A environmentally friendly cunting for the big con known as Carbon Offsetting.
Previous noms have examined the Environmental subject with some cheering on the global warrior St Greta, bless her little socks.
The celebs who tell us we have to reduce our carbon footprint by jetting around the world, say that they can justify this action because they are carbon offsetting, yippee!
Let us assume for the sake of this argument that Carbon is bad and increasing the levels in the here and now is a disaster… how the fuck will carbon offsetting have any effect? These projects are either saving trees by buying up land to prevent the trees being chopped down or burnt or to fund renewable energy sources or plant new trees.
Here we have the problem. The carbon goes into the atmosphere, that is easy, but to take it out is another issue all together. We have the renewable energy projects, these are FUTURE projects, some of which will happen with or without carbon offsetting. The buying of land to protect existing trees, the trees are already there so are doing their job anyway and planting new trees will not be at full throttle for years.
Its a con. These cunts who jet around and say its ok because we are carbon offsetting are just lying to themselves. If they really wanted to practice what they preach, don’t fucking fly in the first place!
Nominated by sick of it
Fuck fat Reg, fuck the boy Hewitt and fuck that gold digging faux SJW bitch Markle. Pure fucking sneering, I am better than you, stinking fucking hypocrites.
Succinctly put.
We all know that Elton is a nasty little fuck. We know all about his tantrums. All his virtue signalling wont change that.Fuck him.
Here’s the thing.
Burning the Brazilian forest is bad. I wouldn’t argue with that, if only for the animals and habitat. The smoke, particulates and CO2 don’t help either.
However, chopping down trees in the USA, chipping them with a power hungry monster machine, shipping to the coast, crossing the Atlantic and shipping to Drax in Yorkshire for burning is good apparently.
Certainly good for Drax with it’s £billion subsidy. Lower calorific value of wood and increased particulates compared to coal is green and good. This is the world of these eco-morons, so carbon offsetting makes sense to them.
NB the last deep coalmine shut a couple of years ago. Kellingley pit is a few short miles from Drax. On a railway link.
Wasn’t Drax a Bond villain? Thing is CC you are talking sense. Sense is something the folk in the nom are very short of. Preaching parasitic cunts.
There’s also a Drax in Parliament. Strangely enough he’s a Leaver.
I am a cog within this exact operation, and have been saying to many people that we used to use coal from Kellingley pit, move it by rail the 10 or so minutes from Kellingley to Drax to fire the boilers. Yes, the burning of coal is bad, but burning wooden pellets is just as bad, whether they say it’s renewable or not. Plus you have to burn a considerable amount more biomass than coal to fire the boilers enough for the desired steam production. The trains now have to go to Liverpool or Immingham to pick up the biomass instead of the pits at Kellingley or Stainforth, which were local to Drax and the biomass has to be shipped here from the US or Canada. How this is in any way better for the environment I don’t know. But it makes Drax a pretty penny in government funding.
Exactly. Have been involved at the edge of the biomass area myself. The claim is that wood pellets as used by Drax come from sustainable, managed forestry in the US, and that therefore, the CO2 from burning them is balanced by the CO2 absorbed by replanted trees. Not so:
Unlike a coal plant, a biomass station cannot sell its fly-ash to the construction industry as a partial replacement for cement (which improves concrete quality)
This problem calls for Draxtic action. Prolong the life of all coal powered stations. Just as with diesel cars, a knee jerk reaction was made to phase out coal powered stations. We have the technology now with carbon capture etc. to overcome environmental problems.
We have a coal fired station near to me named “Fiddlers Ferry” which is due to close completely next year. There’s a certain gentleman who is lobbying to keep it open for a further 10 years.
Can’t remember his name but he stands to make himself a fuckin’ fortune in this time.
Drax also had the plan to take out the sulphur dioxide
“We” do not have the technology for carbon capture. “We” have some ideas, and a huige scale problem. Coal stations have been desulphurising their emissions for decades incidentally. This is far easier to do.
