As I was queuing at the never ending sets of traffic lights on the North Circular yesterday, it was a pleasure to see at each stop an ‘apparently’ crippled beggar of virtually unknown origin; North Africa/Sub-Saharan Africa/Asia, I don’t fucking know, but their respective roles in life appeared to be dragging themselves along the space between the carriageways, carrying a polystyrene cup seeking free money – of course without exception they appeared to have an NHS crutch – only one mind you, as in reality, they’re probably fitter than me and of course they need one hand free to collect, as they were actually receiving regular donations in each queue.
Now maybe I’ve missed a fucking trick here, but since when did that become a career and how the fuck did the useless, pointless, parasitic, sponging cunts arrive on these shores and still more astonishingly be allowed to land and stay in the first place, to establish their daily grind as an acceptable profession in the good old Dis-United Kingdom of Shite?
Where do they fucking live and why are they allowed to stay here…what the fuck is going on – who is aiding these human vermin?
If I did even remotely the same thing, I’d have my fucking collar felt within hours, to be taken away to god knows what, but they appear to operate with complete impunity.
Hey – it could be worse though, at least they didn’t try to clean my fucking windscreen…that may be progress of sorts.
Nominated by Andrew Mason
Thankfully we don’t have these useless oxygen thieves in my home town. The government has spineless cunts in it, hence all this utter shit happening all over the place. Out of my office windows is see those East European square head gypos wandering around town. Not a fucking job between them all, giving fucking zero back to the country they have gladly adopted. They have ghettoized parts of the town, old folk are shit scared to go out and the coppers are useless. The country is fucked.
Spot on.
Where we are there was an instance recently of an Eastern European gang calling at the house of an old age pensioner late at night, assaulting and frogmarching him to his local cashpoint to withdraw cash.
Two of the fuckers were caught and sentenced but they refused to name the other cunts
I have a theory of how to deal with these cunts who will not grass on their mates simply get the non squealers to serve the sentence of their mates. We will soon see if there is honour amongst thieves.
That sounds a bloody excellent idea.
I would love to know how those fucking libtards react to this kind of harassment!
Do they hand over plenty of cash for these “poor downtrodden refugees”, or do they secretly end up as pissed off as everyone else?
Can you imagine what Gary Linekunt would do? After all he loves European integration and the freedom of movement for all. So no doubt he throws lots of fivers to these beggars while he drives around in his many and varied expensive and exclusive cars!
They react with the attitude: ‘They do it because they’re poor, they’re poor because of white people, every act of indecency, selfishness, or criminality perpetrated by an otherwise noble dark key is the fault of selfish white people not giving them enough money’.
That’s how they react.
Knowing that bastard Linekunt, he’d probably arrange for a photographer to be there while he handed a packet of crisps over to the scrounging cunts.
Then he’d claim expenses from Walker’s for a ‘personal appearance’.
Yeah, it would have to be “expenses” so the jug eared bastard doesn’t have to pay any tax.
We have always had beggars which is why the law pertaining to it (which is completely ignored) dates from 1824.
Home grown beggars are one thing but why the fuck are we importing thousands of the cunts every year? An endless stream of the fuckers.
Go and beg in your own country. Be homeless in your own country. Sell the Big Issue, thieve, do drugs, scrounge in your own fucking country.
In other words, get the fuck out of my country you cunts.
Compo got himself worked up in a self-indignant strop a few years back, blaming heartless Tories after a homeless enricher froze to death in a underpass near Westminster. Turns out he was a drug addled child abuser from Portugal who had been deported twice. Oops.
We could always revert to the Elizabethan poor law which distinguished between deserving and undeserving. The deserving were cared for by their parish I.e. where they were born and known whilst the undeserving were branded through an ear so that the could be recognised. Any more begging by the branded ones ensured a date with the hang man.
We have continually changing Big Issue sellers in my town. They must sell the pitch to other cunts. Now, I thought Big Issue was invented to help British homeless people. However, all the sellers seem to be fucking Romanians or whatever. “Big Issue please” – “fuck off” says I. What really gets my goat is the stupid fuckers who give them money. I know for a fact that there is one fo them who lives in a nice house in Enfield. Mind you, it’s the same soft cunts who start weeping at drowned refugee kids (whose parents put them in danger and led to their deaths) and little N’Kumbu who needs saving (so he can grow up and still be a fucking drain on the world’s resources).
Cunts all round.
The same feckless cunt has been selling the Big Issue in our town square for 15 fucking years!! Loathsome tyke.
I’ve had the true professionals of this dark art try it on with me when I’ve been in India and they failed miserably.So no chance of me succumbing to these beginners over here in blighty,not that we have any here in my area.
I had some old crone in India come up and rub my arm for no reason, I asked a local why and he said “Because you have white skin she thinks you are lucky”. I felt like saying “I’m a straight white able bodied male from the West, you haven’t been to Europe recently have you?”.
I blame the fecking politically correct liberals for every fucking single beggar if they didnt keep dipping in their pockets for these parasites they would give up, soppy cunts with their pathetic guilt complex, they are destroying their own country bit by bit.
If these beggars were any good they would be home making something of their own nations.
