I’d like to nominate the fairly new obsession surrounding unnatural conception.
Whether it be Turkey basters, test tubes, “throuples,” surrogate or any of the other various methods, it has never quite sat right with me.
The Mainstream Media will glorify this as equality and inclusion. Now two “daddy’s” can have a child, now two “mummy’s” can have a child, yet nobody seems to care about the potential consequences.
-It may take two to tango, but it only takes one sperm and one egg to conceive meaning that both parents can’t be related by blood. What happens in the event of both parents splitting up? Does the parent actually related to the child get custody?
-Statistics say that children without a mother or father are far more likely to up in prison, live in poverty or commit suicide. It’s my opinion that children need both male and female influences at home
-A child may never know their true heritage and as a result may lack identity.
-The LGBTQ community are more likely (in my opinion) to try and raise their kids as “theybies,” gender neutral, vegan, lib dems voter or just a plain sodomite. We have enough fairies and snowflakes thank you.
-We’re overpopulated, more children equals more welfare, schooling costs, cars on the road (global warming?) Etc.
– Two blokes can’t breastfeed
– There are tons of kids in care who need a good home. If these couples can provide the correct care for a child then they would be allowed to adopt.
That rug munching cunt Steph McGovern has been complaining that she’s been having morning sickness after her girlfriend got her preggers. If a lesbian wanted a baby in the good old days she’d have to endure sleeping with some pig of a bloke in the hope of getting morning sickness. Think you need to check your privilege, Steph.
The breakdown of the nuclear family was just one step on the road to the end of society. Our only hope is a nuclear war.
My advice? Bomb the lot and start again.
Nominated by Itchen Cunt
These days it would appear that everyone is entitled to everything regardless of how unusual or unnatural it is . When things go wrong,as they so often do, there is no need to worry because the taxpayer will pick up the bill.
You are very much challenging the orthodoxy here. That is why the government has introduced it’s “Why has Tarquin got 2 daddies” brainwashing programme into primary schools (becomes law Sept 2020)
Lot’s of cunts say I don’t care about bum bandits, they can do what they want as long as I don’t have all that pride bollocks pushed down my throat. But you will get the pride anyway because it’s all part of the same thing……..the systematic destruction of the family to produce rootless, stateless INDIVIDUALS who have no sense of belonging, no sense of identity.
Such individuals are easy to control as they have nothing to bring them together, no shared values. The spread and promotion of poofery is not an accident, no more than mass immigration or the promotion of climate change ideology.
It’s all part of the big picture.
Hit the nail on the head Freddie!
Agreed. Spot on Freddie. Says a lot when there’s more sense coming out of a random internet blog than the entire globalist media.
Why has Tarquin got two daddies? Because they are poofs. Cannot see why that needs to be rolled out in schools. Concentrating on useful subjects would be the logical choice surely.
The left would rather teach their values over knowledge. More important for kids if they know how to feel about something.
Knowledge is dangerous. Best keep the little people in the dark and keep the sharing of knowledge to an aristocracy of experts.
The amount of times ive seen genuine arguments along those lines since Brexit is quite frightening. The trouble is those making the argument assume they are in the ‘expert’ class.
And let’s not forget the collapse of law and order. It’s all part of the masterplan to completely destroy our society so they (the elites) can install a Far-Left dictatorship.
I’d imagine that impregnating Steph McGowan would be like reloading one of those old cannons which had previously been used by a fishmonger to dispose of week old mackerel.
Shove a spunk filled beachball down the hole,use a ramrod shaped like Serena William’s forearm to tamp it home,stuff a dead cat up there to act as wadding and then run like fuck for fear the infernal device exploded in your face.
Fuck Off.
Maybe not sisters (yet?)…..
More likely to be justified on “religious” or “cultural” grounds.
Which reminds me…….55 doctors, nurses and Islamic scholars turned up on the Kent coast this morning.
It’s becoming a regular little production line.
