A cunting for 21st century edumacation.
Firstly, a disclaimer; I’m not a philistine, and I’m a graduate, but i don’t think many graduates really think beyond getting a degree, and fewer seem to bother reading anything beyond clickbait crap. I have this very unfashionable, elitist view that not everyone should go to university, or even study for A’ levels.
After watching the ultimately mediocre teenagers celebrating 10 A-stars in gender-bending and performance studies, culinary arts and fashion design, it seems the number of kiddywinks getting ‘A’ has dropped to its lowest level since 2007.
I thought that was good news, as perhaps the grade inflation under Blair had been reversed. This is only half-true; It emerges that the mark needed to get an A in Maths is now a paltry 55%, and an A* is 72%.
Physics students are awarded an A at 59%. The exam board are just pandering to the indulgent middle-class parents. Nowadays, everyone is an Einstein, or, to be more patronising and modern, everyone is a Professor Brian Cox. ‘Space is brillian’, int it?’
Gove’s reforms have fallen short. Same old faux-egalitarianism as Anthony Lynton Blair’s work avoidance scheme.
These are supposedly the hard subjects, where standards and rigour matter, where nature is the arbiter of truth, not some blue-haired munter who has an opinion on fat shaming. The figures for Gender and Media studies, Performing arts, Lesbian dance and the GNVQ in pet beauty therapy arent mentioned; turning up to 50% of lessons probably gets the little darlings a B.
This is all pretty worrying when you look at the numeracy and literacy rates of UK school leavers from 2014 compared to the late 1990s and how they compared with developed nations.
In the late nineties, amongst OECD countries, the UK was 7th for literacy.
By 2014 and under 13 years of Blairite ‘education, education, education’ literacy rates had plummetted to 23rd out of 24.
In my experience, most of my contemporaries who left school at 16 with pretty much no further academic training have better spelling, punctuation and grammar than a lot of the humanities graduates I’ve encountered since, and probably better than most current Hollywood screenwriters.
If your standards are set so fucking low, and yet fewer half-witted, overindulged, phone addict children meet those standards, it’s no wonder that what passes for discourse on social media resembles the logical and verbal coherency of a fire in a zoo.
Get taught values and what to think, rather than skills and how to think.
Fucking snowflakes and their piss-poor, right-on, semi-literate, mediocrity-worshipping education.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime
Well cunted. Universities are little more than big businesses nowadays.
“‘Digital diploma mills”
Not wrong RTC. In the late 90s when I was working at one, core subjects such as Physics were scrapped altogether as not enough uptake and revenue, whilst Foreign and Arts subjects expanded rapidly. Naturally higher results were obtained in such cuntish subjects which helped propel them up the league tables. I hear from ex colleagues that things are reversing a bit now, but it has expanded so much now that income and profit is its only driver, that was not the vision of its founder, who would probably be turning in his grave if he hadn’t been cremated.
I agree not everyone should go to university, half the cunts who go will never earn enough money to repay the tuition fees.
The range of ‘study’ haha, includes shit that is about as useful as education by facebook!
You are not wrong. This is a subject that really boils my piss as it is so simple to grasp really. Our local Archant ‘rag’ has the grammar, spelling and journalistic skills of a 4 year old. The Editor once ‘wrote’ a public defence of his staff that was riddled with American English or general mistakes. ‘A car clipped the curb’ (kerb?) If professional writers are this dumb, it is no wonder the rest are thick as shit. Was watching the Flabbot spluttering again on Youtube the other day. Between her incomprehensible babble and the imports that have been here 25 years+ that can only say ‘handout plz’ the English language in the UK is fucked. At best, a mix of broken English consisting of Gay rolling consonants, Eurofilth, Dark (or white it appears nowadays) Rap or Arabic will be the language of the future. Twatter and other social media has done nothing to improve it neither, encouraging compression of the written word. Rant over. The Cunts.
I don’t know why most of them bother. They’d be far better off learning a trade than competing in a market saturated by others with some equally Micky Mouse degree. Fair enough the brightest going,but it seems that just about anyone qualifies these days.
Of course,I speak as someone without as much as a GCSE or O level to my name, so am probably jealous of the clever type who finds Mensa tests unchallenging and considers their noms. on a par with a barrister’s cross-examination.
Don’t be jealous Dick, most of those cunts with such qualifications don’t have an ounce of common sense. When on a call out to a student residence once, i was asked to change a duff lamp in a smoke detector. He insisted it was lit up when he first entered the room and after much arguing I gave the cunt a 60w bulb and gave him the opportunity to find a way to make it fit before fucking off and booking my 3 hours overtime on a Sunday. This country needs the trades desperately, but apprentices earn less now than I did as one in 1982. Add in the lack of skilled tradesmen left to teach them and we are left with a void that only a bunch of booshka booshka or other Eurotrash cowboys now occupies. YTS and MSC were not Thatchers best legacies. Reap what you sow etc etc.
