Amber Rudd (6)

Amber Rudd has struck again!

The Starscream of the Tories has once again spat in the face of a PM who gave her another (undeserved) cabinet job and quit her cabinet job and like the other traitor jabronis who stood on a manifesto of delivering Brexit and “no deal is better than a bad deal” has quit the Tory party claiming that “I cannot stand by as good, loyal moderate Conservatives are expelled”.

Now considering that the so called ‘moderates’ include the Limp Dumbs best friend, noted Europhile Ken Clarke, slimy ex-human rights lawyer (and doesn’t show what a weapons grade cunt he is) and half-frog shit-weasel Dominic Grieve, one time Labour party member and evolutionary throwback Rory ‘I’m a frail cunt’ Stewart and that one scrub whose only achievements in life are being a certain hero PM’s Grandson and a certain Prince’s chief arse kisser… I’d hate to think what Rudd the Dudd’s idea of ‘left of moderate’ is.

Never mind that these yayhoos are a collection of disloyal cunts who chose to take a dump on this country and their own party, huh?

Naturally, crazed harridan and leaders of the Cucks Anna Soubry and stereotypical hissy fit throwing, Owen Jones in 15 years time lookalike, dummy throwing sword swallower Nick Boles praised the Rudd Muncher(tm) for her latest act of treachery.

She was quick to stick the knife into May, despite the latter giving her another chance in cabinet, and now she’s done it in an even worse way to Boris after he also gave her a cabinet job, in spite of the vile personal attack she cast on him during the Brexit campaign in 2016.

Amber Rudd – a nasty, mediocre, back stabber of the worst kind and another example of why the cunts that comprise this Parliament all need to be deleted – at this rate with extreme prejudice.

Nominated by Prime Minister Sinister

77 thoughts on “Amber Rudd (6)

  1. She really is an unpleasant person. I am not sure she knows the meaning of the word loyalty and appears to be interested in her own career.

    • I think she could possibly suffering from HPD. This is a trait that’s common in parrots.
      Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is characterised by a long-standing pattern of attention seeking behaviour and extreme emotionality. Someone with histrionic personality disorder wants to be the centre of attention in any group of people, and they feel uncomfortable when they are not.

      • Not HPV, Herr Überfotze? According to

        You can get HPV from:

        ??any skin-to-skin contact of the genital area

        ???vaginal, anal or oral sex

        ?️??sharing sex toys

        NICE (in more ways than one)

      • You should know Bertie ,that parrot of yours is a real Cunt; it would look good sitting on Amber’s shoulder and shitting down her back! The treacherous HAG CUNT.

    • I don’t think this ugly old bag has a future, she scraped through the last general election with a 500 vote margin, In a seat that voted to leave the eu She has been against leaving from the start and has done her best at cabinet level to make it difficult in negotiating with the eu stasi. So she’s decided to kick Boris in the nuts as her last hurrah. I hope I never see the slimy cunt in office ever again the backstabbing sour faced shit head.

  2. ‘Loyal moderates’ Yep, as loyal as Clark, Grieve, Rory from Planet of the Apes and the rest.
    Should fit in with the ‘we don’t recognise the referendum or any future referendum result that we disagree with’ Libdems.

  3. Boris emollient with Varadkar this morning. Amber’s going to look a complete cunt if Plan A (tweak the backstop and claim victory) works.
    Several Remainer Tories not to seek re-election. Enter TBP.
    Parliament to be prorogued tonight. Which shortcircuits a lot of legislative crap.

    Still interesting.

    • Boris ‘tweak’ the back stop exactly!!! Always his dog turd plan.

      Another duplicitous cunt…… perhaps 1% better than the May Bot but happy to stitch the Leavers up.
      Trying to be elected leader — ‘ no deal has been demonised we must not be afraid of no deal’. Today ‘ no deal is a failure of statecraft’. What an Uber Cunt. Give them a second chance but no third…. Conservatives can go fuck themselves for good.

  4. In order to save Amber Dudd buying a dictionary, I offer the following:

    “giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.”
    synonyms: faithful, true, true-hearted, tried and true, true-blue, devoted.

