A massive cunting for the religion of peace (you know who you are).
A policeman has been stabbed in Leyton. The place is the pinnacle of a shit-hole in the general shit-hole that is Londonistan. All day, young men are lazing about outside cafes, doing fuck all. No women in site, just sleazy, dodgy looking cunts like you see in North African countries. Anyway, I digress to set the scene. The place is fucking lawless and don’t go there if you are white and English as you won’t be made welcome.
So, a copper has the temerity to stop a van as it is uninsured. A goat fucker gets out and attacks copper with a machete. What an expression of peace. Who knows what the cunt was going to do with the van, but still we are fed the bullshit that they are the exception rather than the rule; that white, “right wing” (i.e. anyone pushing back on this crap) terrorism is just as bad as the peacefuls. Well it’s fucking not. They are trouble making fuckers who have been allowed to get away with their disrespect towards this country for too fucking long. To be honest, I was half-expecting the rest of the cunts in the area to be out rioting to stop their peaceful mate being arrested.
What the fuck is happening to this country? And well done Khan. As with most pies that the peacefuls get their fucking fingers into, they fuck it up beyond all recognition.
London will continue its downhill descent until it resembles downtown Islamabad.
Nominated by Lord Cuntingdon
The sooner Boris puts all the extra police he’s promised into action the better.
We can only hope that they’re all armed too. A few magazines worth of Heckler & Koch 9mm should teach these unwanted filthy goat fucking bastards the respect they all lack.
Extra coppers are all very well but most forces, especially the Met follow certain recruiting policies…….
1 wimminz
2 peacefuls
3 other effnicks
4 poofs and trannies
5 white males
Numbers aren’t everything.
Good point Freddie. If the quality is not there numbers mean nothing.
I saw two wimmin PCSO or whatever they call the silly sods the other day waddling down the high street with plastic shopping bags (one was about to enjoy a Greggs delicacy) – and the daft bitches were ON DUTY. A great example of professional behaviour, I don’t think. Every young tearaway is going to be scared shitless by two obese wimmin.
Talking of being scared shitless and old wimmin in the same breath, try to catch a Wireless 4 news broadcast today – Boris has asked the Queen to close Parliament, so of course the BBC had to get a quote from Mary-Ann Dominic Grieve – he sounded as if he had shat in his pants. Ooh he was cross 🙂
Have come to the conclusion that Remoaners are bad losers.
Can’t quite remember what it was that made me think that.
Me too, Willie! Can’t imagine how I came to that conclusion. Took a lot of thought.
PCSO: “In the name of the law I must confiscate those baked pastries for forensic testing. Oh, and a can of Tango!” OM NOM NOM!
Apparently a “cross bench” bunch of Westminster wankers has already started two legal measures to try to stop Boris, and old Steptoe has demanded an urgent meeting with the Queen if it goes ahead. I thought Steptoe hated royalty. Is Jezza wants to meet a queen why doesn’t he meet up with Mandy, Adonis, the Brighton brace, Bradshaw or Streeting – screaming queens to a “man”
It was clearly the policeman’s fault for stirring up racial hatred and using vicious and unnecessary brute force and intimidation against the innocent peacefuls.
The policeman should be sacked immediately, and then brought to justice for hate crime, over zealous enforcement, and for daring to speak to a peaceful without express permission first.
It was clearly the policeman’s fault for not knowing that peacefuls are above the law.
As a country we to get rid of political correctness and ignore those who are offended by words of others.
Physical crimes (and not verbal hate crimes) are the ones police should be investigating.
It’s time to build bigger jails for longer sentences – no remission
Capital Punishment- usual kind – Murder of Anyone including police officers
Capital Punishment for Wean Fiddling then hung drawn and quartered
Let them see their own entrails spilling out then head on a spike and paraded around the city , town , village etc
Fuck thum
Sir Cumnock, I see that you’re being your usual liberal self today. I would prefer it if the cunts you describe above were given a fair trial, then hung drawn and quartered. And bring back the phones and 4 inch glass separating the cons from their drug delivery people (i.e. visitors). I once went to see the bottle dungeon in St Andrews. Now there’s a good template for any new prison. The Howard League for Penal Reform are nothing but do-gooding arseholes and just make things worse. Bunch of cunts. The religion of peace are the same
I do wish some of those Islington Libtards would uproot and fuck off to places like Leyton for a year or two.
