Danny Dyer (7)


A lights-camera-action-duckie cunting please for hammy soap actor Danny Dyer, recently star of a “sexting” scandal when he sent a tart a photo of himself in his undercrackers, just before his wedding to another old bag.

When Mr Dyer is not applying his light Egyptian foundation and lipstick to appear on BBCs ‘NeverEnders’ soap, he is busy trying to pretend he really is his Cockney wanker alter ego he plays on TV by coming out with “edgy” remarks against Brexiteers:-.


I am sure this worries the BBC not a jot when you consider they put up with crisp flogger and ancient sportsman Gary Linecunt, and can never wait to interview Dominic Grieve and professional hag Anna Soubry, but it should concern them that this untalented amateur actor laddie *earns* too much and works too little that he has time for his attention seeking antics, proving to anyone who might be watching what a slimy little motherfucker he is.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

46 thoughts on “Danny Dyer (7)

  1. Danny Dyer is a thick cunt devoid of any talent, the BBC are cunts to give him money and the public are cunts for watching.

  2. Imagine receiving a sex text from this so called hard man cockney wanker Would You Adam and Eve it?
    He is without doubt one of the biggest wankers on the box a fucking lightweight My Mrs is tougher than Him a proper tosser and Remainer

  3. Danny! Oh duckie darling!
    One of my favourites, never get bored
    Of cunting Danny!
    The Roy shaw of eastenders
    The lenny mclean of the BBC
    The tough guy of telly,
    You have to cut him some slack as hes a retard, and he made me giggle on that family tree thing, dincha treacle?
    But stop with your political views Danny, and dont wander around saying that shit up north,
    Someone might take umbrage feed yer harris too the dogs, lick yer bones clean and shallow grave you.
    Just saying.

    • Turn up in Mansfield with your Brexit Staying in dribble and see how long you stay on your feet?

      • You in Mansfield George?
        Knew few lads from there years back,
        Some right rum cunts in Mansfield eh?
        And few year ago me n my mates camping met a group from there,
        Good laugh, but naughty.?

      • But I imported my Mrs from Wimbledon to avoid any in-breading as it’s rife up here My uncles sister in laws cousins brother auntie It’s like deliverance without the banjos .

  4. “Ere, nawty little pistol fingas, innit.”

    “Me name’s Dyer and I’m fucking nails, innit, mind I like me pork pies a bit much nowadays, got to shift some lard of my big fat boat race, innit, innit, innit”.

    I really couldn’t give two fat, cock-e-ney fucks what dribbles from the mouth of this fat, balding, talent-free, ‘stenders stawart of a cunt.

    Danny Dyer is such a fucking Jessie that he would have got his arse kicked by Danny La Rue, the cunt.

  5. What’s with the hard man act?
    When most lads were on the terraces or playing football this cunt was at drama class, probably wearing a frock.
    Scores one point for Human Traffic in ’99 but that’s it.
    Danny Douchebag…chim chimeney cunt….

    • That Human Traffic, why does Danny
      Look like Lloyd Christmas from dumb & dumber?

    • Underrated film Human Traffic

      Dad “No job, no girlfriend, you’re wasting your life son!”

      Dyer “Yeah well all my friends are working and they fucking hate it – and I am too young, to be THAT miserable.”

      That and the bit where they blah their way into the club was funny as well

  6. Danny Dire. No doubt one day to be handed some dubious MBE by his mate Catweazle for Services to ‘Entertainment’.

    These professional cockney types are just another load of mincing, wealthy actorpoofs in disguise. See also Ray Winstone, Bob Hoskyns and Mr Madonna Ritchie.

  7. I saw this Cunt in some film about Footie thugs. I was almost tempted to buy a Footie shirt just so that I could join in that scene where they kicked the little Shit senseless.

  8. Perhaps it’s all a big act and he’s actually a clever chap with a polished, cut-glass accent. You know, like some claimed George W.Bush was a genius.

  9. Fackin Ray fackin daddy fackin winstone?
    Wotchu on abbbat?
    Im inline for a fackin knighthood i am treacle!
    Fackin national treasure!
    Aw now look, youve made me piss on me moodys, yer cant!