I’ve no idea Dick who the clever types are that you are referring to.
Snîgger, snîgger.
He means academics like us, your a ex teacher, Rtc has a o level, and im probably one of the great minds of the 20th century.
Qualifications are pretty meaningless and the photo really captures this.
Achieving a GCSE or an A’level is nothing to do with really knowing the subject…..passing them is about your ability to retain information in your brain and recite that back through being able to answer questions. That is purely proof you can remember stuff, and often only after a shit load of revision.
Some do it better than others, hence a higher grade. It really is just pure cuntery.
It is even more meaningless when it comes to course work where you are not even under the pressure of time constraints and reciting stuff back without a prompt or assistance. I am pretty damned sure that i would never have got my Nursing Diploma were it not for the fact that I didn’t have to sit a single exam as I could never revise when I was at school – I had the attention span and memory of a bloody goldfish. Thankfully, it was all coursework and essays. Even that was pointless fuckery as all of that fucking writing didn’t help me one bit when it came to practical stuff on the ward.
How does an essay teach you how to give an intramuscular injection or run through a bag of saline??
Umm no. It doesn’t.
When I did mine, they had stopped doing the A&P exams as people kept failing them. You could turn up to lectures if you wanted but didn’t get failed if you didn’t. Assignments and competencies. Yes I may have forged some signatures. I haven’t killed anybody yet (I think).
Correct, Nurse. I left school at fifteen with two O levels. I don’t resent the kids today having qualifications and degrees.
Yes I do, the cunts.
You are way savvy and bright than they are, Allan. Qualifications are a load of bollocks.
There is also a lot to be said for being world wise, having a drive to succeed and common sense….far more valuable credentials. A lot of the graduates these days struggle to tie their own shoe laces and their brains are fried from their mobile phone usage.
At school I was shit at maths – the sine and cosine formulae for non-right-angled triangles – if you’re asking, you almost certainly don’t need to know – never stuck long enough to make it to the exam paper. I was at the time lazy, inattentive and a pain in the arse. I just scraped ‘O’ level. Decades later I did an access course at a tech college. By that time I’d got motivation and a work ethic, the teaching was excellent, and…I still couldn’t remember the bloody formulae and I got the same mark on my final module as I had at ‘O’ level.
MORAL(1): Once a cunt, always a cunt.
MORAL(2): Excel is a lifesaver.
Bloody hell Komodo, I can relate.
From the minute I was doing 1+1’s in Primary School, I was shite at Maths. It all went over my head, or rather straight through my skull vacuum.
Algebra? Never got it.
Fractions? Never got it.
Basically……I never fucking ‘got’ any of it.
My Mum always liked to say ‘You are just more artistic and creative, dear’…….
Which was a nice way of placating me as I was a thick cunt at Maths.
How I never snuffed anyone when I was nursing and having to work out drug dosages I will never know. More luck than judgement.
I’d be inclined to believe your mother*. I read somewhere that our built in processor works better with pictures for some people, better with algebra for others. Einstein himself said something to the effect of something like ” I get the mental picture of what’s going on, and worry about the maths later.”
I certainly have no problem with graphs and plots, but show me an equation and I find an urgent appointment else where.
But it’s practical skill that matters most, IMO, especially when lives are at stake. Respect.
I blame project 2000
Me too, Earl…..since I was the last fuckin’ group of students to do Project 2000!!!
Yes, it was indeed a bag o’shite.
Education? We live in a society where cunts who don’t want an election are the defenders of democracy and those that do are a bunch of fascists. Where those that win an election didn’t know what they were voting for and those that lost did.
If that’s an educated society, we may as well not bother.
When I finished training as an engineer, I worked at a place where one of the owners’ nephews came for work experience before going to university.
He thought there were ten inches in a foot.
In Naaaaarge there are six claws in a foot…
I bumped into one cunt who was wondering what the yard of ale competition was at university because he had no idea what a yard is. It never occurred to him to fucking look it up.
Excellent Cunting, sir!
A well observed and justified cunting.
Examinations this century are far easier than they were in the last, I recently looked at a JMB ‘O’ Level maths paper from 1976 and nearly shat myself it was that difficult.
A friend of mine is a senior lecturer at a well known establishment, and he wonders how some of his students manage to cross the road in the morning without being killed on their way to classes.
