Ghada Mohamed

A woman by the name of Ghada Mohamed needs an urgent cunting.

She is a member of a group called the Lincoln Muslim Sisters Forum and is asking non-Muslim girls in Lincolnshire to wear a hijab for a day, to raise awareness of discrimination. It’s amazing how often these peacefuls complain of discrimination against them, whilst overlooking the discrimination against non-Muslims in Islamic countries and also here in Europe.

Her stupid campaign isn’t going to:
• urge Muslim men not to groom vulnerable white girls, drugging, abusing and raping them
• stop some Muslim men from calling white girls “sluts” for wearing mini-skirts and other normal clothes and assaulting men who follow the Gayness
• stop women from being forced to wear these rags of oppression by their unenlightened husbands, fathers, brothers and cousins
• change medieval laws in countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan which discriminate against women
• stop stonings of women accused of adultery in shitholes like Somalia, whilst allowing the men to walk free

It is about time that some of these peacefuls learn to understand our culture and customs and try to fit in with us. And, if they don’t want to do that, there are about 58 Muslim-majority countries where they can fuck off to and wear their rags of oppression…but they won’t be going to any of those countries because they won’t get their welfare benefits, free healthcare and education.

Ghada Mohamed is a cunt and she can fuck off!

Nominated by Hard Brexit Cunt

47 thoughts on “Ghada Mohamed

  1. Great cunting HBC – very reasoned, factual and well thought out.
    I’d like to add the persecution of Christians.
    In Egypt 128 Christians were killed because of their faith in 2017. They’re not even a tiny minority as they make up 10% of the population.

  2. How about muslims not wearing any coverings forever to raise awareness of the oppression women suffer at the hands of male muslims.

  3. Apparently, there is nothing in the Koran that tells women to wear these things. It is all down to oppression by the men-folk. So, she is really asking Western women to voluntary subjugate themselves to peaceful men. Fucking bollocks. Why do we give these cunts any voice. Fuck off you stupid cunt.

  4. It’s pretty fucking obvious that the group suffering the most discrimination are white middle aged British males. We aren’t asking her to wear a suit and fucking tie for a day. What a cunt.

  5. How about these fuckwits go without their hijabs and prevent their own discrimination.
    If you’re going to set yourself apart from the indigenous population and advertise the fact, then what do they expect?

  6. Never mind the fucking hijab, this bird needs a letterbox on her bonce. Then she won’t be discriminated against because she’s got a face like a pig’s arse.
    Failing that, get on the next plane to Pakistan and don’t fucking come back.

  7. I live in Lincolnshire and can confirm that among the cabbage farmers, Morris dancers and Margret Thatcher aficionados, it is a hotbed of Islamophobia and racism.

    • Fucking Hell LL, I don’t know how you can live there with those 12th century, ill-educated nutters who aren’t able to interact with society and who never have showers.

      Cabbage Farmers really are cunts.

  8. Let’s get one thing straight.
    These women are not forced to wear the hijab, they have a choice.

    You can wear it if you want or you can have stones thrown at your head….

    • Or perhaps she was never seen again, as she was a victim of an honour killing.
      We shouldn’t have to share our country with these disgusting cunts.

  9. It makes me fucking laugh! Aren’t they supposed to cover up because other men might want to rape fuck out of them if they saw their hair or some shit or other? Who the fuck would look at any of these hairy little cunts anyway – they all look look like fucking ewoks the hirsute cunts!

    • A Peaceful friend (sincerely) tried to explain it to me.

      Imagine you have a bag of sweets, some wrapped and some not. You drop them in the dirt, then pick them up. Which ones would you eat?

      So the true peace treats women as objects that will become dirty in their world unless covered; presumably largely due to the lecherous gaze of men of The Faith.

      By fuck peaceful men are jealous, even the green grocer bantering with his wife at the market made my mate purple with anger.

      • “Imagine you have a bag of sweets, some wrapped and some not. You drop them in the dirt, then pick them up. Which ones would you eat?”

        I’d pick the unwrapped ones, as at least you would have the option of washing them, unlike the dirty covered up ones!

      • What kind of sweets have you got?
        Most sweets ill pick up off the ground
        Even if im not the one dropped em,
        But if these sweets of yours are
        Liquorice allsorts just leave em on the floor. Theyre rank.

  10. There’s plenty of empty dinghies knocking about on the Kent coast if this bitch wants to fuck off somewhere more civilised. I’ll drive her down there if she wants. No charge.

    • The Frogmobile will never be rid of the odour of week-old sweat and oily, egg-sponsored faeces.

