The United Nations (2)

This fuckin’ organisation could be cunted for countless reasons, however, one thing I’d like to concentrate on is a report they’ve recently released. In it, it says that a plant-based diet can help fight climate change. Whilst they stop short of suggesting everyone becomes a veggie, like so many of these halfwits they rarely think of the consequences of their suggestions.

Whilst there is a degree of truth in what they say, if it were broadly adopted what would happen to all the sheep, cattle, pigs etc. on earth. They still need land, food etc. to exist. Are we going to have a mass cull of them all? The people who suggest this, would be the very same who would be horrified at the falling numbers and threat to the numerous species of livestock. Besides, Mr F would have to find new employment. May I suggest as a proof reader or translator where his grammatical skills could be used?

Would this really cut down on methane and harmful gases produced by cattle?

A great big cow’s fart to the UN, the cunts.

Nominated by Bertie Blunt Ubercunt

126 thoughts on “The United Nations (2)

  1. Fiddler Towers would be like one of those ‘nail houses’ you see in places like China…a solitary house surrounded a huge new development or a new road built around it. By the time we have stopped cattle farting, China would have opened half a dozen new airports and built a few more coal-fired power stations.

  2. straight off topic, my B/I/L works at UN### and has spent 5 years in a shit hole teaching the locals to defuse their own home made bombs.
    Guess how many have qualified………… 4! yes 4 students in 5 years.
    not bad.
    The UN also has an issue with “White faces” it is genuinely struggling to find local faces that are qualified to do the shitier jobs and the current work force is not in keeping with the desired image of world unity and more like a colonial line up.

    • I would think you’d have a tale or two Lord Benny about any UN troops you might have had a scrape with.

      • No, Not at all, I have been a very good boy. I can walk the streets without fear of a tap on the shoulder

  3. There’s only one type of animal fucking this world up and it isn’t cattle.

    They can shove their beanburgers up their arses.

      • Never had it,never will, and I should fucking well hope that you can say the same thing,MNC.

      • Just teasing ya Dick!
        Not to sure what it is?
        Fuckin beancurd or summat?
        Mmm, tasty! Bet thats lovely wi egg &chips.
        You well squire?

      • I am well, MNC. I was spraying bracken over the weekend and the combination of the heat and the chemicals seems to have left me in an unusually combative mood.
        Might go and see if I’ve got any trespassers that I can chase. I always enjoy that.

      • Bracken (and fucking wallabies) deserve cunting on its own, maybe not here on Is A Cunt, but perhaps on “rather specialised annoyances in agriculture/forestry that need a good”

      • I suspect TOFU is an acronym for a bizarre sexual practice, probably something Laydee Grieve does.

      • Really Willie?
        It doesnt sound that appetizing?
        But each to their own, can you spice it or flavour it or something?

      • Roll it in aromatic herbs and spices, dip in breadcrumbs,gently fry in virgin olive oil…and then scrape the shite straight into the bin.

      • Always have it in a sweet and very spicy vegetable stir fry with plenty of fresh chilli, with rice, noodles and pancake rolls.

        Admittedly not the same as with chicken or beef or prawns but we all like it.

        With a couple of cold lagers from the fridge.

  4. “what would happen to all the sheep, cattle, pigs etc. on earth.”

    We could eat them until they’re all gone and then not breed any more. It’s not rocket science.

    • Wont bother me, I’ll just go out and blast a few bunnies or something….might even try cat, I’ve shot a few of them over the years but never bothered pick them up…suppose they could go in a curry with a few mushrooms.

      • Evening Dick.

        Ha ha. It would certainly bother me if I had to forgo my spag boll of a Saturday, my chicken curry (with mushrooms) of a Monday, my pork sausages of a Tuesday, my beef mince masala of a Wednesday and my chicken kievs of a Friday. That said, I guess I could live with it.

        But if bunnies and cats is your thing, well that’s fine too. Each to his own.

        PS: Have you considered rats and squirrels?

      • I’ve had squirrel at a local eating-house…not much taste to it.

    • You callous little bleeder Rtc!
      I love seeing the lambs in spring and the smell of cowshit, not joking!
      Happy to eat em but wouldnt want to see them or that way of life gone,
      Love the tasty little fuckers, mans been farming for thousands of years,
      But if some metropolitan luvvies think that should end? Im happy to go back to a hunter gatherer lifestyle!
      Missus miserable says i one step away from a caveman now!?

