I’d like to nominate “Give up work and become an online millionaire!” YouTube shills for a cunting.
Remember when YouTube’s incessant ads were simply gambling promotions or “free” Zombie Apocalypse games (that picked the pockets of the hard of understanding via in-app purchases)? Not anymore.
Now every ad (well enforced 5 seconds of it) are lying shills telling everyone to pack in their job and become an internet millionaire, it’s simple!
– Ok, how?
– Whoa there buddy, there’s a few things you need to know before you embark on an easy life paved with gold!
– How?
– Look, sign up to my (clic-bait) site and I’ll send you some free videos explaining what to do.
– Hmmm, watched them, they told me fuck all (other than how great and easy being a t’interweb millionaire is), so… HOW!?!
– Sure just send $50 or $99 or $whatever to my PayPal account and I’ll send you the secret!
And will this secret reveal any more on the “How?” – will it fuck!
Now anyone of a certain age will remember the unwanted Reader’s Digest bullshit that darkened your letterbox every few months or so.
In there, there would be at least one “Get Rich Quick!” scheme pamphlet which offered a “free pack” on getting started, just send an A4 self addressed envelope with a £10 postal order (never cheque) to cover the postage to…
Several weeks later, if at all, your 10p, 2nd class stamped envelope returns with a single sheet of paper inside with the “you’ve been had” information cleverly disguised as some meaningless babble about stocks and shares. Or some such nonsense. These YouTube shills are the modern equivalent of these confidence tricksters.
Anyone gullible enough to fall for this e-bullshit deserves everything they get! If any roads are paved with gold then it’s fucking iron pyrites! However, should you ever be tempted, know this: the only cunts becoming millionaires online are the cunts selling this bullshit!
Hell is too good for them, and the digital sheep idiots who believe them.
Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!
A fool and his money soon parted…
Any elderly or gullible cunters
Effected by this, i can help you get your money back!
Simply send your bankcard information too-
Miserables financial services
PO box 43
The North
Can I extend this cunting to the grammarly adverts that I have to endure at least 5 seconds of until I can skip them.
> Didn’t pay attention at school and can’t be arsed to google the answer if you’re unsure??
> Dumb enough to pay some cunt £££ to do what you could do yourself for free?
Then choose grammarly you drip fed cunt.
I like ‘drip fed cunt’. Applicable to so many cuntings. Alternatively, ‘bottle fed cunt’. Alexa, fetch my bottle, and a new teat.
I’ve not seen an ad on Youtube for nigh-on a decade now.
Get yourself an adblocker, takes but a few seconds to install the extension to your browser and you’ll be free of the incessant shit altogether.
I’ve been using AdBlock, in one form or other, for years now and it’s never stopped the adverts which are at the beginning of YouTube videos, but these can be deleted after a few seconds. However it’s generally excellent.
Since installing Ublock origin I haven’t got any YouTube adverts whatsoever. Not having those annoying Grammarly cunts at the start of every video has been bliss.
Obvious tricksters.
But send €99 now and i’ll tell you how to get a blow job from any woman you want on any day that you want and be the envy of all your friends!
I have to tell you SH that pimping is illegal in this country but I won’t tell anyone if you cut me in.
Crowdfunding is an even easier way of raising cash from mugs since you usually target friends and relatives. I´m still pissed off at being forced to make a donation to a nephew whom I don´t know very well as he is related through my wife´s side of the family. He aimed to drive with his girlfriend from Brazil to Alaska in a souped-up Land rover.
The mercenary swine even drew up an itinerary which he thoughtfully sent to my wife asking me to pay for his petrol for the stretch through Guatemala and Mexico. Guess what happened? They never got near Mexico because they loved Colombia so much, they stayed there for six months until the money ran out.
Did he offer to reimburse me? Did he fuck. Yet whenever I mention the matter, I get accused of being a miserable, unfeeling apology for an uncle which is probably true but he is a downright fraudster and crowdfunding is a sneaky way of getting into your pocket.
You would think I had learned my lesson but I recently voluntarily contributed to another crowdfunding effort to help the mother of a friend of my daughter who has cancer and has been forced to leave her flat as she can no longer work and pay the rent. I donated the cash through a crowdfunding site and got a confirmation of receipt. It may sound mean of me to moan about not receiving a personal thanks given the tragic circumstances but that´s crowdfunding for you.
E-begging is the new growth industry.
I always got the Grammarly ones. Found them so rage inducing that they drove me to being a cunt and using adblock. Didn’t want to because it means the creators I like getting less money but there’s only so many times I can hear a hipster millennial cunt droning on about the joys of having their thinking done for them before putting my fist firmly through my laptop.