  10. Cannin tan! My arse you two bob faux cockney wanker!! Look at ray winstone who despite all the fucking east end palaver
    was born in Hackney but spent virtually all his childhood and teens growing up in Enfield!
    Dyers the same , probably hangs around the “ east end “ of primrose hill with all the other part time cockney full time cunts brigade , worse still he may have taken his mockney act out to the Essex “ gawd blimey guvnor Charlie O Reilly here’s a fucking pony to put on trap six” “ what these loafers? Cost me a fucking monkey!” Fortunately where I live we don’t take livestock for payment you cockney wanker so go stick your swede up your arris!! Comprende cunt?

    • Without the benefit of batter.
      Though, on second thoughts, an industrial meat tenderiser should be applied.

  11. Personally I found his ‘Brexit’ comments totally incoherent. I have no idea what his position is.

  12. East Enders more like facking knobenders
    What a bunch of James Hunts
    I’m now off for my daily uncle frank

    Might take this cock knee rhyming slang up
    Could be I’m off for a Danny dyer…..pull yer wire!

    Bye fellow cunts

  13. Bargain Bin version of Ray Winstone.

    Three for a paaaand….you caaants!

    Professional mockney Danny Dyer is to acting what James (the Cunt) Corden is to comedy and talkshows.

  14. Got me in a right state now, can’t decide who is the biggest cunt out of Danny Dire or Ray Windfarm. I think Dire just edges it. Both are complete fucking ring-pushers. It’s two for my deadpool though.

  15. I was born and bred up in Canning Town. I moved out 30 years ago – thank fuck. Anybody who spoke and acted like Danny Dyer would have got their head kicked on a regular basis. Perhaps Danny’s got brain damage.

  16. Dyer can be summed up in a very few words that even he would understand.

    He is a bit of a twat!

  17. Thinks he’s a hardman like Ronnie and Reggie. Not sure what actor inspired him,he probably wants to be seen like ex fellow EastEnder and genuine cock-a-nee Jamie Foreman..but to me he’ll always be more of a Gareth Hunt.

  18. A bloke I am unfortunate enough to have to work with sometimes is fucking gormless and a right bellend to boot.

    But even he thinks Dyer is a monumental cunt.

    Says it all for me.

  19. ‘Er indoors is distantly related to this cockwomble. We don’t talk about it in polite company

  20. Is the cunt in the picture attempting to shoot the camera with his portable telephone? Looks well ‘ard and ready to hand out a serious tweet if you give him bovver.

  21. Ah sheet! Danny Dyer has sparked a nomination in me. People who talk sounding like they’ve just woken up. I’m not sure how to put it in words. A dry throat?
    That cheeses me off.
    Have a glass of water, you can of can’t.

  22. The man is a clown, he likes to point out that he can’t be that bad an actor because he’s been in 3 Harold Pinter plays, now since I’ve never seen one of those plays I can only judge him on what I have seen him in which is typical bottom of the barrel, cheap mockney gangster films aimed at the sort of people who read The Sun and Nuts Magazine or any other “lad banter” shite.

    One of his films took £205 at the box office and I’m not taking the piss either and now he’s on Eastenders which is really scraping the barrel, in the prime of his “acting” career and he’s entertaining women and old biddies at 8 every night.

    Acts the hardman but is so thin skinned he couldn’t handle Mark Kermode calling his acting shit and his films atrocious so he threatened to headbutt him, which he still hasn’t done by the way even though it’s been the best part of a decade since he made the threat. That shows the mentality of the man though, threatens violence against a man who said the truth.

    • Wouldn’t it be funny if Mr Kermode was secretly an eighth degree karate black belt and kicked the absolute shite out of Dyer.

  23. Professional hag – Anna Soubry/! Brilliant! Still thinks she looks like Beetlejuice though!

  24. Danny Dyer’s Hardedt Deadliest Geezers was must–watch crap TV.

    There are also his crap films like ‘da footbah fat-ree’ and ‘da bizniz’.

    ‘Bish bash bosh, in for a penny in for a pahhnd, pull the other one moosh its got bells on me ol’ china you muggy kahhhnt!’

    – Danny Dyer as Odysseus, Hamlet and Jean Valjean.

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