The Co-op

I’d like to give this festering organisation the biggest cunting possible. Not content with fucking up the banking system a while back and forcing me to change my bank, their evil empire extends to retail, insurance and funeral services. They’ve always been proud of their involvement in the local community. As their slogan goes- “It’s what we do.” At one time this was probably very noble involving good causes such as animal, elderly people and health charities.

Today, their main involvement is supporting the LB Gin and tonic community with the emphasis on Gay Pride.

Apparently, 1% of their revenue goes on “good causes”. This makes my fuckin’ blood boil. I never shop at the Co-op, but how many self respecting heteros knowing this could shop at this fuckin’ store?

Their latest stunt is an advert for strawberries where the proceeds are going to transgender causes. It features a tranny eating strawberries. If you really want to be put off from this fruit for life, click on this link and go to the second photo:

Pass the sick bucket. What next? 10% off with Co-op Funeral Services if you bury your transgender stiff with us? After all it’s what We Do.

Fuck orff you twattish cunts.

Nominated by Bertie Blunt Ubercunt

49 thoughts on “The Co-op

  1. I bet Jay Aston, formerly of Bucks Fizz, doesn’t shop at the Co-op. Ahh, lovely Jay Aston.

      • Don’t you think she/he has a look of Jess Phillips about her, especially the profile?

      • No Blunty, no I don’t. Jay Aston is a tidy bit of posh whereas Phillips is a conflict junkie who looks like she reeks of stale fish and who sits there “crooning like a bilious pigeon” (G.B.Shaw).

        Morning compatriots.

    • Couldn’t agree more. She’s still hot hot hot.

      The Brexit Party’s poster girl (well it could hardly be Anne Widdicombe!!)

      Interesting day in Westminster ahead……

      • I knew Baker when I lived n Sevenoaks and I could tell you a few stories. She is the most profane harlot I’ve ever met.

      • Widdicombe has a SUPERB voice. Record her, amplify it massively, and point the Tannoys at France.
        Capitulation guaranteed within minutes.
        Thousands of dark quay dinghies holed below the water-line.
        Greta Spider-Thigh’s head explodes.

    • I noticed that the “author” of that “article” can’t spell “Bill” either…

      Or maybe that’s being weally weally nasty and phobic of me. Maybe it isn’t a William or a Wilhelmina. Maybe it’s “Bil” short for bilobal, biloony, bilateral or something else.

      Sadly, it seems to be the only place locally to get Robertson’s lemon marmelade, and stem ginger in syrup. Maybe I ought to consider giving up the latter; they slightly resemble small K-Yed gerbils in squirt-fluid.

  2. Can’t say I’m too surprised: they’re just jumping on the virtue signalling bandwagon for the LGBTblah blah brigade. Last year it was all about the #metoo wimminz and the dark keys; this year it’s the poofters and benders; and next year it will be for the likes of Greta Thundercunt and her ilk of “I’m ill therefore you must not criticize me; just do as I say” crowd.

    As for the Co-op – always has been a second rate company going back decades! Just like with the Labour party they used to care about the working class community; but now they’ve sniffed a bit of venture capitalism & investment portfolios etc , and they’ve gone and fucked the working class well and truly over!

  3. Corporate filth jumping on the libtard band wagon as usual. That’s another shop I can’t go in to. Fucking cunts.
    That link made me feel sick. Fucking disgusting.

    • Nicely cunted Bertie!
      Don’t use co op but ill tell everyone
      Their strawberries turn you fufu lamarr.

      • Yes MNC. Admin were that desperate this morning, because all the noms had been lost, they had to resort to pulling one of mine out the basket.
        Only joking Admin!

  4. ‘Now disgruntled conservatives are boycotting a grocery over an advertisement for strawberries.
    You can’t make this stuff up’.

    Nowadays we have to accept a man can supposedly change into a woman. ‘You can’t make this stuff up’. Or rather you can.

  5. ****************. Co-op Funeral Care Advert. ******************

    We’re not just good with food. Have you been trapped in the wrong body most of your life and not had the chance to do anything about it?
    When the time comes, get your loved ones to bring you along to a Co-op funeral parlour and allow us to transform you into the girl of your dreams. Our expert embalmers will pamper you and lavish care and attention on you, all ready for the big day. We’ll do you proud. After all, it’s what we do

    • Spent your life hod carrying?
      Look like arfur mullard?
      But dream of sequins and stardom?
      At the co-op we can bury you looking like Dolly Parton!