A woman who accused Jeffrey Epstein of sex abuse and alleged she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew as a 17-year-old has urged him to “come clean”.
An unfortunate choice of words.
Am I the only cunt here who doesn’t know what a shill is?
I ruled out half a shilling.
Never heard of it either! Had to look it up.
Think its a american term, a bloke who poses as a honest customer while hes really a accomplice to a conman.
Spot on definition MNC.
The simpsons Rtc, the episode with the carnies?!
The carnies see Homer as a mark
A pidgeon strutting through fair clutching wad of dollarbills,
Was on that!?
May surprise you to learn MNC that I have never seen more than the odd trailer for the Simpsons. Am a massive Beavis & Butthead fan though.
Think you might like it Rtc,
Quite a few 60s counterculture references, grateful dead etc
The EU is full of them , political Pygmys making out they are independent but are really just “shills” for their German / French masters …….
Unfortunately there’s always another greedy foolish gullible cunt to fall for the “get rich quick “ shite! , there’s scams absolutely everywhere, some more obvious than others…,.
Typically they ask questions so you end up self qualifying yourself?
Do you want to be rich?
Ever dreamed of working from home?
Would you like to live in a 10 bedroom mansion?
Then a few glossy photos to paint the picture of what your new life will look like?
Flash car
Pretty woman adorning your arm
Photo of some cunt laying on a sun lounger covered in money
Send £5.99 for our easy to follow millionaire maker starter pack that will put you firmly on the road to riches
Gullible foreign investment brokers
P.O. Box 11342537795
A subsidiary company of
Candy from a fucking baby international investment group…….
Legal advisers: Farter Fuck.
Nor me Cuntologist and Ghee The Witches. Also had to look it up.
Have led a very sheltered life.
Lots of thick, gullible punters out there who think they can make money quickly without risk or having to do anything.
I’d heard the word before but had no idea what it meant and had no reason, or enough interest, to look it up. I’ve also never heard of grammarly.
YouTube is owned by Google. Google owns the world.
And what Google doesn’t own, is owned by Amazon.
…or sold by it. I hate Amazon especially since they put the minimum for free delivery up to £20 because it forced me to look elsewhere for cheaper delivery options and I’m now much more likely to buy it elsewhere.
I’m guessing that makes Alexa is a bit of shill.
“All your base is belong to us ha ha ha”
Theres a sucker born every minute.
PT Barnum
And he was right, some very naughty people out there with no moral compass who will part you from your life saving and feel nothing.
Its a good cunting this Rebel!?
I can still remember my old Nan saying “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, you stupid little cunt”….
Come on JR she never called you stupid! ???
Keep away from pyramid schemes.
Giza or chichen itza? Spoons
Im never going Egypt anyway!
I remember filthy Cairo well. Dirty camel jockeys trying to flog tat and small plastic pyramids “two for pound, you from London?”.
I have seen the pyramids, sphinx and Cairo museum.
That’ll do me.
I joined a pyramid scheme years ago,
And now am the proud owner of a 200foot, 4000ton limestone structure
In my garden .
So the doomsayers are wrong!
If your offered a pyramid scheme grab it with both hands i say!
Morning admin!
Want me to pop round Bluntys for the keys again?
No problem, be 10min,
What should i say if anyone asks?
No what has happened Miserable there are no more cunts anymore. It’s the infuence of ISAC. People are reading us and radically changing their lives. We have been too successful.
Morning Miles!
A cunt free society?
Thats a new scary world!
We will have to rebrand,
‘Is a peach!’
Danny dyers lost weight✔
Diane Abbotts earring suit her✔
Well have to make our own entertainment. I know I spy with my little eye something beginning with…B?
Blunty? Know he was on way to yours to borrow 2slices of bread..
If anything, there are even more cunts now than ever!
The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round…
We shall never reach ‘Peak Cunt’.
DNA evidence suggests Tutankhamun’s parents were cousins.
Scientists remain baffled as to how they made the journey from Norfolk….
Just seen this thing on online news, 2american news anchors covering something about a gorilla on a zoo,
The blonde white woman anchor says too her black co-anchor
“Hey he looks like you!”
Then cue the grovelling next day apology where shes been bollocked,
Crying and saying she loves him!!
Haha check it out.
Johnson to prorogue parliament.Awaiting leftie meltdowns in 3 2 1.Got a day off might just watch the meltdowns on the news channel.Hopefully Soubry will have a complete breakdown pull her hair out and jump off Big Ben.
Now that’s excellent news. No wonder Today never mentioned it but was wholly immersed in Bury FC’s difficulties and National Parks politics. With a side order of what losing EU subsidies will do to sheep farmers, shock horror…hope HM tells Boris to hang the useless cunts for treason.