Many years ago I played table tennis for Ferrybridge B station, I had a friend who worked there,we played teams from Drax and Eggborough and the C station, had many discussions about the emissions.
Good old days in the 80’s not so good for the mining communities.
Carbon offsetting is just a con trick embraced by rich fat bald old queens like Elton John to make them feel good about theirselves, because all that ponce has done in his life is to act like a diuva and sing and compose crap at the piano.
At the moment he is allowing the already filthy rich Beckham and his family to ponce a free holiday off him – 20 years ago it was Anthony Blair as Beckham and Cliff Richard as Elton John. Some things never change,
If it’s all so easy, if carbon offsetting is the solution, why all the fuss about climate change? Should be more than enough rich, virtue signalling cunts out there to sort it.
Bonio, fat Reg and the Hewitt’s will save the world and we can all live happliy ever after. Except those involved in the massive climate change industry, of course.
Carbon off setting is the modern day equivalent of ‘indulgences’ and they were a con as well.
Also I read that Greta ‘fetal alcohol syndrome’ Thurnberg, was a little misleading with her zero carbon sailing trip to the US. The crew bringing her to the US were flying back to Sweden and the crew taking her from the US back home were flying out from Sweden to meet them there. Not to mention that apparently that vessel with all it’s plastic and fibreglass was no doubt not zero emissions to build.
So the virtue signalling little mong might as well have flown there in the first place. What a load of bollocks.
once her cabbage patch doll face gets a sniff of what money and power she can spin out of this bollocks, her ‘passion’ for stopping climate change will quickly be overtaken by an overwhelming passion for cold hard cash.
I can’t see her shitting in a bucket in a year’s time. She will be hobnobbing with the likes of ‘the stars, like Angelina, Elton the Toilet, Emma ‘MWAHH, LUVVIE’ Thompson and other assorted glitter-cunt-rati.
If a plane takes off and flies, it has an emission.
No amount of creative accuntancy, least of all from the likes of an old hoover bag like Uncle Elsan, can alter that.
Hewitt junior is an obnoxious little tosspot.
Even if this carbon-offsetting did work,what it means,presumably,is that as long as you’ve got plenty of money you don’t have to worry about your “carbon-footprint”. You can swan around on as many private jets as you like as long as you can pay to offset it. The “little people” can either do without their foreign holiday or have the price doubled.
Elton John is a Cunt. He can stick that “Candle in the Wind” up his arsehole along with whatever menagerie of small rodents currently reside up there.
Prince Harry is a Cunt too. I hope Megan takes him for every penny.
Hear hear!
Every penny he has had off of us Dick.
I assume if Mrs. Hewitt got too greedy or demanding a “little accident” might be arranged…..
Hopefully involving an electric vehicle…
An electric chair (with wheels on).
Prince Andrew doesn’t go in for carbon-offsetting. He prefers a spot of hymen-offsetting.
Ignorant,pompous,arrogant,sinister Cunt.
Elsan Reginald Hercules Cockfondler has shown his true colours here.
“I have so much money, I can offset my own carbon, Harry Hewitt and his pet monkey’s carbon, my lov-errrrrrrrrrr’s carbon and the carbon produced by the pet shop owner who breeds the special, exotic soft-furred variety of gerbil which I can lubricate liberally and pop into my dirtbox”
Fuck Elsan. The cunts who pay to see this barking oaf in concert or buy his dogshit records are perpetuating the cuntitude of this petulant little shit.
Fuck him, the arsehole mining cunt.
My sister (who lives in Switzerland) went to see his recent concert in Montreux.
She told me he seems to have problems walking around on stage these days.
We all know why that is, don’t we.
wanking around on stage?
He should put in a claim for RRI (rodent-related injuries).
I miss Switzerland. Sister Stroker is a very lucky woman.
As always the rich are two faced cunts but Meghan and that horrendous twat Emma Thompson take it up a notch.
