When I tell you that a child rapist operated as part of a gang in the Midlands and received 22 years prison time, you won’t need me to go into too much detail to have a fair idea of this rapist’s profile. The parole board is planning to release this cunt in November, just five fucking years into his sentence.
I don’t want to say too much because most of my noms go straight in the bin, so I’ll just add that words cannot express my anger and disgust and cannot include what I’d like to do the rapist, or even the people responsible for putting him back onto the street, living freely among his victims.
Ringleader of child sex gang to be released from prison 17 years early
Nominated by ShagawotZ
Castrate the cunt
Nicely cunted shagawotZ!
What a joke, wheres the justice there?
Not seen justice, real justice in news in years, best type of justice for these types?
10ft of hemp rope.
This fucking nonsense will not stop until the jackasses who make these decisions are thrown in jail for perverting the course of Justice.
Should you really be using the word ‘jackasses’ Jack?
This fucking nonsense will not stop until we ban that lot from our shores, and bulldoze their ‘churches’ and ‘schools’ of evil idolatry to the ground and dance on the rubble.
Always the same, for example 67% want the death penalty, but guilt trippy amnesty international and the whingeing left at bbc ‘dictate no’.
It’s as if votes don’t matter.
Ho hum democracy at work whingeing lefty style.
But don’t hurt pets and don’t say nasty words that hurt people’s feelings……
I think certain crimes certainly DO require the death penalty (mass murderers, paedophiles / child-killers, people who kill health service / fire brigade staff; am still in two minds re police, because of general dodginess ancd corruption), but I fear many innocent, middle or working class white males might be unlawfully executed.
However, if LIFE really meant life, and only leaving the cell in a wooden box, to be buried in the prison graveyard, a lot of people might be less enthusiastic about the dp.
At ‘neck’ height, with a fucking axe
Some of you may remember Flaxen Saxon on here. I liked his approach….’burn him’….
I wonder why he no longer posts? Occasionally see him on Dio’s site.
He was up before the beak last week on arson charges.
Percy’s a magistrate now?
What happened to Bird Man?
I have put up The Parole Board in the past for a cunting.They are certainly not fit for purpose, allowing all manner of scrotes out early. I’m sure if a member of their family had been a victim of one of these turds they wouldn’t be as keen to set them free.Yet they let the arseholes of society out early without any comeback if the cunts re offend.
You Cunts
Clearly there is no justice, and another green light to encourage wrongdoers of any hue, as they know their crimes will go unpunished.
Moderation forbids me to say what I would like to see happen to Mubarek Ali, but I’m sure ISAC contributers have a good idea.
Wasn’t this the sort of bollocks Tommy Robinson was trying to highlight?
It’s time this country grew a pair, or stand aside and let those who aren’t so limp-wristed deal with the problem.
Nicely said Duke!!
You have to free up some places at Butlins from time to time to accommodate the next wave of imported criminals. It’s like a very popular restaurant……..as soon as you’ve finished your meal they want your arse out the door asap so they can get the next bunch of cunts in. Not a problem Jamie Oliver ever had but HMP Butlins probably serves up better food……..and it’s free!
So I suppose the usual lefty feminazi gobshites like Jess Philips, Jo Swinson and Caroline Lucas will be expressing their outrage to their mongoloid followers on Twitter?
Or is too much of a hot potato?….Wrong ethnicity, wrong religion, wrong type of victim? While there are men out there ‘mansplaining’, slapping fit birds arses and telling sexist jokes, this crusade will have to wait.
Who is that lady statue in the picture? Looks like a short skinny version of the statue of liberty.
This lady has sword and weighing scales, the statue of liberty has an ice cream and a book. Probably a recipe book for ice cream.
Instead of the scales it really should be the bollocks of the British Justice System.
The scales are to weigh the drugs, the sword is to keep the excited customers at bay whilst weighing in progress.
The scales are for weighing out illegal drugs, the lady is blindfolded because nobody enforces that law anymore. The sword is for knighting the time serving lawyer scumbags who have spent their lives leeching off the Criminal Injustice System.
Suppose he has repented his heinous crimes, kept his nose clean and benefited from counselling he will now take his place as a pillar of the community. I had to read this cunting four times before I believed that the poisonous little skank will be freed in November this year. The British justice system is a total fucking joke; 22 years do 5 cunt should be smelling the leather on the noose end of a hemp rope.
British justice has been a fucking joke for many years, where the criminals are treated with more respect than their victims, who in turn are seen by the legal profession as nothing more than insignificant pawns in a massive money making scam.
What the FUCK?!?!?! They having a laugh?! That’s outrageous!
