Emergency Nomination for all Politicians, Journalists, and other feckers who use either of the terms “Put the vote back to the people” or “Let the people decide”.
It makes my blood boil every time I hear the phrase “the people” as it conjures up images of the great unwashed, tent feckers from extinction rebellion, or some sort of zombie episode of chavs/mongs/window lickers and their like, craning towards the imaginary ballot boxes as they, “the people” decide what the feck happens next….
Granted, if Churchill rolled over in his grave and came back with a cigar in his mouth, bowler hat on his head and held a v sign to say “I am going to sort this Brexit shit out for the people” and then gave a rousing speech then I would get it….. but in non Churchillian times when we have the likes of arse biscuiteers like Owen Jones, Flabbott, Jared O`Mara, and Jo Swinson, who looks like a mash up of a public school head girl and Claire Balding playing soggy biscuit near the the rugger field/horsey stables, warbling on about putting the vote to “the people” and “the people” will decide, it makes me want to take them all up to “the people’s dam” in Derbyshire so that it can burst its barriers and wash them all away.
Nominated by Raiders of the Lost Cunt
Not more Brexit!
Keep ‘em coming Raiders. We’ve got to make sure the bastards don’t grind us down.
It was the Hunchcunt’s master plan to grind everyone down so they’d squeal “ I’m fed up” and just sign up for anything in the end. Darned nearly worked as well!
These people don’t understand who the people are.
They voted and said quite clearly ‘fuck you, you European wet cunts, we’re off’.
To remainers (who use democracy as a disposable tool) now play victim. And because event man cunt of them is in the BBC or from snowflakeville they think they can dictate to the majority.
For three fucking years.
Well how about this ‘no you fucking freaky dutchman’. There’s two things I hate in life. People intolerant of other nations, and the Dutch.
Bollocks to you remainers go back to licking each other’s cunts you fucking big gonorrhoeal pussies.
What these spazmotrons fail to grasp is that the people did decide in June 2016….
Also, the utter scum that use the phrase (Owen Jones, Gary Lineker, Banana Gob, Lily Mong, Abbott The Hutt, that Swinson slag) don’t actually give a fuck about ‘the people’… They are basically saying ‘Let the people decide, so I can get what I want’… It has nothing to do with doing something on behalf of the ‘people’… It has everything to do with avaricious, rapacious, spoilt child, self centered cunts like all the scumbags mentioned above…. Bring back the guillotine….
I’m more than happy with the people deciding which I believe we did in 2016.
Simple really .
I voted remain by the way but I wasn’t expecting a second go if it didn’t go the way I wanted.
The sort of person who wants to welch on something like that is obviously a cunt .
I’d vote leave if offered again as the militant remain cunts are a monstrous national embarrassment.
I wouldn’t fucking mind but loads of the activist remainers are swampy,non tax paying cunts anyway, so why the fuck are they worried about the economy as it were?
Oh, you’re worried about the money tree drying up. Not to worry, no doubt you’ll get yours even if we have to shut down a few kids cancer wards to pay for it.
Reminds me of that scene in “Taxi Driver” where the bloke is arguing on the phone about the wording on the political campaign badges. “ it says we the people and not WE the people….(pause)……YES, it makes a difference!”
Of course the Nazis made liberal use of the word “Volk” , everything was justified by calling it Volks this Volks that.
Everytime I hear “People’s Vote” I know i’m listening to a fucking con merchant who is “on message”, as in “real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.”
You have to be a fucking mug not to see it. It shows you what contempt they have for the average cunts intelligence.
And “Government of National Unity”. ?
Government of National Cuntitude.
My real name is Pol Pot.
Mr. Pol Pot.
Afternoon y’all.
That’d be ‘notional’unity
Off topicI know but good news. That cunt Jared O’Mara has been arrested for fraud.
Meanwhile I am not so afraid of a 2nd referendum as I think it would be a pro-Brexit vote again with a bigger majority.
The “people” voted to Leave in 2016. Then Parliament voted overwhelmingly to trigger Article 50, which states we Leave with or WITHOUT an agreement. By law.
Mavis May comes back from Brussels with Barnier’s Vassal State Agreement. Described by Sir Nigel as “the worst deal in history.” And it is. Thought she could take us all for mugs. CUNT.
My fear now is that Boris will bring it back with a few minor tweaks and get it through Parliament on the back of IRA threats and Project Fear.
Fuck Off.
Or he’ll accept another extension.
“You’re fucking joking – not another one!”
I am not sure how many times the people need to vote on this, they or ‘we the people’ to give the same message.