Reg Dwight is probably just trying to get closer to Prince Edward even though he is most definately not gay as he’s married don’t you know.
Well as I was saying to Mrs. Boggs the other day how can Gaylord Adonis suffer from the gayness – he was married for years, and I believe there might have even been a little Adonis, poor little sod.
Jeremy Thorpe was married. Reminds me of an old joke:
What’s the similarity between Jeremy Thorpe and Captain Kirk?
They both want more thrust from Scotty.
I thank you laygenelmun.
A heckler shouted at Jim Tavare during his Star Trek routine.”It’s comedy Jim, but not as we know it”.
Another shouted “Midget with a violin,” when Jim lumbered onstage carrying his double bass.
But the best one was the briefest. Tavare: “I’m a schizophrenic.” Heckler: “Why don’t you both fuck off?”
I always thought of myself as a bit of a Royalist, but that ginger cunt and his fucking wife and that fat poof really get my goat and are turning me into a Republican. However, what do you replace it with – more cunts?
And this is the nub of the environmental movement – stop the plebs travelling and keeping warm: that will be only for the rich. This has been proved by the fat poof cunt.
Carbon offsetting? Haha
Just how stupid do they think people are?
Buy your way to guilt free sainthood,
Everyone stop flying, driving, except for US.
WE are special.
The rules dont apply to US.
As little shaun said in This is England
“Yer all a bunch of bastards!!!”
Sort of linked to carbon footprint related issues, a real time cunting for the Malcolm twenty cunt five motorway is in order.
Imagine the picture, went to the Notting Hill Carnival had a relapse and ended up having two hours sleep in two days and a massive hangover, had to nip down to Kent. After joining the M25 got abaaaaaht a mile into the cunt motorway and there has been an accident. A lane gets closed every cunt getting out there cars and chatting shite to the other cunts.
All in the sweltering, pollution etc. What the fuck is going on in this country? Too many cars the roads can’t handle the sheer volume of cars let alone when there is an accident. Yet they allow the car companies to keep selling cars to the bastard cunts who want them… Why? Why not make cunts keep their cars and stop manufacturing more and causing more environmental damage.
The reason why is money they want the tax from the car companies and all the jobs that they create. Well fuck the government and fuck the greedy capitalist society we live in. I’ve got shit to do and now I’m sat in the motor on this car park cunt of a motorway… Fuck off.
There are cunts walking their dogs as I speal know the motorway.
This country is going down the shitter.
Go fuck yourselves and fuck my hangover and fuck life and fuck off.
The cunts.
Roll on Friday when I fuck off to Jamaica.
If there are any delays to my flight and I’m sat on the plane too long I might go into snackbar mode and start lobbing cunts out the plane when we’re up there in the sky.
Ive had enough.
Piss off.
Malcom twenty five… M25 I meant even the predictive text is taking the piss.
Go fuck yourself.
Have a good holiday B&WC, make sure you give Lady Elton a bell and remind him to offset your carbon footprint for the flight. I think he owes you one after sourcing those classy and totally believable syrups for him.
Too right LL, that old cunt could pay for my flight, offset my carbon footprint and buy every cunt in Jamaica a beer with one years earnings.
What a cunt he is for wading in to the publics reaction to the blatant do as I say not as I do attitude Harry and Meghan.
A pre-emptive strike by the fat warbling old queen. I hope you didn’t get Mr Fiddler too drunk at Carnival and disgrace himself.
Mr Fiddler turned up in his Gorilla outfit… He made a mistake as the heat was severe… I think he was having heat induced delusions as I saw him shouting ‘Where my bitches’ and he then changed into a KKK outfit. I could see an angry mob gathering so I pretended I knew naffink abaaaaaht it and left him to his undoubted demise. ?
At least he had his trusty swordstick with him to fend off the local zombie knife wielding moped gangs.
