For this inaugural cunting I’d like to nominate climate change nut jobs!
You know the type, hemp wearing Jeremy Corbyn supporting cunts.
Not content with blocking our cities and causing more pollution in doing so. These sanctimonious twats feel they can drive around in old vw camper Van’s and the like which belch out shit. All because it’s right on and woke. I’m sorry but what the fuck is wrong with the world? We now take our advice from jumped up kids like bloody Greta Thunderpants; we live in a world where the opinion of kids is more important than fact! The fact is we are coming out of an ice age; it is getting warmer in some places and colder in others. If it is so important then why have we built no new power stations to cater for all our electric cars we will all drive in 10 years? Why? Because no one gives a fuck. So get to fuck you hemp wearing hippy, jobless wastes of space cunts!
Nominated by Country cunt
We have no use for power stations. We have no oil to frack and no coal underground. All our power comes from wind farms and tidal power. Nuclear power is evil. Greta knows best and I believe her.
Major National Grid probs tonight.
I’ve been suspecting this for quite some time.
Nuclear fusion is our last hope, or it’s back to the dark ages.
Sniff that prayer mat, stick your arses in the air, and say after the Imam: “…
It’s simple, there’s too many people on the planet. It’s not rocket science. What boils my piss is the celebs ‘we know best’ brigade. Fucking lecturing us whilst they have a carbon footprint which is the size of the Flabbot’s arse cheeks. Another thing that really annoys me is those twats who just throw crap out of the car window. Idle thick fuckers, are you telling me they can’t just wait till they get home and put it in a bin?
The solution to people dropping litter from cars and lorries is simple, if seen doing so then the car gets taken to the scrapyard. You wouldn’t haven’t do more than half a dozen and our litter problem would disappear .
Goodnight? Good morning? Wanksock. I think you get all your best ideas in the middle of the night.
I’ve got this vision of you sitting bolt upright at three in the morning with a lightbulb moment. Nevertheless a very good idea. Keep them coming!
I am not sure who these people are or who finances them but we have local protests against fracking, and you know what I dont even know who the fuck they are and I am local.
Evening Benny…
Your last three words would suggest you’re either Edward or Tubbs…
Local protests for local people.
“Hello, hello. What’s going on? What’s all this shouting? We’ll have no trouble here”.
Tubs: “Don’t touch the pretty things!”
“We didn’t burn him!”
I actually hope that the Doom-Mongers are right. As long as I get a few more years before disaster strikes I’ll be happy. In fact,I hope I am still around when The End comes,I shall delight in hearing the final screams from the parasitic species that humanity has become.
Fuck Us All.
Cheerful fucker mr fiddler!
Id like a new ice age im happier when it’s cold, but the hippies are saying global warming so the northwest will be like torremelinos without the Linekers bars so pretty much with you there.
Hypocrites one and all Mr Fiddler, unless they are walking about in sack cloth and clogs and living in a windmill they can fuck off. I bet all have the latest smartphones, metal components of which have to be mined by the likes of M’tebh and his friends for a pittance.
Yeah they like all the latest gadgets dont they?
Espouse a diggers lifestyle but all the latest techshite!
That sackcloth? Hemp flown in from columbia
The clogs? Bespoke handmade by clogcarver in peru
When the bin bag wearers have taken over and changed every facet of British life, people will look back and wonder why the fuck we were bothered about the temperature being half a degree warmer in 2074.
You’re fighting the wrong battles you cunts….
A useful diversional tactic !
Nice first cunting CC.
These cocksuckers have been driving me, (battery powered of course), round the bend for years.
Britain has already switched to lead free petrol. We’ve had smokeless fuel for decades and are constantly researching less polluting ways of generating power.
The same Greenpeace addle-brained fuckwits that got nuclear energy closed down are the same people that are now saying it is clean energy.
Leave us alone and complain to the most polluting nations such as the Chinese. They’ll change their point of view at the end of a riot baton.
Nice cunting.
The bourgeoisie watermelons of my local area have been out in force recently, first with Labour councillors arranging protests on school days so the kids bunked off then they laid on the floor outside the guildhall before then playing dead on the steps of a cruise ship company.
These people are all the same, soulless fanatics. You only need to look in their semi-lifeless eyes to realise the lights are on but nobody is home, funny that! They’ll usually be remain voting self-hating white folks who want millions of immigrants clogging up the roads and services, just as long as it’s not in their back yard.
Pricks the lot of them.
Soulless Chris williamson!
Little black beads, cunt gives me the creeps, reminds me of Ian Brady.
And creepy little half smile like some Californian cultist.
They’d join a bus queue, thinking it was a protest.
So long as the bus has whitewashed windows, is one-way only, and has a dodgy exhoust, that’s fine by me.