Imagine the likes of Flabbott, Linekunt, Lilly Mong, and all the other champagne socialist & liberals – who distance themselves from this kind of reality with their massive fucking mansions out in the country, along with security cameras and bodyguards – moving house into places like Leyton.
Their blinkered attitude would soon change, although even then they would still blame the Tories, the far right and Brexit for the shitholes like Leyton and most other areas of London and the SE
Anyone on here a follower of Bolton or Bury? Not good for the Northwest.
Pretty sure both teams could have been saved by the spare change down the back of the sofa at the Etihad.
I think there’s a nom for Bury currently in the queue to be considered.
The EFL are about to throw Bolton and Bury out of the league. The problems have been caused by crooks and idiots who have been allowed to take over these clubs. And who decides if these disreputable pricks are ‘fit and proper’ to run a football club? Well that would be the EFL, wouldn’t it?
Off piste…
Parliament will be suspended. We know it’s good news as Grieve and the Mini-man Bercow have been acerbically frothing about it.
All the apoplectic Remainiac cunt MPs seething and hissing about “democracy.”
Who says comedy is dead.
Commie Corbyn has just requested an audience with Her Majesty The Queen. You couldn’t fucking make it up. ?
Maybe they’ll watch Corrie together over a tin of cold beans.
Maybe Phil might kick Steptoe up the back cunt.
Or push him out of an upper-storey window – “Jump, you fucker, jump !”
It’s like a script for the BBC written by David Croft and Jeremy Lloyd, except actually funny.
SNP wanker Bride of McKrankenstein, “A dark day for UK democracy” on Boris’s attempt to suspend Parliament to force through a No Deal.
Dark day? The cunt has been like February in Dundee for the past three years.
Agreed Lord Cunts Mate above, time taken for Alexis Sanchez’s morning dump would probably be more than enough.
It’s a shame we can’t have M*h*mmad on the Wall of Cunts.
I wouldn’t normally go off topic and apologies to Lord Cuntingdon here, who I wholeheartedly agree with. Gotta laugh at a ‘religion of peace’ whose followers drive around in a van carrying a fucking MACHETE. Yes, we can see how very ‘peaceful’ you fuckers are……
BUT!! Boris has requested to suspend Parliament to try to push Brexit through and what really makes me laugh to the point that wee wee is leaking through my knick-knocks are the arseholes such as Corbyn and the staunch ‘No no-deal’ MP’s decrying that this is ‘undemocratic’ and ‘a dark day for democracy’….
Oh the hilarity. Oh the hypocrisy. These fuckers have been shitting all over democracy by denying and ignoring the results of the referendum for YEARS now and doing everything in their power to stymie democracy, yet here they are whining when the boot is on the other foot.
Unbelievable and staggering cuntery.
Feel free to go off topic Cunty – yours is a worthwhile and important cunting.
Thanks M’Lord 🙂
Just heard Kuntsberg on the radio doing her nut about it. Funny, I thought she was a reporter not a Labour MP.
Shows you what a thick cunt I am. No wonder they say I didn’t know what I was voting for.
Typical BBCunt bias, Freddie.
A biased set-up with biased employees.
New word of the day ‘Outrage’
Lol, the day after the remoaner cunts gang up to ‘take control’ Boris grabs the rug with both hands, brilliant.
October 14th law and order bill, hopefully kicking the PC bollocks into the long grass.
Peacefuls are cunts!
Used to live about 5 miles away from Leyton. Convenient to commute into central London. Bought sv3 bedroom terraced house for £21k. Sold 10 years later for £60k. Now about 26 years after worth close on £500k.
