El Shafee Elsheikh and Alexanda Kotey were captured by Syrian Kurdish forces.
British investigators have enough evidence to prosecute two of the so-called Islamic State “Beatles” in the UK, the Supreme Court has been told. El Shafee Elsheikh and Alexanda Kotey are accused of belonging to an IS cell which is thought to have kidnapped and murdered Western hostages in Syria.
They are currently being held in northern Syria.
The US wants to use evidence amassed by British investigators to put both men on trial there. However, Washington is refusing to give the UK a standard assurance that neither man would be executed if convicted.
Mr Elsheikh’s mother, Maha Elgizouli, is trying to block the government from handing Islamic State ‘Beatles’ could be prosecuted in UK over the information – after it decided to help the US.
It has emerged that she also wants to take the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to court for failing to put her son on trial in the UK.
Fuck off. The evil cunts should be tried in the US and if found guilty should be executed there. It is what they both deserve. Don’t give a flying fuck if their family does not like what is happening. And any British lawyer who takes up the cunts case against the government should be boycotted.
stuck in the wrong place by Willie Stroker
But written up by the ever tolerant admin.
The entire families should have been deported as soon as these cunts left, then we wouldn’t have these problems.
I wouldn’t even put them on trial, the fact that they were in Isis is enough for me…. sent the sas to “speak to them”.
Hang em and the families too, from grandma to baby abdhul. Fuck em
Right fucking on. Like a verruca you’ve got to get it out by the roots, all the cousins too.
Then bury them in pig shit see if they get into the snack bar then.
Stone age barbarian cunts
Hand them over to US for hopefully badly-botched executions; maybe a beheading requiring a dozen chops.
Not pork chops, obviously, as that would be so distressing !
Saves us the expense and the U.S wont piss about with Nannying them. Just waste them, they wouldn’t give their victims a fair trial before slaughtering them. Scum.
I’m glad the US won’t give a guarantee that they won’t be executed – so, hopefully, they will be. Boris will have to send them. Perhaps we could start a weekly rubber dinghy service across the Atlantic (in winter of course).
It’s not too late – stick em on the yacht with Greta Grungeberg and she’ll really know what it’s like travelling with shit.
No way should we bring them back and have the cost of keeping them in one of our pandering prisons, only to be let out in 10 years by our incompetent parole board.Send them for some Trump treatment.
Absolute cunts. But what about the Lawyers, Ali Akbar & Sons etc who fucking rape the legal aid system, and why do we allow it. The cunts should of been shot out there, nobody would know. although knowing our lefty snowflake civil service they will be jailed in a prison full of ’em, let out after 5 years and put on an anti radicalisation program, cunts all of ’em!
Have a walk around areas with high peaceful populations and you will see many “specialist immigration lawyer” offices. Makes me sick – the cunts hate us and our way of life, but are desperate to stay here. Wonder how many applications for asylum the Saudis receive each year?
When they get out of prison, they’ll probably get parts in Eastbenders as Bobby Beale’s old mates from Bellmarsh.
You can say what you like about the bloke top right but he’s a cracking goal-scorer for the Red Men.
Killing western hostages is low, but playing for the red scum is about as low as a human being can go.
That’S A LAHff Captain!
Sixfog, please us our proper title –
The Champions of Europe.
They should be handed to the Syrian government. There crimes were committed in Syria, they were illegal invaders in Syria. They forfeited British citizenship by fighting for a hostile power.
Assad won’t pussyfoot around with them.
That is the best solution. It should be made clear to the Kurds that we don’t want them to hold the cunts on our behalf – a list of those identified as having lost their UK citizenship being supplied. I see no reason to waste aviation fuel or court time on the cunts.
We badly need some good law on this. And in particular,evidence of activity hostile to the UK should be capable of being tested in the absence of the perpetrator – remembering that some of these cunts are not being held by friendly forces but are still at large – with a view to depriving them of citizenship of the country they are fighting.
The only legitimate power in Syria is Assad’s, whether we like it or not, and the crimes were committed on Syrian soil. He should have first dibs.
First dibs- love it!
Bring them back to the UK only once the lovely Priti has managed to push a bill through parliament re-introducing capital punishment.
Kotey – isn’t that a fanny pad for ladies who suffer particularly heavy flows?
Boom, boom !
I’ll get my Kotey…
Hey Lah, I’ve never understood why these cunts were referred to as the Beatles. They bear no more than a passing resemblance to Rhin Go Stab and Jinah Leron .
The fuckin’ cunts, misappropriating English names.
I wonder if there’s a tribute band in Sweden called Alla ?
“All of us are ugly
None of us is cute
None of us you’d like to see
In its bombing suit.”
Human rights is bollocks, they are not human so they have no rights.
Put a bullet in the back of there heads,and leave them in a skip in Syria, murdering “peaceful ” cunts.
Why put a bullet in the back of their heads? I’d like to put one in the front of their filthy heads so they could see it coming & I could see the light fade from their dying eyes.
Waiting for that poisonous little turd-on-a-stick Saddick Khunt to wade in accusing Boris Johnson and Priti Patel of waaayyyycism an’ Issslaaam’O’phobyaaaahh, an’ how waaayyyycist Trump hates Muslims an’ how these poor boys who only went to Syria because of waaayyyycism an’ Issslaaam’O’phobyaaaahh an’ “desperation” at the lamentably small scale of job prospects for observant Mooooslimms as mass murderers, suicide bombers & executioners, due to our filthy, khuffar laws forbidding them to rape, murder & enslave as shariah allows.