This is an absolute scandal. The Minister of Justice, the newly appointed Robert Buckland should review and overrule this decision as well as dismiss those who were responsible for it.
No delaying, quick appeal, given 20mins to be told unlucky,
No languishing in prison for years,
Thats cruel,
No hung within week of sentencing,
No last meal, no last words lever pulled.
No repeat offending.
Talking of last words, know what Roald Dahls last words were?
‘Ow. Fuck!’
Swear to god, read it other day!
Great cunting Shaga, well said. He looks a right sleazy cunt from his picture. I’d steer well clear of any dark alleys if I was him. The ‘justice system’ in this country is beyond a joke.
Surely Butlins must be worse than prison.
Failed x factor contestants serenading the holiday campers “Sing if you know this one! #We are the cheeky girls, we are the cheeky girls, you are the cheeky boys…#
#What time is it?! It’s Chico time!# etc etc.
No wonder Jihadi Jack and Shamima Begum are so keen to face British justice…
The judicial system in this country gets everything wrong.
I remember them describing Dr Harold Shipman as Britain’s worst serial killer.
Known to be responsible for at least 215 deaths, I’d say he was probably the best….
At least Shipman did the decent thing and topped himself. I would have a noose and a suitable stool in every cell. Every morning the screw would open up and say “are you still here you useless piece of shit? Can’t you take a hint you fucking unwanted cunt?”
I wonder what the yewman rites mob would make of that?
Soft as shit wankers.
Good idea, most should be slow to get up after 9hr labour tarmaccing the roads and motorways, clearing out rivers, picking up litter, building flood defenses etc
When these bastards top themselves in jail, it’s the Screws that get all the shit for not looking in on them every five minutes and asking them would they like a cup of tea.
I truly despair at the state of the UK. I can say no more.
On the subject of justice, apparently every white cunt in this country ought to be stripped of their assets and strung up, if the incoherent motormouth dark keys phoning in on my radio today are to be taken seriously.
Why? Because some idiot university has £££millions to burn, so has decided to burn it virtue signalling in Bongo Bongo land.
Now every dark key cunt and his offensive wife imagines he’s entitled to “restorative justice” i.e. cash compo, for what a few rich white cunts did nearly two centuries ago, ably assisted by black cunts on the continent of Africa (brush that inconvenient truth under the carpet).
So much for universities being starved of funds. This country is well and truly fucked.
Bullshit according to bunch of yoga practising vegan momentum types.
We owe them fuck all, if anything they owe us.
White guilt.
Wheres their guilt over what their great grandads did to us?
Poor houses, sold in servitude, serfs, kids up chimneys and under mill machinery.
But that wouldn’t send a message of
‘Gosh no im not a racist’
‘Hey im really modern i hold no prejudices’
But they treat junior employees, cleaners, workmen like shite.
Its ok, I will recompense for my ancestors sins with the money I will get from the Scandinavians compensating me for the Viking raids.
And the french (Norman invasion)
The eye ties (roman invasion)
Be quids in
Wait for the TV ad Miserable.
“Have you been the victim of a marauding army of foreign invaders? Stripped of possessions? Raped? Sent into servitude? Call 0800…..
Funny you should mention that – I’ve just put in a claim via Gladstone Brookes, for compo from Italy for ancestors enslaved by the Romans.
Slight confession: think I may have some Viking blood in my veins. Sorry LL.
I shall be around to size up Creampuff Manor, Rufftufson Creampuffson.
Unfairly pillaged?
Thatching set on fire?
You might be able to claim £££ like thousands of others!
Call Gladstone Brookes now!
The whole viking things a bit raw at moment Rtc, admin threw my nom on the cutting room floor!
But it was along these lines…
It could be the next PPI scandal LL.
Parkinstanley Perversion Insurance. Claim now. Don’t let the September deadline pass.
Do it now!
Err… the cheque’s in the post!
You could imagine the local pen pushers coming around to evaluate Fiddler Towers to recompense some tribe in darkest Africa. It would make the Alamo look like a village picnic.
Yeah Dick going out in blaze of glory,
Red hunting jacket on, armed to teeth!
Goes for his gun if some sunday rambler forgets to shut a gate!
Hes still got Roaul Moats guns hidden in barn as well…
Are you a fan of Brideshead Revisited Miserable? Sebastian (he’s the one with the teddy bear) does of course look ‘remarkably elegant in his pink coat’ before a fox hunt. I thought they were bright red. Anyway, just looked it up and the red coats are called ‘Pinks’. What do you think of that? Yes I bet Mr Fiddler looks remarkably elegant in his pink coat when he rides out.
Hi Miles!
Know of Brideshead Revisited, but ive not read it, and by gosh, your right!!
