Cunts Who Shout at the TV

My wife has this incredibly annoying habit of shouting out answers when watching some dreary old quiz program on the box. Moreover, she also speaks out loud when we’re watching a mystery-murder whodunit film or show!

“He’s the murderer! It’s obvious. Look at his eyes: dead shifty. Why can’t the cops see that? It’s so obvious. …..” And on and on she yammers, only to find right at the end that it was someone else that did the crime.

But even then she’ll go on the defensive and say “Nope, they’ve got that wrong! It was never her. She couldn’t have done it!”

Admittedly she is not alone in this oddball behaviour because I too will shout at the TV when watching a football/rugby game!

The upshot of all this is totally irrational and ultimately quite pointless, because at the end of the day no one gives a shit, not least the people in the TV program/game; and certainly not the other cunts in the room who are trying to listen/watch the program in peace.

Then you get cunts who are listening to music with their headphones on, and then proceed to sing out loud, completely unaware there is no music to muffle their godawful “singing”, and that yet again it becomes a real pain in the arse having to listen to some squawking bint warbling on for hours on end!

Not much of a cunting in the grand scheme of things admittedly, but still fucking annoying for all that.

Nominated by Technocunt

42 thoughts on “Cunts Who Shout at the TV

  1. Techno, thats endearing mate your missus sounds ace!
    Mine does something similiar but always gets the storyline/characters/ narrative fucked up so both of us are completely lost!

  2. A great cunting to which I am as guilty as most. It’s usually libtard feminazi cunts like Yasmin Ali Brown who set me off. Mrs B says my language is getting worse while shouting at the TV and that “Is a Chump” that you go on.

    • She doesn’t like the C – – – word, so I have to substitute it with Chump. I tell her it’s the cleaner version of the site.

      • My wife knows I follow this site but doesn´t know its name thank God or she would think it was porn. I just refer to it as the Grumpy Old Men´s site.

      • Hey mr polly! I fought tooth an nail for your nom country & western yesterday, getting all sorts of abuse, where were you to back me up?
        Nowhere in sight while these orrible bleeders took the piss!
        Next time im your corner man im making sure your in the ring pal!?

      • Thanks MNC. I loved your reply and appreciate it. However, I feel that, as the original poster, I have already had my say and it´s up to others to express their opinion. If I start coming back and defending myself I will come over as an insecure boring old fart (which I am anyway).

      • Fuck I’d go fucking insane if I didn’t check in here every now and then, see what the Grumpy old Men Cunts are up too and an appreciation for grammar is still alive as it’s young cunts that are running the show now, France (mind you he’s banging an old cunt) Canada and the tea toweled One in New Zealand who’s done a runner and is nowhere to be found. Somewhere in Tokelau whole the natives are banging clubs up North.
        Then there’s the Dems here and those cunts had me yelling when Harris and Gabbard went head to head out-cunting each other. Biden could be ok the early stages of Alzheimer’s the poor Cunt so all I have to say to that is eat less bread and more butter. Cheers Cunters.

      • My wife doesnt like the C word either, think she thinks im just looking at porn if she knew i was really on here she’d hit the bleeding roof!

    • I am guilty of far too much of this 🙁
      Usually a politician giving their over-bloated opinion on a news channel… “Fuck Off !” ….. “We pay your wages, you shit!”
      That, or adverts – ‘this really will improve your life’ …”No it won’t, you lying bastard!”

  3. When I looked at the title of the link, I thought it meant people that shout at the transvestite.
    Which reminds me, when I was a child using the public toilet, I saw a scribble on the wall ,’TV for rent’. In my youth I thought that was television for rent.

    • TV for rent? It’s a good job you didn’t apply. You’d have got a shock before you plugged it in!

      • Hehhe indeed.

        With people that shout at the television, would you be worried when someone shouts at a television that isn’t switched on?

  4. Have to admit I occasionally shout at the TV /Radio. But only when I’m alone.

    More often that not it’s a rapid fire “Fuck off!” (a course turn of phrase picked up from reading Dick Fiddler’s posts).

    The missus is extremely well brought up and never shouts at anything.

    • Yep it’s fuck off from me when I’m flicking through the channels and pause for a moment on the ABC (Australia’s BBC), takes about half a nanosecond before they say or do something woke or SJW, I shout FUCK OFF (increasingly loudly) and keep on flicking

      • Most especially when they cut across to some cunt politician, nay all cunt politicians that pratles on for 10+ minutes but doesn’t actually say anything.

      • There must be an A to Z of Broadcasting Cunts. And last but not least we have the Zimbabwean Broadcasting Cunts.