  11. Who is Ghada Mohamed anyway? Sounds like a cûntstable in the Irish police force.

      • Just covering all bases RTC, after being stuck in moderation the other day for about 5 hours.

      • I got stuck there 5 hours yesterday too. No amount of bases covered would have made any difference in my case.

        I’ve noticed that sometimes moderation occurs if I spend an excessive amount of time composing a comment. Sometimes I’ll start writing a comment then go off to make coffee then return and finish it, but when I eventually post it goes into moderation…

        Maybe the wi-fi signal isn’t as strong if you linger on a page for too long? Maybe I’m just superstitious.

      • Try eating one of your digestives next time at the same time as you have your coffee! That should solve it!

        Bertie – PC World advisor.

      • Or, or. If that fails, when drinking your coffee, you could try Clubbing your device.

      • Your digestives solution worked perfectly Bertie – my last two posts went through without a hitch!

    • May the piss of 1001 winged donkeys be upon her; also much projectile vomit and fulminating diarrhoea in her direction.

      Fat-faced heap of ugliness. Go home and prepare to be “empowered” by your brother.

  12. Sorry dear, but there is more chance of me donning a leopard skin thong, nipple clamps and a gimp mask on my weekly trip to Tesco than there is of me wearing a fucking tablecloth on my head in a show of ‘solidarity’.

    There is apparently nothing in their scriptures that indicate that they wear these things. From what I understand, all that all it says is that they dress ‘modestly’. This is dictatorial shit coming from their menfolk (otherwise known as misogynist cunts) and being the obedient little wimps that they are, they do as they are told.

    Just because they are pushovers and don’t have the balls to stand up to this shite doesn’t mean we all have to be dragged along with them. If you choose to be oppressed and suffer the ‘discrimination’ that apparently comes with that, that is your choice and certainly NOT our problem.

    • If you promise to wear that get-up for a day,Nurse, i’ll wear the tablecloth no problem.

      • Oh how I laughed at your reply, Mr Helmet!

        Leopard skin thong I can probably do. There is probably one collecting cobwebs in the nether regions of my knicker drawer from back in the day when my arse was not so ‘Flabbott like’ as it is now…….as for the nipple clamps and gimp mask, it is a shame I’m not still working for the NHS as I am sure I would find them hanging around on a ward somewhere……

        Now where’s that tablecloth?…….

  13. Don’t they wear letterbox face coverings so that their beautiful faces won’t fill Muslim men’s thoughts with carnal desire? So that’ll be why she doesn’t need one.

  14. The modern muslim woman wears the hijab to assert her femininity, nothing to do with being forced by the local muslim mafia.
    They have a choice, yes right, this is complete bollocks!

    Any woman or girl in a hard line muslim family has no fucking choice, so the real solidarity is for all muslim females to NOT wear the hijab.

    However I wish they would all fuck off back to the lands of camel and goat shaggers!


  15. In the words of the great Basil Fawlty, I have only one thing to say to Ghada Mohamed:


    • Faulty was a bit harsh on the matron with that insult. Mind you he was not all there having been concussed by a moose.

      However the thought “my god you’re ugly” quite rightly crossed my mind when I checked in at the Heywood (VictoriaAustralia) motel last year. The woman at the counter was completely and utterly spectacularly fugly.

  16. So here in the most beastly of shires the first stirrings of cultural enrichment are visible. I thought our isolated cathedral city would be left in peace safe in the bosom of the fens and atop the cliff. Took a few years but a mosque built on the site of an old dairy is now a feature of my county capital. What was wrong with the community centre at the old grandstand?
    Always play the victim/racist card as often as you can. Fuck off.

    • There’s always plenty of money for building mosques. ? It comes from the oil rich A-rab countries to spread their primitive ideology.

      • Yup they’ve not got a penny to take in african refugees (wouldn’t want them spoiling the gene pool in any case), not got a penny to take in muslim refugees escaping islamic terror, but they’ve got plenty of pennies to build mosques in Europe where those same muslims and africans can be brainwashed with western-hating koranic teachings. Naturally we let it happen because as Sadiq Khan never tires of telling us – ‘tolerance’ is a British value.

  17. the thing that upsets me the most is it happened in Lincolnshire the county where thousands in Bomber Command and other RAF personnel lost their lives in WWII, and look where we have ended up pandering to these cunts and the likes of Jo Swinson having just heard the news surely due a mega emergency cunting like no other

  18. Slightly off topic.
    Someone’s bright idea to re-introduce sheep grazing on ‘Ampstead ‘Eef, Lundun.
    Soon to be an hal lal slash and carry for nearby Peacefuls.

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