A nomination for Rosanne Arquette, who has apologised for being white.
The insanity of celebrities is well known, the race to be right on and progressive gets ever more ridiculous, but Arquette has hit the peak of the shit pile. You can apologise for being a cunt Rosanna, but you can’t apologise for being white. It’s not a choice.
White privilege is a dangerous and illogical concept. You are a privileged cunt indeed, because of your wealth and fame, not because of your skin colour. What a silly little ageing tart you are.
The Hollywood actress apologised for being “born white,” saying she felt “shame” before locking down her Twitter account after a backlash.
“I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame,” the Pulp Fiction actress tweeted on Wednesday.
Give away all your money and assets and try being poor and white, you vacuous tart.
Nominated by Sixdog Vomit
What a m0ng.
Hollywood braindead.
Doesnt realise you can be white and underprivileged.
She’s part of the problem not part of the solution.
Perhaps there should be a new celeb hashtag #MeWhiteSoSorry
Silly bint, but yeah she should give up her wealth, her assets & entitlements and go live in some shanty shithole way outside the protective walls of Hollywood and Beverley Hills.
She couldn’t live without a constant source of cash to maintain her life of face-lifts, hairdressers, la-la-land organic lifestyle, and botox’d unicorn fantasies.
She should take a job down at her local Walmart or cleaning khazis at the nearest bus station. Otherwise, the kumbaya cunt should shut it.
She is hardly renown for her acting prowess. In Pulp Fiction she was out-acted by both the Gimp and the Pop Tart that popped up in the toaster as Bruce Willis’ character shot John Travolta’s character.
Besides her younger sister, Patricia, was more fuckable by a country mile.
Daft tart.
I dunno….
Patricia Arquette
Note ‘was’ not ‘is’.
I am talking about 1993 (True Romance) period. Now they both resemble bag ladies.
Gayson Perry strikes again !
I only mention the GP object, as for some reason I was looking at politics t’other day, and an oil portrait of The Farage appeared (25 grand, no takers so far. It’s not quite on the same level as Churchill / Graham Sutherland, but if I’d had the moolah floating around, I’d have bought it, mug that I am); oddly, Grayson’s image was adjacent…I didn’t think he would have been responsible for the artwork in question – indeed, he wasn’t. It was David Griffiths.
Maybe destined for the Great Staircase at Fiddler Towers. Hubbard Hall is in need of a bit of TLC at the mo.
Just kill yourself bitch, or better still emigrate to an african country and get yourself raped and murdered for your sins.
Reading it again are we sure she’s not taking the piss? I mean that’s so on the nose as a parody of woke lunacy, or perhaps she’s a genuine nut. Either way the stupid cunt doesn’t realise she lives in a superior white civilization that all africunts and mudslimes want to live in because she never leaves the safety of her moneyed enclaves. Live in the black and brown countries of the world you fucking moron – not the poor parts mind just see how wretched are the lives of the middle class in the countries no white person in their right mind would want to suffer.
White people made the modern world bitch, if it wasn’t for us humanity would still be medieval. Some blacks should get medieval on your pink arse and teach you that being civilised isn’t about money, and that the shitholes of the world are shitholes not because they’re poor, but that it’s full of cunts or rob, rape and destroy anything, and anyone, who make an effort to better their country.
I am in one of those shitholes. They finally saved some public money from the corrupt officials and sealed the main road, and put street lamps along the middle for when the electricity finally gets put on.
Quite an accomplishment in a place where every single advance is fraught with expense and frustration.
And some local has opened the access hatch on each one and stolen the little circuit board from every one of the 300 lampposts for the 50 cents of copper in each one.
That’s the mindset of those that Arket is abjecting herself to
I used to live in one of those shit holes myself, Pylons stretching for miles with no cables and most novel of all a motor road (dual carriage way) with an unfinished bridge on it and no signage to tell you of the impending drop……….
In another country the road and bridge designers must have been in different departments. There was usually at least a 5 inch step from one to the other.
Can I add a mini-cunting for the BBC website – apologies for the hijack.
It reads ‘Top Stories’ with 3 articles:
1. The death of an american female ‘racer’ I can guarantee absolutely nobody in the UK has heard of.
2. A black female youtuber who’s ‘heartbroken’ over a copied video.
3. A fuck-knows-who black bint who has done an interview on R4 about fuck-knows-what.
THIS IS FUCKING NEWS!!!??? All the fucking interesting important things occurring and this is the trivial woke shite you cunts are telling us we should fill our minds with? FUCK OFF BBC YOU TRAITOROUS IGNORANT FUCKERS
Have had a quick look, and its main headline is the suspension of Parliament, but more specifically there’s a big pic of a protest group lead by 2 or 3 not-white wimminz giving it large!