  5. Used to shout “useless bitch” everytime Theresa May’s stupid, lying face appearing onscreen.

    Now resort to shouting “gamble” whenever a gambling/lottery/bingo advert comes on (which is often) or “fuck off” whenever Vince Cable or Remoaner comes on.

    Hate 95% of the dumbed down, brain dead game shows, anti Brexit driven PC bollocks shite that is on TV these days and the anger I feel having to pay £150 a year for the fucking “privilege”.

    End of the year time for the tv and licence to go. It’s a no brainier.

    • Why wait till the end of the year? It’s a no brainer that you should get rid of it NOW.

    • Agreed, Willie. If I had a tv, I’d be forever hurling profanities at the endless, anti-democratic sewerage churned out by Remainiac-obsessed tv. Consequently my blood pressure is fine. Nonetheless, the mere sight of Sourberry, Miller, Dominic Grievous et al elsewhere begins a migraine. It’ll be worse in the next few months. These fanatical arsewipes will be like trapped rats as the clock ticks down.

  6. My missus knows when I am about to turn R4 off. It is invariably preceded by ‘do fuck off’

  7. Yes its a sad display by those eager to broadcast their ignorance.

    I dont need it from the box and a twat watching it.

  8. How can you NOT shout at the TV these days. It’s full of cunts talking to you like you’re a retarded child or cunts talking libtard remoaner shite.
    Question Time is a classic example. As they introduce the usual 4 remoaners it’s …….
    “Fucking Slag”
    Fucking Whore”
    “Not that CUNT”
    Then, all the way through it’s….
    “Fuck off”
    “Just shut it you rich cunt”
    “Look at the state of her, stupid libtard slag”
    “Oh do fuck off you cunting moron”
    And on and on……..
    I swear the BBC are trying to drive me round the bend.

  9. I’m always shouting at the TV.

    Today I shouted “I fucking hope you need it soon,” at June, who has taken out an over fifties funeral plan.

    Phillip Schofield got his usual “Cunt” as he tries to persuade people to give their cars away.

    Last night Paddy McGuiness got a broadside of abuse as he tried to say, in English, the word ‘bingo’.

    I just can’t help it.

    I’ll also spend fucking ages looking for the remote and totally ignore the quicker option of the controls on the side of the TV….

  10. I was over at my old dears doing some DIY and a show about celebrities canal barging (eh?) was being advertised featuring John Prescott, “How the fuck did that fat cunt become a lord?” came the very reasonable question floating in from the lounge.

  11. The bloody cunts have been messing about with the footy rules out of season without telling anyone. You’d at least think they’d have told the players. Amongst changes in the Community Shield today . . . . . . .

    1) If the ball strikes the ref when in play and goes to an opposing player, the game is stopped for a drop ball. WTF? That used to be one of the best moments of the game!

    2) Attackers no longer allowed to stand in a defensive wall.

    3) If there’s dissent on the team bench and ref. doesn’t know where it comes from, the manager gets booked. Fuck the cunts. They won’t be satisfied until they’ve completely screwed up the game.

    • 4) Goal kicks no longer have to go out of the 18 yard box. Started during the women’s’ world cup, as they didn’t have the strength to kick the ball more than 17 yards. Rule changing cunts.

      • is that also because the wimminz can’t hack it?

        fucking hell, if they keep on changing the rules, the game will be 60 minutes long, with 5 breaks (including breastfeeding, hair styling and tampon changing); smaller goals, smaller pitches and a fucking beach ball so that the cunts can kick the ball further!

  12. I imagine Mother Christmas will be making an empowered appearance, somewhere along the line. Still, we might be free of Brussels, if not the sprouts.

    (There ain’t no sanity clause – bin the box)

  13. If you’re watching a modern murder mystery especially on the beeb it isn’t the black gang leader or the innocent peaceful religion member or even that member of the travelling community.
    No, its the middle aged tory voting white bloke,silly.
    Every time.

    • Or even if it was an effnik minority that killed hundreds, the detectives would pin the blame on some white man cunt who successfully brainwashed & threatened the poor goat herder victim to do these terrible crimes!

      I can’t stop myself shouting “are you having a fucking laugh!?”

  14. My particular peeve is when you’re in a pub and the football is on and there’s a goal or a near miss or anything that resembles something vaguely exciting to the assembled cretins and a shout or cheer goes up. Do they do that if they’re sitting at home watching it or are they just being sheep and doing what the rest of the flock are doing? I wish they’d piss off.

  15. If you don’t shout at the TV whenever BBCistan gets on it then there is something very wrong with you.
    For proof please see the Hillary fucking Benn cunting….try not going mental at that twat.
    Get fucked

    • Everytime I seen Linekunt my mouth goes into automatic “fuck off and die, you tax-dodging useless cunt!”

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