    • Black: (adjective) Having the darkest colour there is.

      Cock: (noun) A rooster or male chicken.

      Ahh, now I understand when I hear people say, “Amber Rudd? That fucking bitch who likes blåck cock?”

    • Yeah, Vlad’s a smashing bloke, he gives his mother flowers and that.

      Be careful what you wish for. This site wouldn’t last five minutes under Putin.

      • Not sure this site has a long term future under any possible future UK government. Putin was the right man at the right time. The west promised the soviets lots of money and assistance after the end of the USSR and left Russia to rot.

        Sure there are loads of Russians wishing they had a western style democracy……….careful what you wish for Russkies.

      • I find it hard to get round the fact that he’s a narcissistic, homicidal, kleptocratic, multi-billionaire CUNT.

        And far from being a patriot his mafia state government is grinding the Russian economy (with a GDP smaller than Italy’s or South Korea’s ffs) ever further into the ground.

        But at least we wouldn’t have to think if he was in charge.

      • “I find it hard to get round the fact that he’s a narcissistic, homicidal, kleptocratic, multi-billionaire CUNT.”

        You say that like it’s a bad thing?

      • Trust you RTC to always look on the serious side of things!
        Chill out and enjoy a spliff.

      • You should know Bertie ,that parrot of yours is a real Cunt; it would look good sitting on Amber’s shoulder and shitting down her back! The treacherous HAG CUNT.

  5. Amber Dudd re Boris yesterday:

    “My mother used to say, ‘Judge a man by what he does and not by what he says.’”

    Oh yeah? You obviously didn’t heed her advice when you sat in your mentor Theresa ‘all talk and no trousers’ May’s cabinet all that time while she was lying to the nation with ‘Brexit means Brexit’ etc. Or does your mother’s advice only apply to male Prime Ministers?

    Sexist bitch.

    • Postponing judgement on Boris until I see what he does for that reason. No such problem with la Rudd, though. Judged and found guilty.

    • Amber Dudd?
      Please RTC, be professional and courteous enough to give her her full name.

      Amber Rudd [12]

  6. Amber Rudd at the Home Office was much like her old boss May. Fucking unintelligent, useless and a lover of unchecked immigration. HOC is infested with the fuckwitted failures of life. Gormless vacant people, not worth the effort of their fathers balls. Rudd? No loss to politics, and a fucking disaster min waiting for her soon to be wedded ( and deaded ) husband to be.

  7. I’m not surprised Nick Boles stuck up for Amber Dudd. She is probably his fag hag.

    I have no sympathy at all for the 21 – as I speak Wireless 4 is talking to Ann Milton MP for Guildford – she like duckie Dommie and co were warned in advance they would lose the whip, so they are the architects of their own destruction – though Milton, Hammond and Grieve are arrogant enough to think they can carry on as before. Ydesterday Hammond had the gall to say that it was “his party”.

    As regards the whip – I would GIVE all 21 the fucking whip – six times each on the arse.

  8. No it isn’t, sadly.

    Red Dumbar, mud-barred, D. Eardrum, bad murder, rum beard, etc all fit.

    ‘R dear dumb Amber is definitely a munter, though she doesn’t realise it….

  9. Am I right in thinking the Good People of Hastings voted to leave the EU?
    If so get rid of this vile traitor with a by election sharpish

    • The only slim thing about this foul, democracy-loathing useless, fat sack of shite is her constituency majority.

  10. I’d give her one up the shitter and then use my stained schlong to slap her abaaaaaaht the face as punishment. The slaaag, go fuck yourself.

    • Welcome back B&WC! Your ever-courteous and moderate contributions have been sorely missed. Stands Jamaica where it did? Sun, sea, sand, and sex with rum at ninepence a jorum? Jammy cunt! (You do know you missed the Notting Hill Carnival?)

      • OT, I was there and relapsed and went on a bender… Spent Monday hungover and unable to get aaaaaht of Notting Hill because the cunts had to close the roads due to the never ending Barbarian hordes coming in to the area. Sat there like a cunt feeling like shite and hearing the noisy bastards outside.
        Made a swift recovery and then flew out hear and have been on a rum bender. Only got 9 days left here so better actually do something.
        Got the London rat race to look forward to when I get back… What a pile of cunt.

