Drugs and the Gayness of Brighton

A rainbow flag and limp-wristed cunting please for the boys and girls who pranced down to Brighton at the weekend to camp it up at the “Brighton Pride” festival.

Not content with the camp polari, mincing and girly squeals of delight, some of the cunts needed their voices to go even higher and to facilitate this, they utilized laughing gas, which in addition to making you sound like a girl band also gives you some sort of high.

The trouble is the dykes and pansies forgot to take their canisters away and decided to pollute the beach instead:


Naughty duckies. A waste of time, space and money, vacuously pointless, crass….but enough about Caroline Lucas

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

56 thoughts on “Drugs and the Gayness of Brighton

  1. Their pride doesn’t seem to extend to a pride in their surroundings. But I suppose this mess is ok as it’s right-on.
    I am genuinely baffled by pride. I accept that homosexuality is a natural condition but what’s to be proud about? Why not a sado/masochist pride? A peedo pride (spelling to avoid moderation) They claim their condition is natural, normal even.
    And what’s to be proud about trannyism? Why not anorexia pride? After all that is also a mental condition.
    Anyway. Fucking Bríghton can sink under the weight of it’s perversions as far as I am concerned.

    • Bastard, I was going to say most of that, to claim “Pride” and then trash a place, well that’s almost like Saddam’s “Pride parade” through Kuwait, didn’t do much for his popularity either.

      • That’s why Joe Biden is trying to get the DumboCunt 2020 nomination.

        The DumboCunts in their idolatry of eye slam will argue that the age of consent needs to be lowered in line with their beliefs, or else it would be discriminating against their rights. Creepy Uncle Joe would be only too happy to go along with that, as the many hair fondling, “no dates until you’re 30” videos out there show.

  2. I’ve lived in Brighton all my life, well Hove actually.
    Growing up in the 60’s onwards in Brighton it was a great place to be. Lots of interesting shops in North Lanes, great boozers and fairly clean.
    Now present day… Brighton has descended into a fucking shit hole. I was in the town centre a couple of weeks ago and the streets are awash with beggars and other assorted scum bags in tents crashed out on the main streets.
    How could any council allow its city to descend into such a filthy shit hole ?
    Oh but wait this is a Labour / Green council who could not organise a shag in a brothel.

    • I used to deliver there when I was a temp driver, loved Whitehawk you could get anyone to sign for anything there, Neighbours so friendly they would even try to unload the truck for you!
      Fucking ripped my shoulder in Brighton too, carrying a double mattress when the wind took it, should have let go.

    • Sad to hear it. Used to go to Brighton often as a kid – some of the best antique shops* on earth in the Lanes, and one had a full set of horse armour on a stuffed horse, which fascinated me. Memories.

      You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone

      *selling genuine antiquities of the interesting class

    • Couldn’t agree more. I’m Brighton born and bred myself. I moved to Patcham 10yrs ago and now you couldn’t even pay me to go into the centre. The last time I did I was driving anyway and if you go from the beach to the station (up West St and along Queens Rd) every other doorway has got a deadbeat laying in it.

      • One day hopefully, Peter Kyle and Russell Lloyd Moyle will be amongst their number – down, out and gay, the perfect fate for two Remainers who dislike democracy.

  3. Some may wonder why it’s a matter of pride that you’re part of a minority of sexual deviants.

    Not I though, do what they will but live with the consequences and clear up any mess you make after.

  4. I can’t believe there are that many gays in the village! I’m sure there are loads of straight people who go along to these things just for a laugh. If you’re one of them, fuckin’ shame on you.
    It’s me,me, me again – have you noticed how these cunts have stolen every colour in the rainbow, leaving none for heteros? Selfish bastards.

  5. Let’s allow that a proportion of the population is inherently and through no fault of its own attracted to the same sex. Fine. The same terms and conditions apply to my possession of, say, legs. Let’s have Legs Pride Day, then. How inclusive can you get? Even if you’ve lost a couple, you probably had them at one time, and owning just one would qualify you to participate.

    Gay Pride rallies are fucking exclusive and elitist, if you consider them carefully, besides pissing off the locals – including those gays who prefer not to wave The Gayness around for all to see. Homosexuall acts between consenting adults are legal, and it is more than an HR department’s life is worth to turn down a gay job applicant. So what does the mass faggotry prove? Well, it tends to support the idea that all gays are mincing pooves who want to rub your noses in it (“it” here being subject to your own definition) Which ain’t true. Sure there’s still stigma. And no bloody wonder.

    N2O containers are aluminium, I believe, and quite substantial. Why weren’t Brighton’s Greens shadowing the parade, catching the discarded containers before they hit the shingle, and whisking them to the recycling centre? Epic green fail.