      • I wasn’t condoning the UN proposal MNC, I was simply answering Blunty’s very legitimate question as to what would happen to all the animals currently bred for our bodily eats if we all switched to a wholly plant based diet. For the record I agree 100% with your comment above.

      • Know you wasnt mate, teasing you!
        The UN is a bunch of wealthy elitist cunts and the agendas they have normally never benefit the likes of me and you.
        Know your not callous pal, one of the nicest among us?
        Me being the nicest…..?

      • “Me being the nicest” indeed.

        If there was a poll for the nicest on this site, I would win by a country mile.

        Fuck Off.

      • You? You wouldnt even win on this page!
        Bleeding ell, put you up against myra hindley youd lose!
        No Dick, its sometimes a burden being popular as me, but just cant help but be nice when i see those little pinched faces of poor & hungry, well i FEEL for them you know?
        Dont help em like, own fault.

    • Are you going to be the one RTC who steps in front of Mr F’s prize bull to deny him his nuptials with the udder cows. Good luck with that one.

      • I actually caught RTC in the byre one night…claimed he was training to be an Artificial Insemination man….had to point out to him that most AI men tend to keep their pants on.

      • No Blunty. I’ll be delegating that to Meghan Markle, or maybe Ruth Davidson, now that she’s resigned as Scotch Tory leader due to Brexit.

      • @ DdPF-F

        You know full well that byre incident was a complete misunderstanding – shame on you for weaponising it for your own sinister ends!

      • Crunched, tumescent and pantsless, between a bull and his targeted cow. I’m seeing a complicated daisy chain emerging

      • Hee hee – you posted the wrong photo Dick!

        Everyone knows I’m a scrawny cunt.

        Am guessing that’s Bertie Blunt or that Miserable fucker.

        Besides, I’ve never set foot in Northumbria.

      • Not me! Ive a manly arse! Not childbearing hips, plus im bald and heavily bearded!
        Wheres Miles?
        Hes bit fruity around livestock?

      • Started with a donkey ride on Blackpool beach, Miles has never looked back!
        Likes literature and farmyard animals,
        Saw him reciting Samuel Taylor Coleridge to a alpaca once,
        Quite moving.

      • It’s not NAG in the photo is it? The Naturist
        Action Group pulling another one of their stunts. I cunted them a while back when they were quite content to ride naked on bicycles. Looks as though their perversions have taken a turn for the worse.

      • Nag? NAG?
        You cant talk about Miles Willow that way!
        Have some respect!
        Havent you ever been in love?
        Surprised at you of all people Bertie.

      • RTC@7.31
        I took a look at that website when you mentioned it the other day, purely for research purposes.
        God, how depraved! I hope Lady Creampuff doesn’t catch you looking at that filth!

  5. How many of these UN functionaries shove foie gras, caviar and snow leopard canapes down their fat maws at official functions? How many of them would be willing to follow their own bullshit and subsist on lentil and cabbage soup?

    • Not a fuckin one.
      Full of shit, these rich bastards are all preaching but theyre the cunts that do the most damage,
      Miserable miles flown this year-0
      Miserable have you fracked recently?-no
      Miserable does yer missus have a snowleopard coat?- doesn’t even have a blanket.
      Fuckin hypocrites to a man/woman/tranny/octopus whatever….

      • Tonight I identify as Nellie the Elephant.

        Have had a bad case of gale – force winds, made it to the bathroom in time, sat on the crapper, bust it, farted, blew the bloody window out, shower curtains followed; next door’s dog made noise like Campbellend’s bagpipes deflating. Not my most glorious elephant moment.
        Would like to get downstairs for another hundredweight or so of wasabi peanuts, but I seem to be stuck fast. Oh shite.
        However, I console myself with the fact I in no way resemble Grayson Perry.

  6. Quite partial to the occasional bean burger Dick.

    But not up the arse though.

    Man has been on Earth for a relatively short amount of time and is well and truly fucking the planet over big time with regards to plundering its natural resources, however I like many others (including world renowned scientists) do not believe mankind is responsible for any significant climate change, even if it did exist. Which it doesn’t.

    If climate change was so clear cut, wouldn’t all the scientists in the world agree?

    Whatever did happen to David Bellamy? Last I heard he was dropped by the BBC because he disagrees with their what was then Global Warming propaganda.

    • I’m not sure that all scientists in the world would reach a consensus on any subject.

      I met Bellamy when I was doing a felling job over at Hamsterly a few years ago. He lived local and came to poke his nose in when he heard the saws. Being fair ,he was alright when he saw what we were felling and Fucked Off.