Nuke the cunts.
An um bongo accounts worker stole a six figure sum to fund his wedding.
You can rake the kaffir from the bush, but not the bush from the kaffir.
Robbing cunt.
When we (the UK) are carbon neutral, culled all the cows and are are living back in the middle ages guess what
Just an excuse to bunk off work or school. They don’t really believe in what they’re protesting about at all. and I am quite convinced that once they’ve had their little protest and want to return to normal life they will soon moan and whinge if their train is delayed; or car is stuck in a jam or there’s another protest group blocking the streets they need to use!
And I have said it many times before, these cunts need to fuck off to places like South Africa, Brazil, Russia, China and other high-polluting countries, and start their little protests!
But of course they won’t because they’re too shit-scared of the military: they don’t fuck about either, unlike the soft cunts over here.
Greta Thunderbirds needs to pack her VS bag and fuck off to deepest Columbia and try to convince the poppy growers and cocaine makers that what they’re doing is very very naughty!
But again she won’t because that would take her our of her little comfort zone.
My 19 year old cunt of nephew is one those who dance around the maypole of the pig-tailed prophet. He told me with much glee that he’s joined his local Extinction Rebellion group and looking forward causing a bit of chaos in the autumn in the name of saving the planet (yawn).
I told him that in our day the SPG would have bowled up, beaten the shit out of us and fucked off as quickly as they appeared whether we were protesting, causing bother or not. I hope that Priti reinstates that lot and we can all sit back and watch them run back to mummy and daddy skweaming and skweaming their little heads off.
BTW, the only way to achieve 0% carbon emissions is for all life on Earth to be vanished, it simply ain’t fucking possible.
Any dumb liberal will tell you that the poor 16 year old Shamima Begum was just an innocent naive little child when she fucked off to goatshagger land to get her legs open, pop out imaginary dead brats and cut off the heads of the Infidels. Oh the poor child was brainwashed by the internet, she knew nothing about anything, she was a mere dumb infant who was influenced by evil people they weep and cry.
Then the same thick cunts will tell you that the 16 year old selective mute and school truant, Greta Thunderbirds, is a fucking genius who knows everything about everything and needs to be worshipped as a guru with sage like powers of understanding.
Just one of the many contradictions of the liberal philosophy. Is it any wonder they can’t see the contradiction between blocking up roads protesting about plastic straws in McDonalds and leaving mountains of Big Mac detritus in the streets behind them? Well you gotta have lunch innit fam?
Doing the work and spreading the ideology of the ruling class without even knowing it.
It made me laugh when the frogs treated greta “spazzy Scandinavian fuckpig” with the disdain she deserves.
One of there politicians called her “the apocalypse guru ” and basically told her to fuck off. I wish ours would do the same, being lectured by that demented creature and listening to it !
No wonder Brexit is fucked.
A solid first cunting.
The more often the zealots shriek and the more craven their prophecies, the more jaded the wider public will become. It’s quite amusing that they went from global warming to the nebulous climate change without really blinking.
Whatever is happening i dont think alarmism really helps, and the thinking that they are saving the earth is just more anthropocentric hubris of the kind they claim to despise.
The new News here is that it’s all the fault of cows and pigs and sheep. They release harmful ‘gasses’ which is environmentally damaging. One spokesperson was saying we should only be allowed meat three times a week.
Not only that EVEN growing crops is bad as well. It erodes the soil so that carbon dioxide isn’t ‘captured’ in the ground. It’s the fault of farmers.
Miles, don’t fuck up my nomination which is on this topic! Can’t give you a ✔️ because you’ve spelt gases with a double ‘s’
??? Erhum. that should be spelled not spelt. Sorry Miles.
Oh yeah gases like buses. You both deserve a big fat ✖ for correcting me in a public like this.
In a public what? Toilet, place? Surely you mean busses? Chill out man, I still think you’re great!
I’m sorry Miles. I’m just trying to live up to my new nom de plume.
No ‘Bertie’ you’ll always be Bluntspeakingcunt to me. In fact I think I’ll nom your new nom (de plume). Or the practice of changing names on here. Mr Fiddler does it so everybody’s got to. So fickle. I am happy being Plastic.
Yes, I’m afraid I’ve become a supercunt but you’ll still always entertain me on this site.
I’ll still be known as Blunty or Bertie to my friends and Ubercunt to my foes!
I am an H Belinda, until I transit into…hmmm…Cassetti.
On any given day Its actually ten fifty hundred etc, but three is where I’d like to be
It’s over population. But these green idiots won’t mention the obvious because it doesn’t fit their world view.
Plague and pestilence will prevail and When we start running out of food perhaps the silly cunts will change their tune.
The end is nigh Cunters
Thank you, I’m fucking glad someone mentioned it before I went off on one.