      • Alright B&WC, is Mr Fiddler with you viewing his plantations? Hope its not too hot for his top hat and cape.

      • He is here LL, I popped over to his ‘Plantation’ he said I could earn a few quid and said all I had to do was put my wrists in some chains and I could stay there forever…I said I was a little busy and made my excuses. He also insisted on wearing white with a tall pointy white hat… something to do with it keeping him cool from the sun. He is a very environmentally considerate man, I say this as he recycles his employees when they die and feeds them to the estate hounds, nice to see he is considering the environment. Do you in now they actually named a crab out here after him.
        The locals say a white man came here and gave the local ladies crabs so in honour of him they named the crabs Fiddler crabs.

    • Yes in B+WC we are lucky to have a visionary in our midst, like a latter-day Byron or Shelley.

      • Thank you TS, I’m glad you appreciate my to the point approach.
        Thinking about it though I’d probably need at least half a bottle of Rum to even consider giving Amber Rudd a pounding.

    • Who says romance is dead?
      I’d make sure to stick it in her wonky-toothed gob, though, making sure to deposit a bit of sweetcorn/tomato skin on the way out……

  11. Boris wanted to include some remoaners in his Cabinet just to appear fair but why he chose this one is a mystery. Dudd only just hung on to her seat last time with a majority of 800 odd and will certainly lose it next time. The bitch has nothing to lose so this was a resignation waiting to happen. Looks Lib Dumb bound to me.

    • “Boris wanted to include some remoaners in his Cabinet…Dudd only just hung on to her seat last time….”

      As paradoxical as it looks? I think not. She ‘represents’ 56% Leavers as you’d expect from Hastings’ proximity to the vibrant port of Dover. She screwed her constituents too.

  12. He is here LL, I popped over to his ‘Plantation’ he said I could earn a few quid and said all I had to do was put my wrists in some chains and I could stay there forever…I said I was a little busy and made my excuses. He also insisted on wearing white with a tall pointy white hat… something to do with it keeping him cool from the sun. He is a very environmentally considerate man, I say this as he recycles his employees when they die and feeds them to the estate hounds, nice to see he is considering the environment. Do you in now they actually named a crab out here after him.
    The locals say a white man came here and gave the local ladies crabs so in honour of him they named the crabs Fiddler crabs.

    • Good to see Mr Fiddler fostering international relations in these turbulent times, even if it is passing on an STD.

      • Apologies from Jamaica RTCP, Erroll said he accidentally put some spam in the link.
        Gonna get a kip, going aaaaht an abaaaaaaht later and drinking in this heat knackers you out.

    • Fucking hell, those fiddler crabs look like nasty, agressive little creatures. I definitely wouldn’t want a Fiddler poking around in my pubes and nipping my cock.

      • It’s all Mr Fiddlers fault, his trick was to infect the ladies and lure them to his plantation for treatment… They then woke in chains and then had call him Master Fiddler… what a rotten man he is… he should be ashamed of himself.
        Now you lot have to shell out via taxes for the Windrush lot as well… I’m sure that’s his fault as well.

    • Yo wah gwan Kravdarth? I noticed your new name extension but wanted to point out you are missing the r in darth.

  13. ‘The starscream of the tories’. Hilarious!
    I imagine before handing in her notice, she said, “Oh how it pains me to do this!” 🙂

  14. Treacherous fat ugly cunt resigned before she got voted out by her local constituency in the next GE.

    The cunt will probably end up in the Limp Dumbs and try to get a safe seat with them to avoid being taken off the gravy train that is Cuntminster!

  15. The list of cunts who will be political history after the next election continues to grow.

    CRudd may be a cunt but not a particularly clever one. Her term as an MP will end sometime within the next 3 months. If she wanted to play the clever hand, but appear to be loyal, she would have declined a cabinet post and rode the waves (probably the only thing she can ride these days, Kwasi Kwarteng apart).

    Best rid……

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