Voted in 2015 for the party that promised a referendum, voted in 2016 to leave, in 2017 voted overwhelmingly for the two parties that promised to honour the result of the referendum.
Back to the people, fuck off you bunch of con merchants.
Number of times is irrelevant, as Cabbage-patch Lucarse has already said that if we had a second ref, and it went the same way, she’d wilfully ignore that result, too.
What an anal scraping that apology for a wimmin she is.
And that Lib Dumb bitch, Swindler, said the same thing. Fucking hell, even Blair pulled back from that one. Shows you how right they are convinced they are……..I don’t care what everyone else says the world is fucking flat and I know it is!
And for a few more cunts take a look at the “ suits” behind the so called PEOPLES VOTE …
Roland Dacre Rudd….. sound familiar? Well it should do as it’s amber duds brother, co founder of the Finsbury group (financial consultants)
According to records his little company made a £30 million profit in 2017 and paid only £514,000 in tax ? Nice work!!
Second up RICHARD Reed co founder of innocent drinks which was reputed to have been sold to kraft for £300 million!!
These are obviously men of the people!
And to this list of complete fucking pond life peter Mandelson and gap toothed rent a cunt June Sarpong!!
Yep June Sarpong!! Who has been busy galvanising her show business mates like Lineker , cumberbatch and the rest of the primrose hill socialists into anti Brexit rantings……
Absolute cunts……
Why is my post in moderation administration? Other than calling June Sarpong a gap toothed cunt it was clean…..
Gap brained cunt as well…
Properly laughed DTS ??
Bloody right about that utter stupid libtard Sarpong. One of the most underated cunts in Britain today.
They should be dragged through the streets and flogged. Then put in the stock so that “the people” can decide whether to pelt them with faeces or not….
If they gave a shit about “the people”, they wouldn’t have sold our country to the EU pigs in the first place.
Those old wimmin of both sexes who resigned from their original parties to join the Lib Dems, Change/Anna Soubry Quintet should have submitted themselves to their own voters – but of course they know what would have happened to them.
The People’s Vote is to underpin democracy. As long as it goes the way of the establishment. Like the SNP’s once in a generation Scottish vote.
I’d love to know why very wealthy people like Branson, Gina Miller, Anthony Blair, Heseltine, Grieve, Gaylords Adonis & Mandelson, Swinson and co are so worried about the views of “the people” now when they have never given two fucks what they think in the past. This especially applies to Blair who was so keen on getting up the arse of G W Bush over Iraq he ignored “the people” in some of the biggest demonstrations of their wishes seen in this country in recent years.
I don’t know if I’m allowed to reference another nomination.
The one about Alexa robot.
If anyone here has one of those Alexa robots, have you asked it what shall we do about this situation? A bit like those Lucky 8 Ball toys. Or ask the magic conch in the spongebob square pants cartoon.
If there were to be a second vote, rest assured the question itself would be an utter fix.
Also we need another vote on who is the new peoples princess. Maybe Peter Mangledbum or Owen Jones?
Grayson Perry gets my vote, Steaming.
When I saw the nomination I was confusing Grayson perry with Jamie windrush.
Where’s that lady who loves chandeliers? She seems more sensible.
The delightful Kellie (nee Frank) Maloney would get my vote for People’s Princess. At least he/she is making more of an effort to meet the job description than Perry.
‘The People’ have already voted, but what the hell, let’s have another vote, and if it doesn’t go Remoaners’ way, they’ll want another one after that, just like those unprincipled SNP cunts.
This here democracy thing only works when the vote is respected, and at the moment, Remoaner cunts are showing nothing but total contempt for the referendum vote.
The usual suspects: Soubry, Mike the Gape-ing arsehole, cretinous Schuker and Chukaduckie:
Let’s hope each of the arseholes who finally does have the guts to take part in an election loses
Apparently Farley Tusk has said he would “not co-operate on [a] no-deal”. Good, so fuck off then dumbfuck.
Tusk must believe he is still living in the communist dictatorship he originated from. In fact the EU is just the Warsaw Pact countries with the same corrupt system of “do as you’re told”
“Let the people decide!”
They did, there was a referendum, and the people voted to leave. Not by a massive majority, but it was large enough to be legitimately acted upon.
“Yeah, but they were the wrong type of people, old cunts who will soon be dead, hopefully enough are already dead to make the real people’s vote a victory for remainers”
So people who have payed tax all their lives, have the experience to read beyond the bullshit and lies to make an informed decision should be excluded from voting? What about Ken Clarke? He’s an old cunt, what about him?
“But people didn’t know what they were voting for!”