    • I saw an advert for an engineering job today. The accompanying blurb (bullshit) said something like they were all inclusive “regardless of educational background”. Great, so some cunt can design something and have no qualifications in engineering! Excellent, just going to wait for an educationally sub-normal brain surgeon to get going on me. Absolute race to the bottom for “inclusiveness”.

  6. I notice that gibbon-faced cuntbag Lucas has said nowt about the beaches being polluted with these N2O canisters and balloons.

    Clearly she is keen not to discourage the fudge-packing brethren from returning again soon and also losing the Green’s cosy seat as the champion of the LBGTV8ROADSTER movement.

    Fuck Lucas and the unicycle the pudding basin-haircutted bitch rode in on.

  7. Residents of Brighton complain year on year about people using their gardens, streets and cars as toilets despite portable toilets being placed every few hundred yards along the parade route. Don’t see the beeb mention that though.

    Pride is just a free jolly up for those who are stupid enough to fall for identity politics.

    Leaving the beach and a once beautiful city covered in crap. Proud about that?

    • Just what you need- some hideous cross-dressing cock jockey using your garden to empty his shitpipe of gallons of jiz.
      Brighton needs sorting out with Trident.

  8. Every fucker and his dog were going as far out of their way as possible to support this fucking bollocks and making sure they were shouting it from the roof tops.

    Fucking Brighton deserves all the shit it gets, so fuck them and their beaches.

    I logged onto to my bank account the other day to find their home page was supporting the Leeds Pride Event, complete with a rainbow coloured sash across the home page, cunts, I wrote to them to say I was offended and I expected my bank to act as a bank and not as a platform for such events.


  9. What’s this laughing gas stuff like anyway? I’ve never tried it. Wouldn’t know where to get it. Is it better than drinking a pint of bitter through a straw?
    It’s about time the government funded research into producing a drug that isn’t addictive. We could all get blasted out of our minds every weekend and still be fit for work on Monday morning.
    Why has no-one thought of this before?

    • If you want to try it, look for “Cream Dispenser Gas” on t’net.
      Pedantically, N2O makes the voice deeper – it’s balloon gas/helium that raises it.

    • They need laughing gas because they watch BBC comedy and have so little personality between the lot of them.
      As for the drugs question, the government doesn’t want people longed out their brains because when your vegetating on your sofa your not consuming, manafacturing or supporting big business. We’ve got enough faulty cogs in the machine, their bullshit system will break if anymore aren’t shifting their weight.

  10. The corporate takeover of these bumhole parades is so obvious it is embarrassing. Every money grabbing fucker wants a piece of the action. I understand that 350,000 extra bumders were attracted to Brighton last week end. That’s a shiitload of pink pounds so you can understand why councils encourage this sort of nonsense and don’t mind the shit that’s left behind.
    Being a cunt I would like to see a load of letterboxes on the pavement shouting “Shame on you……you ought to be ashamed…….it’s Brighton rock, not Brighton cock!”


  11. Slovenly cunts.

    I bet you that amongst that crowd their are huge numbers of ‘Save the Planet’, libtard, hippy fuckers and yet there the hypocritical bean-flickers and bummers are, polluting the beaches and environment with their nitrous oxide and wastage.

    There is ZERO excuse for leaving crap on a beach, or anywhere else. There are rubbish bins EVERYWHERE and doubtless there were more so during this yawnsome borefest of yet another fucking ‘Pride’.

    • Sorry Nurse, there’s no hypocrisy involved. They don’t believe the rules apply to them, only other people. The ‘do-as-I-say, not-as-I-do’ mentality has increased to massive proportions over the last few years and it’s almost exclusively left-wing arse-wipes that practice it.

  12. Thought these lgbtvqwerty twats wanted to be treated equally but they don’t.They actually want to have extra privileges such as marches and quarters in cities where they can all meet up to prance about.

  13. Where’s the fucking pride in sticking your knob up some other blokes arsehole ?
    Supermax Aids can’t arrive quickly enough.
    Get To Fuck.

    • I never could understand the pride of sticking your knob up a woman’s fanny. But each to their own. Lol

  14. Supermax AIDS!!! What a fucking great idea. If only I were a scientist I would start working on it right now. I missed my vocation.

  15. When I was a child, I was told always put litter in the bin. Not just because it’s the right thing to do, but if I didn’t, the litterbug will come get me.

    • I was also told to watch out for poofters and dark keys trying to rob you – good advice I have heeded ever since.

  16. You should visit Brighton west street on a Saturday night Spoonington.
    The smell of shit and piss is overpowering.💩💩💩

  17. Looking at the title photo, I’m not into S&M, but what do these leather fingerless gloves signify that many of them wear?
    Is it so they can finger each other’s arseholes without having to take their gloves off in cold weather?

    • ps I’m still looking for a serious answer to this. What do these fingerless leather gloves mean? Answers on a postcard. Krav, MPG, Jason?