The area was more or less ok and all we could afford but in the 10 years I lived there noticed a steady decline for the local indigenous population.
Where we lived backed onto about five acres of British Rail land which was sold to a property development company. One of the properties built (the sweetener to get the planning approval through) was to be a large building “only for elderly ASIAN residents”. When we asked our local Labour MP (who incidentally was stabbed some years later in an unrelated incident) why this was he informed us it for ease of meals on wheels. Refused to answer claims this was in any way way racist, and what would happen if it was designated as “all white” accommodation.
We moved soon after.
Best place for an all Asian residence – Islamabad!
Leyton’s a shithole. That’s why Beckham has never returned to his birthplace.
Would that be Stephen Timms, Willie, stabbed by a letterbox I believe?
Living where I do – just off City (Shitty) Road in Cardiff, I cannot begin to tell you how much I despise these medievalist, psychotic, swivel-eyed, violent, inbred scumbags. And, whoa ! let’s not forget their wonderfully liberated and empowered wimminfolk. Etiolated, ugly, stinking daleks. I guess it was the televisual (can’t say “TV” any longer…) daleks that attracted them to Cardiff in the first place. Probably thought they were long-lost family.
The thing next door is his grandad’s son. Mental age about 6. JC what will happen to him when his ageing parents shuffle off, as the mong doesn’t appear to have any obvious physical probs. However, he’s already been caught sitting in the local pub (only drinking Coke), and his Dad’s said he’ll kill him.
Keep it in the family…
That fucking Soubry woman. I need some tranquilizers quick.
I just checked out Soubry frothing at the mouth of the Express webpage.
Her face reminds me of that subliminal demon flash that occurred twice in the 1973 Exorcist film.
She describes Boris as ‘ruthless’. Yes, precisely what this country needs; a ruthless cunt as PM who won’t be shat on by tinpot EU cunts like Tusk, Merkin and the Gay Teashop owner.
Soubry looks like she’s on ketamine. Or maybe just urine.
Krankiefuhrer is off on one, whingeing that Boris Johnson’s activities are those of a dictatorship…
And the daft muppet wants to STAY in the…EU.
I feel like I’m trapped in the footnotes of an unpublished Kafka novel…
It confounds me that English police aren’t armed, ours have pistols, tasers, and capsicum spray as standard kit. The police union and judiciary are sufficiently strong here, so that if a copper is attacked and moreso injured the law comes down upon the perpetrator like Jesus with a hangover at Ragnarok.
Its time these remainer/ peaceful lovers were well and truly voted fucking out.
And will that dwarf cunt Bercow still be the speaker in half a century? How do you get rid of the drama queen twat?
Now that i’ve been officially moderated i feel i’ve finally arrived in life!
You’re lucky. My posts don’t get moderated, they get incinerated. Really fucking annoying when you’ve spent 20 minutes writing it.
Got to hand it to Boris, all the remoaners are going apeshit…….it’s fucking hilarious. Even the EU bigshots are going mental although what the fuck it’s got to do with them I don’t know. Perhaps they’ve been running this country so long they think it’s their fucking Parliament. They can fuck off.
It is truly mindboggling; all the goons in Brussels et al. are mouthing off about lack of democracy !!
Rich is poor, pissed as a fart is stone-cold sober; Flabbott, you iz mah wimmin now !!
Bloody hell……
Actual Parliamentary days lost: 3
Remainer Cunts annoyed: Loads
I call that an effective use of resource
On the subject of peace.
I am not in the slightest bit a violent man.
But would absolutely love to see something like this in the Palace of Westminster when the useless cunts return back from their well deserved holidays.
As Kevin Keegan once said “I would loov it, loov it”.
Watching all these remoaners wetting their kex is absolutely fucking hilarious!!! Love it!!!!!
Can’t help but think that The Donald has had a word with Boris at the G7, hence the shutdown. Viva The Donald!!!!!!!
Resurrect the Special Patrol Group to clatter the cunts.
Nice big 2 page recruitment ad in the Guardian, perfect.