Which reminded me that one of the ‘best and brightest’ at my old Alta Mater, who went on to study at Oxford, dipped his fingers into an open electrical box after an afternoon by the pool while on holiday – Intellect is certainly not consummate with common sense.
His nomination for a Darwin Award that I submitted was not accepted.
Well, that’s Oxford for you.
Modern education tests memory and does not test understanding. There are many cunts around who have good memories but when it comes to an understanding of people and the world around them, they are hopelessly lost.
This is often accompanied by not having one iota of common sense.
Common sense was outlawed in 1997.
Morning Blunty. ?
Morning Ruffy. You keep very quiet about your qualifications. I recall you once saying you only had one ‘O’ level but surely as a Doctor of Psychotic enlightenment you must have others?
Like several others posting here I returned to college a few years later and got a further 5 O levels and 2 A levels.
I became a D.O.P.E. in 1983. Self awarded… ?
RTC, are you in line to be the next Poet Laureate ?
“Common sense was outlawed in 1997” sounds very Larkin-esque…
Exclusive news from the Labour Party, from the walrus of politics herself:
‘Dianne Abbott wants an erection on the 35th of Octember…’
35th? I doubt if the thick-as-pig-shit, lard-arsed macaroon cunt can count that high.
Unconditional university places boil my piss. Why? It’s obviously a money spinner for the uni but, ultimately it’s actually hurting the student. If they are incapable of achieving a decent enough A level result to get in what on earth are they clogging up the building for? In my day there were plenty of places for the less academic to work, factories, mines etc. Loads of options to earn, now there’s sod all. I really feel for young people today. The pressure must be very great, they are expected to prove themselves all their school lives and, for some, it’s just not for them.
There’s a great future in pet food…on the inside of a tin.
No need to import Romanian horsemeat; just clear the streets of the imported Big Ishoo sellers.
I agree. The emphasis in education on academic attainment is demoralising for those with good practical skills.
Probably explains the lack of skilled tradesmen.
And all the cunts at these places that will be using Grammarly to pass their degrees?
Fucking cheating bastards… Interpreters and cheating software? Johnny Bogo has got it fucking made, hasn’t he?….
They can’t be that fuckin smart because the scroll they’re holding up is a plain piece of paper! It is not a passport to wealth, wisdom or worldliness.
These would only come with hard work, putting in the years and a realisation that the world does not owe you a living.
All of these are anathema to many of these scroats today.
It seems to me that education is now about teaching children how to learn tricks that help them pass tests about the tricks they have learnt.
No practical use whatsoever.
Add politicians to the show and it’s a complete Chinese fire drill.
Excellent cunting.
Auschwitz, just to be a cunt.
Appears to me nowadays that the “highly educated” exist in a bubble of condescending superiority. A string of letters and abbreviations after their name but unable to simply tie their own shoelaces .
If this world goes tits up, which isn’t out of the question, will they even begin to understand how to keep warm, provide food and sanitation , along with an entry level grasp of basic economics to survive.
Not a fucking chance in hell is the answer. Once the WiFi and mobile phone network goes down , so do they.
I’ll be fine. Common sense drilled into me from childhood and a practical ability to make things work without relying on anyone else.
Fuck them!
Educated beyond their intelligence.
At the local, one old boy’s newly-purchased ‘phone case was being passed from person to person because it had what was deemed a redundant sliding mechanism built in and no-one, including 2 millennials, a 40 year old IBM employee (who’s job it is to keep corporate websites running in emergencies) and a few other luminaries, were able to work out what was the purpose of this bizarre feature. Took me about 5 seconds to look at it and quietly state that it enabled the camera to be used when slid up and the lens protected when slid down.
The assembled throng look on awestruck !
I’m not a genius (despite 7 O levels and 3 A levels) but fuck me, I do have common sense. Problem solvers are a dying breed and when we’re gone, Dog help the edumacated remainers.
Well exactly. I had a Remaining cunt in the office today tell me that nobody, including him, knew what Leave meant in the referendum. Fuck me, the word leave implied that it could be by various methods of departure. Therefore it was implied that one method of departure was no deal and still people voted to leave by majority. If you were totally opposed to leaving in a specific way then given that the leave had multiple meanings then you should have voted remain. They fucking know what remain meant though.
Idiocracy strikes again.
Nope, never heard of ‘bowmans capsules’ either. For my fellow-dunces,
a cup-like sack at the beginning of the tubular component of a nephron in the mammalian kidney that performs the first step in the filtration of blood to form urine., and thanks for the insight.
But to be even more of a cunt, ‘Caesar’, ‘Pythagoras’. ‘definitely’
I have already left.
I always thought Bowman’s capsules were tablets for highly strung people?
Right on target, Bertie!