      • Dead simple, they don’t want to get their gloves all shitty. Cocks and tongues, different story. Fuck fucking arse cunts cunt. See my last predictive text thingy, once stuck my own finger up my arse, cheap toilet paper is a false economy.

      • As they are lazy cunts and don’t want to bother taking off the gloves so they can really have a good feel inside.

        It’s to do with the leather subculture and bondage. Not been my thing. I knew someone who went to these places and asked if I wanted to go. No thank you, I kindly passed. He was huge black guy like mike Tyson. I think he could have some some serious damage. He was too much for me, wouldn’t have survived and most likely would have done some damage lol.

  18. Looking forward to the following Pride marches:

    1) Newham and Tower Hamlets
    2) Oldham
    3) Luton

    • Not long after the London march, the Harpy Yasmin Alibhai-Brown was on a news review program. She’d not been to the march but I was gobsmacked when she said “ it was nice to see so many Muslim gay people on the march.” WTF- I nearly pissed myself laughing. How could anyone be so stupid. And then I reminded myself this was YAB.

    • I hope they remember to put those leather dog and pig masks on.
      That’ll make them extra welcome…

  19. A little tale,
    Driving down the main road in Brighton I saw two chaps walking along with there arms round each other (not a problem), one drops his hand down his mates back and into his shorts and I swear he tickled/fingered his bum hole (bit odd but hey ho)
    next thing he did was press the button for the pedestrian crossing (not nice)
    since that day I have avoided pressing buttons/touching door handles/ light switches in Brighton there bust be (excuse the pun) shit loads of ecoli knocking round there.

    • And you didn’t ask for their autographs Lord Benny? Chances are it was the Lords Mandelson and Adonis seeing what they could pick up

  20. The Gays shouldn’t take illegal drugs. They could have an adverse effect when combined with the Anti-Mental drugs that all The Gays are meant to take.

    Fuck Off.

  21. Fuck this pride crap. Just live your life: There is no need to scream and shout.
    This sort of campery does nothing to enhance anyone’s lives.

  22. There are Pride events this weekend in Chester, Plymouth and Margate. The weather is due to be bad. I hope the feckin’ bastards get washed out and the filth is flushed down the drains into the sewers. Aside from that I wish them good luck.

  23. So many parades they must have no idea how to spend their time.

    If as children they’d been in the scouts, made airfix kits or gone fishing, they might now have some ideas for filling in their fucking weekends.

  24. These events don’t represent me and is not what many gay people fought for years ago so we could have basic rights which heterosexual couples enjoyed. Most gay people wanted to be accepted and not to be seen as some different community where we need to be patronised and given special treatment. Now it’s gone to the over extreme where it’s like a counter culture being absorbed or forced into the mainstream. All these events do is to reinforce stereotypes and basically take the piss as it’s seen as cool and the inthing. Now straight kids want to join the club so they have invented the term LGBTQ. These events are for the middle class gay. Being a working class gay man I would relate more to a working mans club than these piece of rainbow cunts. All these fuckwits achieve is ensuring more hatred and keeping negative stereotypes alive. We don’t all wear hot pants with coloured hair and glitter looking for our next fuck. We don’t all scream with our jazz hands and mince down the street. We all don’t want to harp on about how homophobic the country is and force your lifestyle on to others. Do what you want but stop turning it into a freak show. All this is being promoted by the liberal middle class cunts. I would love to find out where these people live and move in next door and ensure I have a pride party every fucking day and orgies plus invite all the immigrants so it’s one big multicultural fuckfest.
    Fuck off and leave us alone to enjoy our life with human society. If you want to differentiate yourselves fuck off somewhere else perhaps Iran would be good. Go over there and try to change things and see how far you will get.
    Btw there is more to a person than their fucking sexuality.

  25. Brighton Council should only employ gay binmen.
    Problem solved.
    Anyhow,cunts the lot of them.

  26. I did my whole Pride and partying stint in the folly of my 20s. Looking back now at 40, I can’t believe what a an emotionally illiterate, morally repugnant and physically reprehensible cesspool it all is. I like to hope that that contingent is the ‘tip of the iceberg’ and otherwise normal gays just go about their daily lives integrated in normal society. The sight of one too many overweight, ill-advisedly tight t-shirted pooves in pink cowboy hats crying into their piss-tap beer, because their boyfriend’s eyes accidentally caught sight of some assless-chapped twink on a carnival float, did me in. That and plus every single one of the fuckers, to the last poove and dyke, smoke.

  27. A late call for three Pride events which will never take place.
    Straight Pride
    White Pride
    Bloke Pride.

    Anyone not know why?

  28. Let’s have a “Perfectly Normally Heterosexual Day” and march about in normal clothes,maybe the odd t-shirt proclaiming “I don’t like shoving shit up hill” or “i’m in a normal relationship”. Do these fucking Snowflake CUNTS really need to prance about irritating the rest of the ordinary folks??…CUNTS!

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