Thick cunts who only read headlines didn’t know what they were voting for, and still don’t. They regularly misquote the wording on the side of a campaign bus, as the actual wording doesn’t fit well with their argument.
Let’s face it, it’s not a people’s vote they want, it’s a remainers vote, because anything less than a victory for them, will never be enough. Just ask the SNP.
They go on about old cunts who voted who will soon be dead.
What they don’t mention is that it’s taken three years so far and they’ll be replaced by others who’ve grown in to old cunts who are now much wiser. The supply of old cunts is never ending!
You display a logic far beyond the capability of a remainer Bert.
I thank you GJ.
If the People’s Vote was ever going to work it should have been about 6 months after the original (ie about 3 months after they invented the “Irish border problem”)
I don’t buy this all young people are remoaners bullshit. Maybe the middle class students who’s opinions are so valued by the BBC but , even here in London, the working class kids ain’t having it. They are fed up with all the foreigners nicking their jobs and fucking teachers telling them what to think.
I can’t speak for anywhere outside the M25 but that’s my experience.
The sort of cunts who go on about a ‘People’s Vote’ are the same sort of right-on clueless knobheads who wear their T-Shirts with a mass murderer on them (that greasy Che Guevara cunt)… Most of them are as ignorant as fuck: they don’t do it because they believe in it… They do it because it’s ‘cool’ and they don’t want to be seen as ‘racist’…Throw them all into the pit, the cunts…
Last time I checked the people did decide by voting out.
I find it incredible that this recent good weather is forecast to last right through until the end of October.
What incredible timing-right up to Brexit!
I presume that then, the skies will blacken and we will then enter a nuclear Winter.
What utter fools we were to vote for Brexit.
The problem with Letting The People Decide is unless it’s the result these scrotes want they just don’t listen and kick it into the long grass . We already decided in 2016 48% 52% get on with it
Next cunt to return to the podium is Gordon Prudence “there’s no money left” Cyclops-Brown. Who wants everyone to beg the EU to revoke the Oct 31st date, stabs his party leader in the back (again) and plays footsie with Swinesdaughter and Krankie….
Oh yes, and let’s wheel in “the rising opposition of the British people” as detected by Prudence’s very sensitive antennae. To what? I’d say to the continual faffing about by clapped-out politicians with a globalisation fetish. Surprised he didn’t invoke ‘hard-working families’ while he was at it.
Vast, cavernous, gaping, gasping cunt.
Corbyn can’t complain, being a serial back stabber himself of Labour leaders past. Besides, he’s currently stabbing himself in the front with his “people’s vote” /stop No Deal at all costs /back Remain policy.
You seem to think I’m for Corbyn. No, for several reasons, not least that he has now ratted on his egalitarian principles (which once included voting against entry to the Common Market). Under some horrendous pressure, it must be said. The nail that stood up got hammered down. See ‘Zinoviev Letter” for a precedent. He has my sympathy, but not my support.
But stabbing Blair’s back was a public service, and I seriously wish someone would do it for real. Brown isn’t a member of government, nor even an MP; “the British People” spoke on his premiership. He’s prepared to kiss the separatist SNP’s butt, and he gives not a fuck about “the British People’s” right to self-determination. He does not have my sympathy or, obviously, support. He and his undemocratic ilk are IMO more dangerous and more effective than poor old Corbyn.
Never trust a minister’s son…
Poor old Corbyn my arse!
Never trust a Poundshop Bennite chancer.
And Brown and Blair are an irrelevance.
If you are a minister’s son, as I strongly suspect, nothing personal.
Except you always seek to make it personal K.
Nothing personal.
PS: Nobody in my family remotely connected with religion, assuming that’s what you were implying for some gratuitous reason.
Be seeing you ?
So glad to hear it, RTC. Incidentally, was listening to a Reform cantor this morning, speaking on R4. My guess was correct first time: the cantor does sing verses from the Torah. I’m sure your total recall of ISAC’s contents will confirm that you questioned this assertion.
I didn’t question whether the cantor does or does not sing from the Torah K. I couldn’t care less either way.
what I did question was your suggestion that YOU sang from the Torah, quote:
“…which in practice works rather better than jihad at getting the rest of us to sing from the right torah.”
My reply: “You sing from the Torah K? Wonders never cease… ?”
(Reference: Komodo & Ruff Tuff 30/07/2019)
Do these cunts not notice the historic precedents of calling something The people’s this or that? The People’s Republic of We Know What’s Best for You and the Democratic Republic of Barbed wire at the Border.
Get to Malmo, Cologne, Marseille and whatever other diverse shit-town you think is a utopia, you woke, Stalinist jizz receptacles.