    • Jesus Willie, dont like tofu up the arse
      Dont like beanburgers up the arse,
      Just what food do you like up the arse?

      • To be honest, in the 60 years I have been around on this godforsaken planet Miserable, very little “inbound” on the arse front.

        From memory the only things to date have been Mrs Stroker’s tongue (brave little Japanese girl, mind you I was a lot younger then) several times in the early to mid 2000’s, some Japanese enema’s (circa 2010) and a colonoscopy camera (circa 2016).

        That’s it.

      • Haha, thats it?
        More than I was expecting Willie!
        Like the conveyor belt on the
        Generation Game!
        Knew mrs Willie was japanese, i always assumed japanese ladies were very shy and coy,
        Shocked me that!!

      • Your not on your own.
        Lot of people on here shoving all sorts of things up theyre arse!

  7. We call it ‘industrial farming’ don’t we? Literally a contradiction in terms. I am no scientist but maybe the earth can’t take it. I know there is an Agenda and that all of the most vocal are some the biggest sanctimonious cunts on the planet.(Dear Emma being number one). But there is a part of me which thinks that this level of production must be doing real harm to the earth and its atmosphere. I even watched a report where they were saying the land itself is suffering irreparable damage through too much intensive use. Let’s get back to pre-industrial levels of pollution as Greta the Great says we should.

    Capitalism is the problem.

    • Thank goodness Mr F is one of those farmers with a conscience.
      He has planted mile on mile of new hedgerows to protect the habitat of threatened bird species. Chris Packham is about to make a presentation to him for his ground breaking work in this area.

      • I actually have planted a good few hedges,Bertie. The grants were very good a few years ago and I prefer a decent hedge to HT wire anytime. Put a lot of the old stone walls back up too.

      • Done some drystone walling Dick,
        Thought, how hard can it be?
        Turns out pretty hard!
        Did a deal for load of stone and built a wall in our front garden but had to use mortar, not got the skills for proper drystone walling.

      • Mine wouldn’t win any awards but I quite enjoy it on a decent day and it is satisfying to see a section completed.

    • Let’s get back to pre-industrial times when only the wealthy could afford meat. Or anything else for that matter.

      Vote Green Talibannies – you know it makes sense.

      • Black market burgers?
        Rat on a stick! Rat on a stick!
        Get em while theyre hot!
        Only a pound!

    • Trouble is, the industrial revolution was born of necessity, not merely for monetary gain. To say we should return to pre-industrial levels of levels of pollution means we would have to return to a pre-industrial infrastructure. In order achieve that, we would need need to return to a pre-industrial world population level of around 800-900 million.

      So until St. Greta has a solution for how we can cull roughly 85-90% of the world’s population, then it’s all just feelings and a flight of fancy.

  8. Another organisation trying to address the issue of an ever expanding world population, without even considering the issue that is an ever expanding world population. The same retarded mentality that is displayed by the liberal left here, such as bleating that we need to build a million new houses to solve our already housing crisis, but in the next breath, will tell you that it’s perfectly acceptable to allow enough people to fill a city like Coventry every year. And that’s just from Europe, and by Europe I mean the crappy parts. The non left don’t give a shit either, as all they see are more consumers, so Gwen are fucked. If we have another twenty years we’ll be lucky.

  9. Apparently Ruth Davison has thrown her toys out of the pram and quit and Scottish Tory Leader over Boris suspending Parliament.

    • See ya Ruth, dont let the door hit you in the arse on way out!
      Miss you already!
      ‘She cleared her desk out?

      • Ruth Davison is a nasty-opinionated, useless tubby cunt who looks like the cartoon bull from Bullseye:

        “IN 1, a tartan strap-on for your lëzza partner…”

      • Ah Captain, I must apologise for my young nephew the other day, I understand he tried to sell you some shoddy DVD’s after I left the laptop unattended.

        He is a troubled soul after finding fleeting fame in the TV series ‘Fonejacker’ as Charlie Wong he has struggled and come to the notice of Trading Standards. The ‘Twenty Dorrar Riry Arren Experience’ was a low point as was the six month jail spell following the BBC Watchdog expose on a pirate DVD ring and headbutting of Nicky Campbell.

        He has tried to reinvent himself but the call for ‘Cerebrity Ruv Irand’ will never come, poor boy. Anyway, we have no truck with House of Magnanimous so please call off the Triads.

      • Ohh, ’tis nothing dear Liquidator, a trifle, a trifle. What’s five measly dollars betwixt chums, eh? Ha ha. Byegones.