B+ W Cunt
I’m in Jamaica next week to inspect one of my many sugar plantations…Do pop in. I’ll even arrange for my Overseer to fix you up with accommodation, a job and a lovely set of “bling” bracelets…It’s bound to be better than the dissolute life you lead in this country?
( I heard you egging that mob on after telling me that your friends would think it hilarious if I came in my gorilla suit)
I’m afraid my trusty sword-stick was no match for the heavily armed troop drunk on B+W Cunt’s goading and encouragement. To my eternal shame I had to resort to their old trick of flinging shit….luckily there was a huge pile of it slowly dripping out of my posing-pouch at the time…that’ll teach me for trying “da mutton curry”
The Mets finest would have been no help at all, from previous years it seems at the first hint of the steel drums and they are ‘shaking da booty’ to show how comoonitee minded they are.
Dear Mr Fiddler thanks for a most kind offer of a job on the plantation but I’ll be too busy resting and drinking Beer and Rum and eating the Mutton curry you seem to be fond of. It was all harmless stirring by me at the Carnival and I thought the mob would see the funny side…obviously not and the heat obviously had an effect on the barbarian hoardes which began demanding your blood. Me being the ever caring cunter shouted to them to stop before running off and making sure I was ok. I’m glad you made it out of there old chap.
Carbon Offsetting is a total con Fat Reg paid to offset the two pricks to jet about what a load of bollocks Instead of preaching the Carbon save the earth gospel Harry and his stupid Mrs need to practice what they preach a pair of fucking hypocrites Fat Reg has far too much money and needs to stop sucking upto the Windsor’s that boat sailed a long time ago sad twat.
Global Warming is a load of total and utter manufactured bullshit. It will be used to change society into a technocratic dictatorship. Anytime these Maxrist cunts don’t get their way, they start ‘GREENWASHING’, instilling guilt into the plebs until they get their way. This always means, less for the plebs, including freedoms, and more for those commie cunts. They are going to use their “First Global Revolution” to tie you thick cunts up in knots.
Co2 is known as the gas of life, the more there is, the more life flourishes. Plant food, and we get pure oxygen in return.
I wish these virtue signalling cunts would show concern for real problems, like all the fucking geoengineering going on in our fucking skies. Spraying us all like fucking cockroaches.
B+ W Cunt
I’m in Jamaica next week to inspect one of my many sugar plantations…Do pop in. I’ll even arrange for my Overseer to fix you up with accommodation, a job and a lovely set of “bling” bracelets…It’s bound to be better than the dissolute life you lead in this country?
( I heard you egging that mob on after telling me that your friends would think it hilarious if I came in my gorilla suit)
When trees decompose they produce Methane which is worse than carbon dioxide.
It isnt a climate crisis anyway its a population crisis.
Bizarrely the best things you can do are :
1.support women’s rights in third world countries and
2. stop eating meat.
When women strip away the burka/over bearing male and get rights they have less children meaning a lower population.
Eating less meat means less cows farting out methane.
If I kill someone can I pay for several rounds of IVF treatment to offset it? No, didn’t think so.
Mrs WCC and I are off to Ft. Lauderdale on Thursday on a fuck off great big carbon emitting plane. Extinction twats can rim me the out…fuck ’em, the cunts!
Its a shame someone hasn’t found a way to harness all of the hot air these oh so environmentally aware, preaching cock-wombles spew out and turn that into a renewable energy source.
You could certainly fill a fleet of hot air balloons with it.
Not just the hot air, all that gurning and unbearable smugness.
Yes, Ms. Twatson, I mean YOU !!
I find ot very amusinf.
I drive a 1.6 litre car, half the time i get a lift to work, which is outdoors so I barely need to use lighting, heating etc for 8-10 hours a day. Ive never travelled by jet aircraft or cruise ship and half the vegetables and meat I eat is from local farms and growers.
I wonder how much carbon from these affluent globetrotting cunts i’m off-setting?
*I find it very amusing. I use so little electricity my eyes stopped working.