
Now, I know this has been done before but I’d like to give it a good cunting, purely because veganism at its very core is designed for cunts.

Now in my experience veganism is a twining leftie fad that is championed by those who wish to fight for free speech whilst forcing their eco terrorist agenda down people’s throats. It’s mindless hypocrisy at its worst, the fake meat boom being the cherry on top of the soy bean shitcake. How has it become a billion pound industry?
Because like all fads it panders to the weak to create an enclave of people who follow a shit agenda and use it to look down upon ordinary folk, whilst preaching how they’re helping the environment and make the world a better place. Yet I don’t see these companies sharing their wealth with those who need it. At least big corporations don’t pretend, we all know they’re greedy cunts. More than anything it’s the fake agenda that fucks me right off with these eco cunts.
Footnote being, when the winters start getting colder, my fat steak and knitted woolly jumper are gonna be keeping me a damn site warmer than their hemp sacks and veggie meat.


Nominated by GrandCuntRailRoad

80 thoughts on “Veganism

  1. I hate these preachy fucking cocksuckers. Yes, you’re right, every single one of them is also a self righteous save the planet fucking hippy bastard.
    All up their own arseholes and think they are so superior to the rest of humanity.
    Fucking bunch of pricks.

  2. Nothing wrong with Veganism but those choosing this alternative diet should learn to shut the fuck up and not preach to others who choose a different way of life.

    I gave been a veggie for 50 years or so. Gave up eating meat and fish for a variety of reasons and after much thought. What others do is entirely up to them and none of my fucking business.

    • Spot on Mr Stroker but like the Lgbtmgbv8 brigade these militant fucks just cant keep it shut.
      Your a vegan/veggie great your gay or transexual well good on you your a football fan woopdee doo.
      As you say get on with YOUR life and leave the rest to Fucking rest to get on with theirs

  3. The funniest thing about these vegans is they tend to be environMENTALISTS which lends to your point about wearing warm materials in winter.

    Off the table are:

    Wool, leather, suede – all originate from Beasts of burden.

    Polyester and acrylic – both plastics which presumably are derived from crude oil.

    Basically let the stuck up, self important, virtue signalling, hippy cunts live by their principles and die by them by freezing to death.

  4. A hundred years ago these people would have been bible thumpers telling us we will all burn in hell for not following the word of the lord.
    Most vegans are just the latest manifestation of this.

  5. I was at a party recently and this hemp wearing cunt walked in, perused the food on display and announced “I’m a vegan”.

    There was a load of vegan food prepared especially for this cunt and he seemed to lord it over everyone else with his cuntish vegan ways.

    Self righteous cunts virtually all of them.

  6. I know two, and they have possibly the worst diets you could have. The younger vegan twat is of the generation that eat what they wanted, not what was put in front of them. You know the type, the parents half laugh, half sigh when they tell you their fucking brat will only eat pizza or crisps or donuts. To cater for these feckless pricks, there is plenty of vegan friendly junk food for the sad cunts to bloat on. The older one was a massive carnivore before being radicalised by his girlfriend who is a vegan maniac, and they would sit there night after night watching peta undercover videos of slaughterhouse cruelty. He seems to exist on a mixture of noodles and fingernails.
    Again, as with all the uppity top trump cunts, there are conflicts with their beliefs, as they are very happy going to a steak restaurant, butchers or cattle farm, and protest the shit out of it, in that feeble, whinging way that they do, but ask them about the far more cruel practice of halal, and the best they can come up with is ‘but it’s all cruelty’. Well why don’t they protest those cunts?

    • They don’t and won’t protest Ali’s halal kebab emporium because they know for fucking that THEY will end up spinning on the fucking rotisserie.

      Lefty, millennial vegan cunts tend to be fucking hypocrites and cowards. (that statement would have been true if I’d taken the word vegan out).

  7. I think most of the cunts in Hollywood are vegans…….or claim to be , the bandwagon jumping cunts. I bet, behind closed doors in their gated mansions, in between crying their eyes out for the poor illegal immigrants, they are wolfing down steaks and burgers like a hungry dog.
    Number one vegan in this country?………who else but the SJW slag, Princess Markle bitch .
    I don’t know if the boy Hewitt has been converted yet but when he is you can bet we’re all going to hear about it.

    • *I mean that statement would have been just as true if I’d taken the word vegan out

    • I’d say Morrissey, actually, but I don’t think he qualifies as a resident of the UK having lived in the US since the 90s. He’s definitely been braying about it longer and louder, though.