Only in ISIS (or similar Religion of Peace) shithole, can a pious, observant, follower of that most perfect of murderers, slavers & rapists, breathe freely, raping, killing & enslaving, spreading the love of their prophet.
Surely, in the interests of all of those corrupt unverifiable mass mosque-whipped Muslim postal votes, errrrrrrrrr, I meant, our humanitarian British values, they should be brought back to face the full force of the Law and punished severely, incarcerated with fellow peaceful, pious colleagues with 3 square Halal meals a day, prayer rooms, forceable conversion of non-Mooooosliiimm inmates, an endless stream of taxpayers money funding every petty grievance or slight to show the dhimmi “authorities” who’s really in charge while more deserving non-Mooooosliiimms get fuck all, because those same fucking “authorities” are more concerned about being called waaayyyycist or you-know-what-o-phobic than actual fucking JUSTICE, instead reserving their unrequited spite and frustration, taking it out on any soft target who has probably done nothing but who said a hurty-word or looked suspiciously in the general direction of a Mosque while eating a bacon sandwich.
These two cunts will probably end up back here, to an adoring mob of like-minded followers, who’ll blame it all on the Joooo-ish lobby, the “occupation” & Eeeesssraelll Mossad pulling the strings. There shitbag families will be in our faces 24/7 bleating about Islamophobia & waaayyyycism, with the usual bunch of lefty Labour Cunts, Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott accusing Trump, Boris Johnson, Trump, BREXIT, Trump, Global Warming, Trump the Irish Backstop, Trump, those nasty Zionists, not forgetting Trump pulling the strings.
Well then get the usual Coterie of Cunts, the Media Whores in obedient tow, telling us how it’s really Nothing to do with Islam, how both of the cunts had “Mental Problems” and as with the other 20,000 were definitely, honestly, swear on the Koran, “line wolves” who didn’t understand what they were doing.
The money, benefits, legal aid, mosque donations will roll in keeping their families in the lifestyle we khuffar kunts can only imagine.
The payoff, and fuck the rest of us, Labour will hoover up hundreds of thousands of mosque-whipped Muslim postal votes in the tiny Muslim dominated rotten boroughs & constituencies.
Anyone out there in Cuntland care to disagree with the Sheikh of the Al-Aqsaminster-kharpet Mosque, that these two will be let in by our traitors in office, more concerned with votes over public safety, the stalking horse for the rest of the spawn of Satan to end up here, housed, fed, car, health-care paid for by we fucking idiots who’ll say FUCK ALL, terrified that the dhimmified Paramilitary Plods will arrest them for hate crimes threatening “community fucking cohesion” and making the “Muslim community feel uncomfortable” by daring to express outrage.
You know I’m right. We are about to be scammed yet again. Allaccchhacchhu Achhhblaaarrgh CUNTS
This is a great way Sheikh of getting round a rejected nom! Why didn’t I think of it!
‘the Al-Aqsaminster-kharpet Mosque’ all you need to do is go in there Sheikh Anvakh and put the freshness back.
Put the fun back into fundaMENTALism !
I’ll get my Kotey…
Love the handle – do you put the freshness back?!!
Sorry, off topic but I just got a news flash on my phone (from a news feed that I never asked for and can’t get rid of) which states:
Harriet Harman ready to step in as caretaker prime minister….
That spindly melon headed cunt can fuck right off!
She will of course have to be renamed ‘Harperson’ so as not to encourage negative gender stereotypes.
The same Harriet Harperson that was pushing for Yewman rights for diddlers decades ago ??
And Ken Clarke. From the Conservative party.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Fuck off.
If the suggestions are really getting silly (Harperson and Flabmeister Clarke), then how about my border terrier?
He doesn’t waffle, takes no shit, and fucking hates peacefuls.
Gets my vote…..
There’s more.
Conservative MP Ken Clarke has said he would not reject an offer to become caretaker prime minister if it was “the only way” to stop a no-deal Brexit.
Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson has suggested the ex-chancellor or former Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman could head a temporary government.
Mr Clarke told the BBC the idea was “not inconceivable”.
Only in your own head Clarke, you deluded has been.
Mr Clarke also said: “A government of national unity is just one of the things that might be called for. It’s not inconceivable. I mean, 1931 [when the world faced a large recession] and rather wildly to the two world wars, when the same thing happened.
Mr Clarke, exactly what do you mean by a “government of National unity”? Do the fucking maths you imbecile.
There has NEVER been a government of National unity in the history of this (or perhaps any other) country), all Leavers are totally opposed to you and fellow Remoaners so how can you talk such utter bollocks?
I wonder what assurances this pair of cunts gave their victims that they wouldn’t be executed, and not in some sanitised ethical manner, but to be beheaded over a live stream?
The chair or lethal injection is too good for them!
I love what the ze germans did garrotted them with piano wire .mind u even thats to humane for these bastards .
We don’t want these cunts back here in the land of the libtard, soft as shit judges and prisons run by Butlins.
Let the Syrians or the Yanks have them and do what they want with them……….preferably ram a red hot poker up their arses.
As for their families they can fuck off back to goatshagger land and fucking stay there.
Shoot those fuckers dead wherever they are.
In our Rainbow La La land ban legal aid for any terrorism related court pantos.
Who’ve doesn’t like it or starts whining gets a one way ticket to Syria.
Fuck them all.