Hunting pinks!
Dicky pink. Pink dicky.
Mr fiddler should use that!
Now ive chummed the waters lets see if he surfaces?
Hes a terrible temper if teased in drink though Miles!
Like Judd in kes, if he breaks the surface im off, “yer seen our billy?
I knew it: foxchasers are closet pinko fâggots.
‘Is that your illustrious brother Casper? I wouldn’t have thought he would be one to visit his old school’.
Think I might have been listening to the same programme as you RTC. Some fucking hysterical African dark-key on LBC about lunchtime. The cunt was utterly unhinged….
Yup, that’s the one GTW. Same subject debated all afternoon…
My Dad doesn’t mince words when it comes to these child predators:
‘Just line them all up against a wall and shoot them. They’re scum so we should just off them.’
I also cannot understand what use these subhumans are to the world. They are beyond sick, will NEVER be rehabilitated, will likely commit further offences after release because they do not ‘get better’ or change. IMHO, they SHOULD just be wiped out as they serve zero purpose except to destroy innocence and young lives and minds. Life is a privilege. They should forfeit their right to it once they commit these atrocious acts.
I feel the same way about murderers too. I am in no way a religious type, but there is much to be said for ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’…….you take a life, you forfeit yours. That should not be a complex concept to grasp or be a point of quandary.
However in this sickening liberal society we have the misfortune to live in these days, all you get is a lot of outrage that ‘you cannot kill someone as punishment for them killing someone as that makes you a hypocrite and as bad as they are’. BULLSHIT. There is a vast difference between criminally and indiscriminately taking a life and death as a penalty, which I might add is carried out in a far more humane way than the way these fuckers murder innocent people.
The UK justice system is a sick joke and has been for years. Life doesn’t ever mean life unless it is stipulated to be a whole life tariff, and that is only for the most extreme crimes too.
If child rape does not qualify as extreme, what the fucking hell does?
Nicely said Nurse. ‘Life’ has been watered down to as little as 14/15 years and criminals are coming out as relatively young people free to carry on their lives.
Nicely said Nurse!
Your dad and my dad were of the same school so to speak.
Waste of food and boots, get rid.
Nurse Cunty- I think you would make a great Home Secretary. You’d be twice as good as Priti Patel and twice as good looking!
God your shameless Blunty!
Smooth as a eel, like a slightly older Bryan Ferry.
I quite like the idea of that Miserable! I used to like him in his earlier days but he’s a cunt now.
Is he?
Not seen him on anything for ages,
Yeah i really liked early Roxy Music!
Quirky and fun, think like mr Fiddler Bryan Ferrys into foxhunting.
Hey and hes a geordie! Couldnt be?
Might be?
Dick Ferry? Bryan Fiddler?
Jesus! Bryan Ferrys 73!!
And looks better than me the twat!
Multiple Personality Disorder? Text or call Gladstone Brookes on 0800…
Im telling you, dick might have complex personality disorder but think hes Bryan Ferry!
Watch at the party when hes hammered on whisky, “do the strand”
On karaoke, then hes back to affable bumpkin!
Hes wearing his pink coat and them posh thigh boots he bought from
LONDON, dont stare though.
Your Kriddler theory may yet be proven correct Creampuff. A nights clubbing at the Blue Oyster Club then up and ready for some pheasant shooting the following morning.
MNC- Just watching Mortimer and Whitehouse in Cornwall. Just love this program and want to keep the series.
Did you see my bus in this program that they were staying in-Bertram’s Hotel?
Great isnt it?
Yes I saw your bus, didnt cotton it was yours though, kind of you to accommodate them!
Like when Bob caught the bass!
Love that little guy!
@ LL
Not a theory – fact! He even signed off as Kriddler on one occasion… left this reply for me:
Have you ever been to The Blue Oyster bar? Perhaps we could meet there?
Wouldnt know about that.
But he asked me if I wanted to go to the barn and milk the stallions?
Doesnt he know stallions dont give milk and anyway theyre boys…
Oh. OH!
Oy vey, he pulls off the retro leather and moustache look quite well.
Lets get this straight. We all have a soft spot for Nurse Cunty dont we?
Can you imagine what level of trauma it must leave on a girl that your first sexual experience is being repeatedly raped by this fat greasy stinking pakistani cunt? And for that same cunt to then be released back onto the streets so that him and his child raping friends are there planning god-knows-what on street corners and at the taxi stands? These events represent pure fucking evil, brought to British streets thanks to white-guilt riddled spineless nation-hating leftist cunts.
Yes but how did it get to the Godawfull stage that these lefty cunts are in charge of every institution. Every one. Even the armed forces are going libtard.
