Nominate anyone with zero exception who uses the words ‘straight white male’ as an insult, attempt to shame or otherwise demonise a significant proportion of the Western world’s population.
Such groups include feminists, second-generation goatfuckers/goatfucked towelheads, bitter blacks who still yak on about ‘muh slavery’, self-loathing soyboy white knights, and any other SJW with a fucking dildo to grind.
‘Straight white males’ made the West the forefront of technology, culture, civilisation, the arts and economic prosperity. And indeed they ended black slavery, while Africans still to this day enjoy a booming trade in enslaving dere bredren.
Straight white males created a world which the Middle-Eastern goatfuckers pack eighty to a raft to sail over and sample.
And straight white males – largely – are responsible for the technology upon which screeching millennials use their soy-infused digits to type out the latest virtue-signalling hashtags.
As Jim Morrison said, “the West is the best”. And that is all thanks to the straight, white male. So any scumcunt attempting to shame us for misfortune of everyone else in the world can fuck right off, and preferably die.
Nominated by The UMPIRE Cunts Back
Great cunting!!
As a straight white male im a victim of our success, they owe us everything,
But castigate us!
And as a victim i demand free health and dental care and a fried chicken supper.
We live in a world where for a man to be taken seriously, he has to pretend to be a woman. We are fucked.
Take down the straight white male and you take down the civilisation he built. I get that non white, non straights would see this as a worthy objective, even more so because they have no foresight to a world without the civilisation built by the straight white male, they lack the insight to see how white heterosexual civilisation has benefited and continues to do so.
What I struggle with is the portion of the white heterosexual population have bought into the white and straight equals bad and then preach this narrative far and wide.
I recently posted a nomination that failed to meet the cut, the subject was Rosanne Arquette who had felt the need to tweet the following.
“I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me.”
She added, “And I feel so much shame.”
I’ll leave it there.
Lefty white guilt and Marxist indoctrination. The education system is awash with it. Has been for decades. Now bearing fruit beyond the Marxists’ wildest dreams!
I was thinking the other day that if the moon landings were taking place today Collins, Aldrin and Armstrong would be replaced by a gay Western Oriental Gentleman with no legs, a tranny and Caroline Lucas. They wouldn’t dare let a straight white male be first man on the moon now.
Fuck off.
We will be airbrushed out of the history books if the libtards have theyre way!
If talking to someone i suspect might be a cunt, I always refer to Zimbabwe as Rhodesia, it the dummy waivers
I know ive a sterling cunt to deal with.
Funny how the horrible word “straight” now has the connation which “queer” used to have. It´s as though there is something wrong with you if you are a normal heterosexual. The word “man” as in “mankind” has also been desecrated. The idea of supporting female equality – which most ICERs with wives and daughters support I imagine – has gone beyond not discriminating against women but actively discriminating against men.
At times it becomes wishful thinking. Would society really tolerate all-female army units going into battle, knowing they would suffer heavy casualties? Even countries like Israel and the US that have women soldiers and officers don´t have combat units made up of women.
In sport, as the majority of men are simply stronger than women physical competitions between the sexes would always be won by men. CNN was talking last night about the upcoming UEFA Player of the Year awards and, of course, it gave prominence to the Women´s Player of the Year, with the male candidates thrown in as an afterthought. It then had an interview with an Englishwoman who is a top racing driver. However, she only competes against other women. Surely there is no reason why women can´t compete with men in Formula One races? No jokes about women drivers please.
Of all the things I have said on ISAC, this is probably the thing that will get me dankulaed…….. I’m a straight, white male and that’s okay.
I may not have been here long, but, but, I *sniff* feel I can come out proud and loud and shout from the roof tops, I AM A STRAIGHT WHITE MALE!!! There, I’ve said it.
Get to fuck SWJ cunts.
Quite a few gay white males amongst the leading thinkers of wedtern civilisation, but broadly correct.
The fact that do may of them are speaking out against the SJW madness and Islam apoloism is a sign that the gays are on our side in the free speech debate.
The BBC wants to promote the backward and racist ideology of diversity while demonising white men of all classes. Many of those in London, who voted remain and of the political-media classes are happy to prostrate themselves before their feminist, non-binary ‘betters’ and have shown themselves as bollockless, whereas as the gay atheists (formerly a right-on position) like Douglas Murray are trying to stand up for the cultures that the postmodernists and marxists rail against but which underpin everyghing worthwhile in our culture; classic greece, Roman/Christian and the enlightenment.
Good post. I wholeheartedly agree. Many of our greatest thinkers and writers have been gay, throughout the ages. The difference is they had no agenda. Identitatian philosophies are wholly synthetic and the “ outrage” of our liberal elites is manafactured.
You can be gay and see it as part of your whole identity or you can be gay and make it your whole identity. Gay liberation has trapped some gay people in identity politics and I believe to their detriment as complete human beings.
It looks like someone has finally done us all a favour:
The cunt looks like Ian cuntley.
Hahahahaha fuck off Owen
Hope police don’t come down too hard on the 5-year-olds who attacked him (even though I think this story is bollocks made up by the Jones poof himself.)
Good lads but a shame they didn’t do a proper job! Clearly they must all be white hetrosexual males involved as the cunt wasn’t stabbed but just given a shooing instead thee soy boy Marxist cunt!
I’m a straight white 58yr old chap, who is an equal opportunities racist I’m also becoming slightly homophobic as it becomes more important not to be,im also a rabid monarchist and bleed red white and blue im insanely proud of our military and our old Empire.
This little lump of rock in the north Atlantic has been responsible for more innovation and invention than anyone else and that has greatly improved the lot of humanity. So I wholeheartedly say that all the bleeding heart liberal crybabies can go and royally fuck themselves cos when it comes down to it what have they contributed to the world, sweet fuck all.
White Male straight and proud of it.
Fuckin yes!! And again yes!!
Proud of you Civvydog!
Patriotic and wi attitude,
If they dont like it …airports that way abdhul!?
Thanku mnc
Is the word “queer” banned on ISAC? I wrote a fairly anodyne comment on its changed meaning nowadays comparing it with “straight” and even put it in inverted commas but the comment was moderated and has disappeared. It would be good to have a list of “banned” words
Yes, that would be great. Then all the trolls could turn the site into a Mississippi swamp by bypassing moderation and the racists could abuse away and spread their shit with gay abandon. Great way to get the site shut down – Admin
But is the word I mentioned banned?
Due to all of the questions you have to answer when applying for a job, I am certain the day is coming where as a straight white male I will be the last person who will be offered it, even if I was the only capable of doing the fucking thing! The gay, transsexual, ethnic minority woman who’s probably fresh from university aged 40 will be ahead of me and any other single white male.
Corporate p.c. bullshit. Cunts.