It was announced half an hour after the Today Programme went off air. Good news though.
The ghost of Colonel Pride is stirring!
Soubry on BBC.Looks like she needs a drink hahaha
Fuck me, Boris has grown a pair.
Just heard Hezzelslime and the Lucas bitch crying their eyes out.
Oh joy! There’s going to be trouble.
Tory backbencher and Remain campaigner Dominic Grieve called it “an outrageous act”, and warned it could lead to a vote of no confidence in Mr Johnson, adding: “This government will come down”.
An outrageous act?
Nearly as outrageous as stopping democracy you fucking arsehole. What an imbecile.
Grieve: 1/4 French, lives in France. Cunt extraordinaire.
New remoaner buzzword……”tin pot dictator.”
Get on message please.
Anna Soubry
Outrageous that Parliament will be shut down at a moment of crisis as we face crashing out of the EU with no deal & for which there is no mandate. Our democracy is under threat.
Firstly Anna the will of the people is to leave the EU. That is the mandate the government has and which was one of two options on the EU referendum ballot paper. Leave or Remain. Nothing about a deal.
Secondly, you say our democracy is under threat? Yes Anna, by you and fellow Remoaners.
Daft nut-job hypocritical bitch.
“Crashing out” “Over a cliff” “Kamikaze Brexit”
All Remoaner buzzwords used ad nauseam.
Goebbels would be proud of them:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
Former Labour foreign secretary Dame Margaret Beckett, a supporter of the
People’s Vote campaign for a second EU referendum, claimed the prime
minister is “trashing the constitution”.
“This is a government with no majority of its own in parliament,” she said.
“While parliament is not even sitting, he is disgracefully dragging the
Queen into the heart of the most difficult and dangerous exploitation of the
usual powers of government.”
Didn’t Steptoe threaten to involve the Queen only a couple of weeks ago? And he isn’t even in government.
Jo Swinson
“By suspending Parliament to force through a No Deal, Boris Johnson and the Government would remove the voice of the people”.
Wrong Jo, the people have already spoken and have instructed the government for the UK to LEAVE the EU.
And Parliament overwhelmingly voted to trigger Article 50, which commits the UK to leaving with or WITHOUT a withdrawal Agreement.
Presumably Parliament didn’t know what they were voting for… ?
Nice one Ruff Tuff.
Top of the morning to ya.
Afternoon Willie… ?
Former Labour foreign secretary Dame Margaret Beckett, a supporter of the People’s Vote campaign for a second EU referendum, claimed the prime minister is “trashing the constitution”.
“This is a government with no majority of its own in parliament,” she said.
“While parliament is not even sitting, he is disgracefully dragging the Queen into the heart of the most difficult and dangerous exploitation of the usual powers of government.”
Didn’t Steptoe threaten to involve the Queen only a couple of weeks ago?
The hypocrisy of some Remoaners is simply staggering.
Bercunt has weighed in.What a surprise.
According to the Mirror, he exploded. If only. A ‘constitutional outrage’, apparently. Takes one to know one.
The impartial John “Bollock to Brexit” Bercow? That’s a surprise.
The equally impartial BBC said it was unusual for the Speaker of the House to make comments on parliamentary affairs.
Bercunt is a law unto himself. He takes no account of Constitutional Parliamentary Convention unless it furthers his Remoaner agenda.
Have been monitoring MSM all day. Not seen one Leaver invited to express his /her opinion.
A tweet (from Roger)
“The EU have said several times they won’t renegotiate, parliament rejected the only deal on the table. It’s time to get on with what the majority voted for, that’s how democracy works”.
Spot on Roger
Snowflake comment of the day :” This is a declaration of war” (Tom Brake) Fucking prick.
Rees-Mogg had the better of him in the Commons-Brake saying he was a recruiting sergeant for the Lib Dems. Mogg-‘I would make a better one than the honorable gentleman’.
“This is the day democracy died”:Nicola Sturgeon .Do these cunts have no self awareness?The fucking irony.
Err… nope.’People’s vote’, ‘The Resistance’ (anti trump coastal media elite), Labour shadow cabinet… take your pick.
I have seen the sphincter !
I was obliged to do a brief comedy routine for my GP (the Alexis Texas lookalike); not so much “stand-up” as “bend over, cheeks apart.” She had a mirror on hand.
These fucking cunts were ok to shut Parliament for a six week break in the summer while they fucked off on their jollys ( subsidised by us no fucking doubt !!). But an official prorogation !! In the throes of the Brexit debate !! This is an affront to democracy!! It’s a Coup d’etat!! Boris is a tin pot dictator!! The fucking cunts !! Fuck them all to hell.