If you´re going to San Francisco be sure to wear a gas mask, heavy duty gloves and carry a Taser as you maneuver your way through piles of human shit (literal and figurative), step over discarded needles and fend off aggressive crazed crackheads and nutters who should be incarcerated in nearby Alcatraz.
It´s impossible to move around the center without coming upon groups of the “homeless” – as they are euphemistically known – sprawled on the pavements, shooting themselves up with heroin and menacing passers-by.
Some of the streets in the downtown area are literally covered in shit. I got a close-up view of this on a recent visit when a guy just shat out a huge cabbagey mess in front of me and continued to sit there oblivious to what he had done. Visitors from “backward” countries say the situation is worse than back home.
Ironically most of these scumbags are to be found in the Civic Center/Tenderloin district outside City Hall where, incidentally, the Stars and Stripes was outnumbered 20 to 1 by the gay/lesbian rainbow flag. And who represents San Francisco in Congress? None other than “leftist” Democrat Nancy Pelosi whose net worth in 2014 was estimated at US$101 million.
If you think I´m exaggerating check out this link:
Nominated by Mr Polly
The man ‘dancing’ at the start of the link looked like an early 70’s Brian Wilson.
A shocking shithole, one which lefty Nancy is probably truly proud of.
Nancy and the other liars festooning the dems are of course safely gated from the street-shitting, filthy enrichers.
According to the history books, San Fran was also the US birthplace of the AIDS epidemic during the ‘80s. Add that to the rap sheet.
A shining example of a liberal utopia. Degenerate fucking scumcunts.
Sound like the last days of Byzantium, every empire falls. I worry as to whom will take America’s place and so do my dogs (hint).
San Franciscos where the whole hippy counter culture started wasnt it?
Never been, but no ones particularly selling it’s virtues so ill give it a miss.
If you’re going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you’re going to San Francisco
You’re gonna meet some gentle people there ?
As a 14 year old I used to dream about going to SF. Still feel a flutter when I hear that song.
PS: I’ll get my coat.
“gentle people”. That is about right – gentle as in fishing bait. That is what many of them look as though they probably smell of. Euurgghh.
Keep your rose tinted thoughts of San Francisco strictly to that song . And don’t ever go there. Its a bit like meeting your hero’s and being bitterly disappointed .
Good Morning Ruff Tuff .
The bitch you see in the film is Mayor London Breed. (what the fuck kind of name is that?)
She is your typical hopeless libtard, obsessed with bike lanes, recycling, green energy and all that shit. Oh yes, literally shit……..apparently there is a dedicated street cleaning team, known as “the poop patrol.” Like most of her ilk she is more concerned with getting rid of Trump and encouraging more illegal immigration than actually doing her fucking job.
She reminds me of a certain short arsed little cunt who is Mayor of a city I went to recently. Can’t remember the name now. I’ll get back to you when I think of it.
She is like that Bambi eyed fucker Burnham up in Manchester, another useless mayoral wanker who leaves dodging homeless spice zombies in the city centre to the plebs.
The Donald was vilified by the left for calling Baltimore (another Democrat success story) “rat infested” and “crime-ridden” and then in an act of schadenfreudian karma, the home of one of his biggest critics, black Congressman Elijah Cummings, was burgled and ransacked.
London Breed ? sounds like a porn star
As a kid growing up ‘frisco’ looked cool!
Dirty Harry Callaghan policing the streets, cablecars, steve McQueen driving up & down steep streets, golden gate bridge, Alcatraz ,haigh Ashbury , naked cali hippy chicks in the park.
But now it’s known more as a gay town Isnt it?
And obviously for being a shithole.
It was always gaytown, famous for it’s “Turkish baths”, even before the hippies arrived.
Of course, these days you don’t need such disguised pick up places. Filthy cunts are practically fucking in the streets.
I spent a day there in 2006 and didn’t see much of the shit in that film…….a few junkies and homeless here and there. Spent a couple of hours queuing for the boat to Alcatraz but gave up because of the rip off extended parking charges. I think it was $15 for two hours and $10 per hour after that. Fucking thieves. Oh, the Golden Gate looks great from a distance but up close it’s a rusty pile of shit. Shat myself going across there.
London Breed, daughter of a tram driver.
High time Inspector Callaghan came out of retirement and started offing the city’s riff raff by the dozen. Looks like there’s a bit of a back log built up since he handed in his badge.
I can’t say too much.I once shit in the little cup on a golf-course when I was walking back to where I was staying after a dodgy Chinese and a bellyful of beer.
*Mr.Polly….I always pictured you as a fine,clean-cut, upstanding Scottish gentleman.This admission of trawling downtown San Francisco has me doubting myself….you’re not some ageing Wavy Gray-style Hippy,are you?
You don’t see that at St Andrews. Morning Mr Fiddler.
Dear Mr F, I am open to anything but I doubt if Mrs P, who has a regrettable politically correct side and would not allow me to say anything against gays, would let me indulge in male bonding. She is a gentler soul than me and was so upset by the sheer filth and mayhem in San Francisco that I felt sorry for her and wished I hadn´t suggested going there. That didn´t stop her spending a fortune in Macy´s though and putting my credit card through the wringer.
BTW have Burke´s Peerage and the Almanach of Gotha given you permission to add “de Pfeffel” to your other names and titles?
Burke’Peerage and that other lot are putting out an addendum to try and keep up with my dizzying rise through the ranks of The Aristocracy,Mr.P.
I’d better tell them about my M.F.H…(Master of Foxhounds) title too….the Plebs like to know that sort of thing.
PS Mrs. Polly sounds like a very understanding and tolerant Lady. You have been extremely lucky.