      • I see you were cosying up to the Captain yesterday Beritie- praising his exchanges with Liberal and ‘Miles will ‘snitch’ on you’. Oh dear Bertie that’s not you. That’s not you. You’re a simple soul from the North- you’re not some cultured cosmopolitan like the Captain with his tremendous intellect. You’ll never be one of them. Come back over to me and Mr Fiddler’s side. Find your innocence again.


      • “White people love playing divide and rule.”
        (Diane Flabbott).

        Appears she was right. ?

      • Morning Blunty. Be reassured my Flabbott quote was NOT aimed at your good self.

      • No all.politics is divide&rule .this in turn divides the people becausethey are not together and all you see now with politics is no fucker knows whats going.just more political bollocks

      • Miles, I remain strictly neutral in these matters!
        I love them both(not in a gay way, you understand!)

      • Have you been reading ‘How To Make Friends And Influence People’ again Miles?

  6. I don’t know someone would want to look pretty when they’re dead. They won’t be alive to appreciate it.

      • Bertie, I’m not sure what I believe in these days.
        If there is life after death, will there then be life after that one and then after that one etc? My head hurts.

    • A few years ago the Co-op was our nearest supermarket. We only ever bought newspapers there.

      • Remember when I used to live in London, not far from a Happy Shopper convenience store.

        The Indian owner always used to have a collection of pornographic videos (early 1980’s) which he rented out at £1 a night. Always used to insist of placing it in a Happy Shopper bag. Only thing I ever purchased there.

        The convenience store was also right next door to the curry house.

        Really very happy days indeed.

  7. Another firm added to stay clear of then, along with Wankers crisps and other products due to LinerKunt and Mcvities due to the heir being Jamie Laing.The soppy twat out of Made in Cuntsville.

  8. I worked for the Co-op many years ago and they always had the reputation of being behind the times, and way behind their competitors. Now and then they’d initiate an advertising campaign in an effort to appear modern and trendy and it was just embarrassing. I’m not going to click on the link because I like strawberries and I want to carry on liking them. There are few pleasures in life as it is.

  9. Fuck me why cant these firms get on with doing their jobs without resorting to social engineering of varying sorts, Mcains being the biggest culprit “Mcains we are family” no your bloody not your a chip seller you wankers. The way its constantly pushed you would think every other fucker was a freak/weirdo ,I’ve only seen 1 and he/it works at benefits office ,I cant keep a straight face when I have to attend.

    • I saw that bloody McCain ad the other evening. Two girls with two bumder ‘dads’, an assortment of dark-keys and burkha-adorned raggy-heads pushing chips past their rubbery lips.

      Why do these cunts have to virtue signal and get involved in politics. Just serve up your fucking chips and hash browns, you cunts.

      • Presumably they think it sells more of their repulsive chips etc. Just a thought.

        Afternoon Paul.

      • I saw that as well. Not going to be buying McCains wank anytime soon. Stupid cunts.

        – peacefuls: tick (were they also lezzers – in which case, double tick)
        – homos: tick
        – dark keys: tick

        Just needed Gary Lienkunt’s ugly mug to appear.

  10. The cunts turned me down for a business bank account as I was involved in oil and gas. What fucking tossbags.

  11. Another set of bailed out cunts.
    The only good cause they give a fuck about is themselves coining it in.
    Hope the cunts go bankrupt.

  12. Don’t forget the disgraced Co-Op Bank chairman, Paul Flowers who was involved in drugs and looking forward to some gay orgies.
    “It’s what we do” could have been written for him.

  13. Agree 100% with the McCains cunting. Chips are chips, to be eaten, not used as yet another vehicle to promote PC bullshit.
    Buy Tesco’s homestyle chips, cheaper and much nicer.

    • Make your own.
      Maris pipers cut thick, cooked in kilverts lard? Yum.
      Dip in stokes ketchup…sorry ive cum.

  14. Similar to the Co-op, I don’t shop at Sainsbury’s or Argos anymore, due to their constant pushing of the rainbow flag recently. It would be much simpler if they had an advert that said “We serve homosexuals”. I might then consider my position, as I could possibly buy a couple for target practice. Bunch of cunts.

  15. For all of ghe virtue signalling, of major supermarkets, the co-op give farmers the lowest cut from their sales of milk.

    Who cares about fucking trannies eating strawberries?

  16. Any shop that charges £9.50 for four cans of Special Brew is a cunt. Absolute no brainer, I mean it’s like saying Hitler was a git

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