You’re image is different to mine that’s weird. I’ve got Boris photoed from above looking confused like some cunt has just heckled him from a top-floor window.
Yes,that image made me raise an eyebrow too. The BBC does seem to be promoting an all non white Britain. I do wonder what my dear old dad would have made of modern Britain; he spent five years being shot at in WW2 and lost two brothers during the conflict. I do feel that he would not think that his sacrifices were worth it. But then again, what do the opinions of a white person count for these days?
The fuck-knows-who black bint has now been replaced by a black muslim cunt ‘thanking’ the thug who shot him. I’d like to berate the thug for not hitting the cunt in the heart.
The main clip has Owen ‘hard man’ Jones whipping up the crowd in a black tee shirt, I guess now that he has fought off 4 far right thugs he is top dog.
What a wanker.
Well you were born white, nobody can deny that, but not everybody is born into a Hollywood showbiz family who’s connections you and your siblings used to become the oh so talented patronising lecturers you are today.
Of course, if you had any real talent you wouldn’t need to lick libtard arse to keep your lazy media savvy nose ahead in the game of dollar accumulation.
What a pathetic sack of shit.
Hilarious – what a stupid self- loathing libtard cunt she is. If she hates being white so much why doesn’t she die her hair black and put boot polish on her face? Dozy bint.
Or do what Michael Jackson allegedly did, only in reverse!
M.J in reverse?
Not drug kid and clothe them?
Jacko never touched those kids. Two benders who testified in his favour in court, trying to make easy-money by going on TV and selling him out, does not equal evidence.
Ask yourself why only 2 people outing him? If he was at it, surely there would be a huge number of adults getting on the compo-bandwagon? Nah don’t believe it.
Is that satire or irony? I can’t decide.
Explain to me how if Jacko is supposed to have abused hundreds, if not thousands, of children why there aren’t more of those kids, now adults, trying to get compensation from his extremely wealthy estate?
My logic is that if only 2 have said yeah he was an abuser, hundreds are effectively saying he wasn’t. Why trust the two and not the hundreds?
So he just gave that Jordan Chandler kid millions for fuck all then.?
He gave the kids DAD $20m to fuck off, deciding it’s less of a headache than going to court and possibly prison.
Ask yourself would you let your child be raped and then let bygones be bygones if the cunt offers a large enough sum of money? I would never let some bender molest my children and get away with it for all the money in the world. In fact the more the rapist offered the more determined I’d be to put the cunt away as long as possible. It was con by a no-good degenerate family telling lies in a get-rich-quick scam.
When MJ was young he was very much dark skinned; but over time he steadily became almost white.
He reckoned it was some kind of “pigmentation correction”; but there were rumours he was trying to bleach his skin to become more white!
I think jackos abusive dad Joe should of hit the little freak even harder with that belt.
Hes as innocent as prince Andrew.
Nah Technocunt, he morphed into the phantom of the opera perfectly naturally.
He underwent a total Blackendectomy.
What? Get little white boys to shag her?
You can’t BECOME thick as fuck by giving all your money away…..you are already thick as fuck and THEN you give all your money away.
However, no such rich as fuck cunt has ever existed as far as I know. Every rich cunt these days cries about poor people but they wouldn’t give them a fucking penny of their own dough. No fucking way.
Michael Jackson was a child-fucker.
Allegedly Captain. You can’t throw allegations like that around. The next thing you’ll be saying the same thing about a well known golfer who may or may not have connections to Royalty. Does Mr Markle play golf? Don’t know really.
Silly bint could save herself and everyone else an awful lot of heartache by simply self identifying as black.
she could then do the “Black and White Minstrel Show”. Is it still on? Eeh, I loved that show I did.
Yes, no evidence about Jackson’s crimes. His 1993 Hush money….I mean, out-of-court settlement with Jordan Chandler, the boy who first accused him of molestation, was not an admission of guilt.
It also didn’t lead to the joke:-
What’s the difference between Michael Jackson and Israel?
Israel pulled out of Jordan.
The kid never said MJ abused him. His degenerate dad with huge gambling debts saw an opportunity to exploit Jackson – FOR THE MONEY. All of the allegations against him have been motivated by greed, and the fact he’s obviously an easy target.