I went to Plymouth recently and there are masses of the cunts there. They descend on you as soon as you leave the railway station. I heard one of the cunts moaning that there were too many beggars about!. The other ones that piss me off are the ones who get on buses and start begging , everybody has to wait until every cunt has been asked for money- they usually get fuck all – then we are allowed to continue on our way.
Very good cunting indeed. You cannot move for them in my former town of residence, Harrow:
You come out of the train station, there are two beggars at the bottom of the stairs.
You walk no more than 20 paces, there is another one….some old snatch hobbling around on a stick and holding a plastic cup out.
You get through the shopping centre and into the precinct and lo and behold, more of the fuckers… many you cannot count in fact, either kneeling on the pavement and clasping their hands in begging prayer or mock weeping, accosting you and shoving another plastic cup in your face.
I might add, that bar one or two, THEY ARE ALL FOREIGN.
The sad thing is that nowadays, because we now know these organised begging gangs are active, we are cynical and disbelieving of ANYONE who is begging on the street, even the ‘genuine’ beggars that proliferate London’s and any other UK streets, and have done since time immemorial.
This is what the years of Labour government and bloody libtards have done to this country. Fucked it right royally up the arse.
Just another example of the paradox of liberal thinking NC. They whine about the old people, the vulnerable and the poor but simultaneously push for a free-for-all of services and blame funding rather than the sheer numbers of opportunists.
Who are “they”?
The only time I’ve ever encountered a ‘junction beggar’ was when the missus and I were on holiday one time in Yorkshire.
The guy in the picture is his photofit. I refused to give him any dosh because I knew from the speed he got into the road that he was a fake, and an enricher to boot. As the light changed and I made to pull away, the cunt gobbed on the window. I sincerely hope that the shithouse got run over by a very large lorry at some point.
I went for a walk through London with my brother today. Liverpool St to Lancaster Gate. I don’t think I heard anyone speak English. And most of London west of Oxford Circus was just chock full of filthy arab scum. Funny, they don’t seem too bothered about allowing refugees in their country. London makes me fucking sick.
Just as annoying as those cunts who used to wait at traffic lights to wash your windscreen. Haven’t seen them for years, maybe they all got run over, or moved on to other more lucrative methods of poncing.
“all got run over” now THAT’S funny
Looks like Mackenzie Crooke off-of The Office to me. Must’ve fallen on hard times
I wonder if these scum ever attempt to beg off a car load of architects on their way to a stabbing?
Probably not……..they recognise their own kind.
This is the new mafia and every penny is consent to them continuing. The worst ones are the old crones in London. Dressed in old black rags with a face like Mother Theresa’s unwiped arse they mumble and gibber at you endeavouring to compel any guilt to worm its way out. About one in ten gullible twats drops them a nugget or two which will go straight to the Romainian gang-leader as soon as he scoops the miserable old prunes up in his Mercedes van around five o’clock.
In the last generation these gruesome hags would’ve been pretending to tell your fortune but that’s when they had an ounce of dignity.
As the Bard said, “A fool and his money are soon parted.”
London tube trains now have regular “burns victims” working along the carriages, encased is such poorly applied bandages it’s quite obvious no burns are beneath.
“Need money for operation/treatment.” Fuck off
There is a swarthy enricher who does this unusual, animated dance in Romford town centre. He is on crutches and chants ‘help please’ over and over, hoping some mug will cross his palm with notes.
His dance is reminiscent of ‘spare a sheckle for an ex-leper’ from the Life of Brian. I suspect that is where he got the idea.
Well cunted.
I’ve only encountered such beggars once, on the outskirts of Lille, Northern France. 2007 I think.
Not a nice experience, fat African woman dragged her little still in nappies niglet across 3 lanes to bang on car windows before attempting to open one of our rear doors.
Thankfully there was a multilingual sign on the approach warning drivers to lock their doors and close their windows. To warrant a sign means it must happen a lot over there but then they do have several toll roads so drivers will often have change to hand in the centre console.
Easy way for soulless cunts to feel good about themselves. “I gave the needy person 50p, that’s like a tenner in tramp money”. Get fucked, you are part of the problem!
What a horrible experience being near those nasty, unwashed, stubbly, lazy cunts.
The French.
Aghhh! Just seen an item on my local news about a woman in my area. How the fuck could they think this worth reporting? . . . . . . . .
She has decided to flush her loo as little as possible. Her mantra is “ if it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down.” Apparently she’s doing this for her little daughters future to save water.
I thought is this a piss take or a shit report?
I would love to visit this woman (about 5 miles away ), ask her if it’s brown and fuckin’ stuff her head in the bowl and flush.
Does this stupid woman realise it will save her £1.25 a year on her water bill and all the water will be recycled via the sewage works?
What fuckin’ middle class idyets we have in this cuntry.
Just mellow out!
Not to worry if we run out of water we can just steal some more from Wales, let’s go nuts!
We are going to piss in it first.
If you ask the English nicely they’ll by you some indoor toilets.
They’re incredible you press a button and it whisks your turds away. No more shitting in the pig-pen.
Dirty fucking bitch.
Must have been a slow news day, maybe tomorrow she will be on recycling bog paper.
