Owen Jones (13)

Another cunting for Owen Jones.

Jones had the shit kicked out of him last night that and many I’m sure will be saying about time. Due to him being an egotistical arrogant prick, I’m sure there is a long queue of people ready to give him a twatting.

Anyway, he had his head kicked in, ( whoever they were, pints on me) and how does he and the media report on it? In an attack he called “a blatant premeditated assault”, Jones said he was kicked, punched and thrown to the ground by a group of men in the early hours of Saturday morning. He said that he and his friends went to a pub and left at 3am. “We were about 30 metres away, saying goodbye to each other, when four men charged directly towards me: one of them karate kicked my back, threw me to the ground, started kicking me in the head and back, while my friends tried to drag them off, and were punched trying to defend me. (I wonder if their is CCTV footage, I’m sure there would be a huge demand for the bootleg DVD of this.)

“It was clearly a premeditated attack and I was their target. They all attacked me and only assaulted my friends when they tried to defend me.

“In the past year I’ve been repeatedly targeted in the street by Far-right activists, including attempts to use physical assault, and homophobic abuse.

Straight away his liberal cunt friends jump on the bandwagon as Corbyn Steptoe said that the Far-right are on the march in this country. Please tell me where this is happening? With no evidence or reason why he was attacked, (although I’m sure it might of been because of his mouthy cunt face) it was because of his activism and being a journalist (is that what he calls himself). How do we know he wasn’t attacked because of his usual mouthy, up his own arse self and for once karma got him good? The media reports about this incident as evidence of the Far-right and increase in violence. No mention of the violence from the left because no way would they resort to this kind of thing.

Cunt face Jones further shows his usual ‘I’m a victim’, self centred righteousness:

“To the comments telling me to take time off: I know it comes from a good place, but I’m not cancelling my work commitments because of these thugs. Straight back to work, same routine. I’m not rattled, and I’m going to very publicly show that”.

He really is milking this to the best of his abilities. I really hate this British, Brexit hating prick. I’m sure this incident will provide many more delightful articles from him and his Guardian middle class, libturd friends about the increase in the Far-right and thuggery and how Brexit is the cause, blah, blah, blah. Many people go out on the town and sadly are assaulted for many reasons sometimes because people are bladdered, but don’t go using this to try and spin a narrative of the Far-right.

This is why we have Brexit… because of arrogant tossers like yourselves.

Nominated by Jason

81 thoughts on “Owen Jones (13)

  1. Bet owen fought back like a lion against these shaven headed nazis hed paid to attack him.
    Nice cunting Jason!
    Oh, an told you about that swearing…

  2. So they weren’t wearing MAGA hats and didn’t put a noose around his neck? But then Owen isn’t an actor so doesn’t have an actor’s imagination.
    He’s not much of a liar either. You have to be a top class moron to swallow this load of old shite.
    I put this story on the same level as Gina Miller getting gang raped outside Mile End tube station or any other sleb story about their terrible childhood. All attention seeking, sympathy chasing fucking bullshit.

    • Oh, I nearly forgot………Two Jags Prescott and his bulimia. Now THAT was a classic!
      Wonderful stuff.

  3. Excellent cunting Jason,

    If this cunt has been kicked in the head how is it he’s not in hospital? No sign of bruising on the wanker. I’d have thought that would be all over the tabloids. What were the alleged assailants wearing fucking slippers?

    How does he know it’s the far right? You don’t see that many Swastika banners in the UK. Is this the new bogeyman scenario?

    3.a.m and coming out of the pub? Thought they shut earlier than that.
    Excellent job on the swearing, for a newbie your talents for potty mouth are outstanding

    • The alleged offence took place in Islington – hardly the natural hunting ground of the “Hard Right” usually you get the hard self-righteous.

      He does not appear to have even received a bruise and had he been kicked in the head I am sure he would have been detained overnight in hospital, just to make sure the loose screws were not even looser.

      Both Corbyn and Abbott believe the obnoxious little cunt, so who are we to question?

  4. Perhaps if this uppity little turd didn’t have such open hate for absolutely anyone that didn’t agree with him, he might not be so universally loathed himself.

    • Hoped on sky news they would of covered owens vicious assault with
      The Jams ‘down in the tubestation at midnight’ but no joy!
      Thought these lot were meant to be creative?

      They smelt of pubs, and wormwood scrubs, and toi many rightwing meeting….

      • That reminds me of a documentary from the early nineties, about gay skinheads. They would go out and beat up some Asian types, then go home for a different type of romper stomper. One guy, talking about his love life came out with this quote ‘I usually tell them to lick my boots, but I can be tender’. I’m still laughing about it nearly thirty years later.