  8. I’ve got nothing against vegans,they can eat what they want as far as I’m concerned. Unfortunately some of them seem to think that they are morally superior and spend their time “standing up” for animal rights. The cowardly ones crawl around teaching wicked “Farmer Turniphead” a lesson by leaving gates open in stock-fields…How very brave. This proves their love for animals,let them out to be injured or killed….still,at least it actually proves that jealousy of ” Farmer Turniphead” is their true motivation. The Farmer has a life that they,sitting in their little new-build houses, can never hope to attain and the jealousy just gnaws away at them.
    It’s the way that some of them over-estimate their own intelligence that makes me laugh…write a piece on some website about wicked Farmers and then not even have the balls or intelligence to even dare comment themselves when made to look a bit of a childish fool…better to keep one’s head low and take it out on a farmer by letting his stock out (when sure that nobody is about to see,of course)….”Oh,that thick farmer made me look stupid, I’ll teach them”.
    Yep, real brave,some of these vegan animal lovers….not all of them of course,some actually dare poke their heads above the parapet without having to embolden themselves with a couple of cans of Tesco lager and then claim that they were drunk when bested,again,by a thick yokel.

    LOL…..shut the gate on yer way out.

    • Good post. I can tell that came from a place of experience. Have you been harrased by these pencil necked vegan cunts then?

      • They tend to be shy beasts when called out, TITs. Often resort to shouting abuse from a safe distance when enlivened by a Babysham or two.

        ( Fuck me,I bet some poor farmer discovers that all his gates have been left opened tomorrow morning if,by chance,some animal-loving vegan should happen to stray onto this site and reads this.)

      • I used to live/work with a guy who had worked in the butchery/abotoire industry for years since he was a teenager and he’d had a few arguments with vegans over the years.

        His favourite anecdote he used to tell me was when confronted by vegans was that he would ask them if releasing all bovines into the wild would relinquish their suffering – their kneejerk reaction was obviously “of course it would!”

        To which he would ask how many of them would be hit and killed by motor vehicles and how many bulls would end up bloodied and then dead due to fighting with other bulls for mating rights…… The knowledgeable cunts never had any answers to give.

      • I genuinely don’t think that a lot of them care about the animals in the slightest. I think that it is some kind of jealousy. It’s either that,or they are,as you describe,too thick and ignorant to understand that it won’t all be like some twee Disney cartoon where all the ickle,fluffy animals live together in harmony if only wicked “Farmer Turniphead” was out of the picture.

      • PS…..a lot of them aren’t quite as clever as they like to imagine.

      • Mainly because their brains don’t work properly due to a lack of proper nutrients (plus they were thick enough to fall for that bullshit in the first place).

      • Animal rights activists think rather like sheep, except less frequently, and definitely at a lower intellectual level.

        Sheep are net contributors, providing meat, wool, sheepskin, lanolin (for much medicine) and other fringe benefits, depending on where you live… Vegans are a fucking waste of space, although I guess they are useful for hoovering up the inevitable surfeit of Jug-Ears crisps.
        Btw, Luxemburg has been hit by storms. I hope the Druncken old sot was home for the w/e…

  9. Who is a bigger cunt than a vegan? A vegan who forces their pets to eat a vegan diet. Oh yes, there’s plenty of these animal lovers who force their pets to go against nature to satisfy their own smug egos.
    I don’t know what they do if their cat comes in with a mouse or a bird…….probably give it a kicking I suppose. I look forward to reading about a hungry vegan dog who rips his wanky owner’s throat out.
    Bunch of cunts.

    • The funny thing with these vegtards is that they will post memes about how vegans aren’t weak because the Gorilla is vegan and it’s the strongest hominid……… Yes – because it’s physiologically vegan you dumbfucks!!!

      That’s why gorillas are strong, your cat is dying of malnutrition and why you are gaunt and weak.


    • Im not arsed what others eat, none of my business, im omnivorous,
      Happy chewing a meat bone clean as i am chewing cabbage, bit on the greedy cunt side so plenty of both!
      Really dont like it though when someone tries to make animals that by design are carnivores eat fuckin lentil soup or something…
      Its cruel and stupid, fair play if thats your diet but to make a animal ill because of your views is cuntish.

    • A dog is a obligate carnivore. Feeding them a vegan diet is fucking stupid. It shows you the mentality of the cunts.

      • i’m pretty sure that a dog is a scavenging carnivore and a cat is an obligate carnivore? even so they are both cunts.