    • With parliament being suspended maybe these cunts can return to their constituencies and actually do something for the people who put them in the job.
      Not holding my breath….

  10. Yes sticking up Pikeys agsin. On the programme I watched they had a horse in the garage. They must have been stationary for a while. Anyway, the uproar from the neighbours-‘A horse! A horse!’ (The cry went up like Richard the lll). ‘You can’t have a horse in a garage!’ Why the fuck not? He wasn’t doing any harm. He was just housed there or stabled if that’s the word. Why not pigs, sheep if you have the room? Anyway as I say uproar. But then it cut to the shot of the innocent horse happily ensconsed in the garage; bedding straw there. Perfect place really. But no,. You can’t have a horse in a garage.

    All this talk has reminded me of Willow. I can’t go on.

      • Still estranged Miserable. Thank you for your concern. Believe me when I say I will come through this. It just takes time.

      • Of course.
        Thoughts are with you both.
        Stiff upper lip old chum.
        Love will find a way….

    • When can you have a horse in a garage?
      A: When it’s a Mustang.
      I know – it’s not very good but it’s the best I can do at the moment.

      • Moderation? That comment was completely pure. I think it’s been moderated because it was a fuckin useless attempt at a joke. It’s one where I don’t mind if I don’t see it again.

  11. It’s history repeating itself
    His what Cromwell has to say to the Rump Parliament.

    Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.

  12. Jeremy Corbyn: “appalled”
    Nicola Sturgeon: Frothing
    Grieve: Heart palpitations.
    Bercow: Little bit angry.
    John McDonnell: “preventing parliamentary debate.”
    Conservative MP Sam Gyimah: Am dis a democratic ? Ah don’t know.
    Lord Heseltine: “I am appalled.”
    Caroline Lucas: Budgies!
    John Major: Seeking legal advice!
    Jo Swinson (Lib Dem): “removing the voice of the people.” !!?!!
    Anna Sourtits (Independent Group for Change – well, this week): Wibble.
    Ruth Davison: Resigning to spend more time with her tartan dîldo.

    It’s been a glorious day, hasn’t it.

    • Bercunt: “it’s a constitutional outrage.”
      Hammond: “profoundly undemocratic.”


      And the MSM is STILL going apeshit!

      • It took me ages to work out what MSM meant. For years, I thought it was a nasty bug that you picked up from a stay in hospital.

    • At least 3 prominent remoaner MPs, including that SNP git Stephen Gethins, have compared Boris’s prorogation of Parliament to Hitler’s dissolution of the Reichstag in 1933 and the Enabling Act which authorised Hitler to rule thereafter by decree. ?

      • One of my favourite purchases from the PDSA shop is a history of the SS from 1933 on. Just wait, Gethins!

    • Everyones best mate, street fighting man Owen Jones, on twitter saying
      “Everyone on the streets tonight at 5.30pm, we will stop the coup!
      Ow duckie! Your hard!
      Has he been listening to the Clash?

      • On the streets selling his chocolate starfish, no doubt.

        The Nutella mining cunt.

      • Perhaps Jones’ll receive a proper beating this time. Hopefully somebody will beat the Christ out of the little monkey.

  13. Indeed, and the Jock lezzer is, and always has been, a Remoaner to the core so the bitch is no loss. Be aware, however, that by reducing the Parliamentary time, Boris may be trying to force the remoaners to vote for Mavis’s reheated shit as an alternative to no deal Brexit.
    In the meantime the aforementioned remoaner cunts are crying like girls. He has caught them on the hop and they don’t like it. Libtards are gathering in Parliament square with pictures of Boris with a Hitler moustache. Oh, what a fucking laugh. ?????

    • Old Steptoe might not be a fan of Her Maj but he cherishes the folding stuff from which her visage beams. He probably lavishes the Flabbotasaurus with gallons of fizz.

      ‘Ere Jezza, yow dir’y ol’ man.

  14. Steptoe, who refuses to sing “God Save the Queen”, is demanding to see Her Maj!
    Oh this is brilliant!
    Get in the queue with the tourists at Buck House you cunt.
    And cash only for you . We don’t accept credit cards from tramps like you.

  15. Her Maj looks like someone’s waving a ripe, steaming turd under her nose at the best of times.

    Imagine her reaction if that grimy old vagrant was wafted into her drawing room…

    “Your Majesty, The Right Honourable Mr Jeremy Corbyn, The Leader of the Opposition”.