    • If this arrogant wanker had really been ‘kicked in the head’ then his over-ripe soft melon would have split on & splattered his teaspoon of brains onto the high street.

      Let’s see somebody push his head where it belongs ….. right up Catweazle’s smelly old arse !

      Haven’t the boys in white overalls turned up to cart Steptoe off to the dementure home yet ?

  5. Probably got nothing to do with him being anti-brexit,left-wing,gay etc….. more just that he’s a bit of a twat who’ll have been blasting off after a couple of Babyshams.

    • He has a fondness for prosecco.
      Which automatically makes him a cunt in my book.

    • You misheard krav,
      Owen Jones does handstands!
      Sorry if anyone’s disappointed…

  6. He tells us four men charged at him and gave him a beating, yet all he has to show for it are some scratches on his back. If what he says is true, it seems he got off lightly. On the other hand, it could be carpet burn after being bummed with his legs around some shirt-lifter’s neck. Without video evidence, we won’t know one way or the other.

      • I’d had bigger scratch marks from playing with my kitty cat , owen is flaming homo and a giant pussy When you get beat up you don’t have dinky scratch marks like that you are hospitalized and or lucky enough to tell the tale from having your shit kicked in

  7. Every time I’ve seen him on tv having a “debate” he acts like such a snarky, passive aggressive little twat.
    Expects everyone to listen to him agog whilst he’s pontificating, but then when its someone else’s turn he constantly interrupts with glib little digs. Then throws a luvvy strop when they don’t agree with him.

    He’s like a millenial version of Rick from the Young Ones but without being funny.

    Also why can’t the cunt ever sit still in interviews. He’s always got these really jerky arm movements, like someone’s attached wires to him and is controlling him like a marionette.

    • Just shows you the sad state of things nowadays,
      In the past if you got battered by rightwing thugs you got your moneys worth!
      Head like a fuckin bruised melon,
      Missing teeth, maybe unconscious for few days.
      Everything’s so half hearted in the modern age!
      Come on Nazi thugs show us what your made of and take some pride in your work!!!

      • Lets face it ‘couldn’t hit a barn door with a banjo’ Romelu lukaku could have done a better job kicking his head in.

    • ‘He’s like a millenial version of Rick from the Young Ones but without being funny’

      Love it?

    • Excuse me old chap but who the fuck are you ???

      I’m the only sheriff of Cuntingham I’m tbis gay little village sir.

      • Not sure what the rules are on this Sheriff. A few years ago another J R Cuntley popped up out of the blue. If memory serves he quickly changed his name, or fucked off with a flea in his ear. You have my sympathy.

      • Never seen it before Ruff Tuff haven’t posted alot lately as have lots going on work and family wise, But have been lurking most days to stay up to date.

        I’m very willing to settle this the old fashioned way with dueling pistols or gloves in the ring . The honour of the Cuntingham name is at stake I dare say.

  8. There were six in his group, and four assailants. Very poor planning by the far right, although even one old-school Millwall fan would have been ashamed to leave the cunt only semiconscious. And in that hotbed of racist fascism, Islington? I think Fiddler has it. Owen’s braying annoyed some unreconstructed locals, and maybe he had got to the singing stage – The Red Flag*, for choice.

    *Modern words: The people’s flag is palest pink / It’s not as red as you might think…

  9. Not a mark on the odious little scrote. Something stinks big time about this.

    When news of this ‘attack’ came out, it was so very predictable that he was going to milk it to within an inch of it’s life and claim that he was ‘targeted’ by (naturally) ‘the Far Right’.

    Nothing to do with fact he is a mouthy, obnoxious little twat who doubtless got more obnoxious as the night went on and could have easily wound up any average meathead thug, the kind that tends to prop up UK bars, and has done since time eternal…..

    ….but no. Because he is so ‘high profile’ (in his own mind) and a so-very ‘socially conscious public figure’ (in his own mind) it was of course a hate-crime committed by a bunch of modern day Nazis.

    If he was indeed ‘attacked’, it is a damn shame as all of they have done is give him even more ammunition to slag off anyone who does not share his ludicrous, libtard views and say ‘look at how mean and nasty Right-Wingers are’, fucking tools.

    However, Jones remains a fucking cunt, and I do hope that they at least got a few good karate chops in on the pipsqueak cunt.

  10. May I suggest a mirror cunting for the alleged “far right thugs”?
    If any one of us was to bash this fucking cis$y fruit’s head in, we’d do a damn sight better job of it, despite being old and wheezy.
    This has Jussie Smollet all over it, the lying little bumder.

    • Agreed mr cunt engine,
      Lack of imagination by the neo nazis!
      If id of filled owen in, id of politely asked im to wait on the pavement,
      Gave him my hanky to stem his bleeding,
      Gone back to my van and got my jemmy bar.

