Wacky Fundraisers

I’ve just been reading about this Cunt…..


Too many of these do-gooders are more interested in a bit of cheap glory than they are in actually raising money. It’s just an excuse to be “madcap and wacky” while saying that they’re doing it for Charidee prevents people from telling the attention-seeking Wankers to Fuck Off.

This silly Cunt with the lawnmower will have probably cost the NHS more than he ever raised,add in the fact that he ,no doubt,will have been off work for weeks and his “fundraising” will have actually been a “fund-taker”…not that it’ll bother him,he got his little bit of pathetic glory.
Running marathons with a fridge on his back Man was another such Cunt…I wasn’t surprised (or sorry) to hear that he now has hip.legs and spine problems…well,what a surprise. Fuck only knows how much his treatment will cost,plus his benefits…again he was “wacky”.

If these people were serious about raising money,why can’t they just do a couple of days work and quietly donate the money? No fear of that,there is no glory in anonymity and the whole point for these Cunts is doing something which they can use to bore each and every person that they ever meet with tales of their stupid exploits.

Shame someone didn’t take this Cunt’s lawnmower and shove it up his arse, I’d happily donate to see that.

Fuck him.

Nominated by Dick Fiddler

34 thoughts on “Wacky Fundraisers

    • I’ve never heard of a cardboard tent. How do you fold the fuckers up to carry them around? What happens when it rains?
      Am I missing something?

      • They’re eco-friendly, Freddie. Latest thing at music festivals,apparently…useless but they’ll “save the planet”,and that’s what counts.

      • Sounds like bollocks to me. A fucking tent made out of corn flake boxes? I never saw that on Blue Peter. Probably because it’s shit.

  1. The girl in red has a nice pair while the one at the end of the line looks like she’s just escaped a gas explosion, scruffy bitch.

    I reckon you’re spot on about the need for some personal glory rather than an anonymous donation, although even then I suspect the cunts would take a photo of the transaction to put on Facebook.

    Afternoon Dick.

  2. Bang on cunting Dick. I’ve donated pounds to charity over the past 60 years, but do I crow abaaaht it?

      • Fricking long-distance mass charity bike rides, logistics all donated in a campaign bigger than Overlord. The disruption affects the entire fabric of society and the paltry funds raised are lucky to be 5% of the cost.

  3. Just like the utter shite that gets into the Guinness Book of pointless cunts.

    Most wanks with an oven glove – CC 1978
    Fastest ascent of Ben Nevis carrying a lawnmower (and then wanking with an oven glove) – CC 1991
    I could go on but don’t like to talk about it.

  4. Good cunting. OTT charity cunts are simply shouting “ME ME ME” at the rest of the world. Virtues signalling narcissists. Genuinely charitable people donate anonymously.

  5. I started vomiting blood within five seconds of reading about this titanic cunt.

  6. The only wacky fundraiser I’d support is Owen Jones walking through Qatar with a strap-on attached to his Swede whilst wearing a rainbow mankini.
    I’d happily sponsor the nice men throwing the rocks.

  7. Reminds me of that Catherine Tate character……..Geordie Georgie. Constantly demanding money for her latest charity effort and calls the bloke a cunt for not coughing up half his wages.
    Why don’t they have sketch shows like that, Fast Show, Little Britain any more? Too many people would be “offended “ I suppose.

  8. Always a bit suspicious of anyone taking the Timmy Mallet approach to charity, as said above just donate quietly if you want to donate.
    Whats with these charity plastic donation bags that are always coming through the letterbox?
    Is it a scam?
    I use em as dogshit bags on walks.
    Always being ‘green aware’.

      • Sometimes we share a bag, i have a ‘gippy tummy’ if eaten anything i suspect a foreigner might of touched!

      • You should send the bags of dogshit back to the charities you got them from. Send them a message they won’t forget…….such as stop sending perverts out to poor countries to fuck children you cunts.

      • Never thought of that!
        See? We are going to heaven after all Freddie!
        Off the list now, first time donating to charity……

      • I would think you’d need at least a wheelbarrow or a cart to remove any droppings from that beast of yours!
        It’s good to see you’ve finally sorted out that dam at Whaley Bridge!

      • Bit of masking tape, some polyfilla…dunno what the drama was?
        Liked the guy on news who was refusing to evacuate!
        “Its just health and safety gone mad!”
        As 400million gallon threaten to crush his whole town!?

  9. A very nice bit of cunting Dick. The cunt with the lawnmower looks a right show off.

  10. Looking at the third photo on the link, it’s no wonder Blackburn Rovers are so crap – they can’t afford vertical goalposts.

  11. They fall into the category of what I describe as ‘charity bores’. I think I nominated them once, if not, then the above nom covers it.

  12. How can I indulge my obsession or do something I can’t afford to do? I know. I’ll call it a sponsored whatever, and give the surplus income from sympathetic idiots to charity when I’ve done it.

    Please sponsor me in my record-breaking attempt to endure six months staying in Claridges…

  13. Jimmie Savvile went there when he creatively used charity to fuck dead kids, living kids, disabled kids, drugged kids and so on.

    Now there is someone who took charity deviance to the next level, got to be admired in many ways.

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