establishment remainer background.

      • I have just seen your additional comment and link and I agree we are talking about separate issues.

      • Agree Wanksock, Welby is a total Remainiac, always has been, but not guilty on this occasion.

        I suspect these opposition parties agreed to meet and conspire in Church House because they considered it neutral territory.

  2. “Democracy”? Don’t these cunts see the irony? Three years and these “democratic representatives” still haven’t delivered the wishes of 17 or so million people. I knew what I was voting for – leave the EU. How they achieved it should have been the subject of the following 2 years. Instead, all we got was fucking hunchback May’s old shit.

  3. Agreed 100%.

    It is a matter of record that a number of UK quislings, including cunt superpower Nick Clegg, have held clandestine meetings with the EU and have almost certainly discussed their intention to stop Brexit at all costs.

    Therefore, fighting fire with fire, Boris can impose martial law to keep the Tory remainers on 24-hour armed lockdown as far as I am concerned.

    I’m not overly sold on Boris, and I fully accept that he may well have another agenda for pursuing Brexit so doggedly. However, situations like these make strange bedfellows so as long as he drives the proactive gears to get us out of the EU, his means are, to me, of no consequence.

    I would like to think he wouldn’t stop short of pointing a 12g sawn-off shotgun at Gina Miller’s 1939 Beano era face, but perhaps I should stop projecting my own personal fantaisies here.

    Fuck the anti ‘No-Deal’ brigade, not one of them should be spared come the fucking glorious day.

  4. If the UK government were forced to seek a new extension to article 50 we can then use our automatic veto to get out of it! Fuck the remoaner cunts. Fuck their whining and bleating.

    We are leaving on the 31st of October: End of story.

    • How is a single word ‘Leave’ so difficult to understand? I never voted for any particular way of leaving, in the same way I don’t get to vote for who I want in the Cabinet after a general election. Just fucking LEAVE already.

  5. In my own view the fucking church should butt out of things that don’t concern them, especially when you hear some of the wankers of organised religion who appear on Wireless 4 – all denominations – they all seem more interested in the next world than this one.

    Listening (till I could stand no more) of that stinking heap of shit Dame Keir yesterday it is obvious he/she/it doesn’t want a deal of any sort – he is just so naturally pusillanimous he hasn’t got the guts to say it. He wants to remain just like all the other pansies who go on about “democracy”

    McDonnell and Steptoe are the biggest fuckers though because we KNOW they have always despised the EU, this is just to mollify their poofter Blairite friends on the back benches.

    • Keir ‘Khunt’ Starmer should be wheeled into a NASA laboratory on the double.

      His frankly physics-defying ability to generate an almost infinite amount of bullshit under interview breaks all know laws covering the conservation of energy and matter.

      One 10-minute Marr interview with Starmer could produce enough bullshit to fertilise the entire agricultural areas of China thrice over.

  6. This , I believe, is the cross party “cunts of national unity”. The democrats who were going to take over the government with Steptoe Trotsky at their head.
    Word on the radio is that Boris is holding a cabinet meeting with the possibility of a GE.
    We’ll see.

    • What a shame that the only ‘cross party’ action in the whole of this Brexit affair has been to undermine the UK, and challenge the intention to implement the democratic vote cast in June 2016.

      Had these fuckers shown the same willingness to abandon party politics in order to aid the process of EU negotiation and expedite the process of leaving, then we would of course already be out and trying to make it fucking work with the rest of the globe.

  7. Interesting mind you that barely more than half of all Labour MPs signed that declaration.

    I’m surprised that, between the cunt disciples of both Momentum and Blairitism, it wasn’t the vast majority.

    I suspect the Labour MPs who didn’t sign are either looking after their own interests or, God forbid, mindful of how many of their constituents voted to leave.

  8. If anyone is interested in buying conference pears from Sainsburys, don’t bother…..they are shite. Hard and bloody tasteless.
    As for these moaning remaining cunts, fuck the lot of them, the undemocratic all of a sudden let me have my democracy now, but only on my terms gob shites.

    • You should enjoy those pears while you can. When Brexit comes you won’t see any more. If you’ve got a vegetable garden get an electric fence around it to deter the looters. A couple of Alsatians might help but I don’t know what you’re going to feed them on.

      • There are going to be food shortages, shock horror disaster. What foods?

        I am not sure how any of us will survive, frankly. Though I seem to remember these items were strictly seasonal in the past and there was very little starvation when they were unavailable for ~9 months of the year.