If these cunts really want to help, the should be protesting outside peoples houses encouraging couples to use jonny’s and the pill. It’s the rutting, uneducated scratters, dowdy wimmin, cucks and peacefuls and other religious cunts that are main culprits for polluting the earth with bags of kids. The cunts.
For a climate protester, young Greta Thunderbox gets around a bit. Has she got her frequent flyer card yet?
Fucking CUNT
P.S. I recommend a kick in the cunt, that might sort her out hopefully
She’s so hard-faced. Totally humuourless. Relentless in pursuit of her demands. Remnds me of 1984. All observing – If you don’t put the right rubbish in the right bin I will come and get you.
Little Sister is Watching You.
I hear there are power cuts all over the south east but i’m alright Jack.
Let’s hope it’s only affecting remoaners, climate change cunts and their fellow travellers.
A pity it’s not winter and the soppy crybaby cunts would be freezing their bollocks off.
Well I’m in the South East and the lights are still very much on.
My phone gives me constant news updates from The Independent (thanks a fucking bundle) and they are making it out to be some kind of disaster/emergency akin to an “Armageddon” style meteor strike…
The Independent?
Have they blamed it on Brexit yet?
Or Donald bloody Trump. Only a matter of time no doubt. Fuckers…
I’m holidaying in Ipswich, no power cuts here, at least the lights are still on in Willie Stroker’s boarding house.
Btw, despite being Japanese his wife doesn’t half remind me of Sybil Fawlty. A right vicious tongue she’s got! Don’t tell Willie I said that.
Has he got a little Bulgarian waiter/dogsbody too?
Tell him Gordon Ramsey is going to turn up to call him a fucking fat, lazy cunt, shorten his menu, introduce fresh ingredients from the local market and completely refurbish the restaurant for free
He is allowed to throw a wobbly and call Gordon a wanker but he must do a piece to camera at the end where he thanks “Chef Ramsey” and bursts into tears..
No. He’s got a large sign in the window that reads:
I’d answer that but my reply has gone into moderation.
That’s wonderful news Freddie – Mrs Stroker worships at the feet of Gordon Ramsey, allegedly.
I bet she does. Next time the cunt is on tell her what is going to happen, exactly as i’ve set it out. Every fucking programme is the same, despite the fact they always say “this could be Gordon’s toughest ever challenge.” No it isn’t……..the smart arse always gets it right. ALWAYS!
On second thoughts, it’s probably not a good idea to shatter a woman’s illusions. They never forgive you for it.
Sir Christopher Nugee, husband of Lady Thornpiggy is a pioneer of the ‘green movement’ as he has a bag-for-life.
Fuck em all. Cunts cunts cunts cunts cunts cunts cunts cunts cunts, they’re fucking cunts! I have trained my spellchecker to suggest cunts when I type c. There is still hope for humanity. Fuck Fuck fucking arse cunts cunt. The previous sentence was suggested entirely by that cunt bill gates crappy software. Cunt.
Good job you don’t live in Brighton. You can’t go around calling benders and trannies cunts, teachers or not.
That’s hate crime and there is no excuse for that.
The closing gambit of Tucker Carlson’s most excellent “Ship of Fools” book is called: “We don’t pick up trash anymore.”
The nub is that in the 70’s thru 80’s environmentalists were all about the conservation of the natural habitat in their own lands.
Unfortunately there are only so many rivers that can be cleaned up and detoxified. So when they ran out, environmental activists – too idle to seek proper employ – needed to find more and more esoteric ways to Save The Planet.
The culmination being rich (generally well educated white) people rocking up at the San Francisco conversation center at $10,000 per head gigs (because Leo was turning up) to virtue-signal how eco friendly they are… after stepping over rafts of rubbish strewn the streets, not to mention several indigenous homeless people to boot.
You see modern environmentalists only need to be seen to care, they don’t actually have to do anything to prove it.
Moreover I refuse to be “educated” by some mentally unstable Swedish teenage girl – with the life experience of a fruit fly – on how the world should be more green!
Well, little madam pissy knickers, the UK accounts for less than 1% of the world’s CO² emissions. So even if we went leccy everything tomorrow, that wouldn’t make a fucking gnat’s knacker of difference to global output, you thick, stupid girl!
So why not fuck off to India, Brazil, or – even better – China and tell those cunts about it!
Your virtue-signalling, enabling parents no doubt could expect the cost of that bullet through the post!
Or better still, keep you opinionated ass in Sweden where it can get fucked to oblivion by the cultural diversity blessing of Mo’s mob taking over there!
Quality rant Rebel. My congratulations.
What they need is a good foreign protest somewhere like Volovograd.
They’ll soon have their fucking climates changed then..