Ah. Didn’t do biology for ‘O’ – just a year before it – because I had to do Latin instead. The dissected rabbit I mentioned elsewhere didn’t have a label for Bowman’s capsules. Biology would have been far more use, and interesting, but my objections were disregarded, and I disregarded Latin in response. I am now even more ignorant of Latin than of biology, and unrepentant.
I took A level biology and had to dissect a dogfish. Everyone was retching.
They’d all be in tears if they were made to do Latin today. I assume they don’t even bother teaching it in the comprehensives these days.
I don’t remember learning about them either. I don’t know if that’s to do with falling standards, my complete inability and lack of interest during science lessons at school or both.
It’s not really so much education as it is indoctrination these days.
The education system, from nursery to university, is state sanctioned communism, and – as it is with communism – anyone who dares speak against the socio-geoliberal brainwashing of our greatest national commodity – our children – is immediately ostracised and ejected.
The image above is quite fitting because I know many “highly educated” people, with more (pointless) degrees than a compass, who haven’t the sense they were born with, and who simply cannot think, nor make a decision for themselves.
This is because they are spoonfed what to think and how to feel until they enter the big bad world, waiting for “the leader” to tell them what to do next.
That’s why most educated millennials hanker for a socialist dictatorship, via Commissar Corbynov, because of their inability to think for themselves.
They cheer not having kids to “save the planet” but find it abhorrent if anyone dares point out that the west is not even replacing itself – population wise – and that the overpopulation issue may be from other continents? Why of course that fact is “waycist” isn’t it.
They androgynse themselves into non-binary atheist sects but then are the first in line when it comes to “hug a peaceful” week (after the latest, meticulously planned, lone-wolf “misunderstanding”).
More money for housing, schools and the NHS is their chant of choice, while choosing to ignore the reasons behind that increased demand. Oh – that’s right – it’s because old people aren’t dying quickly enough so that M’Tembe and his piss-strewn kids can take their place and contribute… FUCK ALL!!! (except maybe to the UK’s HIV statistics)
Turkeys celebrating Christmas!
Thick as ? ? cunts!
Double plus good
I got a raft of O’ levels, 3 A’ levels and a degree, mostly through pressure from my parents. Even at the time I wanted to quit after O’ levels and find a job and later experience showed me I was right. It took me a year after graduating to realise that if I put my degree on my CV I never got an interview. I then left it off and said I was mostly unemployed for 3 years and got lots. I’ve ignored the fucking thing ever since, it never made me a penny anyway.
Just for the record, I don’t think I would have done any worse in life if I’d left school at 10.
Get a proper degree :-p
I started “Big School” in the mid 1970s and on to 6th Form in the early 80s. At that time, if you possessed an normal degree of intelligence, you’d study for an “O Level” (GCE). If you were a bit fucking thick, you’d be put in for a CSE – it was the teacher’s choice which course they’d allow you to take.
Nowadays it’s GCSE – an amalgamation of O Level and CSE, which means that standards have, indeed, dropped, yet I’m an ill-educated old fart, according to my spread-eagled pissflap of a nephew….
Jesus – “a normal degree”, not “an” – Maybe I am an ill-educated old fart after all.
I worked with a 16 year old who hadn’t heard of Dickens.
I’m a recent graduate but I know full well that my degree doesn’t mean anywhere near as much as my dad’s physics HMD back in the day. I mostly did it because I enjoy the subject I studied (politics) and I’m too clumsy and cack-handed to learn a trade. Might get a decent job out of it and I’m certainly optimistic on that front but it’s far from guaranteed.
I just bought a Level 5 Diploma course in Leadership & Management. I bought this from Reed.co.uk for a mere £30, heavily discounted apparently from an original price of about a grand. I received the course material and it is a paltry 9 chapters consisting of about 4 pages per chapter. Apparently this course is accredited by The Qualifications Framework and is equivalent to the first year of a degree. This will literally take me a day to read and the exam is multiple choice. What a joke. Will look great on my CV though.
Education has become a joke. I want to do what I trained to do, and I keep being told I don’t have enough experience, am shunned for not prescribing for hipster soyboy cunt cliques, and all manner of other bullshit. Nepotism, shit wages, working poor, home poverty, suicide, the rise in drug dealing, it’s endless. Why does it have to be so needlessly complicated?!?!
The worst is to come with these sad fucks getting government jobs and making critical decisions about running the country that affect everybody. Bring on the collapse I say, from the ashes only good will come eventually.
At least we have seen the best of it, not much we can do but sit back and watch them fuck it up!
I’m sufficiently nihilistic to welcome the collapse.
I’m just sorry for those with kids.