BBC web site states that 60 of the 1000 who have arrived since November have been returned to Europe i.e. 940 of the cunts are still here. Why?
We’re partly there with mudslime marriages. . . . . . . . .
Cousin marriage in Islam is a marriage to a person who shares a fairly recent ancestor (within a few generations). In some communities cousin marriages are encouraged and in others they are stigmatized. Cousin marriages are illegal and prohibited in some countries.[1][2] Children of cousin marriages may have increased risk of genetic disorders and child mortality.[3][4] Cousin marriages has been the norm throughout all Islamic recorded history[5] and remains so in Islamic world today.
The Cof E has permitted first-cousin marriages since Henry VIII’s time. It is apparently possible for a bishop to issue a dispensation to permit this in the Catholic Church – no impediment is present to a second-cousin marriage. Granted, first-cousin marriages are much more prevalent in some immigrant groups – especially Pakistanis – but it certainly isn’t either recent or purely a Muslim matter.
Nobody likes a smartarse!
“…and we don’t care!”
Next door’s specimen is obviously his grandfather’s son.
In that case the boy Hewitt should dump that Markle bitch and marry his cousin Beatrice.
As we all know they’re not actually blood related anyway so any brats won’t turn out to be spackers. Well, they might be just normal Windsor spackers anyway.
The warnings contained in Pope Paul the Vl’s Encyclical ‘Humanae Vitae’ issued on the 27th of July 1968 condemning all forms of artificial contraception as divorcing love from the sexual act and greeted with almost universal opprobrium…have come true.
We should have listened to the Pope.
Does a bio-degradable, eco-friendly crisp packet count as “artificial contraception” ?
We should have listened to the Pope. Barebacking is so much more satisfying. And if you ram it up her poop chute you get to kill two birds with one fuck.
In the states it’s even worse.
The LGBTQIA(P) lunatics (not your ordinary, moderate gay/lesbian folk) hate straight people (even though they all had straight parents no doubt – that irony being lost on these thicktards).
So now they have “Conception Parties” where they invite their lunatic gay male friends (ooh, they may not identify as male…) to rock up, jizz into a communal bowl (or summat) and when there’s a good bit in there, it’s stirred up, added to said turkey baster and injected into lunatic lesser X’s gash.
That way if it conceives they won’t know who the Father is, thus guaranteeing a mentally fucked offspring before the poor fucker is even born!
Wouldn’t it be poetic justice if it grows up to be straight? Although – knowing how these radical gender/sexuality fascists operate these days – I doubt that would be allowed to happen.
Just like the yank leftists new promotion of fucking AIDs riddled cunts being perfectly fine so long as they’re on their meds!?! Because the West needs even more ways to eradicate itself doesn’t it! ?
The sad thing is this is going to get a lot worse than it is better with this crop of fucktards representing the next generation of neo-liberal fascists…
Mo’s mob must be pissing themselves and rubbing their hands!
Cunts! ?
Fucking brilliant. Presumably this is the Yank equivalent of Momentum. What a bunch of fucked up wankers. That conference must have lasted weeks with all the whinging and whining and cunts running off crying to “quiet rooms.”
If this lot have got a foothold among the Democrats they are fucked.
That video shows the “Participation Trophy” generation all grown-up now. I don’t think I’ve EVER seen a bigger load of dickheads completely free of any self-awareness. I mean, what sort of “revolution” do they think they’re going to lead?! They’ll be defeated within 20 minutes!!!
And don’t forget to refer to everyone as “Comrade”.
Steptoe would be proud!
John McCarthy is no doubt spinning in his grave!
Good cunting.
It is the attitude of very selfish entitlement that makes me angry, when it comes to these ‘alternative conception’ cuntwaffles.