Do you think an actual child-abuser would invite a film crew to his house and declare, ‘oh year I sometimes have up to ten kids in the bed with me’ starting years of persecution at the hands of the authorities? The guy was an eccentric no doubt, but the facts just don’t add up.
Ask yourself if your son was raped by a man would you allow that man to not only escape justice but go on to possibly rape other children for any amount of money? Oh yeah little Jordi was raped but who gives a shit I’m rich now? Fuck off. I don’t believe it. Michael Jacksons music will live forever, fuck all the cunts trying to drag his name through the mud and all the cunting radio stations refusing to play his music since those two cunts went on television – oh but this was on TV it must be true!
Don’t be surprised if the next stage of this #sosorry looniness continues with rich Hollywood actors apologising for being born males rather than females or something in-between!
Imagine Bruce Willis coming out and saying “I am so sorry for being a man! Yippee Kayee, mofo!”
I think she’s being ironinc or taking the piss. Benefit of the doubt from me.
She had the FBI fooled, anyway. They told her to make her twatter account private after she’d bitched to them about the predictably negative response to her twattered feelings of shame.
As to shame, how do young nubile women make it into Hollywood? Is it their intellect?
Yamks tend not to get irony,
I think shes a bona fide fucking idiot.
Yanks obviously.
Fingers to big for phone keypad grrr
Yes,that image made me raise an eyebrow too. The BBC does seem to be promoting an all non white Britain. I do wonder what my dear old dad would have made of modern Britain; he spent five years being shot at in WW2 and lost two brothers during the conflict. I do feel that he would not think that his sacrifices were worth it. But then again, what do the opinions of a white person count for these days?
My comment referred to the BBC website picture of the non white group protesting about the suspension of the English Parliament.
Yup – because democracy is strong is those places they come from isn’t it!
Does she mean the white privilege that comes with the white, north European male inventing nearly everything in the history of the world?
Scientific advancements, medical advancement, internal combustion engines, computers, electronics, space travel, agricultural improvements, great works of art and music.
Yes, let’s have a think about how much of this came from Africa or people of colour. Go on, I’ll make it easy: just name me three.
The ironing board
Watusi dance
Nose bone?
You forgot the ‘Combined Hat Rack And Table’.
(WJ Ballow 1898. Patent No. 601422)
Oh sorry! So i did!
What Rtc said.
(1) fluid movement of illegal drugs
(2) stabbing cunts up
(3) rap
(4) making a fashion out of having your arse hanging out of the back of your strides.
Gave you an extra one because i’m a flash cunt.
Just another liberal luvvie who believes that we should all feel guilt because the World isn’t a “fair” place…unfortunately there will always be winners and losers and a bunch of hypocritical.cossetted,naive idealists wishing for some “great big melting’pot” while refusing to give up the trappings of their own privilege isn’t going to change anything.
What is it with these fucking “luvvie” types? They should thank their lucky stars that they have such an easy life and realise that dressing-up and reciting some lines doesn’t give them an insight into social problems superior to everyone else…in fact,if anything it seems to allow them to blur the lines between fantasy and reality and ignore the fact that they are among the biggest recipients of “privilege”…..and there’s no fear of them giving that “privilege” up….that’s for the Little People.
Fuck them.
What is even more telling is that up until the #MeToo shiteness from a year or two ago, none of these cunts gave a shit about being sorry for being “white and privileged” – they just took it for granted because it hadn’t become a big virtue signalling issue back then.
Now of course it’s so very trendy to come over all apologetic, but they don’t genuinely mean it because the likes of Arquette don’t actually want to do anything more than talk the talk rather than walk the walk (out of California and into the ghettos)
Until these cunts actually follow the trope of “actions speak louder than words!”, they can all STFU for the shallow desperate cunts they really are!
I wonder what Benderdick CuntyMcCuntface does when “resting between engagements” ?? Hand jobs at £20-. a go ? Enemas ? CBT ? It’s certainly masochistic torture, watching the jerk trying to act.
Spot on Dick.
(That’s not an enquiry)
She’s sorry she was born white?
I’m sorry she was born.
Well said.
Just seen ISAC described as a
‘Bunch of poundshop clarksons’
Haha, something called cookd n bombd?
Pounshop? I can only dream….
At least no-one could accuse us of being a charity shop….
Who said that? I bet that was the French.