      • Spot on Komodo. Seasonal,local and fresh. Also go on Boris shout it out loud BUY FUCKING BRITISH.

  9. Dear Lord and Father in Heaven shutting down Parliament would be an undemocratic outrage at such a crucial moment for our country, and a historic constitutional crisis.

    We ask You to sustain us in our attempt to prevent Parliament sitting, to force through a no deal Brexit. Intercede for us that we can thwart those poxy Leavers (forgive us Lord) by strong and widespread democratic resistance.

    Finally, Renew in our heats us the gift of yor Holy Spirit as we now pledge to work together across parties and across our nations to do whatever is necessary to ensure that the people’s voice is able to be heard.


  10. For starters this declaration is inaccurate and should be booted out. The UK voting public were given two choices: stay in the EU or leave. There was no third choice of ‘leave but with a deal’. It states something about ‘forcing through a no-deal Brexit’. Well, you stupid democracy denying cunts, a supposed no-deal Brexit IS Brexit and is precisely what 17.4 million people voted for. The first time any ‘deal’ was mentioned was after the Referendum result when the establishment kacked themselves at the thought of having to get off the EU gravy train.

  11. James O’Brien was on full warp factor 10 cunt mode today.

    He managed to get Sadiq Khan on which is curious as Suck Dick refuses to speak to Nick Ferrari.

    Suck Dick says he will wait for Cressida Strap on to tell him when more Tasers are needed in London

  12. I’d understand it all a lot better if the Magic Grandpa wore a “I ? the EU” t shirt every day.
    But he doesn’t ease he’s a sneaky cunt amidst a right set of bloody colossal bullshitters.
    Just fuck off and fuck the EU into a cocked hat.

  13. I truly believe that these cunts are traitors to this country by doing everything they can to inhibit the following through of the democratic vote and decision of UK citizens.

    As my Dad keeps saying, I really, really hope that their constituents show them exactly what they think of them by kicking the cunts out when the next elections come around. Why should these fuckers be sitting in Parliament when they are not doing the job that they were selected to do, which is represent THEIR CONSTITUENTS and not themselves???

    It is shocking to me that they are behaving this way, but at the same time utterly predictable, as you have to be a fucking egotistical, self-serving cunt to want to be an MP in the first place.


    • It looks like they are goping to get the kicking your Dad wants to give them a little sooner than they expected.

      Go for it Boris, announce an election this evening.

    • I’m an egotistical, self-serving cunt but I haven’t even been able to imagine the depths you need to reach to want to be an MP.

  14. Fuck these remainer libtards that have brought shame on our country for the past theee years through their puppet May.

    The irony is completely lost on them when they fume against Boris for “ subverting “ democracy whilst they refuse to implement a democratic decision they legislated to bring about and then enacted through Article 50. They complain at his quite lawful but sharp parliamentary shenanigans but excuse their own unconstitutional shenanigans executed with the help of that poisonous dwarf, Bollox- Bercow.

    The rage is purely because they have been outsmarted by Boris – someone they thought was an idiot but is showing himself to be a pretty slick operator.

    With any luck these treasonous cunts will be hoist by their own petards before long.

  15. That little cunt John Bercow needs to be taken out, preferably by an irate Muslim who’s misunderstood the situation. Two birds with one stone

      • Cunt Bercow is a weasel and totally unfit for the job he is supposed to do. He just follows his slapper Mrs in her views. The sooner that treacherous cunt goes the better.
        Come on Boris add him to the list.

      • Surrounded by pikeys’ heads on pikes.

        Has anyone heard of the recently-formed Society of da Wimmin Organists ?
        I did, last night. Ironically, just before watching Carry On Screaming. One of the “laydees” bears a scary resemblance to Det. Sarge Bung’s wife, Emily.
        Just saying…

  16. Can someone please just off Hammond. I’m thoroughly fed up of seeing his fucking hang-dog mug in the ‘news’ (haha) every day. You can just see he’s going to end up looking like his cult dad Soros to a death-defying age, with his physiog having suppurated downwards, just like Mutti Merkel. That Adrenochrome, sorry Tannis Root, isn’t the Oil of Ulay you were promised Phil.

    • He’s the ugliest, most miserable looking cunt in politics – and that’s saying something. He makes Herman Munster look like Errol Flynn. Wanker.

      • Indeed, it makes it even worse when an MP’s physical mien is uglier than their politics. You know how some people literally look like they need putting out of their tormented misery? He’s a prime example.

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