  10. Also the picture above, if i offered my akita diced broccoli id get the same look!
    If im having chicken sos the dog,
    If im having steak sos the dog,
    If im having vegetable soup.. The dogs still having chicken

    • Shirley Valentine got it right.

      If her neighbour’s dog was supposed to eat muesli, it’d have been called a Muesli-hound.

      But it was a Bloodhound.

      I think my giant rabbit quite enjoyed eating the end of my finger, when he thought it was a carrot.

      • Giant Rabbit?
        Funnily enough, someone at bottom of our road has two, never saw one before,
        Massive eh?
        Me and dog were gobsmacked!
        Dog looked at me enough to say
        ‘You seeing them too?’?

      • An English giant – ex and I had him from local RSPCA warden, who rescued him off Naaaarge Livestock Market, where he was about to be sold by the kilo.
        He weighed about 5 kilos, at least. Solid bugger. Clever, too.
        Apparently German Giants are the best, as they live longer.

      • Dont know what breed these are but theyre the biggest bunnies ive ever seen!
        They pop out from the garden under a fence and graze on a verge, nice looking things, have to keep a tight grip on the dog, but to be honest i dont think she knows what to make of them! Seems hypnotized, and just happy to watch them.

    • Dogs are not just for Christmas. If cooked and prepared properly they should last through to the New Year.
      Good evening Miserable

      • Evening mr Blunt!
        Newly named mr Blunt too!
        You been rechristened? Found god?
        Good for you mr Blunt!
        i read your disgraceful post lusting after breast milk from well endowed wenches!
        Some religion will give you moral fortitude and stop your devilish cravings!??

      • Yes, I’ve been relaunched(some say not far enough). I’ve been promoted to a super cunt. My PA thought it would soften my image but I’ll always be known as Blunty to my mates if I can find any.

      • Dont give me that, everyone likes you mr Blunt!
        A funny, cheeky chappie like you?
        Nothing not to like!
        Soften your image?
        Hardly sid vicious as it is!?

      • Blunty ain’t no stranger to the re-launch. He used to be a Muslim you know. Evidence on file.

        Evening boys.

      • Evening Rtc, well hes a born again type now!
        Do him good, softened image and new posh name, he could go places!!

      • Evening boys. It’s nice to know someone is talking to me. I think I might have upset Miles yesterday with one of my comments.

      • Doubt it, miles is a easy going bloke,
        Slow to take offense,
        Bit of a worrier mate?
        Jesus! Blunty i offended the whole of wales!
        Still getting hate mail from ‘sons of glyndwyr’
        He’ll know it was a joke.
        …was a joke right?

      • I think Miles could be a sensitive soul but that’s why I like him. He’s a deep thinker and I’m not joking.

      • I did apologise but it’s so difficult to sound sincere in today’s world.

      • See? paranoia.
        Lot of banter with strong characters on ISAC bound to be few tense times.
        Nobody means anybody any harm,
        Pointless being thin skinned.
        Rtc, get your stash out! Lets all drop a trip and relax a bit! Get the tunes on…

      • That said, I’ve just checked the thread in question, nothing more than harmless banter, I think you’re being a bit paranoid Blunty.

        How about a little singsong to boost our morale? 1,2,3…

        ?If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club?

      • Haha happy chocolate lovin hillbillies!
        Few work in mcvities factory in levenshulme nowadays. Yeehah!!

      • Mea culpa Mr Blunty. Before I posted I thought ‘this will be read wrong’. But I think of a ”funny’ so am damned well going to post it. Regardless of the recipient. Bit cavalier like that. For future reference-only ever gentle teasing with me. Never anything otherwise.

  11. Another mechanism to emasculate men, like soy milk, which these neck-beard types imbibe like mana from heaven.

    We are omnivores at the end of the day, like bears, badgers and chimps, and meat is an important part of that diet.

    Vegetarians can get by with the odd animal based product but vegans take this to the extreme, and why? Well to virtue-signal and nothing more. And it is that simple.

    Back in the 60’s and 70’s there may have been a few “Earth Mother” types that believed the ethos, but now these cunts are vegan purely for (anti)social media brownie points, nothing more.

    I’ve encountered two of these cunts in recent times at two different work places and they announce that they’re “vegan” before they even mention their names (not that I could have guessed looking like Shaggy’s emaciated younger cousin).

    Southern facey types may react in an approving manner, but my Northerner reaction towards this statement can only be described as exuding “You cunt!”