I don’t care what anyone says, same sex relationships or ‘marriages’ that decide to have children are self-serving fuckers who quite frankly do not give a damn about the potential damage and humiliation that they are creating for any child they produce. Whether they want to hear it or not, a mother and a father/male and female remains the expected norm when it comes to birthing a child. Challenging that norm does not obliterate that status quo…..and the ones who recognise this best are who?
Kids are not stupid. They can also be very cruel. If ‘little Johnny’ turns up at school with his two Mummies or Daddies in tow, he will automatically become the odd one out and (potentially) a subject of ridicule. THIS IS A HARSH REALITY….but the unnatural conception crew just will not hear it. They will bleat on about any loving home being a good home, regardless of the sex of the parents, but they conveniently overlook the impact their choices have on any child brought into the equation.
Let’s not forget though that this shit isn’t exclusive to same sex couples. Women who want kid without a man around also indulge if they desperately want a child. Again, this is nothing but selfish and demonstrative of the me, me, me society that we live in these days.
Just because alternative methods of conception are possible, does not mean they should be used.
Don’t worry Nurse Cunty, the UK education system will ensure to indoctrinate/brainwash our kids that two mummies, two daddies families are perfectly normal, along with sausage chops, identifying as a different sex, etc. (all en-route to normalising that ‘P’ at the end of their letters), all from 4yrs onwards.
Heartwarming isn’t it.
Still old Mo’s mob are not on board, and on this item alone, I agree with them.
O’course the left is in turmoil over this because they cannot be seen to be taking sides and so default to “…all because of far right nationalism…” as the reason for this stand-off.
Orange man baaaad!
BoJo baaaad!
Brexit baaaad!
Far-right Muslims. Anyone with half a brain knew that they’d be a problem. All the Left have to do now is re-educate them to correct-think. Now that’s something I’d pay to watch…..
A woman years ago claimed access to public funded IVF on the basis that she was “emotionally sterile” eg she wanted a child in her womb but couldn’t handle a good dicking.
Sorry sweetie thats how it works
Apart from the small matter of the criminal law having to be changed, there’s nothing to stop you fucking your sister if that’s what floats your bollocks.
‘In the UK, sex between immediate family members is against the law, under terms of the Sexual Offences Act 2003…. While England, Scotland and Wales have outlawed inter-family relations, incest between same-sex siblings in the Republic of Ireland is not illegal.’
Gay privilege in Ireland. Who would have thunk it?
I’d just like it to be known that if there are any good-looking lesbians who want to get pregnant, my services are available. I’ll give it my best shot, your partner can watch, there won’t be a charge and I most definitely will not pursue my parental rights. You can have that in writing.
You said ”your partner can watch” Surely you mean join in?
I wouldn’t do that mate. Once they’ve drained all the spunk out of you they’ll fucking kill you, probably cut your balls off and feed them to their dog.
You never heard of the Black Widow ??
Only TWO Daddies?
Psh! That’s so 2018. Surely the trend soon will be multiple parents when they’ve outlawed the words Mummy, Daddy, and all the rest.
Nature will have her revenge via a plague of diseases but it’ll probably be too late.
Leftie shite bollocks. They want nuking,the lot of ’em.
Philip Larkin (1922-1985)
Annus Mirabilis
Sexual intercourse began
In nineteen sixty-three
(which was rather late for me) –
Between the end of the “Chatterley” ban
And the Beatles’ first LP.
Up to then there’d only been
A sort of bargaining,
A wrangle for the ring,
A shame that started at sixteen
And spread to everything.
Then all at once the quarrel sank:
Everyone felt the same,
And every life became
A brilliant breaking of the bank,
A quite unlosable game.
So life was never better than
In nineteen sixty-three
(Though just too late for me) –
Between the end of the “Chatterley” ban
And the Beatles’ first LP.
Thanks for that Miles.
Pure genius ahead of his time.
My ex wife is a ” vagina diner” lol. She’s paid £21,000 on 3 doses of ivf! Now the bailiffs are calling every other day?????? ahhhhhh life is FUCKIN sweet