In contrast I regularly flush the bog even if it is empty. The deluge of clean water helps flush the drain and keeps it free of detritus.
All well and good this water saving shite, but jet cleaning blocked drains consumes far more water and energy.
6 days out of London and loving it more by the day. None of that shit round here (north Cambs) so they can all fuck off.
Fuck me I am annoyed at myself for not abandoning the Londonistan ship years ago….
Once when I was in New York, I was at Grand Central, by the bottom of an escalator, talking to a friend. A girl, about 20, walked up, calm as you like, set a rug on the floor, stood on the rug, held a sign out saying she was homeless, and just started wailing continuesly. Unbelievable
These cunts have resurfaced near where I work. I even found three sitting on the pavement having a tea break.
Want nuking,they do.
Romany gypsy scum.
Fuck ’em.
I’d rather give the card that says “Go directly to Jail. Do not pass go, do not collect £200. Then get on a plane and fuck off back home. You don’t belong here cunt.”
Or that other card :
“It is your birthday. Collect a good kicking, get on a plane and fuck off home.”
Or the other one :
“You have won second prize in a beauty contest. If you want your £10 get on a plane and fuck off home.”
You may have noticed there’s a theme developing here.
Rebel MPs are working on a plan to thwart Boris Johnson pursuing a no-deal Brexit on 31 October that involves forcing parliament to sit through the autumn recess, amid growing outrage about the power and influence of his controversial aide, Dominic Cummings.
Leavers have had three fucking years of May’s controversial aide Olly Robbins yet Remoaners are whinging about Cummings after only a couple of weeks.
Fucking pathetic wimps.
I’d just like to say that my local asda Store has one of these scroungers sitting right next to the ATM machine… I’m not usually a heartless bastard but these cunts with their sleeping bags piss me right orff… they stare at you with their drugged eyeballs
trying to make you feel sorry for them while trying to get money out of the ATM machine..
ps Am I wrong in my thinking
They are a common feature, I believe that there was one in London that had his own card machine.
but this is the way forward.
It probably cloned your card too. CUNTS
Yes, we’ve got one, too. Fucking human trash, spaced out and can barely string a sentence together.
“Got a spare pound, mate?”
“No. Only got twenties, I’m afraid” [waves wad of 20s and walks off….
No, BBF, you are spot on in your philosophy !
Regular feature here in Cardiff.
I just blank the shites totally.
There was a news item yesterday; a woman who’d spent some years sleeping rough down the road in Newport (parents divorced, mother had mental health problems, couldn’t hold the family together…), now a senior fire brigade officer. Seriously, I AM glad she’s made something of her life, with not very promising beginnings.
She was exhorting viewers to “have a chat” with the homeless…
Most of the local ones are totally incapable of stringing a coherent belch together; I suspect a reponse would be “Are you TALKING to me, mate ??”
Sod off.
Give em all a dose of Ebola.
Dirty cunts.
on holiday in Krakow with MRS B, we were approached by a crippled beggar (like the one in the picture) his legs were contorted in a terrible way, in fact un naturally contorted.
Mrs B is I am afraid a spastic, she has had tendons cut, multiple operations on her legs and arms to straighten them out so we are a bit clued up on anatomical deformity and this one was spectacular so we had to check this one out especially the double ankle joints.
On closer inspection he was on tip toe, with the toes of his foot in the heel of the shoe creating the fabulous double ankle we had noted, He also didn’t seem to happy at the discussion of his disability, But fair play to him he didnt leg it up the road but hobbled off round the corner (where presumably he then legged it)
I don’t suppose he COULD leg it, with his shoes on the wrong way round.
Scrounging cunt.
Fuck me, remind me exactly what it is I’m meant to miss about londonistan, again??!!
Suckdick Khunt, and the Assistant Sharia Law Commander Neil Basu, whose head resembles a ginormous polished turd with specs.
Sadly, however, with these two, there’s no place to run/hide (tho I can tell a cunt when I see one…). Am sure you REALLY miss them…
Oh, and round Wetminster way, it seems they now have signs up stating no pissing or shitting in the streets.
Muti-lingual ones might be useful.
B-b-but you’d miss this enrichment!
Diversity is their strength. Notice the steady rise in attacks on the police, nothing to do with immigration I’m sure.
There’s a piece of human garbage that infests the local multi-storey car park foyer.
Cunt actually sits in front of the lift call button (so you can’t reach it), then presses it for you and sticks his hand out.
I just tell the cunt not to bother, and get out of the fucking way you waste of fucking sperm.
They should render all these cunts down and use them as biofuel.
Treat him to one of these beauties next time:
I say bring out the flamethrowers… . the old ww2 ones would do & cleanse the whole area . . . 🙂
hmm what should I do??
adopt a donkey or a dolphin or a whale or a gorilla or a dog/cat/leopard/Tiger/lion
or kyundi??? hmm nah sod it I have no room . .
I’m thinking of going on Dragons Den with a new invention all I need is an old open back truck & a megaphone I’d then drive thru the neighbourhood shouting out “rag & bone”
. . yes the entrepreneur in me needs to be unleashed. . . anyone? ?