      “If a jobs worth doing its worth doing well. Mr Ronald Biggs

      • As I theorised yesterday MNC, perhaps his attackers were a rival group of side-saddle riding puddle-jumpers.
        Perhaps he did indeed “receive a pounding” but the damage isn’t visible with his trousers on.
        Did anyone happen to notice if he sat down gingerly when being interviewed?

  11. Perhaps it would have been more convincing if had gone to that black dude from the Dirty Harry movie, the one the psycho goes to get a beating from to frame old Clint. I’d have done it for free…

  12. I don’t agree with anyone being attacked in the street. Would I like to smack Owen in the mouth? Sure I would, he’s an irritating cunt.

    Doing so just gives him and the rest of the SJW army proof that anyone to the right is a brain dead thug. This is where Tommy Robinson lost it for me, he knew the eyes of the world were upon him and what he did mattered to those of us that had similar opinions would be in the shadow of his actions. What does Tommy do? Goes to a football match and punches some gobby cunt in the mouth, did the geezer deserve it? Probably! But Tommy shouldn’t of put himself in that situation, it was predictable something would kick off. So Tommy is on camera all over the media laughing punches = told you so, right wing thuggery.

    It walks like the far right, it acts like the far right, it must be the far right. Case dismissed, SJWs suspicions and prejudices confirmed and most of us here identified as far right.

    Smacking Owen Jones or kicking him in the head is loading the gun and pointing it at anyone slightly to the right, applauding the idiots who did it is pulling the trigger.

    Owen Jones is wrong about pretty much everything, but he’s instantly in the right if we condone violence when we should be winning the debate on the issues.

    I sure as hell would rather not be represented by the lowest common denominator.

    • I totally agree, if the reason he was ‘battered’ was political, and so far, it’s only his word for it. I had a few digs from a couple of pissed up cunts one night, and I looked far worse than that knob, I just happened to bump into a bunch of twats who wanted to give someone a slap, and I was first on the scene. Fortunately I live in the real world, and had to put it down to experience, with no shadow organisation to blame, just cunts plus alcohol.
      Violence is the argument of the idiot, and there are plenty of idiots about. Jones sneers down his nose at anyone who isn’t a member of momentum, making most an enemy, and he thrives on the oxygen of publicity. I hope these twats who pushed him over, because it can’t have been much more than that, are just pissheads who had no idea who the Cunt was, because he’s nowhere near as famous or infamous as he thinks he is.

      • My bloody parrot Percy was responsible for me getting beaten up on a bus by a skinhead one day. Percy swore at him and the skinhead kicked seven bells out of me, leading to me getting thrown off the bus.

  13. The mighty Flabbot could have inflicted more injuries to him by just parking her fat arse on him.

  14. Oh, the irony! This evening the Sky reporter Inzamam Rashid drew the short straw and was reporting on the use of pigs hearts as a solution for solving the shortage of human hearts for transplants. You just couldn’t make it up. Given the choice between accepting or rejecting the use of a pig’s heart to possibly continue life, would a peaceful accept such a kind donation from such a filthy animal?
    Needless to say, this question was not asked of anyone!

  15. Owen Jones is an obnoxious mouthy childish prick who like most lefties happy to dish it out to those who disagree with their point of view but are seemingly not able to take it themselves. Incredible that the Met are taking this seriously- whilst I am against violence had they have been far right extremists (which I very much doubt) the “injuries” he sustained would be more than a minor graze.

    Would suggest that in future the knobhead keeps his opinions to himself.

    In other news:

    Sir Elton John has defended the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s use of private jets – and said he paid to carbon offset their trip to his French home.

    The singer said he provided Prince Harry, Meghan and their son Archie with his private plane to “maintain a high level of much-needed protection”.

    The royal couple have faced criticism after newspapers claimed they took four private jet journeys in 11 days, including to Sir Elton’s home in Nice.

    Buckingham Palace declined to comment.

    Private jets usually carry fewer passenger than commercial planes, meaning they burn much more fuel per person per hour.

    Firstly Harry and Meghan more than happy for publicity when it suits them (usually when the public are paying), and not when it doesn’t. Make your minds up.

    Secondly, it is reported to be costing the British taxpayer £5m a year for “much needed protection” and security arrangements to protect Harry and Meghan so surely do not need Elton’s help? Another freebie.

    Thirdly, no more climate change speeches please Harry, you hypocrite. Do as I say not do as I do and all that shit.


    • Yeah, Reg jumping in with another pack of lies to lick more royal arse. ? He’ll be asking us to believe that’s not a rug on his head next.