Anyway, last time I looked Clarkson was a remoaner, crying about the BBC cutting off his easy access to the taxpayers dosh. Another white privileged cunt……I don’t know if he’s ashamed but he fucking should be the wanker.
Quite so Freddie. A Remoaner and crony of David Cameron.
Was she actually being sarcastic?
Then again, maybe sarcasm is beyond the bang average septic tank celebricunt…
It’s a good job that this Arquette cunt wasn’t around in the 30s and 40s… She’d be doing Hitler’s work for him… She’d be in the middle of Lodz, Paris, or Amsterdam shouting ‘I am ashamed to be inferior! Gas me now!’
Fucking spazzed up charlie head celebrity bitch… No fight…
A poignant thought, there. Her mother’s Jewish. Which makes her Jewish. “I am ashamed to be born Jewish” would lose her a lot of friends in her business.
And “I am ashamed to be born female” would lose her a lot of friends in her business and the wimminz movement to boot.
She’s clearly not sorry about being born a tranny. How very PC.
Good point Norman. All these slebs are coked up to the eyeballs these days. Their agents earn their 15% by pointing them in the right direction and telling them what to say. I imagine it’s a lot more difficult than it sounds.
As Withnail famously said “well lick 10% of the arses then……..bastard!”
Just four stories today of cultural enrichment at the hands of africans and muslims, but naturally I’m worse simply for being white:
And the other two to avoid the spam filter:
This enrichment helps me feel more comfortable being white
I am ashamed to be born a white, Jewish, straight, female but am immensely proud of being a stupid cunt.
No doubt she ran to the projects and swapped homes with the first minority person there to drown here privilege guilt.
Famous for being Peter Gabriel’s squeeze in the ’80s, this (mostly out of work) actress is looking for a pension fund courtesy of a bit part in a flick or couple of episodes in a cable TV show (which is all she lasted in Ray Donovan).
She was – however – in one of my all time favourite movies “After Hours”. Luckily she’s only in it for a few minutes!
Every morning I wake and find I am white.! Thank fuck !
It was thus ordained by the sky fairy Asim.
The white man in his castle,
The black man at his gate,
He made them, high or lowly,
And ordered their estate. ?
Good morning.
All of these ‘stars’ are socially conscious and tap into the world’s (fucking ridiculous) zetgeist as a means of attention, usually because their career is in the shitter and they have done fuck all of note lately, except crappy ‘independent’ films that no bastard sees or wants to see (in her case)
It is ludicrous to apologise for being white, something that is clearly not a choice. It is like saying sorry for being female or having bloody blue eyes. So we should all feel guilty for being exactly what we were born as, through no instigation of our own, Rosanna?
What an absolute twat. Like I said, she is band wagon jumping and she certainly got the injection of interest and media attention that she was seeking.
If a black ‘celebrity’ had apologised for being black, can you just imagine what the libtard element would make out of that? They would either decry that NOBODY should have to apologise for the colour of their skin or else they would be up in arms accusing them of inverted racism.
You think you have seen and heard all of the cuntery that the world can possibly spew out…..and then something and someone even cuntier comes along.
Cunt logic, not ashamed to be born white and privileged but more about being upset that she wasnt born black and then she would really be able whinge and moan about of hard it is to be black.
I’ve got a tin of old Nìggèr Brown paint in the shed. I could give her a couple of coats, if it would make her feel any better.
Get To Fuck.
Then stick the fucking pot on her head and seal it off.
I thought it was Zelda from Terrahawks when I saw the mugshot of Arquette…
And wasn’t her brother a look at me tranny freak or something?….. PC insanity must run in the family, eh?….
Rosanna is more woke than you think. She had a brother, Robert, who later became Alexis. Yes, that’s right a fucking tranny. Another cunt who wished he’d been born something else.
Fucking dead now. Arse Injected Death Sentence.
If only St Greta was a little bit balck……
She is safe in New York, just in case anyone was getting worried
Aye… I bet the little cunt is in the Waldorf, all expenses paid…
I bet the little spaz can’t wait to meet the Kardashians. Every sleb in America will be crawling up her Swedish arse.
Jeffrey Epstein would have been up it, like a rat up a drainpipe.
And maybe some of his friends too.
What’s the age of consent in Sweden? I fancy a crack at that special needs fanny.
It’s 15, so you’re well in.
You dirty old man.
She looks like a spaz version of a young Scarlett Johansscunt…. Like Scarjo if she came from Burnley…
Better to say nothing and let people just think you are an idiot. Cupid stunt personified.