Surely can’t end well.
Common purpose
It’ll end in civil fucking war. If elected officials refuse to represent the interests of native Britons we will have no choice but to take criminal justice and immigration controls into our own hands.
At some point a father of one of these girls is gonna snatch one of these vermin, nail gun the cunt to the floor and set about him with a wire coat hanger, some pliers and some bleach.
If he’s caught and I’m on the jury he’ll have nothing to worry about….
Same JR, it would be obvious to me and the rest of the jury hed done it to hisself.
Guilt made him do it.
Girls dad should get damages for being falsely accused..
Just watched a clip of Manchester gay pride where Anthony Cotton ( the bender from Corrie ) “attacked” a bunch of protesting Bible bashers. All he did was hit their placards with his little gay flag, say “shut up” and mince off.
However, what grabbed my attention was the number of families with children lining the pavement. “Oh, it’s such a nice day, let’s take the kids into town and watch the poof parade.”
What goes through these peoples’ minds for fucks sake?
Just walking the dog, one of the neighbours kids, little girl about 8yrs runs over face painted in silver glitter like Ron Wood “ive just been to pride!”
I took my kids the pictures, Zoo, or museums, worlds changing.
How do you explain to a little kid that a bloke is prancing down the street in pink hot pants because he’s celebrating taking a cock up the ‘arriss. Promoting poofery, I don’t get it and never will.
Explaining stuff to kids is difficult at the best of times.
One of my lads once came into the bedroom early one Saturday morning and asked me,
“Dad, what’s the difference between a pussy and a cunt?”
A bit difficult but I had to deal with it so I pulled the duvet off the wife, pointed between her legs and said “That’s a pussy.”
“What’s a cunt then?” he asked.
“Everything attached to the pussy.”
What winds me up is that these bumders on the floats were waving to the cheering crowds like they were Man Utd coming home with the European Cup (remember those days Norman? Long time ago.) What the fuck have these faggots achieved? Sucked cock and bent over for a good arse fucking!
What a fucking world !
There was a story in my local paper this week about a Romanian who was being prosecuted for rape. Turns out he had been convicted twice for rape in his own country before legally being allowed to enter Britain. Well I’m sure the Romanians were more than happy to see the back of this cunt, but at this end is there anyone at all who checks their record? Do they all get to just walk in?
I can’t remember what sentence he was given, but seeing how every fucker in both countries is bending over backwards to rehabilitate him, I’m sure he’ll be back out on the streets before long.
To be fair this country is massively short of skilled big issue salesmen.
Make the Parole board accountable for their actions. If they let a criminal out and that person commits a serious crime then the Parole board must be heavily fined out their own pocket or even jailed for their stupidity.
If that became the case that would sharpen their attention and maybe keep scum bags in Choky where they belong.
Youve got my vote.
Not that votes mean anything anymore.
Fenton is obviously in the pay of Putin so we’ll have to have a Peoples Vote on that one.
Sorry, I should have said Fenton……..real name Alexie Ivan Novochock.
Fucking bastard should be strung up and hanged.
Who? Fenton?……..real name Alexei Ivan Novochock.
Alexa Ivan Googlechuck?
This piece of bad curry stinking human filth will be set up for life on benefits when he gets out..
And will the Me Too celebrislags and their mob express their outrage at this disgusting rapist?
Will they fuck….
Over 75s, old ‘uns who have worked their arses off all their lives have to pay the fascist BBC tax, yet this dirty filthy smelly perverted cunt will get everything free for the rest of his (un)natural, and what’s worse is people won’t bat an eyelid…. This country has gone to fucking hell…..
Why are mudslimes so fucking ugly?
1400 years of Inbreeding….
They dress in sack-cloths, they have beards that probably harbor undiscovered species, and their brows are permanently furrowed from scowling and being angry. Even the less orthodox and therefore should be passably shaggable ones, like Amir Khan and Zayn Malik, look like you just know their unwashed holes are going to be like a San Francisco pavement. I guess it’s just their ‘culcha’.
This is a punishment for treason but its good for most cunts.
The greatest and most grievous punishment used in England for such as offend against the State is drawing from the prison to the place of execution upon an hurdle or sled, where they are hanged till they be half dead, and then taken down, and quartered alive; after that, their members and bowels are cut from their bodies, and thrown into a fire, provided near hand and within their own sight, even for the same purpose.” The Quarters of the the body were then hung in prescribed locations in the City of London as a deterrent to all English citizens. Also on offer were Pressing,
Boiling in oil water or lead (usually reserved for poisoners ),
All good clean fun and a real deterent I would say knowing there are real punishments to face and after all in the ROP countries barbaric punishment is the norm