      • Every time rug head opens his mouth he gets more ridiculous, if that’s possible.
        I realised a long time ago he suffered from a serious mental illness.
        It was obvious he was as bent as a dogs back leg, so what does the retarded cunt do?
        Marry a fucking German woman, I bet the morning after the wedding, she woke up thinking “how the fuck did this lot win the war ”
        With a sore arse as well.

  16. Policeman : ‘So Mr Jones, please describe what happened’

    Jones : ‘These nasty men came out of the pub and attacked me when I was kissing my mates goodnight, one of them hit me with his handbag’

    Policeman : ‘Were you hurt’

    Jones : ‘Hurt, hurt, I was devistated…. It was from Primark!!!!!’

    • My fucking little Ginger pussy could inflict more damage than those useless cunts, far right thugs, bollocks!!

  17. As I suggested in a different thread, had the “far right” been involved they would have done (in Cornish terms) a proper job. My assumption is that he’s taken a leaf from the book of Lammy and arranged to have some of his shirtlifting soyboy mates ( Wes streeting comes to mind, but I digress) give him a bit of a bitch slap and run off crying to the ‘press’. It’s a shame that that some of the stabby Feral Feargals that now appear to run amok in the big siddy (sad Dick) didn’t get to him first or for that matter one of his peaceful pals in a van and a vest decide to enrol the cunt in a snack bar workshop.
    He remains a cunt amongst cunts and as Peter Cooks greatest joke suggested he must be the second biggest cunt in the world.

  18. “We were about 30 metres away ” I hate to hear people using foreign measurements in this country.
    Just for that he deserves to have his face smashed in, perverted little cunt.

  19. “During my time at the Palace most of the flights we took were on British Airways. You’re better of with BA security because they’re used to working with VIPs.”
    -Ken Wharfe, former royal protection officer, who guarded Princess Diana and her sons in the 1990’s. (The Times, today)
    If it was good enough for the sainted Diana, why isn’t it good enough for her son?

    Elton John claims that the flight was carbon-offset; presumably by buying carbon credits. He could have done so from someone who had gained credits by virtue of his business – and would then be unable to offset some of his own output. Hence the carbon equivalent of the royal freebie remains un-offset, but further down the line in the extremely tortuous credit setup, which some say is open to gaming.

    A blatant obfuscation. Hewitt and Markle remain unredeemed cunts.

  20. Into moderation, maybe because I mentioned the metric system. It might disgust admin, as much as it disgusts me.

  21. Who are these ‘far right’ groups anyway? I don’t think they exist anymore. Not in any meaningful sense. They were all ‘proscribed’ a while back. The cunt that killed Jo Cox was just a lonely saddo. He watched ‘far right’ stuff on the internet. But I am sure he never went to any meetings. It only exists (here in Blighty not America) on internet pages I believe.
    Fuck me having a house party where someone utters a racist remark could be deemed a ‘far right’ group soon.
    Oh I would really really like to punch his fucking face but I’m against violence.
    I bet he fidgets in his seat on these discussion programmes because he’s got a gerbil up his arse. But he’s such a man child I bet it’s a baby gerbil. Poor unfortunate thing.

    • He lives in a world that has passed. Specifically the seventies. What do we think when we hear ‘far right’ thugs? Skinheads. I haven’t seen a group of skinheads walking the streets for years.

    • I am fairly confident you could fit a full grown honey badger in his rectum and still have room for a family of raccoons.

  22. The whole affair stinks of an elaborate lie.
    He wasn’t hurt unfortunately and he’s come out limp wrists blazing about the perceived far right.
    He will now be endlessly on Sly News and channel 4 news for the next couple of weeks getting the attention he craves.
    I just dont buy his story.

  23. Let’s face it, guys, this odious, sanctimonious, self-serving little tart could be cunted on here every day and twice on Sundays, and we could still barely scratch the surface of his absolute cuntitude.
    Let us all savour Owen Jones for what he is; the Cunt’s Cunt, a Cunt for All Seasons, a National Cunt.

    • The odious little thumbsucker should be on the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square in stocks allowing the uneducated Brexit voting ‘great unwashed’ to throw rotten veg at him.

  24. Looks like he is a chromosome away from Down Syndrome. Maybe we should feel sorry for it.

    • What do journalists who help promote those trying to thwart Brexit and ignore the will of the people think will happen? That there will not be any consequences for betraying the democratic vote?

      Clearly the vast majority of Brexiteers are peaceful souls but there will always be a minority from all extreme parties, both right and left, who feel extremely angry about what is happening, not prepared to just sit back and take it, and feel so strongly as to take matters into their own hands.

      Strange then that it seems to be rather one sided, with it being ok to insult and physically attack the pro Brexit supporters/politicians but seemingly not those who want Brexit stopped.

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