A look at the future for us all when the BBC/Sly news/general libtards finally get their way and normal people stop voting Trump/Boris/brexit etc.
Only they’ll insist that we’re in a socialist paradise and if you don’t agree then you’re guilty of an offensive hate crime.
Great is’nt it?
London also has similar problem.
Haven’t been up the west end for a while so I haven’t seen those signs, or indeed the shit, but pissing in the street is very common in Londonistab. Always diverse people or booshka booshkas. This is the consequence of importing thousands of backward scum from all over the world.
Of course you can’t have public toilets anymore because they get turned into junkie shooting galleries and knocking shops for shirtlifters.
This country needs what they call a “deep clean.”
Lady C often complains about the “dog shit” on Londonistan streets. How many dogs do you see in central Londonistan? Most of it is human – let’s celebrate diversity!!!!
Nothing beats the fine musky odor of sheep and cow shit at 2 am in the morning I tell ya
You’d love Fremantle then. But get in quick before live exports are banned.
I have never been to Oz, but it sounds lovely
Take me down to the paradise city, where the kids smoke green and the streets are shitty.
This is a glimpse into the leather assless-chapped vortex of a left-wing utopia imploding into its own debauchery and hedonistic materialism.
The 1906 quake was a century too early.
Nobody made fun of frisco better than Zappa, that I can think of https://youtu.be/WnjufR8GDcw
It could do with a large bucket of man-made sunshine dropping on it- when that cuntwipe Pelosi is at home, of course……
I wonder if Pelosi dares walk those shit-ridden streets at night? It’s bad enough in the broad daylight; but typical of these libtard democrats they only see the positives and never the negatives.
Yes, lets have uncontrolled immigration; lets have a the poor work for peanuts, let’s tax the low to middle earners to pay for it all etc, because this is the Land of the Brave and the Free blah blah….
But they don’t big up the crime, the filth, the growing drug problem and a barrel load of other shite that happened on her watch. She’ll just blame Trump for all that shit.
Having said that the west cost of the US has always pissed me off; not least Hollywood and those rich cunts who cried when Trump won the presidency, and in a moment of tantrum some of them declared “I will be moving to Canada unless Trump steps down, boo hoo!”
Some 3 years on, and these very same cunts are still living in Hollywood earning megabucks and exploiting the illegals for all their worth.
You’re probably right about San Fran. But for the love of god, dont use that tit Joseph Paul Watson to reinforce your point!
Meanwhile in England’s very own mini ‘Cisco, i.e. Brighton, the beaches have been left in a shit state by the Pride participants. Just look at this fucking filth:
Strangely, not a word from the perennial, semi-professional ET impersonator and general gobshite Caroline Lucas in either the press or on her webpage about it. What about the environment, Caroline? Pride should not be allowed to take place again if this is the result of their ‘celebrations’. If I were a Brighton taxpayer then I would be fucked paying my council tax for someone to clear this stinking mess from the beaches.
No, ET won’t upset her militant gay chums. Not even in the name of the welfare of the planet, which the Greens profess to value so much.
Greens? More like Cunts. Fuck off.
This is what sickens me about protest groups – the big up their own cause, but shit on others (in this case keeping beaches clean and helping the environment)
Hypocritical cunts to a man/woman/thing
Still nicer than London, though.
This is why 90% of the Mexican population wish to cross the border. You can shit where you want, you can inject where you want. America, the land of the free.
Dirty cunts. Putting your shit in a bin is so fucking basic. And if you can’t find a bin take it away until you can. I know for a fact that every one of those benders was carrying a handbag so there’s no excuse.
I hope their handbags matched their oh so tight little shorts and their pink DMs.
In the coming civil war these street-shitting subhumans will be cannon fodder for the white power. There’ll be guts and feces splattered all over Frisco stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
A huge cabbagey shit? My God, even the homeless cunts in San Francisco are vegans. Whoda thunk it!
Spent a month in San Francisco when I was 19 years old.
Bloody fantastic place and will never forget my experiences there. Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, Cable cars. Coit Tower, Stinson Beach, Giant Redwoods, amazing weather, beautiful young blond waitresses in hotpants and on roller skates. Fucking AWESOME man (as the Americans would say).
Last time there 2011. Mrs Stroker not impressed with the litter. Still a fantastic place to live (if you have money).
But shit on the streets FFS?
I went to San Fran.what a fucking dirty shithole.
Place needs nuking.
Surprised you hated frisco of all people krav, didn’t fit in with your fellow shirtlifters there? Didn’t truman Capote call frisco a gays mans idea of heaven or perhaps that was someone else i’m thinking of who said it
Mind you the the place has gone to shit, quite literally it seems since the 70’s. And if san fran is a shithole isn’t that a good thing for poofs?
I’ve heard the San Francisco local government actually employ people to clean up the shit, on salaries of $184,000 pa. That’s how fucking crazy democrats are. It would be cheaper, and far more effective, to let the SFPD do their fucking jobs and clear the dirty bastards off the streets. That’s not very liberal though, so the local politicians, and national nut jobs like Pelosi will continue to do things the moronic way.
LA is becoming the same. The Missus and I took a trip to visit family in Texas back in June, but spent three days Los Angeles. It’s been about twelve years since we were last there, and it’ll be another twelve, or more, before we go back. You can’t go anywhere without seeing a city within a city of tents on the sidewalk. And the once beautiful Venice Beach is now, literally, a shit show, thanks to an invasion of hobo’s.
The problem is, California has pretty much always been Democrat, so the far left cunts know that, no matter how demented they get, nobody will vote them out. Much as with Labour councils over here.
Pox be upon the libtards.
If we all think it at once, for long enough, it will happen, I promise.