  16. BTW, old Randy Andy must be bloody glad Brexit’s kicking off big time again……

  17. I think the expression is “A good time to bury bad news”.

    This ain’t gonna go away though matey….

  18. Perennial turd-on-a-rope and simian half-breed Gina Miller has, somewhat entirely predictably, launched an urgent judicial review into the legality of Boris Johnson proroguing of Parliament.

    Not giving up, is this annoying little fucking marmoset.

    I wish someone would place her in a stout wooden crate and ship her off to the Cook Islands. The furry, infuriating, little cunt.

  19. I take it that the UN hierarchy are all vegans ?
    No, thought not.
    Do as we say, not as we do.
    This is the next fucking club of shysters we should leave.
    Get To Fuck.

  20. The UN will be celebrating the safe arrival in New York of the globalist muppet Greta Thunderpants!
    Hurrah for the little weirdo! Hurrah for the saviour of the world!

  21. I’ve seen bigger crowds at our village fate than those commies demonstrating at Westminster.
    Owen Jones will say its 100 000 and Flabbot will multiply it by 10 to make 200 000.

  22. It’s a little irresponsible for Owen Jones, our old pal, to be calling for people to “take to the streets” don’t you think? He seems to have quickly forgotten the savage beating he suffered at the hands of far right thugs.
    Be careful out there Owen.

    • There is sure to be plenty of CCTV coverage, cunts with phones live streaming and twitter updates galore, all of which were oddly lacking during poor Owens ‘beating’.

      • Dear oh dear, you’ll be suggesting next that Gina Gobshite wasn’t really gang raped outside Mile End tube, Bendydick didn’t really fight off 4 muggers like the hard cunt he is.
        And at the same time you will probably accuse Airmiles A*** of shagging that little girl who he never even met.
        Photograph ? Photoshopped you cunt.

  23. Back on topic and sadly away from enjoying the anti-Boris hysteria, there are 900 million dogs in the world and between 200 to 600 million cats, allegedly. Big barks and meows at the daft cunts in the UN and that Caroline Lucas MP who would want these animals to die of malnutrition. There are even dafter cunts feeding their canines a vegan diet right now!

    If a non meat producing society were created sometime soon, or some ludicrously high meat tax was imposed, as suggested by the MP for Star Trek, I would grab my rifle and poach rabbits, duck and pigeon for my beloved Working Cocker Spaniel.

    • Good points Cuntologist. I hadn’t really considered the fate of our canine and feline kith and kin.

      • Same, what sort of goon gives a dog a vegan diet?
        Cruel to do that to a animal, got a akita that wouldnt be impressed if dished up a beanburger for its dinner!
        Its just had topside of beef and some chicken, snoring at my feet at moment.
        Outlaw meat and im feeding it peaceful kids.

      • Cheers RtC.

        I just read that the MP for Star Trek has a Lab cross! I bet she doesn’t make her own dog food and buys it in. Wonder what she thinks is in it?

    • The solution is to process long term unemployment benefits recipients and prison lifers into long pig.

  24. Yes what a great day. I think of all the people blowing a gasket Bercow comes to mind. Saying it was a ‘constitutional outrage’ and there is absolutely fuck all he can do about it.

    I hope.

    It was all done so quickly. Sudden like a coup. Like an ‘a fait accompli’ feeling. Deeply satisfying.

  25. Sly News have gone full on anti Boris And Brexit.
    That so called News channel is a fucking disgrace .

  26. Love what Boris has done it’s hilarious and the fact all the remoaners are out there having a whinge and whine about democracy being dead and buried. No irony there at all. But also I noticed that the remoaners having protests all over the country with signs and papier mache heads etc meanwhile the leavers are at work running the country these cunts are so desperate to hate.
    This country needs to get out of the EU get on with WTO rules trading get on with trade negotiations get on with sorting ourselves out, not as the remoaners want prevaricate and waffle for eternity. As a fellow cunter said on another nom us brits are experts in prevarication all I think we need it to stop and get on with it.
    I want Bercows head to explode scanners style

  27. The vegan diet is an excellent form of population control. If it doesn’t kill you it will prevent you from reproducing in most cases.

    The vegan diet is low in/absent cholesterol which is a chemical precursor to the biosynthesis of steroid hormones such as testosterone and oestrogen. This is why so many vegan women report losing their period.

    • “I’ve never seen such a bunch of tossers (well, twenty ?) in one place before…”

      Jonny Snot, Ch4 opinionist and twat.

      Moaning Owen Jones is a make-up artist’s dream. The cuuuunt.

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