    You couldn’t go out for a butty or bite to eat without them lording over where to go because they have “Such a cool vegan range!” even when the cunts weren’t even invited in the first place!

    In Lutonistan there was a fried chicken outfit called Chicken George that did superb Abbott’s favourite dish and every couple of Friday’s we’d pop in forra take-out.

    O’course soy neck-beard wanted to go elsewhere or KFC (cos they had some godawful vegan wrap affair). After the second time of this happening, even though I was the new boy, I just said: “Ok mate. Well we’re off to Chicken George so see you back here.”

    And how many went with Mr Vegan cunt instead of to Chicken George? Well it was a nice round figure!

    If you want to be vegan, good for you, but I neither need to be told, nor fucking care. So please feel free to fuck off!

    And any cunt forcing their carnivorous cat/dog pets to adopt this farcical diet is a fucking cruel cunt too!


    • I had fun like this in north Sumatra. Two Muslim boys and two christians including me the boss, on a road trip bantering about Christian and muslim customs.
      Looking for a lunch stop there’s the BPK pork barbecue sign.

      “Stop the truck right here we’re going in”.

      “What about us?”

  12. If a diet requires you to take supplements on the side, then obviously that diet is lacking!
    People know this and still became vegan, fair enough, if you care about animal welfare then as a fellow animal lover i can see that, but to aggressively try to force that one friends loved ones , workmates etc?
    And they call us fascists?

  13. In my experience there are two types of vegan; the ones who like animals and do their best to avoid using animal products, turn up to bbqs with vegan burgers and kebabs and dont mention the v word (quite a few have been very nice looking women), and the other kind, invariably from Brighton, pasty, depressed, anaemic and has to protest about everything. The usually have a nose, ring, glasses and dyed hair because ultimately they’re attention seekers and want to turn everything into a conflict.. they dont really care about animal welfare as they’re stupid enough to feed their cats on the same vegan diet they’re on.

  14. How do you know that the person you have just met is a vegan? Don’t worry they will tell you within 30 seconds.

    Q. Why did the vegan cross the road?

    A. To tell the person on the other side they are a vegan.

    Vegans? Bunch of sanctimonious, self appointed superior, up themselves cunts.

    • Joke: A vegan does a charity sky dive……. What do you think he’ll tell you about first?

  15. My take on this is similar to others on here. If somebody wants to be vegan that’s their business. It’s sanctimonious vegans that get on my wick; the types who keep going on about ‘being vegan’ and getting on my neck because I like steak. Liking steak is my business.
    Evening guys.

    • Ron, please dont mention steak twice in a post!
      Ive not eaten yet and ilm almost drooling…

  16. The only vegan I’ve had sight of was fat as fuck with a runny nose.
    Ate a lot of cheese I was informed.Is that allowed?Fuck them.
    Useless CUNTS.

    • No unkle! Eating cheese is cheating!
      Vegans dont eat any animal products,
      Unless it was some sort of vegan cheese?
      Tell the fat cunt to stop cheating and to get a handkerchief.

      • Wasn’t there some whining about the new fivers a few years ago containing minute traces of animal by-product? I don’t think anybody was going to make them eat it but just the thought of touching them triggers these lunatics.

      • Rings a bell, not sure LL,
        Suspicion some of them like a excuse to spit the dummy!
        Few cunters will of read your post and at this moments will be tentatively tasting a fiver to see if it tastes meaty!!???

      • I’ve not tasted a plastic five or ten quid note but I have smelt the inside of a rolled up one. It smelt a lot like cocaine.

      • Thats ok its cruelty free,
        Cocaines Perfectly acceptable but bacon?
        Bet thats what posh spice has for her sunday dinner,
        £50 note that tastes of beef.

  17. Veganism, vegetarianism etc all well and good is a choice. I’m not knocking anyone for their lifestyle choice. Fair play.
    For me, I love the taste of meat particularly roast pork with crackling and apple sauce.
    I could be vegetarian but bacon is my weakness.
    I feel like Tom from the Tom & Jerry cartoon when he’s asleep in his basket and the smell of food cooling on the windowsill floats by him then comes back and enters his nostrils, lifts him up and carries him in his sleeping state towards the food.

    • Your a Tom & Jerry aficionado spoons arent you??
      I saw a bit of a new one the other day and it was piss poor in comparison!
      Animation wasnt as rich, not violent,
      No big black housekeeper wi droopy stockings bellowing ‘THOMAS!!!’
      Shame,i love the old ones too mate!

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